Godverse Wiki

"Sometimes, guidance can bring you to Hell."


Pre-Shift Arc[]

Chapter One[]

Zeroum, also known as Wyll, was part of a society that had Soulborn, humans containing souls which gave them a unique nature, such as determination, patience, or kindness. There were also Manifests, monsters that weren't exactly human and had much weaker souls. Soulborn were the elites of this society, forcing their whim on the Manifests. However, this caused the Manifests to revolt against the Soulborn in year 40XX, causing a great war between humans and monsters. The leader of the humans, Sorua, decided to seal most of the Manifests in their own personal void, it possessed the environments of poorly structured universes and imposed spam-like characters on the Manifests, eventually draining the willpower from them. Now, they just hope to return and reunite with those still on the surface. Wyll was of those stuck on the surface, which by now, was filled with hate for monsters. Propaganda against Manifests were everywhere, on posters, newspapers, and so forth. After a few weeks of absolute Hell, Wyll had met another Manifest. It was refreshing to finally see another Manifest after most of them were sealed. The stranger told Wyll that his name was Cosgrach. Cosgrach told him that he also knows about the Hell his kind has been cast in and wants to free them.

Meanwhile, Sorua observed, using secret cameras across the city to monitor everything. She got up from her seat, covered in the dead souls of Manifests, and told the Theophilian Guards to keep an eye on the two, going as far to say that their efforts will be futile in the end. Sorua got out from her lofty castle in the sky, and made an announcement to the Soulborn, saying that there will be, in her words, "a swift clean-up." The Manifests stuck in the void only heard mumbles of dark energy getting stronger, scared for what's to come. Those left on the surface took off to the streets, killing off noblemen out of fear, spite, and rage.

Chapter Two[]

Sorua was down in the castle basement. At the flick of a wrist, the gears and engines whirred. At once, a metallic door started opening. The door clicked away, revealing a floating core shimmering of different colors. Sorua started her monologue, "Once this thing is fully studied, I'll rule over them all." Just then, a scientist walked through the door. "Are you sure about this?" The scientist spoke. "Further experimentation will potentially implode this world!"

"Then so be it."

Sorua dismissed the scientist's warning, telling them and the other guards to look for "runaways" and "rebels." Soon, the Earth was kicked into maximum patrol, forcing Manifests to give way to this even more brutal system of oppression, cities and communities destroyed, families severed and much more. Wyll could only watch, as he saw towns burned down and neighborhoods raided. Zeroum felt rage, anger, sadness, since then he festered spite and hate into their heart for the first time in ages. As he fled into the woods with Cosgrach, he looked back once last time, the orange fires covered the glare, as black smoke and soot ascended to the heavens.

Chapter Three[]

Days later and Cosgrach noticed that something was amiss with Wyll. Cosgrach asked him: “What's wrong? You haven’t eaten in 3 days.” "It's...nothing" Wyll spoke with a heavy heart, pausing in between words. "It's just that, why does this even exist?" "What exists? The forest? I must admit it is a drag to travel across." "No, it is not that." He spoke. distraught, angry, and confused all at once. "I mean, what have we done to them to deserve this kind of treatment?" Cosgrach didn't know how to respond, he wanted to comfort Wyll and tell him everything would be alright, but he knew it wouldn't.

Meanwhile at the castle basement, Sorua was watching as multiple scientists were experimenting with the Core. More scientists kept barging in and warning Sorua, only for her to not heed their warnings, some scientists quit while others kept doing their job, this tested Sorua's patience. After 10 more scientists quit, Sorua snapped and forced them to keep working. "If you don't finish this, then I will behead you and take care of your family as well." She was threatening everybody, some were arguing with her. "Ma'am, if we continue, this thing will destroy everything!" "I don't care!"

Those were the final words of Sorua. Through all the arguing and chaos, the Core finally reached its limit. A huge explosion destroyed the entire city, from countries, to continents, to solar systems, then eventually the entire universe was wiped from existence, leaving only a white abyss that used to hold an entire world. Everything was gone, erased, and forgotten. The Manifests inside the void had all been affected as well, leaving no survivors, except for one.

Before the explosion, Wyll and Cosgrach were both still in the forest, searching for water, shelter, and hunting animals. However, while Wyll was looking for wood, he saw a bunch of Platinum Gates in the middle of nowhere. "Where did this come from?" Wyll had asked himself, Cosgrach was also there, questioning where the gates came from. Though, they didn't have much time to think as they were interrupted by a Theophilian Guard looking for any manifests that might have tried to escape. Both Cosgrach and Wyll hid behind an enormous bush, hiding themselves, Wyll suggested that they attack the guard while Cosgrach warned him not to. WIP

Post-Shift Arc.[]

Chapter One[]

Chapter Two[]

Chapter Three[]



Zeroz Null, or Wyll Archon, is barely 5 foot in height, and has short white (dull blue during his calamity form) hair that spikes in all directions, twitchy, almost reptile-like red and blue eyes.

He wears a long white coat. It is weathered, covered in dust and blood due to the slaughter of several beings, human and monster alike. The coat is bigger than Zeroum himself. In addition to that, he also dons dark brown trousers that are weathered from the slaughterfest. He also wears long, stained, red and blue thigh-high socks. He also owns a mask with three triangular holes that act like eyes. The color of this mask is pale white. He also has a bandaged wrist, seemingly bruised.

His face, pale, scarred from his centuries of murder. You can tell from the bags on his eyes that he is tired of all this arrogance. However, he masks it with a smile, and a cheerful gaze. There are tiny, thumb sized frills on the sides of his neck. A 3-inch scar across his mouth is his most prominent feature. He also appears to have a snake tongue. He also has a burn mark across his face. Both arms are bandaged and have scars. In the Atlantean Bar, he dons black, blue, and crimson cat-eared headphones in the secluded corner of it; vibing to anime openings such as Zankyou Sanka. His palms have eyes similar to Yahaba.


Wyll is introduced as a character who appears similar to Kane: cheeky, somewhat cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. He is most commonly known for having a sweet tooth and his most favorite snack is chocolate, most likely from the high amounts of Charas he was hired to kill, this could also be a way of coping with the stress in everything in his life; thus his indulgent tendencies. Behind closed doors, he cuts his arms; leaving various scars.

Also, his ruthlessness and aptitude in killing show the other side of him-apathetic, violent, and quiet. This side gets easier to manage over time, although he is still unafraid to lash out and threaten or kill anyone who even upsets him or his friend. He claims Kane was his first friend, and he grows progressively more attached to him as time passes. Wyll often suffers immensely in his attempts to help his friends without a single complaint. He puts others before himself without being concerned about his own health or even his life.

He doesn't exactly get humor and jokes but grasps the concept, still, he gets irate and annoyed by these attempts. He is also rarely express emotion, often being seen as apathetic to those not close; however, those close see the opposite; an emotional wreck.

Around his close friends however he is seen as a bit nerdy and quiet. He also stims to cope with the insanity and bustling nature of this world. During his time-off and in-between hunts he’s seen at the Atlantean Bar chatting it up with the customers and hosting poetry nights. Contrasting with his appearance to targets as a cold hearted, sadistic killer who also toys with their victims. Wyll also prefers secluded places of quietness or intellectualism such as the Kronos Sect or the old Bar.

During the events of the Greedford Arc, he has shown to be susceptible to instigation, naively falling for it. His conviction grew as to crumble society to its bare structures, apparently as a result of an innate sense of pain and suffering caused by his past memories. He's also has shown to have entered a state of identity crisis, being unsure on whether he's actually Wyll Nullificate, The Endless Zero, or even Wyll Archon. This is shown to be a result of Wyll and Inordinato's wills clashing, fighting for dominance. Also, a part of him still wants to be saved and that his previous scared and lonely self isn't completely gone. Always willing to seek out answers and somewhat willing to challenge his ideals despite his pride, he has shown to be studious in nature and being.

