“Durable on the outside, fragile on the inside."
During the time in which god-verse was trying to find its footing, newer minds forming, and the rapid expansion God-verse was experiencing, the massive formations of ideas, concepts and thoughts led to what at first was an amalgamation of a mix of positives and negative ideas. Though at the time and to this day negative ideals are and still are a driving force of this creation. But during its birth, it merely just sat down and did nothing for a majority of its time and simply grew in both size and power. It wasn't until the events of The Dark Ages of God-verse that the being decided to make a move and make itself well placed within God-verse. Though they haven't done anything up until now, let's share what they have been up to.
Being what at first was simply an amalgamation, they did not know who, what or where they were. Hundreds and thousands then millions then billions of years later and not much has changed. The only notable change was its mind. Millions of minds and ideas had already been summoned, neutralized and working in order to make them more stable, secure and to finally be able to do more than simply sit around. Though as mentioned before, this took a while. It wasn't until now that after all this time it had finally paid off to form a complex being now known as Avaria. After its big break and now superior thinking to its growth stage, it decided to come out of hiding and began its journey of God-verse, its inhabitants and itself.
Around 3000 DV is a prediction of when it might have begun to study and carefully examine others and where it also began to test its new abilities. While Avaria itself wasn't sure themselves, the vast minds they had collected over time are the main reasons they even survived for so long. Not long after hiding they had already adapted to God-verse, its terrain and the dangerous and passive inhabitants of its world. Though slowly and carefully they have both studied and captured those they can. Its captures, though still roaming free to this day, are no longer bound to their own minds anymore, now having been taken over by Avaria. Secretly and quietly, they have kept this pattern up, though most of this changed when they had finally met A Strange Person, one who had seemingly lost someone close. Though they were strangely amused at the person's expense, it soon got annoying for them to see what a powerful ruler could be one day. While they began to converse with the person, hearing they had lost a friend.
Avaria didn't care much for his ‘tragic backstory’, and instead decided to mostly just leave him, but told the person to ‘keep in touch’ for the future. After its first real encounter and conversion with an inhabitant, they decided that it probably wasn't worth their time attempting to interact with said beings, as aside from the amusing sadness and anger some show, everyone has some story of tragic past to share, and they were not in for it. After some more time simply doing the same cycle for now what only turned for a couple thousand years, the cycle of simply capturing and studying anyone had gotten tiring and repetitive and was starting to go nowhere after they mind had already become so complex, any and all ideas of what being could be and have become predictable. To continue this work on more complex but dangerous foes would be rewarding but dangerous, so they had quickly and rather easily decided on a plan.
After some time of preparation, they made a quick trip to the Omniverse, a place where even they could not survive with its inhabitants despite their quick growth. It didn't take long before they stumbled upon their first being within the Omniverse. Calamity Error, a being known for pure destruction and chaos across God-verse. For once settling on passive instead of aggression, they hit it off rather easily due to their similar personality. Without Calamity’s knowledge though they had been secretly studying them and their destructive capabilities and what led to this grand power so one day they could reach the same potential power and more. After this was said and done, they made quick work in getting out, though before they could they ran into a problem right away. A demon of sorts, one with horns and immense power had attacked them out of the blue. Even with their fast adaptability, ever growing combat IQ, skills and movements they were no match, and barely made it out with their human form severely damaged, though still somewhat intact. Since then, Avaria has not returned to the omniverse and swears never to unless needed.
Since then, Avaria has continued to study, watch over others and continue to grow, collect and control the minds of those captured and tormented by them. Since they are initial growth up to now though a question still does loom over. Who are they? And why were they here? Even to this day despite their overwhelming complex minds working to solve any problem or question, they still do not know the answer to the personal questions Avaria has about themselves. She then met Reibey, who came into Godverse through portals, asked her to sign a contract. After signing a contract, she then decided to be as sadistic as possible. After getting filled with Despair, she became a Witch. At least now she knows who she is. She finally found out why she was here, finding her purpose. Become an energy generator and food for Incubatorkind and herself, evolving and becoming fully Incubator in the process. The only reason why she isn't in The Pensuke Filesverse being due to the fact that they locked her out of it. Eventually, she found The Godverse Maximists, which she became a member of, due to sharing similar and even outright the same alignment to each other. Obey allowed the Pensukeverse to put her there, and even told her about The Pensukeverse Central Universe! Now, she plans to enter The Pensukeverse, ESPECIALLY the Central Universe in the Future.
