"Welcome to our bar mister. Have a look around, take a seat, order something to eat. We'll be glad to serve you in the best way possible.”
-A Swatchling to the first customers of the day.
(Do not try to overpower any of the characters working in the Casino, if a rule is there it is there for a reason. Violating it will only get your character kicked out no matter their power level)
Atlantis is a new version of The Godverse Bar in the form a casino. This is an universal zone taking form only here in True Godverse, no being out of it is able to see it nor interact with it. For accessing it you need a "Member card". To get this, you just need to get here during the morning and ask for one. After some questions (you are not able to lie) you will be able to get the pass for going inside this place. Some beings have a V.I.P. pass, to get this one there are many ways, most of which are unknown. The bar is always opened, anytime for anyone that has the pass.
There are many gossips around the birth of this place, of which the most famous one is quite weird. It's said that it was Queen Godverse the one who created it, to get popular approbation, and it was her to create the owner and co-owner of this place, a Grillby, called Ben, and a swatch, called Xes. And since QG didn't want anything bad to occur at it, she used a strong magic of protection for this place: All beings weaker than 2-D are not able to use their magic inside this place. For problems about stronger beings there are the Swatchlings, beings created by Xes to make sure everything is in order inside this place. Ben himself is strong enough to make sure nothing happens to this place by most beings
But like stated before this is only a gossip, it's not sure if it is actually like this
Place Organization[]
The Bar is divided in more parts, and those are:
1. The Main Bar/Dinner Theater Restaurant: The one that everyone can access when they will have the member pass. It consists of a bar is mixed with a Dinner Theater that is very big in size size, having a first floor and second floor. The bar itself is opposite of the stage and directly below the second floor. There are enough seats for a large number of Beings, and in addition there is a big stage in the middle. Often in the evening there are shows here, of any type.
2. The Casino: Slot machines, Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Entertainment, Music, Recreation, anything that is inside your average casino is inside Atlantis.
3. Kitchen: Nobody, except the owner and some other entities, can get inside of here. There are always 15 swatchlings cooking, and making sure every order is respected in time, they never fail.
4. Private Zones #1: Those zones are limited to only the oldest members, or the ones that showed more respect for this place/the swatchlings/owner. These zones can be anything you wish of from a lake zone to an old house room. The perimeter of the place they can ask for is at max 1 km x 1 km. Any member that has the "Special Permissions Pass'' can get inside of those, without any limit.
5.Private zones #2: Those zones are limited to the only characters that have the V.I.P. role. It consists of a bigger and more luxurious bar, where Ben himself will serve those beings. there are rumors his food is the best in All True Godverse, nobody knows if this is true.
6. Unknown Zone: This zone is for only Godly beings of higher ranks, nobody, except Ben and Xes are able to go inside here. Nobody knows how this place is made nor what's inside of it, but it is know it's empty most of the time, due to the fact Higher Gods don't have time for this.
You are free to add any character owned by you and add a small description of what they usually do here.
- Flandre Nova: Usually comes here to order drinks but never ordered food due to never need to eat anything, she just comes here to chill since she can't really get drunk.
- Chroma: As a traveler, Chroma herself comes to this bar very often since it's a place where she can sit chill relax and drinks as well eating.
- Vagabond: Sparks up conversations with strangers amongst the bar. Social utopia for him, allows for new people and new interactions. He doesn't eat nor drink here. Just the kind of guy to go to a bar to make friends.
- Orror SANESS: He saw Azrael enter here so he entered it too. He just does homework in this bar lmao.
- Pensuke: He came, he saw, and he...
is annoying. - PNN: Many
Propoganda OutletsFirm, Accurate, and Reliable news sources get shown here, but PNN is shot here the most. - Deleted Virus!Sans: Always visits this place when he has free time. Relaxing and always likes to talk to some other people he never met. And of course he sometimes falls asleep in the bar.
Special Permissions Pass Members[]
You can add only characters visited The Bar before a Purge and are still alive.