Wyll appears to be somewhat out of touch with his own feelings. He tries to be polite, but he can be overly harsh and insensitive, often without realizing it. He has a lack of social awareness and insight into his own behavior. Because of this, he has problems understanding how his own behavior can affect other people and he may not understand or pick up on social hints. He struggles with expressing himself in a socially appropriate manner and this often leads to people misunderstanding what he's trying to say, and vice versa.

He often lacks appropriate emotions in situations where most people would be afraid, like threats of violence. Even so, he once mentioned that he feels fear every day of his life, most likely because of his luck. When he does express anger, he becomes notably more serious. When displeased, he is very passive-aggressive. He is somewhat timid, yet angered towards his enviroment; hating the elites and wanting to bring a new age. Fearing the well-being of revolutionaries more than himself, he proves mass dedication to the resistance that Aeterna instilled in the waters of the Godverse. Despite this, he hides behind a sona akin to Foreigner Flowey's; one with bravery and confidence.

Personality (Possessed)[]

When he is under the control of Inordinato, he has an attitude leaning towards more nonchalant and playful, although don't confuse this with innocence and purity. He is shown to be sadistic and toys around with the opponent's feelings with little to no remorse. He is also shown to be bored easily, getting distracted, and overall not very focused. Don't take this is a sign of low intellect, he is shown to be quite eloquent and intelligent, albeit in a somewhat childish manner. They also show arrogance and hubris akin to Cozmo, oftentimes not taking opponents seriously. Don't take this as a sign of brash behavior, he is ever so calculated and precise when studying an opponent.

He is motivated by simple-ish desires, wanting to have twisted fun, play demented games with others, and have discussion which aim to break people's minds, which he shows in his interactions with Aeterna. He partakes in theatrics often, speaking riddles and rhymes, although he will quickly give up on harder words. Despite his childlike attitude, Inordinatio has proven to be cruel and heartless, showing no mercy whatsoever and even laughing at his victim's fate. He is somewhat nonchalant about the world around him, as he uses his powers freely to manipulate reality in suiting his needs.

This casual indifference causes him to see others as toys for his amusement. Despite all his flaws, he does have an honorable side and is capable of feeling care, as seen when Inordinatio references the deal between Sukuna and Itadori and uses those same words as a twisted sense of "respect." When not torturing the damned lesser gods, he hums 1960s tunes and blasts funky beats to preserve reputation nesr suspicious onlookers

They also have a laid-back and quite calm demeanor, and he is often smiling or laughing. However, his cheerfulness may not be entirely genuine, as his calmness is more akin to sadism and acts disturbingly optimistically toward horrible things such as death, as though it were merely a consequence of losing a game. More hidden traits such as the resentment and hatred of the higher gods that more resemble Wyll than Inordinatio bubble from the surface.


Add as you wish.

  • Inordinato (Wary)

[* Something about it..seems off. ]

  • Error707, Error2020, Error128, Omnicode. (Notable Enemies)

[* The mere existence of these idiots makes me fume. Well, at least one of them are gone away, turned to dust so to say. ]

  • Fear!Sans, Corrupt!Chara. (Worst Enemies)

[* I. Am. Simply. Revolted. ]

[* Yknow, once you get past that whole; society as an idea is rotten thing, they're actually quite swell. ]

  • Glitch001 & Glitch999. (Pests)

[* 死ね、不届き者め!]

  • Any poorly written creation. (Enemies)

[* Die, now. ]

  • Lasivia. (Despises)

[* A whiny, sniveling, pretentious brat with a pathetic and meaningless crown. Take that key away from her and what do you have left? A dead body. ]

[* “Respected lad, quite cunning.” ]

[* "After hearing his explanation for this...Quondam-whatever, he makes sense. Still don't trust the church though, and something seems...off."" ]

  • Travis (Unfriendly Terms)

[* "An embodiment of god damn triangles... what kind of nonsensical crap is this?"" ]


[* “Unity, is comforting, yet terrifying. To know peace is to know war. To know life is to to know death.” ]

[* I thought you forgotten me, like I tried to forget you, dear friend. But you're too late, the things I've done, the pain I caused...THERE'S NO GOING BACK! ]
[* Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates war and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated. ]

[* I never cared much about justice, I only do what I must, in order to cleanse this world. Go ahead, see me as a villain. I won't hesitate to strike you down. So... bring it on! ]

[* Can you sense it? The arrogance in this place? The suffering? The carnage. The politics, the stains of time? Can you see it, with your proclaimed abilities? Can you? ]

[* Everything you know and everything you’ve been lied about, will be gone, reappear, and be gone again. All within the blink of an eye. ]

[* Hubris is the only real power in this world, consuming you all alive despite your flashy abilities. Worst part is you don't recognize it. ]

[* We both want the same thing. The peace Ada and the church spoke of. You and I are alike in this sense, we're both working for our own justice. The justice I have meted out against Godverse, is exactly the same as what you are trying to mete out against me. Everyone feels the pain of loss the same. We both know of your pain. You work for your justice, and I work for mine. We're just ordinary people driven revenge in the name of justice, but if revenge is called justice; then that justice creates more revenge. This goes on for some time and becomes a pattern, a habit. Living within it, aware of its past; predicting the future. This is what it means to know history. We cannot help but know that people cannot unerstand each other, the world of Godverse is ruled by hatred. ]

End Goal[]

His goal is to cleanse, perfect, and purge this world. He wants to remove those deem "unfit" for this new verse that he will make. Similar to the church but without any of the "ridiculous" cult like nonsense. He will also restore his AU and better it, into a new storyline, one with perfection, one that is...worthy. He isn’t power hungry and doesn’t want to rule over the Godverse, instead he wants to destroy it and reshape the ashes of it into a better world, a world not ruled by power; but one ruled with integrity and of the clean. To do this, he will partner up with figures alike Aeterna and Ethava to crumble the lesser gods' hopes in the higher ups; destroying the hierarchy nigh-altogether.

Combat/Passive Powers and Abilities[]

CQC Training (Close Quarter Combat)[]

When it comes to engaging in fist to fists, he can easily stave off and even defeat the likes of Odin, The God of Poetry and Magic; he can trade blows with someone like Foreigner True Dust on equal footing. Wyll can easily fight hand to hand against the entireity of the Kronos Sect and the Ascendedtale Church with little to no effort. (With the execption of Eternal/Hyper!Undyne).

Originality (Passive)[]

Due to him not having any base game counterpart, he can easily bypass abilities and attacks like Ouroboros Bones, Third Party's copyright, and more. He can AND will not be affected by any AUs of him and his world. He can also ignore the immunities and resistances of Third-Party because of this.

Mind Acceleration (Passive)[]

This works like Flandre's but less busted, where his growth of intellect grows. With this he can perfect his abilities even further and cause precise and devastating strikes. Combined with Muscle Memory, this is quite deadly.

Trauma Inducement (Passive)[]

If the OC that Zerom is trying to eradicate has a traumatic backstory, he can use Mind Acceleration to study it via. body language and expressions and make him remember that memory mid-fight but on a much of painful scale, so he can get a cheap shot. He only uses this on OCs more powerful than him.

Mind Acceleration/Trauma Inducement Limitations[]
  • There are certain things his mind won't be able to be intelligent enough to understand, no matter how much it is accelerated.
  • This is essentially a weaker version of "Verdict.", so the OC that Zerom is fighting may not lose hope and the resolve/determination to fight. Also, this ability may not deal numerical damage.

"Contus, Lord Of Pain." (Passive/Combative)[]

This essentially works like a fusion of Itachi's Genjutsu, Fūinjutsu, and Conqueror's Haki, but on a more grandiose scale. This allows Zeroum to project his misery onto others as an illusion where he has control. It forces whoever's trapped within the illusion to face pain beyond their worst nightmares, whether that be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. The more tragic an OC's backstory is, the more effectively the ability works. This also has a passive aura of fear surrounding him. He mastered this ability to the point when it works subconsciously and without him even realizing it. TL/DR: This shit.


