Ok guys here's my issue with some of you guy's writing your character
I'm using Forever!Cyrus @SpiritFire459 's OC as an example
This is not good and I'm gonna get in to the problems:
Firstly is the ratio between the Amount of abilities and the story of character itself.
You can already see this, The pure amount of abilities alone takes over half of the page itself. While the story itself isn't even 1/10 of the whole page.
Then how the story is constructed, you may think this is normal but it in fact not, the story is more or less a DESCRIPTION not an actual story.
I won't complaint about the abilities themselves as each characters works in their own story and how the world inside their story works does not affect other OCs at all(excluding the canon OCs of TGV unless stated to be so)
I'll give some of my suggestions for this one:
Reduce the amount of powers listing, basically as how the second picture shows there are too much different descriptions of the abilities which in returns make it seems like this is more or less power-based character. You can reduce this by simply fuse some ability in to 1, which ones though entirely depends on you.
The story needs to be longer, I don't say it has to be TOO long but it should be enough to cover several major aspects of the character mainly:
Why they are so strong?
How are they born?(This is entirely optional)
What is their reason for being this strong?(Don't have to be too much, some can be simply out of greed or anything it just need a REASON)
What is their motives?
How should they act?(usually this is inside personality section but I recommend it to make the character in the story acts as how their description is)
The story should cover on majority of the powers in their descriptions and mainly connect to why they have it or how did they obtain it.
Dialogues, this is self-explanatory and is optional to listen or not if you decide to follow my suggestions
Finally is the character tiers, some of you guys decided to automatically decides your OC tiers, this will most likely make your character goes under the "The Great Design", I recommend for you guys to make a starting point for the story first then start to dig deeper in to the power-scaling(recommended to be after you fully established the setting of the world that the OC is in).
PS: I apologize if I may have offended any of you in any ways.