- 4th Wall Sans: Came to Atlantis after hearing of it via the old bar. Seems to find the environment much more relaxing, and occasionally attempts to make small talk with the workers.
- Mortem: He went here because he wanted to try out something new and it did not disappoint him as the new bar was more awesome than the old one although he will miss the old bar.
- Fear!Sans: Ditched the old bar for Atlantis after finding out Atlantis served Sausage Pizza, he also prefers Atlantis’s food over the old bars. He also managed to become a Higher Member by proving his strength to Ben and Xes.
- Zerom: “He’s been a VIP for quite a while, also after proposing to add new recipes to the bar (such as rare version of food that not even Ben had seen before), and after a while, he’s been quite popular with the staff too. He one of the few members allowed in the kitchen.
- BLACK MIRROR: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gambling. (More like a background character still attending both The Bar and Altantis)
V.I.P. members[]
You can add your character only if it is at least 2-B
- Pensuke: Since The Pibby Crossover, Pensuke decided to go into
a barcasino,THIS bar in particular. Pensuke planned and has succeeded in bringing people J U S T L I K E H I M in as well! Mostly Magical Boys not shown here due to insane amounts of numbers nowsimp forpraise Pensuke for his "diversity", "inclusion", G O O D N E S S, feelings, and niceness. They are drinking the coffee that Pensuke makes in more ways than one. Now that Pensuke is a V.I.P. member, he has done just that, with honest and reliable newspropogandasources like Pensuke News Network and networks similar to that, as well as nationalizing thisbarcasino for hisPeople's Republic of TyrannyGLORIOUS REPUBLIC! - 4th Wall Sans: See above.
Higher Members[]
All those beings that can truly be called Gods (2-A or higher), only the True Godverse Team can add characters in there.
- Fear!Sans: See Special Permissions Pass.
- Hope!Sans: Hope!Sans found out about Atlantis when spying on Fear!Sans, at first he thought it was a place for evil beings such as him to go and plan with each other, so he disguised himself and "infiltrated" it but soon he found out it was merely a place for anyone and everyone to drink and chill. Hope!Sans then went out, took off the disguse and went back in and was immediately spotted by Ben who was shocked at Hope!Sans' appearance. Ben knew of Hope!Sans' exploits when fighting and beating Fear!Sans who just so happened to be a Higher Member in Atlantis, from This Hope!Sans became a Higher Member himself. Hope!Sans sometimes goes into the Unknown Zone but spends most of his time in other zones instead.
- Legacy Tanphrous/Sans.EXE: When Tanphrous first found Atlantis he was unsure of what to make of it, after all lots of the things he hated connived within it. However he went inside to see why it was so popular, upon heading in many people and being inside ran out and for the hills knowing of The Dimensional Scourge, however he saw a Friendly Face in Ubel who waved at Tanphrous, he led Tanphrous to the unknown Zone, and soon Ben and Xes confronted the two and Questioned Ubel on why he was bringing a stranger into the Unknown Room (surprisingly they did not know who he was) Ubel proceed to vouch for Tanphrous (who was just rolling with it at this point) and eventually managed to show them evidence that Tanphrous was strong enough to be a Higher Member. Tanphrous rarely visits but when he does it is either to hang with Ubel in the Unknown Zone or to Spy on valued targets (or catch Fear!Sans slacking off on the job).
- Mr.Spectrum, The Eternal bureaucrat: He usually just comes around and stays at the Casino its impossible to get his opinion due to him constantly vanishing.
- Ubel the Unknown(After image/weaker version):Ubel Loves coming to the place to have a Relaxing time, despite being very manipulative he actually Finds the place quite enjoyable. He Likes everything on the menu and is Pretty Relaxed, but He stays in the Unknown zone for most of his time their. He uses the place for both enjoyment, to hang out with Tanphrous or to See some targets. He Introduced Tanphrous to the Unknown zone, Xes and Ben questioned him about tanphrous, Ubel prooced to vouch for Tanphrous who was just rolling with it. After that He seemed to come to the Atlantis more often. He likes going there for the fun of it.(mtba maybe)
Banned Members[]
"Next time learn good manners, idiot."