This is a technique that he can use to split either the battle field, an opponent, or himself into equal sized portions/areas, when split the area's gravity, mass, and more are under his partial control. Note that the speeds here are only when Wyll by himself uses it to their full potential, he mostly uses them from 3000 times the speed of sound to 70 times the speed of light. When Inordinatio uses this, it is already "there" in a sense, defying beings that are faster than absolute speeds.

Kyogai, Vari Spiral[]

He can spin the areas and different locations of the body at 200 million times faster than the speed of light, it used as both defense and offense. He could also use this to induce an effect similar to spaghettification in black holes into an opponent.

Kyogai, Rupture El Thor[]

He disassembles and disintergrates sections that he split at the spiritual/soul level. Usually finishing with an upward gust of wind that slams into what remains.

Kyogai, Decem El Thor Rupture Infinitum[]

The 10 sections that he splits are violently ruptured into massive chunks; used as projectile attacks or to disembowel an opponent. This is at 600 million times the speed of sound. This finishes with the chunks being ripped apart violently with an upward gust of wind that generates a tornado.

Kyogai, Thunderbird Puzzle[]

He scrambles and reshapes the area, himself, and his opponent in a matter similar to how you would scramble a Rubix Cube. The reorientation is at 30 million times the speed of light.

Mask Of Inferiority (Combative)[]

If an opponent of equal strength were to approach, Z can conceal and close off all signs of power, capacity, and ability, thus making the opponent believe that they have a chance. However, this doesn’t mean that Z nerfed himself, it just means that his experience and any signs of it cannot be detected. If that same opponent were to fight him again, they would forget the previous encounter. Essentially, this makes him unpredictable, nearly untouchable. TL/DR: Perceptive Amnesia and Unpredictability combined.

"Verdict." (Combative)[]

He inflicts something similar to KR, but he does however much damage he wants as he wishes, as long as it's numerical. However, his version of damage not only bypasses the "DF" stat, but bypass nearly any form of defense, whether it be numerical, whether it be by dodging, blocking, or more. This version of KR makes Zerom immune to its effects and thereby bypasses, negates, and ignores Karma Houdini.

"Verdict." Limitations[]
  • If the OC in question is beyond stats (I.E Status Lock), this ability is also moot.
  • If they have Infinite Stats, this is slightly useless, instead, "Verdict." surrounds the user with their worst fears, reducing their will to fight.
  • If the Infinite Stats haver has no fears, this is truly useless.
  • Cannot deal infinite damage.

"Effingo." (Passive/Combative)[]

This allows him to clone himself, the clones retain his abilities but not the traits of the original, more or less mirroring attacks. Also, if one of the clones somehow quote on quote "die", they can latch onto their surroundings, gaining the material’s properties (such as latching onto a vat of acid and the result being a clone that can corrode attacks.) More or less the replicas are puppets to the original.

"Eyes of The World" (Combative)[]

This ability summons an eyeball the size of the Sun that allows Zerom to see all things within a multiversal radius, however, with his Calamity phase, this is increased drastically.

"Ambition." (Passive/Combative)[]

This works like a fusion of Observation Haki and Armament Haki. What this ability does, is allow Zeroum to gauge the ambition of people within his radius. He can also impose his drive and willpower as a sort of spirit that focuses on both attack and defense. He can also manifest both his spirit/soul and willpower into his weapons.

Game Jargon Transcendence. (Passive)[]

The ability to be outside the traditional jargon of game stats entirely, a greater version of Status Lock/lesser version of Omnilock. It also means that it can't and won't be affected by any game buttons such as Button Master Frisk and Serahim. So no, you can't apply the traditional game stats to this OC by using traditional game buttons.

Essentially, if your attack does the traditional "Damage" with numbers, it is immediately voided and deals no harm whatsoever, as if it never existed at all.

Game Jargon Transcendence Limitations[]
  • If the attack in question doesn't say anything about traditional game stats and instead uses raw force and physics, Statslock can't be applied.

Muscle Memory I Dunno... (Passive)[]

When Wyll is in a state of near-death, he seemingly falls asleep and dodges instinctively, remembering the past routes and actions of versions of him that died in his place before, now, and in the future. This allows him to further counter and memorize attack patterns from his opponents and even dodging them with no effort after enough times of this ability being triggered. How this ability works is something to do with his connection to AUs and ATs, and how his Disbelief and Confidence abilities work. (So yes Shabbs I let Nakanado win, as Andrias once put it: “ITS TIME FOR A REMATCH ANNE!” Also, Jack The Ripper from MGR: R > Nakanado in terms of power.) Also, it is similar to the Gates Of Healing from Naruto, which recovers his wounds and stamina at a Low-Godly level of regeneration. If it is triggered twice, he teleports lateral-wise in the direction of his opponent. It also works like VCW except he uses the essence from the omniverses to regenerate himself.

Muscle Memory Limitations[]
  • The madness and overwhelming insanity can leave open a window of attack.

"Wake Up to Reality." (Passive/Combative)[]

It allows Zerom to see through almost any type of illusion. It also allows certain OCs that Zerom has targeted this ability for to be suddenly teleported into their respective AU, almost like it was a dream. The truth is that they're stuck in a flashing black and white void. This works like Impulsum Nihilum.

”My House, My Rules.” (Passive/Combative)[]

Zeroum seals himself, whoever he's attacking, and whatever’s/whoever’s among them into his own special domain. This special realm, is similar to his own AU in terms of looks, feel, and vibe. Down here, he makes the rules. Down here, he calls the shots. Down here, he is God, or something like that. This is essentially Cube Omnipotence.

What Cube Omnipotence is: Cube omnipotent is a term used to specify beings who are nigh omnipotent in a specific area. Cube omnipotents usually are beings who possesses nigh omnipotence and dominion in places like dimensions of their creation. Essentially lucid dreaming on steroids. In this personal dimension of his, his Nigh-Omnipotence is comparable to Ada’s, and If an OC dies in this realm, it dies forever. They can seal themselves and their opponent in this realm instantly, however removing the seal takes 7 seconds to do. He can also kick out any unintended bystanders that slipped in the domain.

“My House, My Rules.” Limitations[]
  • The domain can be destroyed.

Selective Nigh-Invincibility[]

As the founder of Soul Breathing, he is without a doubt one of the strongest and versatile sword wielders in the Godverse and nigh-unstoppable, he is the epitome of it. Yet he is still contested by those who can rearrange and control the concept of swordsmanship to their whim or those who use Spirit Breathing.

Standard Undertale Attacks (Combative)[]

Like most OCs here, he could use the standard knifes, bones, strings, and soul/code-based attacks. Those are his least favorable forms of attack. They retain Wyll's color scheme of red and blue. This doesn’t mean he's bound to *lesser* souls (higher souls such as Hyper!Gaster could affect him), code, magic systems, or anything deriving from it. These are also his weakest attacks.

“Conjoined” (Combative)[]

It summons three red and three blue chains from his hands, the size of the chains are entire universes. They're used to make people trip and stumble mid-fight, however, this can also be used to bind and counter the works of Karma Houdini and deals 99% of an opponent's health. The damage is constant and also bypasses any defense stat. Essentially, a stronger version of Red Sun. He can also bind them to the jargon of stats (AKA. Stat-Binding) and deal his damage there. The chains bypass any sort of boost that may come along with a phase for said OC binded by said chain and instead looks into their base powerlevel. Their size can be modified.

“Conjoined” Limitations[]
  • If the opponent already has stats, the stat-binding is useless.
  • He cannot change the percentage or amount of damage the chains deal.
  • Can not reduce stats down to either one or zero, and he may not be able to fully control the reduction.


These are Zeroum's 7 Souls of Suffering; he manifested those souls after seeing his friend die right in front of them, all the pain, the anguish, the rage, the anger. All of it swelled up inside him, pushing him to break his limits and return, restore, and fix this world, and the next.


FUTILITY: Zeroum's strongest soul. The very first one out of the 7 he unlocked. This soul takes the appearance of an upside down, and dull red DETERMINATION Soul. He mastered this soul after embodying the concept of futility day by day, as he grew more and more, slaughtered more and more..year by year, instilling this "fate" onto this world.

