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Chapter 1: Between Realities which one is real?[]


Chapter 2: When logics becomes an illusion you will see the world as a mist.[]




Antumn appears with a humanoid body but he has no ears or nose and his eyes are pitch black with only a while iris on the left eye. On his face is also 2 black lines that goes from his eyes down to the bottom of his face; it is unknown whether this cracks or a substance. He wears a long sleeved brown shirt that is made from wool, it also has some light grey lines on the sleeves and a black spade-like thingy on the chest part of the shirt. along with that he wears a grey long pants that has 2 light grey ropes tided on the 2 sides of the pants. He has grey hair which somehow can deflect lights from the outside making it looks some what shiny like silver. He also wears a special yet odd jacket; it has short sleeves with a few decoration details on it, the jacket's body is longer than an average jacket yet is still not long enough to be called a coat; the jacket itself is white and has black hoodie on the top with some extra decorations on the body. Antumn also wears his crown for some reason, probably to prove that he is a king and a king of Anti-Voids for that matters.


When at first born, Antumn was a curious being who liked to finding out things around him which makes him some kind of nerds since he liked reading books a lot at that point; but as time passes by, he became less interested in it and mostly takes his job as a king that is to rule over the Anti-Voids and the beings who born/lives inside it. And at this point he has a very calm personality as he would need to be calm to know how to deal with each situation. And once he ruled over the Anti-Voids for so long, he finally decided to stop and created a copy of himself to go through out the whole Omni-verse to seek fun, he wanted to have all kind of fun like hanging out with friends or killing beings and destroying things, all kinds of fun. And that is also the reason why he mostly stays neutral when a problem pops up cause he can't just choose a side to have fun and loses fun on the other side which he didn't like at all. You can however provoke him or even making him wants to kill you just by deceiving him even if it's a small matter and not serious; the reason for this behavior of his is unknown.


Logic Negation(Passive)[]

Since birth, Antumn's own existence has already been impossible and illogical at the same time, he should be contradicting with himself yet he doesn't delete himself out of existence itself due to being contradictions. It is possible to say that he may be contradictions itself. He also can use Anti-Energy which is an illogical existence of energy yet it is still there existing like nothing. This has shown that Antumn not only has the ability to ignore contradictions specifically but he also has the ability to completely negate the very concept of Logic itself making him able to perform things that shouldn't even be possible like creating a whole Anti-Hyper-Verse or a Hyper-Void and has absolute authority over them. This means things like physical ability and such doesn't even matter to him anymore as he is able to perform it on any level any limits and even limitless itself. He is also able to perform impossible things such as having an Infinite Experience even though he isn't as old as time or even omniscient. And because of this passive, he is also immune to almost everything including bypass itself. And while this passive is active, except for those who can negate this; antumn can't be damaged, touched, attacked or even be affected by anything even if the enemy can destroy the whole Omni-Verse but they can't negate this passive then Antumn can and WILL not be affected by the slightest after getting hit by their attacks even if it's Fate/Concept/Plot Manipulation; even authorities that can affect the whole Omni-Verse won't even works if they can't negate this.


Anti-Energy is an energy that contradicts itself yet not at the same time; it exists outside every Boundary Space. It is one of the strongest yet unobtainable "energy" for most beings as they counter with everything except for themselves. These can be used to create an Absolute-Barrier that protects you from anything and possibly everything. Or you can use it to energy attacks with this type of energy and when it hits the opponents, it will make the opponents contradicts themselves on a conceptual level, resulting in them deleting themselves out of existence. Not only that, Antumn can also use this energy to create structures that shouldn't even be possible to create for example, he can create infinite Hyper-Verse in a single piece of infinite energy that he took out; this is due to the energy themselves can contains every thing that every other thing has for themselves and none at the same time. A perfect tool to create any and most likely every existence, laws, aspects, structures, concepts etc with one mere moment; but there is a draw back that is most being cannot enter or touch those that are made by this energy as they would contradicts themselves and deleting themselves, only those who can ignore contradictions can enter or touch these things. Antumn can also use this energy to almost absolutely destroy anything and everything including existences, laws, concepts, structures, aspects etc in the whole Omni-Verse that spreads infinitely.


Anti-Voids are special voids that are the complete opposite of Voids; These anti-voids weren't supposed to be here before but after the birth of Antumn these special voids appeared out of no where yet everywhere, on an infinite scale. Natural born Anti-Voids usually only exists as a gap between Universes. But for antumn that is not the case; he has shown that Anti-Void can not only exists as a gap between Universes but also Multiverse, Realms, Spatial-Dimensions, Boundary Space as well as the ability to create them however and whenever he wants to, there for he has complete Authority over these things on an absolute level, no being can rival him in this except for those has more authority on general contructs beyond the omni-verse; these voids also works very differently from the normal Anti-Void you would see in your daily life outside of universes, and they also has their own respective names as well.


An Anti-Void is the second most simple yet second most common voids to ever exists, only behind Voids which each universe can contains multiple of them. An Anti-Void is half completely opposite of a normal void; any being who found an anti-void first will have their own authority over it but still below antumn himself; these anti-voids has everything yet nothing at the same time as you need to use your authority to actually make things in here. Of course there is a limit to what you can create.