-Xes after banning a member for his disrespectful actions
Add here any character that is owned by you. The reasons of ban are: Trying to be harmful to others, vandalize the bar, starts discussions about Koavire or higher Gods, spreading fake news/propaganda and selling your own things.
- Malware!Sans: like in the old bar, Malware!Sans got drunk on motor oil and trashed the place when someone called him a dirty glitch. This event is known as the Malware incident.
- Omega: Same reason why he got banned from the original bar.
- Regretful Dust (Kinda): Regretful Dust is allowed inside of Atlantis as long as he make’s sure he does not bring along Chara’s spirit after the malware incident.
- Jack Reaper (not completely): Jack is if not often prohibited from entering the bar for multiple days whenever he goes and tries to flirt with either the workers or other visitors trying to hook up with them causing trouble. Because of that nature of his he is often when trying that not allowed to enter the bar for multiple days but just to come back in the bar and pretend as if he didn’t do anything. The amount of time he has been left outside the bar is at least multiple millenniums by now.
- Sonarion: Sonarion is banned from the Casino section due to being caught cheating and pickpocketing. When he was caught, he was removed from the premises, with him grumbling all the while.
Benjamin Ver Grillby, better known as Ben, is the owner of the Atlantis, and was probably created by the Queen herself. He is an ordered being, seeing his job as his life. He is kind of obsessed with it, he wants everything to be alright with the casino.
Ben is a being focused only on his job, and because of that he is ordered and nice to everyone, he does everything to make sure this place is ok. He has a lot of friends, and is someone that knows many things about TGV, since many Gods tells him their secrets when drunk. He keeps them for himself, like any friend would do. He will never leave the bar unless it's a very important reason. He also likes puns and often laughs to other members puns.
Authority: His only ability, he is able to impose himself and his will on things happening in a scale of power below his one. He uses it for anything, from moving to checking things, but never used it to harm anyone. Thanks to this, he is able to delete any threat to his place, however he can use this power only if he is inside his bar. Out of here, he has normal and standards abilities.
Xesen Swatch, better known as Xes, is the co-owner of the Atlantis and Chief of the Guards. He is a much more active being than Ben, he greets beings right when they join the bar, acting nice to them all. However, he is the first to judge if someone deserves to be banned for a certain time or forever from his bar. Despite him liking puns and jokes, he never laughed to them, this is because he needs and wants to keep a serious state.
Xes is much more opened to others than Ben, he is a friendly being, that still puts all his efforts into his job, but also to others in general. He is the boss of the Swatchlings, but he treats them all like brothers, he wants a good and pleasuring situation in the bar instead of a tension feeling of chaos here. He more than one time at day shows up to make sure everything is alright in every, EVERY, zone of the bar. He always tries his best to keep things cleaned up, even if this isn't his job.
Authority: A weaker version of the one of Ben, his one also applies to the outside space. However, the more he gets away from the Bar the weaker his authority gets, that's why he tries to avoid leaving the bar for stupid things.
The Dealer[]
The Dealer was created just a few days after QG made Atlantis. Someone needed to run the actual Casino so QG made The Dealer and a few others to help run the place since Ben and Xes mainly run the bar part of the Casino. QG created The Dealer to make sure people would continue the gamble, so she gave The Dealer a irresistible charm to keep people playing, this unfortunately does not work on Ben or Xes so charming her way out of her mess won't work on them.
The Dealer is pretty laid back, she likes to mess with people by being a huge flirt. Her flirting can distract player and make them lose, she can get bored pretty easily and will go on "smoke breaks" even though smoking gives her no real satisfaction as she just does it as an excuse to go on break. Sometimes she will enter the bar and order something on these "smoke breaks." She is known for being quite troublesome with her laziness to actually do her job and will sometimes ask Xes to do her a solid and do her job, in return she has to do a solid for Xes when he need's it.