Abilities of Futility[]

Comedy Has Lost Its Charm: It allows him to negate and not feel harm or hurt from Joke Characters and One-Shot attacks, as if they never existed at all.

The Unknown: If any OC tries to check his “game” stats, it says: “Welcome to Hell.” According to them, his “stat values” almost seem to fluctuate. When in actuality, it’s Statslock manifesting itself. This also creates a well of fear to those who approach.

Stains: Red and blue splotches surround Futility Zerom, these splotches act as a barrier that protects them from incoming attacks, they also act as miniature portals that act as a means of travel.


REALIZATION: Zeroum's most familiar soul. The second one out of the 7. This soul, like all the others, are upside down, and dull color variants of the original 7 souls from the base game. Realization is dull orange in coloration. He unlocked this soul when he realized the truth about the uselessness about one-upping this world.

Abilities of Realization[]

Obsolete: It reverses the effects of abilities such as Deus Aura onto the user of said ability, but on a greater scale. If an ability like Deus Aura is used against it, then it simply makes his willpower and resolve tougher and stronger. This is similar Shade’s “Voided” ability where willpower increasing abilities do the opposite against this ability. This is also works like The Lovers from JoJo’s on steroids.

Collective Consciousness: Collective Consciousness allows him to talk to the past Manifests and speak through their souls, sort of like Aang’s ability to speak with the past Avatars. This means he can also use the abilities of said past manifests, essentially, it’s One for All and Undyne's Determination on steroids. This also fuels his determination/resolve even further beyond. So, technically, his mind is immune to Confidence Manipulation. He can also talk to other AUs and ATs of him.

Red Sun: This uses past souls from AUs he purged and combines them into an attack similar to Destructive Fission. This only does 20 DMG, but it bypasses almost any form of defense, even the one that True Sans uses. However, it is also extremely blinding, even more so than Samsons’s Eclipse attack.

Disbelief: It is similar to Kumagawa's ability, which is essentially a fate bypasser. This allows him to undo events which could put a dent in his goals. However, that doesn't mean he can't feel the pain from said events. This is essentially a weaker Muscle Memory. Essentially, he can bypass death with this ability.


RESENTMENT: Zeroum's third soul. This soul is dull yellow and upside down in looks. He unlocked this soul when he resented and despised the unworthy of this world and decided to remove them from this world.

Abilities of Resentment[]

I Remain: He can counter and bypass reversal abilities such as Flandre's Aura of Reverse. This is a passive state in which it emits red and blue fog and smoke that makes people with Clairvoyance/Memory/Knowledge Scans doubt about their predictions and info. He can also erase similar users of these abilities if there are others that can use them and are weaker.

I am The Key: This is used to counter Flandre's lock ability, it allows him to summon a hierarchical yellow key with an upside-down heart engraved on it that can unlock any bind and lock placed on him if the person who placed that lock is weaker on the power list. This, combined with Confidence, is one of the more…unique combos.

Confidence: This is used to specifically negate Flandre's Final-Fear, essentially, it replaces the fear in his being with rage and spite, allowing him to not feel any fear and therefore escape the dark space thus activating Muscle Memory twice. This is technically a form of teleportation.


INSANITY: His fourth soul, it is dull green and upside down. Except, the dull green soul has a slight shimmer/glow. He gained this soul when he shifted to this world for the very first time.

Abilities of Insanity[]

"Demens": This works like the "The Scorned", except it removes people's sanity.

"Despectus": This works like a fusion of Kage-Kage no Mi fruit and the Horo Horo no Mi fruit. (The Horo Horo fruit is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that can produce ghosts and make people feel doubtful/pessimistic about themselves, and the Kage-Kage fruit is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that gives the user the ability to manifest and control shadows of living creatures, including their own, as physical and tangible forms. The user, becoming a Ruler of Shadows that can steal the shadows of other beings and insert them into different bodies, living or dead, which in the latter case enables the creation of and create zombies) “The Scorned” is similar to this except it reduces people’s popularity to bits, turning the adorned into hated and despised recluses. This ability also allows Z to manifest the hatred/spite into Rage Shadows and steal negative emotion from people, adding it to his ever-expanding Shadow Collection. It works like most Devil Fruits, except Z can still yknow, swim, because it’s an ability similar to Devil Fruits, not a Devil Fruit itself. This a combative ability that can be activated on command.


SOLITUDE: His fifth soul, it is dull teal and upside down. This soul has a crack on it. He gained this soul when he lost everything he knew about.

Abilities of Solitude[]

"Occultare": This makes himself undetectable, unnoticeable, untouchable and impossible to comprehend or know about. Absolutely invisible to all. Or at least that's what you think, for you see, this only applies to OCs below him on the power list. Those equal or higher are immune to this ability. "Occultare" is a passive skill. Like “Rarus”, it is also buffed when within the personal domain.

"Rarus": Essentially, a weaker version of Versal Conduit, but Z's abilities are also truly uncopiable to all below him on the power list, only those equal higher or equal are completely immune. Also, he can summon exact replicas of everyone below him on the powerlist and control them and make them obey his whim. “Rarus” also boosts the abilities/movesets/knowledge of those below him on the list when he uses them to his level. He can nitpick memories, knowledge, and the like to his choosing. As such he knows what they know, but they don’t know what he knows. The potency of this ability increases proportionally to boosts in power. “Rarus” also operates on Wyll’s full potential and acts in proportion to his base state, although when Wyll in his base state uses abilities or powers above him; the capacities of them will be reduced to his base state.


TRAUMA: The sixth soul, dull indigo with red cracks sprouting up like roots. It is upside down in addition and has a dark glow.

Abilities of Trauma[]

Flashback: He can travel back in any moment in time AS LONG as that moment was traumatic, harrowing, or caused grief. He can also send people to those moments thus trapping them in that moment, this can cause effects in the timelines of certain OCs, erasing them from existence and causing them to be forgotten right down to the conceptual level.

Repeat: He summons several purple flesh-like strings in a matter similar to Emnu, the strings forces whoever Z is facing to relive their worst moments on repeat in the matter of a nightmare, and the only way to “possibly” escape is to end themselves in the nightmare thus waking them up. Z can enter those moments and toy with the nightmare even further, thus giving him Divided Motion that allows him to attack both inside the nightmare and out at the same time. These strings also paralyze and can tank Multiverse destroying attacks.


BITTERNESS: The seventh soul, the soul is split down the middle, one half of the soul is dull lilac with a red triangle that acts like an eye. The other half is dark grey. It glows an eerie orchid purple glow.

Abilities of Bitterness[]

Vengeance: The user has the power to nullify or be immune to coincidence, preventing the whims of fate from interfering with a battle or activity the user is participating. This power takes good and bad luck out of the equation and can be considered a counter to plot armor and immunity bypassing. He can ignore the powers of luck. Should anyone weaker than him use a luck-based ability or plot manipulation skill, their luck will turn against them.

Judge: This allows Wyll to reduce the damage of attacks by the amount of times the opponent did wrong. How the reduction works is if you did one bad thing WITHOUT a justifiable reason, it reduces your damage output, and your defense by 6%, he can only do this reduction 10 times. How this is activated is by speaking the words: "Let the trial begin.", and the first ten attacks deal 6% less damage and anything after that deals 40% of the damage they would've dealt originally without judgement. However, if he is silenced before the full sentence is spoken, the effects are null. Attacks without a numerical value or have infinite numerical value; are of course immune to this reduction.

Jury: He summons 10 random people into the area in which he and his opponent are fighting. The people summoned are shielded and immune from any and all damage during the process, after said process ends, they are then returned back to their inital locations before this ability was used with no memory of the event. This process involves tasking the 10 people to either say "Guilty" or "Innocent". If 6 or more out of 10 say "Guilty"; then the opponent who is "Guilty" has all of their stats reduced to zero; if the opponent has Statslock, they are then restrained and then impaled with a buffed version of the Conjoined chains where he can reduce your stats to 0. However, if 6 or more out of 10 say "Innocent", then nothing happens.