Multi-Void, Di-Void, Hyper-Void, Omni-Void[]

These are voids that are a higher existence compared to the Anti-Void and unlike an Anti-Void that exists to be an opposite of the Voids, these voids exists not only as a gap between from Multiverses to Boundary Space, from 1 to infinite in amount; they are also the opposite of them from half to absolute; for example, a multi-void is a gap between Multiverses, these voids are rarer to exists compared to the Anti-Voids but they still do exists white a lot especially on a dimension/realm with infinite multiverses, the Multi-Voids are said to be the opposite of a what a multiverse should be except for the size, if a multiverse contains infinite universes and Anti-Voids inside it a Multi-Void will contains infinite corrupted/Unstable Universes as well as infinite anti-voids. A perfect place to create entities that can have the power to destroy some hundreds of Multiverses. This also goes for the same as the rest of the voids except for the Omni-Void; An omni-void is the complete opposite of all existence ignoring any contradictions; contains nothing and everything of non-existence at the same time, this can be also called the absolute-graveyard as almost no existence can be alive after going in to here.


Antumn, who essentially is the anti-energy itself has the ability to senses anything and everything arounds him from omni-verses down to molecules on an infinite scale that spreads out to different timelines and space itself infinitely; this makes him a nigh-omnipresent and nigh-omniscient being while this ability is active. The reason why he would be nigh-omnipresent is because he can feel absolutely anything and everything like how an omnipresent being would feel but he isn't actually there. For the nigh-omniscient part, when he uses this he will sense and will know everything that was happening through out every omni-verses on a limitless scale; so if this ability was always on he would be nigh-omnipresent and omniscient but that is if this was a passive but since this works more like an ability and antumn needs to activate it on his own, the omniscient was counted down to nigh-omniscient. This ability also gives him the ability to notices random attacks and actually let him knows right away the moment when the attack changes randomly either in direction or how it works etc; this makes him impossible to be hit if you can't make it an un-dodge-able attack

The Core of Illogicals(Special ability + passive + Active)[]

The core of illogicals is a sphere/orb that was created by the 3 Cosmo-Fruits including minet GENIS and Sherry; they created this orb/sphere with only one purpose is to create a balance between logics and non-logic things. This include from normal things like existences, aspects up to concepts and possibly even boundaries. This object is kept in a special space that can exists anywhere and nowhere at the same time, depends on the object's "will", the space will appear anywhere it wants to and can hid itself from everything including the concept of space-time and even reality themselves. This sphere/orb actually works as if it is a sentient object but they are all just part of it's function; it's main function is to keep a balance of illogical and logical things by creating event that would defies logic itself; it can also create events that don't defy logic as well but this is a rarer case compared to the illogical events as most existences are born bound with logic. The other main function of this orb is that it can choose an entity that would compatible with it to fuse with while it's original job still stays and working fine. This means that when the Core fused itself in to antumn, becoming a part of him it still continues to do it's main job even if Antumn doesn't activate it; it also somehow gives Antumn new abilities when he uses the core as well.

Balance and Unbalance(Passive + active)[]

This passive is a passive that specifically belongs to the core of illogicals; however it still follows both of the core's will and antumn's will. Most of the time, Antumn don't uses the core of illogicals so this passive follows the core's will. This passive works something like an aura around Antumn specifically and the whole Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse. When following the core's will, this passive usually balance out everything across the whole Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse, including concepts, existences, aspects etc. However, when following Antumn's will, it's a different story; once Antumn starts to uses this ability, he can absolutely control and manipulate the balance of every single thing across the whole Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse. He can balance out any entities, concepts and structures etc. As such, this ability not only allows him to manipulate, with this he can directly attack any of his opponents simply by unbalancing their attacks(ex: making them spread out too much or too low damage) and even themselves making their own power become corrupted and as a result, they cannot use their powers because they are corrupted to the point of not properly working anymore.

Full Potential(Passive + Active)[]

Antumn's full potential of power is very much unknown, this is only a hypothesis on how strong his full potential. Normally, at most he could only break logics and do illogical things such as creating and destroying an infinite amount of fuseverse's cosmology, in other words, he has absolute powers over The Boundary Space, his limits was way over the Boundary Space but he was nowhere near the power of a "Cosmo Fruit"(The Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse). With his full potential unlocked, he is now rival with a Cosmo Fruit and be able to completely breaks, negate and control the principle of concept, logic, existence and even cosmologies. He now has completely transcended what can be called as a "Structure". All his abilities before using the Core of Illogicals, especially his "Anti-Energy" and "Logic-Negation" now can be used at their fullest and absolute maximum potential with no stopping them. The only way to stop this is you have to beyond Antumn himself, beings such Minet, GENIS, Sherry, Mother of Nature are able to do such feats.

Event Manipulation(Active)[]

With using the Core of Illogicals, Antumn gains a power that is a weaker version of "Origin Manipulation" called "Event Manipulation". With this power, he can completely control the event of everything that happens through out the whole Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse itself, from someone transcending to their birth, their actions. He can even re-verse one's transcendence even if their transcendence is beyond the Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse. Example of his power: if someone was born, if they were born beyond the Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse, he can't affect them with this power. However, if that being was born below Omniversal yet become beyond it through some way, the event here is that the being transcended the Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse, and Antumn can completely control this event, reversing it back, making that being no longer transcendence of the Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse. "Event Manipulation" isn't affected by time nor space, but it is affected by "action", "choice", what happened, what is happening and what will happen etc.

The light of the end(Active)[]

As shown in the story, "The light of the end" is a special light that was able to completely eradicate the whole Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse, completely eradicating the concepts, space, time, existence, aspects, structures and even the principle of the Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse itself. However, that was when it happened naturally, it's power at that time was not it's full potential because it only was spread out and was never controlled good. However, after absorbing the power of the Core of Illogicals, Antumn has gained the ability to completely control this light to his will however he wants to. He can use this light to it's full potential power. This thing or ability can affect not only one but more than 2 Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverses at it's max potential, can even kill/delete/eradicate those who claims to be beyond the Cosmo-Fruit/Omniverse, beyond the principle of death, existence, non-existence, nothing etc.




-Antumn can change his form to either a humanoid Male or a humanoid Female

(idk what to add more sheesh)