Charm: The Dealer can put you under her control without anyone knowing so, not even yourself. This comes in the form of flirting, she will use many tactics of flirtation to distract the players, her flirtation tactics plus her charm already are a pretty dangerous combo. You may ask "How will she distract someone who has the best cards." To that question is this answer, if anyone for even just a second is distracted by her charm then their cards will change. If your an Ace and Aro your pretty much naturally immune to her charm, however this won't stop her she will use other tactics to distract you.
Reinforced Mentality: To prevent cheaters from immediately winning against The Dealer, Ben helped her strengthen her already existing abilities as well as revealing some new ones. She has reinforced her state of mind not succumbing to trickery or fear as easily as before. Even if she succumbs she will continue on with the game using a mental motivation that is based off the phrase "The show must go on."
The Host[]
The Host was created a few hours after QG made Atlantis. Someone needed to run dinner theater restaurant in the bar so that Ben could focus on drinks and food. QG created The Host to entertain folks of all kinds and make sure people would over all have a good experience. The Host mainly does comedy sketches by conjuring up illusions where he can create fake people to follow his scripts.
The Host is very over-the-top and nonsensical, he even likes gaslighting members of the audience from time to time all for the sake of putting on a show. Outside of the show side of things he remains the same with a more calm tone. He seemingly has ADHD and struggles to focus on topics and instead focuses on to many. He loves to be a jokester using his illusions on Ben, Xes, and the Dealer for comedic purposes.
Illusion: The Host create fictious scenarios to entertain the audience, as long as he can picture it and focus on it the illusion will play out as it is supposed to. He can interact with his illusions and can even create multiple fake copies of himself just for fun.
Other workers[]
- A group of 30 Swatchlings, of which 15 are always inside the kitchen.
- A group of other Grillbies (The classic, error, fell and swap version of Grillby) as barmen to the Main Bar
- Guards, a group of 10 Swatchlings that work as security system for the Bar in the main Bar and other zones.
(the abilities of the last ones are all weaker versions of the Authority of Xes, and their power tiering is of 3-C, with the exception of the
guards, of which it is of 3-B)
The Menu consists of every type of possible food, and the prices change also from the permissions you have (other values are accepted, but the kromer one is the most used)
- Normal Member: Any Normal Food = 15 Kromers, Normal Drink = 5 Kromers, Exotic Food/Rare Food = 20 kromers, Exotic Drink/Rare Drink = 10 kromers
- Special Permission Member and V.I.P.s: Any Normal Food = 9 kromers, Normal Drink = 1 kromer, Exotic Food/Rare Food = 14 kromers, Exotic Drink/Rare Drink = 4 kromers
- Higher Members: No prices at all
- Ben has a deep hate for the Old True God Verse bar, however the reason for this is not known.
- In most of the evenings there are special shows or parties, and are free to anyone.
- A Guard is able to yeet any member out of door, no matter their powers if they are simple members.
- Xes will sometimes gift the V.I.P. pass to nice beings, the reason is unknown.
- The authority of Ben is constant in every point of the Bar Anytime, the one of Xes only where he is in that moment.
- Sometimes Ben will change the bar from inside, often for making a cooler and better.
- Other than the food you can find some random things and buy them here, however they normally have a high price.
- Ben Rarely gets angry, and has never gotten angry to Xes
- Xes can be considered brother of Ben in some ways and they both see The Dealer as that bothersome little sister/ or Cousin.
- Both Ben and Xes met the Queen more than once.
- Xes's name is pronounced "Zees." When it is plural it's "Zeeses."
- Ben and Xes will always be the Owner and Co-Owner of Atlantis.
- The Dealer only smokes on her breaks.
- The Dealer was inspired by King Dice from Cuphead.
- Atlantis is a casino, the bar is only the highlight of Atlantis.
- The Dealer refuses to play any games against Fear!Sans after a few "incidents" (she made eye contact with Fear and saw her deepest fears in them one too many times. This is what also led to an eventual ban from playing any of the games in the Casino.)
- To stop Fear!Sans and Ubel (or anyone else for that matter) from exploiting The Dealer, Ben decided to ban any and all Higher Members from playing Casino games since the first two decided to ruin the privilege.