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“You know, when you were talking all about Big Multiverses i thought you were Crazy! Maybe you are, but this looks like my own big Playground!" -Enzo speaking with "Imperator Aeterna" about The Multiverse.




Although Enzo is not usually seen much within God-Verse and instead tending to spend most of his time in the many universes around, he is usually seen wearing a hoodie with a star-like pattern inside, and a small emblem of a wanning moon that holds it on. they wear a large light-dark purple shirt that is well a bit big for em', and a pair of fluffy pants that have a moon pattern on them in the shape of a star. Up front they have a small sticker with a couple of doodles of stars and moons with his initials E.G.E on them. On his sleeve he has the same light-purple pattern with one side having a star pattern and the other of a moon. he wears a wrist band on his left wrist that has a moon emblem similar to the one on his hood. he wears similarly colored shoes that have small doodles of stars, moons, and on the bottom soles have what appear to be black holes. his hair is a messy white and he has lightly shaded color of purple eyes as well and freckles across from cheek to cheek.


As expected, due to his age, he is very childish and annoying, though surprisingly smart despite his short life. Enzo is rather talkative and loves to play with anyone he sees though this is what leads him to getting in trouble. Enzo usually does whatever he wants since now at his current power he doesn't believe punishment is an issue. But he is still a child, however as mentioned before he is quite smart. He is only 9 years old, but through-out has learned quite a lot about the many stars, systems, galaxies and many other universes, as well as learning exactly how and where to properly control them. Although sometimes his child-like behavior gets in the way of this, as he tends to love playing around more often. Though playing around this time has made him sour to lose. He enjoys playing around but cannot take lose which as well can tend to him have small temper tantrums. Enzo also hates liars and cheaters as he doesnt see them as fair players in his games and although he does gets distracted himself easily hates it when others do the same, though he is aware he does as well and tries to fix that.


Celestial Prowess[]

Created by the Elder Celestial power to create a new generation, Enzo was granted powers to watch over and protect the Celestial Bodies that reside inside the many Universes within the Multiverse. Enzo holds power within himself to have supreme control over any celestial body, Both living or Non-Living, to his absolute Control. Being torn apart between time and space after his escape from his universe however, this power is divided up by the many shattered pieces of Enzo's scattered around. As of the current one you are reading this page about, he still contains power to control to most celestial bodies, limited to only physical Bodies, however. If reunited within 1 body, It is said and even stated by Enzo himself that he could gain control over nearly, if not entirely, gain control over every Universe in existence.

Universal Enchant[]

Within the Universes he resides in, Enzo can allow magical enchantments over himself or others around him, limited to only Celestial or cosmic-based abilities. He may choose to butt or de-buff abilities that may possess a harm to any cosmic body within a universe, or negate them all-together as he can also buff such powers by either destructive capability, effectiveness, speed, length, width etc. HE may also use these enchantments on himself, allowing him to reach what he can with his abilities to affect not only celestial bodies, but more brawuder and bigger structures far beyond a single or cluster of Universes.

Fabricated Totality[]

Although he is a rather destructive child, Enzo can remake entire universes at his focused will. Requiring a rather small amount of power for him, In the end it allows him to make new places mostly used for entertainment and usually the Universes don't exactly look quite right and in fact can look rather like a child's rendition of Disney world. These Universes can vary in size, for miniature to Sizes not naturally or unnaturally possible. New life may also very much exist as well, ranging from not only life but entire cosmetology, dimensionality, realities etc. Not to mention being within Enzo's complete control.

Cosmic Immunity[]

Enzo is immune to any and all Cosmic Based Attacks, with no exception. While it can be bypassed and negated, Enzo does not have to worry about this as he can already tell who, what and where a threat is thanks to his Nigh-Omniscience.

One of Many[]

Enzo, after escaping his Universe, was shattered throughout time and space. It is unknown what version of Enzo anyone has encountered, but they seemingly have the same memories. Yes there are multiple Enzo's out there, somewhere within Godverse. The amount is unknown, but their existence is very much known to exist.

Cosmic Portals[]

Since he is unable to teleport, he has made himself portals to travel between universes. He can travel to anywhere he wants, though there are obvious places where he is restricted.

Youth’s Play[]

Given his aforementioned young age he is very playful and tends to change the very worlds around him into game sets for his playmates. These games often include Hide and seek, tag, hopscotch, Simon says and Marco polo. Of course, they are changed to be made more fun.

  • In hide and seek, you must hide from Enzo, or you will almost quite literally be eviscerated by a black hole.
  • In tag you must run from Enzo, or you’ll end up being “Boop’d” into nothingness (this will be explained in the next ability)
  • In hopscotch you must travel through many dangerous and mostly forbidden Universes until you reach the final one and survive
  • In Simon says you must follow Enzo’s tasks and either survive or complete the tasks, failure to do so will presumably lead to the same black hole fate.
  • In Marco polo you will be transported to his own Universe (where he is basically nearly omnipotent), you will have to find him blindsided, in which once done with either of these games you will be freed and allowed to leave.

Failure to comply or complete these games (minus HnS & tag) will, well, who knows? Another black hole? Torn by the destruction of the Universe? The fates of those who lost have been lost in the stars.