Though they themselves are not bound to a body and can scale up to an entire cluster of galaxies, when she signed a contract, she can scale up to 3 superclusters, and as a witch, she can scale up to an entire universe when they do decide to show themselves, they seem to appear as a young adult, as they say they aren't even fully grown. Avaria Seems to have light red eyes and what seems to be stone-like scars around their face. They have short, rather messy black hair, and small but noticeable scaring on their face. They wear a black set of armor with what seem to be constant shifting its body all around. They wear gloves and have small, armored wrist coverings with shoulder pads covered with spikes on the side. Their legs have a similar armor, with armors shoes. The shoes themselves have dull spikes on the bottom.
Though Avaria isn't that expressive around other people, what is known with others is that Avaria is quite reserved and doesn't talk much. Avaria’s interactions with others are usually not that special or anything really as they show no hatred or respect for anyone but themselves and their own actions. They are quite self-absorbed in that way, and the few who they do interact with can say the same. No further personality has been seen by anyone except Deus and Calamity, as they do not want to be seen as anyone who’d want to help or harm God-verse in any way in order not to get themselves noticed by someone who could potentially destroy her plans and themself as well.
With Deus and calamity however, they are more open. Not on an emotional level though, far from it. Avaria is more self-absorbed, douche, sadistic but yet more cheery and excited. Avaria when around these 2 has shown more emotion than any other being. With Deus they are more sadistic and likes to poke fun at his expense. Though they do from time to time pull back in order to let Deus make his own choices, though mostly to see them fail. They also like to poke fun at calamity but knows not to go too far given the unbalanced power between the two. Avaria usually puppets the two though through manipulation, just to have some fun.
While alone however, they are slightly different. They tend to just idle around and often sit in secluded areas. As you can imagine even for them having billions of minds within 1 is not easy. They often have to take some time in order to control the minds they have taken. This usually leads to some random outburst and severe bi-polar disorders given the unbalance of their mind. Unlike the sadistic, care-free attitude they usually share, alone they tend to be soft-spoken. It's here and only here they will not show any signs of violence, but this does usually change quickly when someone walks in on them.
Deus Behemoth, Mons Princeps (Pawn/friend)[]
"Quite skillful, smart and strong. I may have underestimated you, Deus. You seem like a great specimen."
Calamity Error/01011000 (Friends)[]
"I like this guy's sense of humor! Just my type after a long days' worth of torment."
Reibey (Enemy)[]
"You locked me out of your own universe, jerk! And that's after I signed the contract! Screw you man! Luckily for me, thanks to Obey being more open to change, he opened the doors to me, WITH the approval of Kyubey!"
The Godverse Maximists (A Member Of)[]
"You guys are sadistic and impure, J U S T L I K E M E!!! We ain't so different, which is why I joined you guys."
Obey (Hopefully becomes a pawn in the Future)[]
"Quite skillful, smart and strong. I HAVE underestimated you, Obey. I thought you were stupid at first, but now I am able to see that you did the smart thing. You are a great specimen."
Pensuke (Neutral)[]
“Oh Deus. I almost feel bad for your shortcomings. Though I enjoy every second of your failures!”
“Maybe this mission of yours is a bit of a ‘behemoth’ for your size big guy! Ha! Ooh I love bad jokes. Weird though a sense of humor is mixed within their minds.”
“In your dreams...”
“It's like I always say, Deus. Out of sight, out of mind. Seems like you struggle with it though.”
"You are a great specimen, O B E Y."
Modified Nigh-Oneiricpotence[]
The ability to do whatever you want, in one's dream, though with a twist made by none other than Avaria. Instead of just dreams, Avaria is now capable of doing anything, anywhere and anyway they desire within anyone else's minds, thoughts and ideas. Well, almost. Unless the victim is weak in will or mentally unstable, they are not Completely Oneiric-Potent. The Victim will have little control within their minds, though it is very unlikely that with this small amount of will/sanity left they can do much.
