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Godverse Wiki
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《This backstory will be explained in a comic series, not here but linked directly here once completed》


Black Mirror is a complicated yet powerful menace inside a perilous Godverse status, bothered by the forces of harden Gods and Mortals to which both is brushed among often opinionated in one's pragmatism. The integrity of Black Mirror is oftentimes changed but he will always remain as an inquisitive/vanity personality within a antagonism style like life, consisting mostly and thieving over other's which he enjoys doing that. The best extended knowledge from scratch, the studying of characteristics which is only in particular interests such as despicable use power, motivation, politicians and Ideologices. Calculations would be reconsidered, data would recover, and history would be welcomed. Black Mirror has studied grandly for his future rivalrys for the day to become instinctively active forevermore. Now that's out of the way, whatever happens next is totally up to him.


Black Mirror DOES NOT have a beard illogical that may be since it is, the jawline creates some sort of horns that grow within only the center top head of the skull of his and out sideways too. What you see here are representative of his horns which are also similar to that of the spotted eagle ray with the additional little glow up with the spots itself, like a gif. His clothes will appear different during each time having the monument of dressing dependingon how he likes fashionable style in his nature. For now, the white fur behind his back will be Black Mirror's display as of now, so on and so forth (The black fur is what you will see before but it is replaced after later on). The golden ring stays on his nose as a piercer, his teeth being deformities dentures as well, the hat shown is from Cuba's military stolen up on the surface from any AU, and although Black Mirror doesn't have the need to tune this formal appearance, they'll decide to redesign themselves if wanted to without effort which means his entire body-like shaped structure that denies fiction to hold his own appearance and become anyone visibly.

Black Mirror's Powers

Omniheist - The absolute needs and structures that lays indefinitely beyond truth and lie. Steal the concept of truth, now everyone can only say lies! Then steal the concept of lies... "You've now seriously altered existence to such a degree that words have fail me... steal the concept of stealing, you now officially broken existence entirely, as no power would work anymore for anyone but the user, all manipulation powers would fail, all empowerments would fail, people literally would be unable to do anything. Since without the concept of stealing and theft you literally can't do anything and existence would no longer work the way it was. But compared to what a thief is capable of stealing, Black Mirror isn't even in the running. He's stolen things that don't even exist. He can even steal things that haven't been stolen yet, in other words he can steal things from the past, present, and future which wouldn't matter nor deny his logic and illogical existence. Since theft works on every single level of existence as many manufacturers gods use it to their absolute advantage, if you steal the concept of it, then reality literally couldn't function anymore." Stealing instead of absorbing is differently occurred to the individual, however both still remain as taken from the individual's value desire. The user steals far beyond comprehension abilities to where it'll be around the estimate for fondly reaching the ultimate goal for this exact ability to steal, the advantages in devilish acts are involved with trickery and snatching.

Absolute Technology Manipulation - Black Mirror has the will possession of limitless and unsurpassable control over technology depending on the individual's presences. With this now in BM's capacity, he is able create, manipulate, shape and do absolutely anything with technology including things that would be impossible for other technopaths across godverse, manipulating infinitely advanced and impossible technologies against opponents that would brake operations enough for their heads to go Ka-Bloom. Though it isn't even that big of a deal, like I said other people could strike technopaths and BM doesn't really often use this capability to its fullest extent unless difficulties arise far greater than his expectations. Mostly used for body-like protection such as Information reading on other's like observation, and on the daily basis/battle. For what is to come so far, this is likely complex multiversal management material regardless what's to come. The trump card for this really is although thinking quickly on their feet, using trickery advantages make their way through the conquistadors and their pity making games, and finally just safely out for Black Mirror to flee anytime he faces trouble he doesn't wanna get into nor interested by it since the opponent's aren't worth it. Controlling the main database that flows through the central mindset of an individual, scan the surrounding environment and develop quick tactics, such goes on with beyond cosmic level technological skills for more than enough multiverses can handle.

× As said before, this is still not professionally persuaded by the odds, it isn't enough to fight off against thoses who perceive mysterious powers that counterpoint this ability. (It's ahead of me saying, BM is not familiar but somewhat recognizes many being's within Godverse residential standards) This doesn't mean he lost focus on many other regular vast gods no; But the major threat that has been uprising. It's meant to keep swaying away multiple obstacles by bypassing the logistics unrestricted areas and criminality activities. Let's try to piece it together in simpler terms; Black Mirror controls, manufacturers, manipulate, shape, will, force, etcetera etcetera from additional powerful being's of what you may begin calling him a "technopath."



Black Mirror's Covey!


Black Mirror's Goal!

Welcome folks to my upside-down world where human lives are commodities and where a hug is a crucifixion! The objective is to rule over the Undertale Fandom and claim it as theirs with a mighty iron fist through sheer force. Black Mirror believes that even through Undertales bleakest year's, the prairies of it is for the claiming! Whenever Black Mirror starts to cause havoc, it'll be the most opportunists to strike! Weakening any forces that reckon around him that would involve existences that causes them to no other options left but surrendering to this cruel conqueror. When the Fandom is focusing on a singluar or multiple event's, that is when Black Mirror most freelance can play out and easily do whatever he has to do to get his plan into motion. Of course, this is small jittery parts of their plan for although their true ambitions will make history its unfathomable impact will have shaken the very grounds of True Godverse or any location fictionally and this hellish Fandom superficial forever as it stands on a tread of falling into the wrong capable hands towards leadership that are impotent to lead. The possibilities can come in any and all surprisingly moment's similar as this example, "Who is going to rule this place when the authorship have given in the reckoning? Who's going to take what's theirs now? Who will decide the fate of everyone else's future!?" In this recklessness place, BM shall be known throughout this plaintive scenery and thus limiting just about any knowledge to come about him and then anything left of it will be eradicated... but to rot alongside history as in subtracted or added, if Black Mirror cannot be defeated then the omniverse shall fall into chaos, and a new and hostile god shall play dice with matter.


• Black Mirror is a mixture of a coward and bravest but not like a soul type, just in behavioral moments.

• Doesn't have an opinion on TG, just wants to rule it like everyone else.

• He enjoys memes, nonsense and dark humor as well.

• Black Mirror will not be enlisted in the Godversal power list because he's amplify it as a Goal-line path before jumping in right away so this way; he can fulfill his dreams first-hand and then joining in the ranks.

• Black Mirror first thought of the Godverse Power List was image of a huge leaderboard that within each individual's ranking system was determined evidently as it should. In each case unfold, being in the rankings is what makes you who you are, in Godverse, in power.

• Need I remind you for the last time, BLACK MIRROR isn't a Sans nor Papyrus or Gaster, but he is MOST definitely having a skeletal appearance that separates them.

• Black Mirror cannot summon forth the likes of bone's, blasters, or any coloration from sorts of magical essentials from that of a skeletal monster boss. He does not pose the existed gifts from like the other's but instead was created differently, which makes him interesting and gloomy.

• Black Mirror enjoys eating, drinking, sleeping, chatting, having human like behaviors. Even though he doesn't feel nor the fact needing to do so, he does it anyways

• BM delights himself with spending time watching memes, nonsensical and dark humor, taboos, and future domination from irritated or creative acknowledgement villains like himself.

• Black Mirror has met virtually, the Annoying Dog and so far they won't want to cause any kind of problematic situations with that thing, so he ran away as fast as possible...

• Black Mirror see's many opportunities to win, it's like what they say! "There's many ways of winning, it's the determination of which path you take to achieve it!"