Executioner: This releases a wave that completely and permanently removes any resistances and immunities that anyone below him has within a 100,000 light year radius, not only that but it turns their powers into the opposite of what they original are and inverts the numerical damage of attacks/powers. (For example, if you could heal 10% of someone's health, then you now deal 1% damage of someone's health. Or if your blasters deal 550 damage, they now deal 055; or 55 damage.) He chooses whether one inversion happens or the other, but there must be an inversion that happens.

Perditio, The Unending Void Of Catastrophe: Using this, Z is capable of inducing failure in others/events, whether physical, financial, mental, spiritual, etc. He can also induce defeat in others and events in every conflict or a challenge, whether physical, financial, mental, spiritual to such a humiliating degree that even those with the highest levels of Expert luck fear this power, even the few with Master level luck are wary of this power. Z can also induce varying levels of difficulty in challenges, attacks; and much more, making even the most difficult tasks easy and making even the easiest tasks near impossible.

Inte-Eradar, The Efface of All That Is Immaculate: Using this, Z can erase and reverse any level of healing that is anything short of an absolute level, this also applies to anything relating to it such as immortality; invulnerability, morality, pure hearts; good, and more. As long as they are not of an absolute level of invulnerability/immortality/healing, they can and will be utterly and completely erased.

Reputatio, Eraser De Lepore: He can inverse or erase any level of charisma/beauty as long as they aren't of an absolute level. Even if someone could surpass Noir!Frisk's charm by a trillion fold, he is unaffected by their otherwise guranteed persuasion attempts. As such, he is immune to it and its abilities/associations; this is often coupled by "Despectus.", because of their complimenting capacities.

All For Naught: Full Calamity.[]

This is mainly used when Inordinatio is in possession of his vessel. In this state, his quote on quote "abilities" have beeen shedded away, and his "physiology" is now beyond infinite in speed, strength, durability, and power. His full force attacks can break entire realities, shatter the omniversal structure, and shred existences to their barest conceptual states. A full-on attack can shatter reality and collapse any existence that either functions off the laws of physics or holds any sense of realism or doesn't. In this "state", he sheds their dimensionality; becoming Infinite-D and possibly beyond in scale. Alongside a few brand-new gags up his sleeve.

Tenchi Mundi Vestris[]

It bypasses the powers that an opponent wields within a personal domain and instead attacks the factor of spatial dimensions and dimensionality mentalities of an opponent. This could also be used to conduct a singularity, using the time and space of an area, within the domain. Thus making it implode on itself and destroy the opponent. The "speed" of the singularity is beyond infinite, instant, and inescapable and inevitable to lower dimensional beings. This also works outside the domain by using it to stretch the space around it.

Tenchi Mundi Praesidio[]

This works similar to TMV, except it uses magic and space-time manipulation to tear apart and stretch (spaghettification) an opponent on a dimensional level, forever destroying it and sealing or killing the opponent from within.

Pata Magic[]

Inordinatio has pata magic; a powerful form of magic that transcends the laws in which all magic is governed by. This very powerful magic can not only bestow grand variety magical and even supernatural abilities to the user but can also grants endless forms of magics that empowers both the users & their abilities to higher levels over all things magical as they can rule over any to all magic that’s form their world and beyond, making masters of all magic with the potential to do anything.

Users of pata magic, can be mystical anomalies within the magical system that free them or are beyond them all together and granting them total dominion over the cause and effects to the rules of magic by their source, making users archmage rulers capable of making or modifying the rules, allowing them to alter or ignore the conditions and limitations of the magical systems, which can lead them down the path beyond magic itself.

Wyll/Inordinatio also possesses every form of magic, mystical or overall supernatural force that existed in the past, currently, or will materialize in reality. He can also use magics from other timelines and use supernatural forces that defy the rule-breaking of other meta-magics. The user's vast magical inventory may sprout from birth/creation, prolonged training and experience of every supernatural force, or genetic conditions notorious for harboring excellent mastery/talent over magic. Pata-Magic could in theory defy Magic Ascendance, although unless people with those two respective powers fight we may never know. Various types of magic are available to the user, ranging from weak magic to transcendent-level magic that archmages, supernatural entities, or gods have.

By using their overwhelming magical power, they can sometimes manipulate reality, altering its variables, aspects, matter, energy, extradimensional strings, quantum mechanics, mass, planes of existence, etc., break, bend, and replace the laws of magic, authorizing exotic features and results to occur than traditional magic would permit.

Personal Defiance[]

He can counter and flat-out ignore the defiance of anyone below him. On top of that he can control defiance itself to its whim, including Living Anomalies and the sort.

Hilbert's Physics[]

He functions beyond any sort of physics and their laws in any higher or lower dimension whether said law is completely on their favor or just plain regular physics, allowing him to quote on quote "move" faster than people who transcend infinite speed. Inordinatio defies those who are also immune to the laws of physics, even though he exists outside physical laws entirely. In short, no physical laws can even hope to scathe him.

Pan-Dimensional Immortality and Invulnerability[]

He is unable to die and is immune to attacks from a higher and lower dimensionality, being able to tank and resist nearly anything you throw at him.

Pan-Dimensional Physiology[]

Inordinatio is an infinite-dimensional entity who exists in infinite-dimensional function spaces or embodies infinite-dimensional structures. The user's dimensional/structural size would be equivalent to a countable or higher levels of infinity, usually represented in fiction by endless hierarchies of layers of existence, each succeeding one completely trivializing the previous into insignificance, or more generally a space with either a countably or uncountably infinite set of dimensions. Pan-dimensional beings can influence all higher-dimensional and lower-dimensional objects and spaces as well as embody all the concepts and laws of physics of lower and higher-dimensional spaces. Infinity in projective geometry states that higher-dimensional beings are an infinite number of times greater compared to beings from a lower-dimension then pan-dimensional beings would simultaneously be lower, greater and equal to all other dimensional entities as all dimensional spaces are parts of them.

Lesson 25, Cursed Spiral[]

He divides their target with twenty five visible lines and forcibly creates a weak spot at the ratio point of six to nineteen. They can freely choose which part to divide, including the subjects, head, torso, arms, and legs. If the user is able to strike one of these lines on exactly the six-to-nineteen ratio point, they deliver a critical hit to the subject. This allows them to deal significant damage on tougher adversaries and cleave multiple opponents into several pieces in a single hit, although in truth he can create weak spots ad infinitum across the opponent across time and space.

The lines don't have to measure up to the target's full length or wingspan. Their head, torso, biceps, and forearms are all among applicable limbs for division. This technique can be used on inanimate objects in addition to living beings. Used as a scale, this "attack" allows the creation of a perfect rotation and thus an infinite amount of energy that exuberates across all dimensions.

Mahlo's Angel[]

In set theory, an inaccessible cardinal is something that cannot be gained by smaller cardinals and the usual cardinal arithmetic. This is true with dimensions and magical power. No matter how high your transformations take you, Calamity simply outclasses due to higher dimensional valuation. The only way to be more powerful is to be above infinite dimensions in the first place.

Hilbert's Ad Infinitum Ressurection[]

The user can resurrect themselves endlessly every time they die, returning inevitably to life in perfect condition, this is applied across all dimensions, timelines, space, and the like.

Hilbert's Infinitum Negation[]

He can negate infinity and its aspects across all lesser and higher dimensions. This is a constant force forever in effect unless acted upon by a stronger and unbalanced force.

Sphaera Hildeberti[]

This works similarly to Gojo's "Limitless", except it relates to the dimensionality of an opponent, where if an opponent is of a lesser dimensionality; then they would be overloaded and froze still with overwhelming knowledge of higher powers. This can only be stalemated or even stopped by those of higher power. Anything surrounding "Sphaera Hildeberti" will be repeled at a faster than infinite speed. "Sphaera Hildeberti" is also nearly all-reaching, the "attack" will be conducted simaltaneously throughout all lesser dimensions; reaching them no matter where they "ascend" to.