Definite Falx[]
A weapon which at first will only show the handle, but from there it is capable of manifesting itself to whatever Avaria wants so long as they are able to be hand-held. Though for the most part they seem to have a weapon similar to a Falx. This weapon is powered by the destructive manifestations of whatever Avaria wants to destroy. This allows them to destroy, conceptually, any area so long as it is attached to the concept of death/destruction. If neither are present, this weapon will not be affective.
Convoked Entities[]
The beings trapped inside the minds of Avaria are capable of summoning themselves to help Them if Avaria needs help. These have the exact same intelligence, skill and weaponry as Avaria, and so long and they are in the same area, no matter how big, they will be connected and under Avaria's command at all times. Remember that these are billions upon billions of Entities, which all share the same skill, weaponry and intelligence As Avaria, who mind you alone could take on quite a lot of beings solo.
Envisioned Tendrils[]
A varying size of weirdly shaped tentacles that sprout out the group violently, these function quite bizarrely. They are manifestations of the victims' minds that shape themselves into that being's greatest fear and weakness, to their most beloved and comforting item, person, etc. These are only visible by the victim as they are envisioning it, though if Avaria wanted to, they can manifest them into reality. This could be especially devastating given the persons weakness, fear, comfort etc, as this could affect others nearby. And given that imagination becomes reality, given the state of what it is it could break the being's reality. If not used for any of these, the Tendrils simply appear as very large, well tendrils. They are capable of shifting in size, and since they are controlled by Avaria who can quite literally use concepts to her will, can change these drastically.
Imposing Blitz[]
Orbs that are usually surrounding Avaria that change colors at random that can fire beams which can be manifested by them to reach at a max of a high-multiversal scale, possibly higher. These orbs can be manipulated in size from as small as a pebble to as grand as a mixture of many to infinite universes, possibly multiverses or higher. They do not have a limit to their size though a universal scale has only been what they have been seen at. Though powerful the 1 only drawback is their fire-rate, as they do take quite some time in order to fire the devastating beams. Not much of a problem though as Avaria has thousands upon thousands of them gathered by and made with the destructive concepts taken by those who have unfortunately been taken prisoner in Avaria’s mind.
Manifested Body[]
Given they are not bound to a single body, they can contort, expand or shape their body, mostly their arms or legs, into anything they desire. Given the seemingly impenetrable Armor their body seems to be covered with, the manifested weapons they make with their limbs are especially hard hitting. This ability has infinite range as their limbs can be expended and hardened as much as they want with manifestation.
Trifled Concepts[]
Avaria can, with their complex mind alone, nearly control, edit and change different concepts of any they wish, though they cannot transcend such as doing so will end in their demise as they are not ready to reach the level. Ideas of concepts they can control are the following: Mind, thoughts, ideas, mental will etc. Anything even loosely related to their core aspect they have near absolute control. Ideas separate from their core aspect they can control for so long and for so much. Concepts like speed and strength, or even more broad concepts like Good and Bad. Though any concept they are made of (Mostly ones of mind and personal stats), they have absolute control over, able to nearly transcend them in their own body. This means they have full control over their own stats, capable of changing them in their favor at any given time.
Conceptual Minds[]
Though the name may be misleading to some, this is merely a “mind game” Avaria. Avaria has, for the Eons they’ve been around, has mastered and managed to control their own loose mind. Given the uncertainty of who or what they are, their mind seems to be the only complex part of Avaria that seems to have some sort of control. Since then, Avaria has learned to study their own mind in order to understand it better and better to soon have full control. And over time they have become skilled and practically flawless with the concept of minds, ideas and thoughts.