Voids of Space[]

His curiosity has led him to discover many new universes and powers, and with this curiosity brought about his knowledge to get rid of and control the Black Holes. Using the gravitational forces that made the Holes appear, Hes been able to control these dangerous forces of space. From small little holes in space to as large as TON 618, and even bigger! these make the hassle of Destroying Universes down to simple darkness and empties much easier. Enzo prefers to use these in combat or in just about any situation in which he has to get rid of something/someone.

Universal Potence[]

Drawing the power from both his Home Universe and now built up by the many universes he’s traveled and discovered he draws the power potency from these Universes in order to fuel his own. As of now he has visited almost every Universe and Galaxy, known and unknown within the UT fandom, what is shown when he appears, his strength is strong enough to destroy a countless amount with the swing of his finger. And this strength only grows with every Universe he goes. As of now within the multiverses he traveled, His full strength is unknown as it is practically unmeasurable.

Nigh-Complete Magic Arsenal[]

A newer form of magic collected and gathered by others forms, this allows Enzo to have access to nearly every and all forms of magic from safe to wild and to simple aesthetic to dangerous forces. Some forces of magic include: Ethos Stances , Jade Magic and Pata Magic to name a few. He has mastered most of the magic he can access though it still training in Ethos Stances.

Multiversal Nigh-Omniscience/Omnipresence[]

As long as Enzo stays within the Multiverses he’s traveled within, he will see and know all of whom travels and what happens within them, as well as being everywhere at any given time unless these Multiverses are destroyed. Of course, he can just travel to another to help him regain this power. This ability is only active when he is within a Multiverse he has entered.

Universal Soul[]

Being born out of the Aftermath of his destroyed universe has granted him amazing abilities, and now a soul that embodies His universe (A reason why he is near omnipotent). If his universe is ever found and destroyed, he will die as well. He is unable to feel or be affected by any event, attack or passive that would normally affect him and his power, the only way to hurt or really do anything to him is through his Universe, as well he is the embodiment of his Universe, and it just makes sense. While very difficult the body can be destroyed, Enzo will simply reform back into his universe and continue to live on. Though it hasn't been found now since his birth and this doesn't seem to change or ever will be changed any time soon.

I-Pad Proficiency[]

Enzo is a master with any I-Pad of any kind. What does he do exactly? Who knows? I don't. It's an I-Pad, he'll smack you across the face or something. Or play out Dantdm or the owl house OST or something. Or maybe download those gun apps and theoretically shoot you which apparently works. No other kid is better than him either in tablet proficiency.


"For me, this new Universe is another game filled with such eager players!"

"Your it!"

"It's almost comical how many hits you've gotten on me and still not a scratch to be seen!"

"5 years stuck in my home universe sure was more fun and inventive then this."

"Not hard at all! From a Flower to a mortal human, a god can come from anyone!"

"Is the Janitor here a new player in our game? I love new participants!"

"You sir are really good with pinky promises, now we can finally play new games! Wanna play tag? Your it!"



No Defense[]

Since Enzo has no sort of armor or really any sense of protection, he is rather easy to kill. But due to his soul being contained within his home universe, he will just come back, not to mention his shattered clones exit as well.

Easily Manipulated[]

Despite his nigh omniscience, enzo can easily be manipulated by the promise of games or challenges, or just about anything that could entertain him which isn't that hard of a task.


Card Master Asgore (Gaming Pals!)[]

Almost always seen playing and goofing around causing some kind of chaos and mayhem, Enzo and Card master get along just great! Once they met their rather chaotic personalities melted together and since then have been having fun ever since! Though sometimes their chaos leads to trouble, and they tend to have to face some punishment afterwards. But hey, who can stop this chaotic duo!

"Imperator Aeterna, Inheritor De Kronos; Titan Tempus." (Playmates!)[]

"Time given! Hurry it up old man!"

Gallery (maybe)[]


Enzo's name was inspired by an owl house meme for The Collector, a nickname given in the Brazilian Fandom. They dubbed him "Enzo Gabriel" meaning "I-Pad kid". I love these memes.

Enzos favorite game is in fact, Tag! :D

He really REALLYYYY enjoys playing with other villainous gods, as they tend to give the more hilarious reactions to him bothering them.

He needs financial Help to get a better phone.

Enzo is very easily distracted when it comes to fun and entertainment.

Enzo is very fascinated by the stars and endless universes he's seen even if he knows all about it. He is particularly interested in nebulas and Black holes.

Enzo is very curious about many things, some better some worse. Though his curiosity has gotten him into quite a bit of trouble.

He gave himself the last name 'Echo' due to his favorite plant out of the Ut's variety is the Echo Flower, he has made many fond memories and memes with these flowers over the few years he's been around.

Enzo is a really REALLLYYYYY big nerd when it comes to stars and will ramble on and on to anyone for hours

He's in need of financial support.

Despite his cheery and unthreatening attitude to others, facing a being who isn't as polite to him or tries to kill him he will not hesitate to fight back as well.

Enzo's favorite color is purple.

He absolutely loves to listen to music, and often plays out loud on his tablet.

Enzo is merely a vessel for his Universe.