"The Eyes of Moros, Gaze Of The Retribution That Surpassed Time" (Offensive)[]

When this is in use, Wyll emanates an eerie purple "glow", as per described by lesser gods, exuberating a dark aura of power. If his opponent makes eye-contact their powers and growth will be made obsolete, and nearly anyone who makes eye contact with them shall have their capacities reduced to mere cannon fodder. Obsoletion is near-instant and reduction works even though if his line of vision destroyed on a diemnsional level or if the opponent is out of range. Reduction is permanent and constant, unable to be removed by lesser powers.

Mahlo's Conceptual Sword and Shield[]

He can launch an attack which can directly affect concepts, including time, space, natural order, etc.. The attack doesn't damage the opponent with physical interference, but through conceptual interference, by changing or actualizing the meaning of something, or damaging the concept directly. For example, a weapon which could kill an immortal being by forcing the concept of 'mortality' into their existence, or the ability to kill anything that lives by actualizing the concept of 'death' within its existence. He can tweak the amount of "damage" an attack can deal to him by rearranging the concept of damage and harm itself to his will, granting it the perfect defense across all dimensions.

Meta Worth Usurp[]

Wyll can throw a wrench in the works of destiny by taking the place of a so called chosen one for themselves. They can wield legendary weapons they shouldn't be able to, in addition to stealing the spotlight from the guy expected to win or do the great feat that everyone thought only one guy could do. This version bypasses immunities and the like by going for the concept of worth entirely.

Meta Disaster Field Projection[]

Wyll has the ability to project a special disaster field around themselves which makes accidents to occur around them. He can also project conceptual attacks and calamities that shape the scope of reality itself around the field.

Conceptual Luck/Jinx Augmentation and Manipulation[]

Wyll can enhance, augment, increase and multiply the luck/jinxes of oneself and/or of others. He can also manipulate luck and jinxes on a conceptual level.

Meta Disaster Manipulation[]

Wyll can create, shape and manipulate all forms of natural disasters, including avalanches, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hydrological disasters, meteorological disasters, wildfires, health disasters, space disaster, violent thunderstorms, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and floods, etc. He can even rearrange and control conceptual disasters that attack the very fabric of reality.

Conceptual Umbrakinetic Creature Creation[]

Wyll is able to create beings of darkness/shadow or shape existing darkness/shadow into different forms for a variety of purposes. They can grant these beings varying levels of detail (simple to intricate), independence (controlled, programmed, semi-independent or autonomous) and existence (momentary to permanent) and delete the entities once they are done with them. Stronger users of this power are able to create all sorts of entities with a wide variety of attributes such as abilities, skills, appearances, identities and personalities, as well as potentially granting them equipment and other accessories such as clothing or weapons. He can also manifest the conceptual principles of darkness and shadows, alongside any and all things deriving from it.

Transcendent Architecture Manipulation[]

He's able to plan, design, create (usually from matter but also energy), shape and manipulate buildings and other forms of architecture, from the macro-level (urban design and landscape architecture) to the micro-level (construction details and furniture), including bridges, dams, apartments, monuments/memorials, windmills, houses, homes, school, etc., and manipulating/shaping, combining/separating, etc. every part of them as needed, moving them with telekinesis, etc. This version however allows him to manipulate divine structures and otherworldly places, even refine and control personal domains.

Hilbert's Spatial-Temporal Manipulation[]

He can manipulate the space-time continuum across all lesser dimensions, this includes the boundaries that separate the differing worlds and planes from one another, which can be utilized to reach cosmic endeavors. Such as combining timelines, merging worlds and locations, even switching/replacing things between dimensions. In essence, the user is able to exploit anything within the confines of the Multiverse (or even the Omniverse) for their benefit.

Transcendent Pixel Manipulation[]

Wyll can conduct and manipulate pixels on a dimensional level, as such they can turn their surroundings into pixels and manipulate the things that have been turned to pixels, whether reverted or not. They can use different colors and light spectrums around their area, seemingly draining it from them, to generate more.

Nigh-Absolute Regeneration (Level 1)[]

Wyll/Inordinatio is be capable of regenerating from having their physical, mental, temporal and spiritual state annihilated. This also includes damage done by dimensional entities.

Conceptual Calamity Embodiment[]

He can embody calamity, the concept of the damaging disastrous event. The user can even cause damage on a cataclysmic level which may be considered an act of misfortune. He embodies it on a conceptual level and has control and authority over lesser embodiments.

"Aequilibrium, Pugnis Cordis et Mentis." (Defensive)[]

"Aequilibrium, Pugnis Cordis et Mentis." can reverse and remove any and all emotions to its opposite counterpart, it can also reverse or remove all powers/abilities associated with them in its left. In their right, they can also erase things such as logic and paradoxes, thus making them capable to defy such things, toy around with and contort them to his will.

"Timor-Aeternus." (Offensive)[]

Z can induce such horror to the point where their will is forever erased, never to be restored in anyone, regardless of how strong their willpower is, even those with Apathy, Fear Immunity, Fear Masking, Indomitable Will, and Tranquil State shiver in terror of this "ability". He does this by negating and erasing the attributes and concept of willpower, courage, and determination from the opponent's being. It's essentially Meta Fear Inducement, Will Erasure, and Attribute Negation Combined.

Calamity Knowledge, Full Cowl - Blast Style (Passive/Offensive)[]

This is similar to Wonder of U's ability to revolve around the concept of Calamity, except he can also manipulate the concepts that his souls represent, the idea of futility, and all emotions that surround it. With this he can control, and manifest said behaviors as he pleases. This can also be likened to Garou's All Life Eradication Fist.

Calamity Sight, Full Cowl - Observation Style (Passive/Offensive)[]

When he is in this state, his "Eyes of the World" ability is heightened and one with him, he can see what the eye sees and the range is increased tremendously, seemingly nigh-omnipresent, nigh all-seeing and nigh all-knowing, and nearly everywhere across all lower dimensions. Also, whenever he decides to use it in a combative state, it is similar to the Truth-Seeking Orbs from Naruto. The size of the orbs can be modified to Z’s whim, expanding across space and time and toying with it as though it were like silly putty.

Soul Fruit[]

The Godverse equivalent of the Devil Fruit, except people can still swim after consuming, only 4 are known, the Sai Sai No Mi, the Doro Doro, the Itami Itami, and the Gen Gen fruit. The Doro Doro being the most powerful out of the four. Wyll is the sole consumer of all four fruits. The Sai Sai fruit gives Wyll the ability to manipulate bad luck. Users of this fruit can manipulate bad luck, making it so that bad things happen to other people, making it so things happen such as objects that should avoid the user hit them instead, or the user ends up last to get or do something. It came into the world after Wyll started experimenting on the souls of his victims, trying to come up with a way to escape this hellhole.

The Gen Gen fruit allows him to see past illusions of varying levels and remove the control of the person casting the illusion and give it to himself. As a result, he also has Existent Information Manipulation, Knowledge Manipulation, and Perception Manipulation. The user can manipulate the knowledge, records, memories and physical evidence of a person or thing's existence, changing it or even erasing it while the target still exists physically the way they always have. This could change how people think or know about the target, as if it is a special item or they are CEO of a company (when they were not before) or just erase that information from everyone, making them not know who or what the target is. The user can also create, shape and manipulate any/all information/knowledge, they can insert new knowledge into the universe that becomes established fact and reality, or destroy it to do the opposite. An enemy could be made to forget how to walk, while an ally could be given the knowledge of an enemy's weaknesses or mastery of a fighting style.