Advanced Skills/Combat[]
Linking with other minds and being able to contort and manipulate as well has led them to learning and rather quickly mastering such combat skills and combat iq. The Minds they have taken learn each separately, growing their skill and combat ever so quickly. During combat these alongside their own minds over time will grow rapidly to best what their opponent has an edge on. Combat speed, Iq, durability, adaptability, strength, agility etc. These will remain after the fight. Combat merely strengthens Avaria in the long run, it's best to not fight regardless of who or where you are as this could lead to astronomical combat and skill to a level of overpowering anyone with sheer strength.
Evident Mitigation[]
Given the manifested state of Avaria’s body, they are incapable of dying to any sort of physical or magical damage done to her body as it will merely grow back. Not regeneration, but simply spontaneous. It is unknown how to truly leave any sort of mark or damage on them, as they seem to spontaneously re-grow their body from any place even if the body has been destroyed completely.
Adjacent Multiversal Manifestation[]
Given the manifestation capabilities of Avaria seem to only grow and grow given time they are now seemingly capable of controlling, editing and basically puppeteering multiple multiverses at once. Given their grand ability to do this, this has led to them simply capable of manifesting a multiverse into creation or destruction. Avaria's ability to do this only grows with time, and from now of her first appearance could soon reach hyper-versal proportions and beyond.
Profound Cognitive Authority[]
Much like their Oneiricpotence or conceptual mind's ability, given time they have mastered the concepts of minds, ideas thoughts etc. Using their nigh-omnipotental ability alongside their grand knowledge of the cognitive functions of other minds, most importantly influence and fear, have led to them having Authoritarian control over billions to a near trillion of minds across God-verse and beyond. Fear is a trait they can command to those equal or lower in power to them, anyone higher will not have the same effect and they will have to resort to manipulation and a fight with sanity. Within the minds of others, Avaria is capable of nearly holding anyone in absolute control so long as they are able to manifest in their minds. Hardly anyone even those far above Avaria (limit at High Omniversal) can withstand for very long unless they manage to regain control of their mind or conceptually do not have or erase them from their memory, essentially kicking them out of mind and back in physical form. Though of course most do not include any major characters here some do include smaller characters like the Void Walkers. They work with each other in order to create new ideas and soon concepts in order to boost Avaria's knowledge and mostly combat skill and iq. Each mind learns in their own way from others, some slower some faster, some more effective than others. Though in the end they all contribute to Avaria's soon to be dominating control.
Witch Physiology[]
She became a witch after meeting Reibey. Pretty self explanatory.
They have captured, tortured and controlled the minds of over billions of a variety of monsters, humans and other life-forms.
Took on Chaos! Error, Imperator and puppet master at once and, after some time & effort, beat them
Can withstand the very core destruction of multiple Multiverses collapsing without a scratch.
Though they barely made it, they have survived an onslaught by Izama.
She shook the multiverse, countless amount of universes when she signed the contract, but it was unclear if it (The Multiverse she shook) was infinite or not. Unreliable Nararators claimed that it was "An infinite amount" but it's uncertain whether or not she really did do so. Regardless, it was an impressive feat of strength, and shouldn't be taken lightly.
When she became a Witch, she was able to destroy an infinite amount of universes in 1 attack. She did so in Godverse, just before Obey allowed her to enter into the Pensukeverse.
After she became an Incubator, she was able to destroy even more than last time, in 0 attacks! Again, in Godverse. In one attack she destroyed E V E N M O R E than last time.
This was inspired by The Core from amphibia, more specifically Darcy Cuz they're cool
Avaria is NOT code based so take that shabby
Despite their sadistic attitude they hate it when others are too themselves
Though Avaria is billions of years old (354 billion estimation), According to them they have barely lived 1/80'th of their full life span
Its favorite thing to do is actually just sitting back and binge watching you-tube whenever they are not doing anything.
Though Avaria is pretty much capable of conceptually doing anything with their mind, they still cannot play against or beat anyone in chess and often fights to whoever they lose against.
Avaria absolutely hates loud sounds.
Avaria is a huge supporter of Miss Marrie's bakery.
Avaria's base form is only accessible in either their own or someone else's mind. The form you see now is merely a vessel and their weakest state.
Avaria is a member of The Godverse Maximists.
Avaria fought Obey and lost, and Obey made it very clear that Obey would deport "kick her out" if she "went too far".