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The Amulet of the Ouroboros was once a normal Trinket in the shape of the legendary Earth Serpent worn by a great Norse hero, This Norse Hero was known as a Godslayer capable of rivaling the gods in battle. During the first Omniversal Ragnarök this hero slew the mighty Jörmungandr an example of the Ouroboros, sealing it's godly soul in the Amulet giving whoever wielded it unimaginable power and if they managed to gain favor with the soul of Jörmungandr the power the amulet would give them would be beyond that of what it once circled (The Omniverse). The norse hero managed to survived Ragnarök due to the sheer power of the amulet even with the Jörmungandr's soul being defiant. For years the hero tried to get the soul of Jörmungandr to be willing to comply with him but always failed, but one day the hero would meet his end. The Dimension(al) Scourge had encountered the hero and quickly slew him after the hero tried to "Vanquish" him, but before he left to rain "judgement" upon the world the amulet caught his eye. picking it up he could sense the sheer power that it held and what was contained inside it, Deciding he wanted it for himself took the amulet with him and now is going on the same quest the hero once did. He would get Jörmungandr to comply with him, and after that he would be unstoppable.

Powers And Abilities[]

Ouroboros Soul Defiant[]

Omniversal level Manipulation[]

Due to the Amulet containing the Power of the Ouroboros (Jörmungandr) the wielder can manipulate what the Ouroboros embodies, Existence. The wielder of The Amulet can Create, Preserve and destroy anything contained and bound by the Existence and able to absolutely manipulate Existence’s concepts, rules, laws, logic, boundaries, tiering, abstractites, etc, etc, Nothing in Existence is out of the User's grasp.

Ouroboros Soul Willing to Cooperate[]

Absolute Trancendence[]

Due to the Jörmungandr being the embodiment/representation of continued existence, those that control the Jörmungandr’s soul gain the power to transcend above any and all dimensions, life/death, beginning's/end's, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being, etc.

Ouroboros Creation and Control[]

Due to the Soul of Jörmungandr being trapped within the amulet, there is nothing current in TGV to represent the Ouroboros. However if the user can gain favor with Jörmungandr’s soul they can create a new body for it’s mind to inhabit along with giving it any powers (as long as the power is below the amulet’s power), thus creating a new thing to represent the Ouroboros. Due to the soul of Jörmungandr being contained within the amulet still even if it’s mind is in the new body the one who wields the amulet has complete control over The New Jörmungandr/Ouroboros and the powers it possesses essentially being the wielders loyal pet.


  • It is a hard task to gain the favor of Jörmungandr’s soul, but if you do you gain unimaginable power with the amulet.
  • Legacy Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has taken measures that makes it impossible for anyone to steal or snatch the amulet from him.
  • The Amulet’s art was done by Starryai (AI Art Maker).