As such the user of this fruit can also manipulate perception, which is the brain's processing of sensory information to organize and interpret it. Forms of sensory information include visual (sight), haptic (touch), temporal (time) information. By manipulating perception, various effects can be achieved. An illusion, for example, is producible using this ability and so is the removal of perception itself. With a sufficient deal of control over this ability, it becomes possible to quickly and easily shape even complex “illusions” for others - to the point where even those who are aware of what is happening begin to doubt their own senses. There doesn’t seem to be any way to tell when this is being done, and as such there is no clear defense. Used on oneself, this power can render one effectively immune to any other form of illusion, as they would be able to perceive the underlying reality near-instantly. It is also a potent tool for gathering information, as it can be used to experience distant events, among other things. Of course, although the illusions this creates can be made flawless, they are still only illusions, and thus cannot actually affect anything, although they may seem like they do. Being stabbed by an illusionary sword would still hurt, although it won’t actually kill. Perception is what can consider the result of the combined experience of all of one's senses - the means by which someone is aware of the world around them. Manipulating perception is more than simply creating illusions. Rather, it is the act of directly changing an individual's ability to experience the world. From the basic senses such as sight and hearing, to those lesser known, such as proprioception or nociception, to the rare abilities to sense auras or magic - all of these senses together make up an individual's perception of the world, and manipulating it entails nothing less than restructuring the world as they are able to sense it. Unlike regular illusion magic, which functions by creating some new form or sensation to be perceived, this acts directly on the mind of the target. As such, the illusions it creates are effectively flawless, barring some deliberate clue left by the wielder of the power. By shaping the way someone perceives the world, it’s possible to subtly alter what they can sense, adding, removing, or altering small details; or to go further and completely reshape how they sense the world, effectively trapping them in a perfectly detailed hallucination. However, affecting others’ perceptions in such a way is but one use of this power. It can also be used to see through illusions, or even into the minds of others. Being that there is no difference between affecting your own perception or that of another, it can grant these abilities to anyone, for as long as the wielder is willing to apply the effort needed to maintain the effect. Owing to the way this power functions, it isn’t something that can be easily overcome. Only incredibly powerful individuals, or those whose own abilities deal specifically with the senses, have any hope of overturning its effects. To everyone else, it becomes impossible to tell if anything they perceive is real, or merely something fabricated by this power. Since dreams are technically illusions, he also has Oneiricpotence, Oneiric Immunity, and Dream Negation. The Doro Doro fruit allows the user to manipulate the concept and idea of pain and fear. As such he has Pain Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, and minor Concept Manipulation, being able to rearrange this idea to his whim, as such he has control over those who are primordials of fear, since the concept of “emotion” existed far before time, as we see in the War In Heaven (New Testament), and as such pain is part of emotion, therefore he can choose to delete and rearrange those who embody this concept. (Such as Fear!Sans, GGEZ.) The Itami fruit is similar to the Doro Doro in terms of ability, except it also allows him to manipulate sadness, grief, and the like to his whim. As such he gains the abilities of the Doro Doro Fruit but more specialized to sadness and sorrow.


Higher Authority (Calamity)[]

Self explainatory.


Believe or not, after the Post-Purge arc, Z somehow restored his hope for this verse, just a smidge. You can use it against him by deceiving yourself as a high-quality OC.


Any time an OC claims to have power or dominion, Futility spits in their face before challenging them to a fight. As a result, he underestimates his opponent quite often. This is because when he gained his Calamity form, he has gained some slight level of cockiness.


Zeroum will suddenly have the thought of realizing that his goals are futile as well, his dreams, his ideas, all of them, useless in the long run in an uncaring world. This horrifying thought leaves him in a state of shock for 5 seconds. This happens once you remind him of this.


Remembering his X-Event esque past it only makes sense for him to go insanity from his early days, the memory of losing his AU, everything he knew, everything he didn’t know, all gone away to the power creeping hellhole he resides in, it scares him. Therefore, he will be momentarily paralyzed and in a state of stasis for 10 seconds. It happens at random.


Due to him realizing the futility of being the "strongest", he often has pity on those who are stuck in their old ways of being OP, while disregarding their potential as lore makers, as story writers. He will often go easy on them and show these stuck OCs, why they are wrong and beguiled. This only lasts a short while once he realizes he won’t get through to them.


When they ignore his teaching and don't heed his call about how the pursuit of power leads to powerlessness, he starts to get ticked off, flabbergasted at their sheer ignorance. He doesn't think clearly in this state and throws whatever he's got at you. It lasts for 5 seconds so use this short window of fogginess well, if you prefer to take risks.


Whenever they see positive AUs or OCs such as Swap and the sort, he gets sent into a spiraling rage due to the sad nature of his world and his entire storyline. This is either depressive jealousy or clingy jealousy.

Low Quality OCs/Edgelords/Brats[]

These types of creation just irk and send him into a murder spiral.

Low Quality OCs[]

He’ll subject them to their own cringe by giving them knowledge and forcing them to read their shitty writing while they beg for mercy. This occupies some of his time.


Same thing, just attack from behind them while they’re in a torture frenzy.


This is more advice than a weakness. He goes full power and throws every attack at once. This might wear them out but the damage this causes might not be worth it.


  • SF Reactive Shields: He can summon 7 shield-like platforms, each one being the color of the 7 souls to defend and repel Soul Manipulation attacks back at the user of said attacks. Each shield has a specific resistance to a specific Soul Trait, and immunity to non-base game Soul Attacks. (Such as OVERWRITE, Hate, and Void)
  • SF7 Eliminator: He obtained this sword after killing his 607th godawful OC. Zerom wields a crimson red and night blue variant of these swords. These swords seem to almost slice through the specific game buttons, rendering them void. (It works like Asgore’s trident, but better.) He can warp and distort the shape of the blades, yet it still retains its deadliness.
    • Modified Sheath: It works similar to Jetstream Sam's modified sheath, where it fires a blank with a captive bolt, essentially doing an exaggerated iaido quick draw. However, it is different, it has a charged slingshot mechanism integrated into it.
  • Mugeneteru: After sparring with Philip for 15 years straight, Imperator gave this weapon to him. The appearance of the blade has Sanemi's tsuba but with the core of each point having each respective soul color from the game and one of the points being obsidian black in coloration. The blade of the weapon is of a serrated snow white coloration with a soul pattern across it.

Soul Breathing Techniques[]

As one of the first users of Total Fervor Concentration, he is a nigh-unrivalled force only being contested by those who use Spirit Breathing. He has gained this after having a higher understanding of the 7 souls of misfortune and unlocking ascension with the help of Philip Divinitatis. When using this with his swords, they glow this rainbow-like shimmer with a pure white shine. Wyll named it Soul Breathing for reasons unknown to this day. (He learned about Demon Slayer and considered it to be one of the things that preserved his sanity.)

  • 魂の呼吸、最初のフォーム:破壊ダンス、運命の針。 (Soul Breathing, First Form: Destruction Dance, Fate Needle.): This can be most likened to Daki's Obi Sash Manipulation, except it manipulates the shape of the sword and even summons smaller needle-like projectiles. This technique involves several high-powered jabs. Each jab emanates a specific soul color.
  • 魂の呼吸、第二の形:精神雲。 (Soul Breathing, Second Form: Spirit Cloud.): Both blades are spun rapidly, then with a dual wielding 360 degree horizontal spin slash. The technique finishes with him spiraling into the air and delivering several powerful slashes that surround the enemy before ending with a downward thrust with the point of the blade.
  • 魂の呼吸、第三の形:スピリットフィニッシャー。 (Soul Breathing, Third Form: Spirit Finisher.): This technique draws upon the souls of those who are killed by Wyll, clouding the attacker with the apparitions of his victims. This technique is defensive in nature. The souls could also heal wounds.
  • 魂の呼吸、第四の形:カウンター消去。 (Soul Breathing, Fourth Form: Counter-Erasure.): This reverses the effects of erasure attacks onto the user of the attack, restoring Wyll back into existence and erasing the opponent. This is then finished by several slashes to the jugular.
  • 魂の呼吸、第五の形:神々のビームをスパーク!。 (Soul Breathing, Fifth Form: Sparking Beam of the Gods!): This can be most likened to Thunder Breathing, Fourth Form: Distant Thunder, except it shoots out several fighting-spirit tracking beams from the point of the blade.
  • 魂の呼吸、第六の形:災難の不思議。(Soul Breathing, Sixth Form: Wonder of Calamity.): The user circles around their opponent while using their sword to slice them from all directions, this is then followed by moving like a slithering snake and releasing several slashes in a winding pattern. The move finishes with the user rapidly running backwards before charging forwards at blinding speeds, swords still spinning.
  • 魂の呼吸、第七の形:不幸のかすかな月。(Soul Breathing, Seventh Form: Glimmering Moon Of Misfortune.): Wyll swings his swords rapidly in two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spread, eventually spreading further and further but reducing the range. The concentration of the effect of the smaller cresecents can be controlled from it being a short range attack to an AOE attack.
    • 魂の呼吸、第七の形:不幸のかすかな月。 ヤマ自身の判断の拳!(Soul Breathing, Seventh Form: Glimmering Moon Of Misfortune. Yama's Own Fist of Judgement!): Wyll swings both swords in a two powerful frontal crescent-shaped slashes that create powerful multi-directional long-ranged slashes in the ground. His swords generate two strikes of lightning onto the enemy, each strike in opposite directions which stuns. The lightning bolt can be an arching strike, a straightforward strike, or a curved strike. He then strikes the enemy in the same way the lightning struck the enemy at extreme speeds, which deals massive damage. Wyll finishes this attack by performing 77 consecutive piercing thrusts on the opponent at extreme speeds. Each swing, strike, and thrust operates on Wyll's self-invented version of KARMA called Executioner's Judgement (Or EJ for short). Essentially, the worse you've done the more it harms you; but due to the unforgiving nature of this variation even the most upright of beings could be severely harmed or even outright killed by this. This can’t be used against him.


