I have a question: which tier can Absolutely Beyond Surpass reach? (Tiering System on TGV)
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I have a question: which tier can Absolutely Beyond Surpass reach? (Tiering System on TGV)
Beacuse Virus404 has a long time didn't update forms
So i want to write an idea of ILOVEU2's Power :troll face:
(okay so ah, i know i write a bad thing lol)
(i just feeling bored so i write this with like only 20 ~ 25 mins lol)
(Using Omega Virus picture cuz yes lol)
(well ah, it will be a bit fit, because everything has been infected will be "a part of him")
Virus404 - ILOVEU2
We'll use the logic of "ILOVEYOU Virus" working in our reality to give ILOVEU2 this "power".
In this Form, Virus404 can "infected" EVERYTHING around him, or about / of himself, and it will after those things are infected the "virus", they'll start infected other things around them or about / of them.
For example, Virus404 will able to "nfected the "Multiverse", "Hyperverse"... etc he at. He can also infected "his Stories", "his Codes", or even the TGV Cosmology (Maybe he's not able to infected AeterFrame).
About the 2nd thing we said, we use an example: if he infected a Multiverse, the Virus will keep going, the Hyperverse owns this Multiverse will also be infected.
For another things, he can infected "EVERYTHING" about or of him, so which means, the things was bounding him will also be Infected.
Virus404 is able to control the things infected, and... when time growing, they'll be "a part of Virus404", Virus404 will be able to manipulate them, just like manipulating a part of himself.
So, in this form, he won't be bound everything he's able to infected, he'll beyond them. (such as, Logic, Life, Death, "Stories / Fate", Infinity...... etc.)
I guys i want to put in the wiki a new sans AU
His name is XTRA Sans and he is a purple version of sans idk how to made it, i created a picture of him and i want sone help to finish him.
I want it less powerfull than king godverse because he is the fusion of every AU power and i need help for some caratteristics
"Omnipotence is the author's view of what omnipotence is."
This is the truth for example in other media, omnipotence is the state of being supremely almighty and all-powerful and not one can question it, after all he is the author of the media nor the admins themselves, depending on the vision is the ability to do everything or be the Absolute Pinnacle of Everything and anything and not even one can question it, after all he is the owner, example, the vision of the author of this wiki @DARTHOOM and that omnipotence cannot be attainable and I agree, after all he is the creator, but depending on the Media omnipotence is more Strong, his view of what omnipotence is is what is valid on this wiki, now he, depending on the case, cannot say that this is not omnipotence, after all this is omnipotence for that media and he cannot oppose it, even if he wants to, it shows childishness
Do you have a way to give metaverse character creation permission to everyone, please
47 Votes in Poll
Error404 has Conduit of Balance, what if Jack having a thing that like "Conduit"?
Jack "used" Omni-Key in his Backstory, so why not make Omni-Key connect with Jack and be like Jack's own "Conduit"? lol
Jack connect with Omni-Key after using it, so Jack could use Omni-Key like it's his "Conduit" but a little different from Omni-Key?
"While this was made for unrivaled power, there are limits as to what people can do with the Omni-Key. That being, entities below the power of Koavire cannot/will not use the Key to its full power. Instead, they're limited to a minuscule amount of power they can use when using Everything Sans. People below this level are still capable of things like killing off Koavire as a whole; possibly even erasing his concept as a whole. Even then, unless one is capable of even comprehending or even interacting with the Omni-Key."
- From Everything Sans Page
So, it could be like a correspond of the levels of Conduit, also because of Jack isn't strong like Koavire, so he can only use very small part power of Omni-Key, it's like correspond Novice Level of Conduit, also beacuse of he's "connect" with Omni-Key but not "owns and using it", so it's more like "borrow" power from The Lost Sans / Everything Sans and the "power" he can use is much weaker than just using Omni-Key. (or with other "idea")
If this idea is useable, Everything Sans won't be featless lol.
As some of you have noticed, the name of this chapter is a parody of this story.
Anyways, so yeah, it's done. For now, I guess.
His "existence" will be tied with "Anti-God"
Details explains:
Anti-God will "win" in the future after all, right? so, the idea is, MetaGodity could be a "existen" for constrain Anti-God development, Meta-Godity is the "reflect" of Anti-God's development. He maybe can be... "the gods fusion" like old Meta-Godity, or a fusion of a single character's copy like butterfly sentinel for stopping J.Butterfly 666, or he can with a new design idea, not just a fusion of things anymore.
...The Avatars:
Im kinda curious on this topic, in ur guys opinions who do you think of some of the most evil characters in entire wiki. Im just curious on what you guys think.
Evil Level:
Legacy: Generic evil overlord.
New: will see 1 random individual and will immediately decide to torment them and make their life a living hell for no particular reason other than he feels like it.
Legacy: a lot of complicated (and kinda pointless) powers and haxes.
New: just 4 powers, all very strong.
Relation’s with their respective Cult:
Legacy: loves his cult.
New: never even wanted one in the first place due to him finding it unnecessary.
Legacy: edgy as fuck.
New: Literally Satan.
View’s on Suns/Suns.Webp’s company:
Overall Quality:
Legacy: lots of effort put into it, Decent Quality.
New: Good-Amazing Quality.
Who would win in a fight:
New: no concept of diff.
what is the strongest source of power in the godverse and alterna team can you create a deltarune character that is more or less powerful than king godverse since king godverse is from undertale
Simple question: Do everything sans is the cameraman because he everywhere and he a ghost?
This is why i run out of idea's so fast
Is cuz most of them are bad
39 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
Character concepts. Hard to come by a good one these days yea, so a starting point may come of as generic. but for the love of GOD, DO NOT MAKE ANY MORE "PROTECTOR/DESTROYER OF ANY STRUCTURE (I.E MULTIVERSES)" ANYMORE.
These Ideas peaked with Ink and Error, now its done. Same with "God Of (Whatever structure)" unless is not a multiverse, Universe, Hyperverse etc, Peaked with 404 or someone else i really dont know.
Sans character concepts? STOP. Sans is the STAPLE of a weak enemy, and then people wanna slap that on their character ideas. USE SOMEONE WHOS STRONG LIKE LITERALLY ANY OTHER MONSTER. EVEN FROGGIT HAS BETTER STATS.
Last but not least, Sprites. I would EXPECT the idea of stealing the SANS SPRITE and REPAINTING it was done, but no. Frankly i prefer people actually use the sometimes rewarding Ai art generators then see another god damn sans repaint.