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Beware of their silver-tounges, they of the so-called ascended! Do not let their false words and misguided antics lead you astray! If you partake in their madness, you will be no more! Quick, dodge the daggers of lies from their mouths! Be swift when avoiding their thrown texts! Do not let them in your mind! Hurry now! They call themselves sheperds, but they are wolves in the sheperds clothing!
~ Zazyrus

Ascended!Tale, also known as the Theoverse, is a creation of DARTHOOM. It's a growing collection of trillions of AUs linked together via a portal system; all ruled under a corrupt oligarchic theocracy that invades and conquers universes in an effort to build an army within a cultish mentality.


The history of Ascended!Tale is unto the likes of a 'snowball effect'. This 'snowball effect' was formed in the face of exploitating the multiversal effect and paradox; endless universes within the scopes of endless multiverses, all with infinite resources. All of these resources were waiting to be harvested and used; from infinite dead AUs to the infinite unihabited ones, a mighty empire could easily be given rise. A prime example of a mighty empire was the Ascended!Tale theocracy. Started over thousands of years ago, the theology first started as a small church established by the six sisters. These sisters were accidently ejected outside of their home AU during their sister's revenge quest. It was thanks to Ayaba that they were denied royality and perstige. Having a thirst for power installed by their father, the sisters felt entitled to the riches denied by Ayaba. They seeked a way to reclaim what they lost and to take revenge on Ayaba. To do this, the sisters were forced to gather togethor and use the special gift Myria had, the ability to travel to different universe through a vortex, and search to find an instrument for their revenge against Ayaba.

The sisters traversed the multiverse for years, exploring and discovering, but one encounter would change them forever; they accidently came upon the lonely form of Ada during their universal travels. Ada had been eager to talk with and associate with the mortals, but when she saw the sisters and knew they were of Ayaba, she decided to forward a plan to overthrow Ayaba. When the sisters approached, Ada knew that to start change, a necessary evil had to be created. She made sure they were first to hear of the Omnipotence Theory. Myria Ideel, the soul of determination, saw the potential in the theory to gain the trust and worship they so craved. After listening to Adas' words, They'd travel to a empty universe to use the theory as a way to orchestrate and manipulate mortals by misleading them, giving false hope, and installing false pretenses of a divine messiah that would carry them away to somewhere free of divine subjugation. The sister Myria shared thoughts with her sisters about the cult they could build in the name of Omnipotence. Desperate, the sisters agreed to her line of reasoning, and begin to help her create a new philosophy. A philosophy that not only would inspire hope for change, but also play on their desperation and desire for a better future.

After they created their creed and texts, the sisters knew they needed resources to build a great empire. To do this, they started targeting and selecting AUs based on their current population, souls, mannerisms, and technological progress. Through selecting highly scientifically advanced pacifist AUs and stealing their knowledge, souls, and technology, in a stealthy manner, they'd gather enough resources to begin enslaving less-developed AUs on a constant scale.

Society of the Church[]

All residents of the AU are brainwashed, dressed in white robes, and forever left to worship the glory of the church through artificial environments and planets. The citizens of the AUs go day-to-day with their technological utopia, using cybernetic enhancements to increase their lifespans, and participate in mandatory laws of spiritual worship and daily lifestyles.

  • All residents are to separate themselves farther from individuality.
  • All residents are to pray before and after every major meal to Quondam.
  • All residents must participate in a cloning facility at the beginning and end of a weekend.
  • All residents are to dress in attire approved by the church in the mornings.
  • All residents must subject themselves to any inquisitions about their loyalty.
  • All residents must eat 3 meals a day, and to earn these meals through credits they earn by doing their assigned tasks.
  • All residents pair with their counterparts from other AUs, and are assigned divisions based on which character they originate from.
  • All residents must be knowledgeable of all rules of the holy texts.
  • All residents must have a small copy of the holy texts with them at all times.
  • All residents must bow to any holy statue of Quondam.
  • All residents must report heretics to the AU Division Manager or Division Managers officers for the suspected heretic to be immediately inquired
  • All residents are not to speak ill about the Church.

Invaders and Conquerors[]



The Star-Guard are the basic soldiers used during warfare; they are wall-level beings that never end, replicate, and constantly radiate intense heat. These soldiers appear as golden-armored guard dogs that typically are armed with anti-matter rifles and basic armaments.


Arks are massive galaxy-sized starships resembling ancient boats. Known for their highly advanced quantum technology that slightly alters the laws of possible and impossible, these ships are the first encounter when dealing with a full-on invasion. They are mainly sent massive fleets called 'a Mercy' which number from anywhere from fifty to well over a billion.


Covenants are giant starships that surround Arks within the thousands, they are far smaller compared to arks and serve as the command-ships for

Cultish Fanatics[]



Hierarchy of the Church[]

The 6 Hands of Quondam (Messiahs/Leaders)[]

The 6 Hands of Quondam, often referred to as the holy messiahs are the leaders of the entire theology. They claim to be guided by the holy texts of Quondam and utilize cultish mentalities over their subjects. Each member of the messiahs is considered high universal in power, with their amassing of souls stored in their sacred vault beneath the throne room. Myria, Sarah, Helia, Zeial, Trisha, and Nasha are the leaders of the church.

The Wings of Quondam (Inquisitors)[]

The 6 inquisitors are supercluster level beings wielding artifacts forged by many gods of the past eons. They are shapeshifters, ghosts, and the ultimate spies of the Church. They respond directly to the Messiahs and no other branch of the church. Their names are totally unknown, as are their true forms.

Grand Priests[]

The grand priests are numbered into the trillions, they are numbing in over a hundred and oversee entire sections of the vast empire through multiple AUs. They make themselves out to be public figures, similar to the priests, and overlook the sections





Preachers/Gospel Singers[]


AU Division Manager[]


Integration Manager[]


Hierarchy of the Holy Army[]

The Holy Army is directly overseen by the Grand Priests and everyone above them. Their armies number in the hundreds of quintillions and expand to engulf a massive portion of the entire church.

The Grand Justice[]

The Grand Justice, known as Hyper!Undyne, is the central figure of the holy army. She is, by all accounts, one of the most ruthless figures in the history of the church. She is stronger than most beings who dwell in the church, including the Messiahs, and holds titles as a 12D being who descended to the 3D existence. She maintains that her relationship with the messiahs and inquisitors is purely one out of faith and devotion to the ideals of their cause, but those outside the church understand that she is there for a secondary purpose.

The Generals[]


The Captains[]



The size and splendor of Ascended!Tale is absolute. Beautiful architecture and utopias which strictly control their residents abound to every inch of the linked togethor multiverse.

Main characters[]


  • Ascended!Tale uses adaptive galaxy-sized starships called 'Arks' to invade entire universes.