I will evaluate these feats you claim by using research and comparisons. Add as you please, as they will be deleted if they are cap. Ask me and I will respond as quick as I can. There were be some established feats from lore.

  • I put him in 4v1 against Reload, Corrupt!Chara, BMF, and Serahim, and he no diffed them.
  • He beat Balancer!Sans (the one with the green shit) on numerous occasions, and the number of times Balancer got their ass handed to them is higher than CCS's tab.
  • Smacked around Error128, Error2020, and OmniCode silly like they're ping pong balls.
  • Neg-diffed DarkEvilZero and Lord Spirit Fire.
  • Fodderized Real Glitch AND Real Death.
  • Beats Gabriel the Angel and Alice the Goddess.
  • Took down the 7 Soul Grades and assimilated their powers into himself. (Established/The 7 Soul Grades are the best of the Theophilian Guard, with centuries worth of experience and strength that casually levels urban blocks and farmlands.)

Trivia/AU Tidbits[]

  • When I used Quondam in this context, I really meant its church. I use it to refer to the futility of other desires.
  • This is a WIP.
  • If your OC is based on Alphatale or has ties with it, Zeroum will try, with all his might, to strangle it.
  • He swears quite a bit, more so than Samuel L. Jackson.
  • The reason why I put 0 for the type of soul, despite the 7 he has, is because he wasn’t born with a soul, he manifested them. In my AU, people born with souls at birth is rare, they are called “Soulborn” and are typically considered the elites of my AU’s society. Then there is the average to above average joes, the Manifests, they manifest their souls through willpower and/or emotional experiences. The difference between Soulborn and Manifests, is that Soulborn can only have one soul, but it is quite powerful, in fact, a kid Soulborn can beat a fully adult Manifest. While Manifests can have as many souls as they want, depending on their willpower. This caused a class division between the two, with the Soulborn creating “Emotion Sappers”, now, what are Emotion Sappers? Well, think of the emotion vials from Inktale, and imagine them being fused with the drainer from the Bee Movie. These things drain emotional output from Manifests, so their souls won’t cause further damage and keep the Soulborn in power, at least, for now.
  • This was the old reason, now I put it in 2 for the type of soul because if a Manifest is overloaded and bombarded by overwhelming experiences, their will can and will be broken/glitched. Technically this is still true but since he is a fusion “soul” (airquotes), this doesn’t affect him as much.
  • The Manifests and Manifestation species from Manifest!Sans are DIFFERENT things.
  • Zeroum wasn’t your typical special protagonist that was separate from both Soulborn and Manifest, he worked hard for his powers, like the Emperor of Thieves did. But over time, he morphed his appearance and personality due to this drive, it can be explained and delved upon further by this link.
  • Certain Manifests can become more or less attached to souls, depending by the type of experience and drive they share. As a result, the growth of said souls become bigger or smaller, it fluctuates. Also, if a Manifest has too many souls, it can take a toll on them, and could even die. The most souls a Manifest had was 6, we'll delve into that manifest at a later time.
  • Some of the themes are named after Amphibia Episodes, lyrics to a song, or references in general.
  • My OC has somewhat similar conception to God404, in that they are both powerful OCs with all of these abilities and yet, couldn't even solve their own turmoil and brokenness.
  • So, this Manifest, with the six souls, was more or less my AU's equivalent of Undyne. A Soulborn killed this Manifest (of course) and caused global panic for all Manifests as they were more brutally forced into submission and oppression.
  • Also, my AU sort of works like a fusion of Underverse and an AU that's SOMEWHAT based of Samsons backstory. How I got to that last part is I asked myself the question of "What would happen if Samsons backstory ended differently? And what if they WEREN'T an Avatar? What if they were like you and I in a sense, being able to feel trauma, anger, rage, sadness, pettiness, pain, depression, annoyance, just like the rest of us and NOT some super OP la dee da neutral God of All-esque bullshit?" You'll understand that last part more if you delved into God404.
  • Zerom’s coat is a fusion of Van Helsing’s and Godverse Sans’.
  • The SF Shields are similar to Sundowner’s explosive reactive shields.
  • The SF7 Eliminator seems to be a fusion of the Eludicator and HF Murasama in terms of looks.
  • Essentially, most of his design is based off other franchises in terms of looks.
  • Same goes for his abilities, I use examples from other media to explain how they work.
  • My storyline of this entire, AU, is somewhat based on this video right here.
  • His go-to song for fights are UNL Cirno's Theme: "Beloved Tomboyish Girl", As If It's Your Last by BLACKPINK, and [東方Vocal/Eurobeat] PRESERVED VAMPIRE 「SOUND HOLIC」 【Subbed】
  • Apparently, when he has his mood swings, he curls into a ball, in a corner, holding a life size Kane plush. [* "OMG WHO TOLD YOU THAT-" ]
  • He canonically blushes the colors of the bi flag when flustered.
  • The name “Gein” comes from the word gniew, which is the Polish word for “anger.”
  • He doesn’t want to talk about his past.
  • After the Blip-esque event happened, he has blueprints of the CORE that caused this mess. He has spent centuries trying to perfect said CORE using the souls of his victims.
  • Z despises Ayaba due to his PTSD associating her with Sorua. As such he enlists and pays for the services of several beings, hoping to rid the world of this entitled brat for good.
  • Wyll has been told about the 4th, by 4th-Wallers who fell under the Great Design. They somehow retained their knowledge, although said knowledge has been obscured as starry-eyed visions, foggy dreams, and its derivatives.

Author Notes[]

  • Had inspiration from these characters/concepts/shows:

Anne Boonchuy. (Amphibia)
Sakuya Izayoi.
MGR: R. (In terms of themes/morals/lessons/message)

Rules about using this OC[]

  • Fanfic: Look, as long as they're in character, you can do whatever the flip you want to them in your fic. If it's a battle fic, at least try to make my OC losing seem plausible. Depending on the effort and whether I prefer it or not, it might become canon.
  • Fanart: It's a fictional character, go nuts with it, I might even make some fanworks canon.
  • Power Scaling: Try to make it make sense, it might even become canon with enough effort.
  • Mentions by other OCs: Make it plausible, mkay?
  • AUs: Go nuts, the only one stopping yourself is your imagination, and who knows, maybe your AU might become canon.
  • Ships: Make it make sense, and I don’t mind. Maybe, just maybe…they’ll become canon.


All of these bopping themes aren't mine, credit to all who made them.
The Hardest Thing.
All In.
True Colors.
The Shadows.
Scorned Slayer.
Taunt Ad Infinitum.


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