CRA5H is a Piece of Malware made by an unknown individual with the sole purpose of inconveniencing and annoying those infected by it.
CRA5H was a creation of a Master Coder who was regularly bullied in school on a day to day basis due to his scrawny stature and not being very socially adept, called things such as “Stick bug” and “Twig”. All this constant bullying and picking eventually caused him to hatch a plan for revenge where he would target the 3 bullies who started all of this. Beginning his work on his revenge under the Codename: Crash.
While working on his revenge the Master Coder brain stormed ideas for what his revenge would do and eventually decided it would be a piece of malware designed to inconvenience and annoy those it targets. And so he started designing its features, he gave it the ability to sever electronics connections to WiFi, VPN’s, Bluetooth, Other Electronics, Servers, and Calling. He also let the Malware change the Values of numbers and code letting it change entire lines of code at a whim letting the Malware inconvenience and annoy others in more creative fashions. Lastly he made a piece of artwork of Underswap Papyrus looking incredibly angry and flipping the bird at the one viewing the artwork, then programming the Malware to spam this image to the targets email and text’s. And once he finished the Malware he tested it out on a spare electronic he had no more use for finding that the Malware preferred to Crash the sites the user was on while doing other forms of annoyance’s if it felt like it, and from this the Master Coder gave it’s creation it’s name, CRA5H. Now with CRA5H fully complete he hacked into and uploaded CRA5H into the device’s primarily used by his bullies, a Phone, a Laptop, and a Gaming Console, infecting each and every one of them. Then he activated the Cameras on each of them to see how the bullies would react as he sat back with popcorn in hand.
First up, the Bully who mainly used their phone was hit as they were scrolling through their texts and having multiple conversations at once, They were also listening to some music on their Bluetooth earbuds on full blast. Eventually after awhile the bully’s Bluetooth was severed and no longer working, next their music app crashed and when reopened a full on white and black Underswap Papyrus with it’s hood up and with a strange looking face was doing a Club Penguin dance, blocking the bully from clicking or using anything in that app, not even letting them screenshot. And after some desperate attempts with the bully trying to fix this with each site they looked on for help crashing, they suddenly got a sea of notifications telling them that someone texted them or emailed them, and when checking it was a sea of constantly moving pictures of Underswap Papyrus giving the bully the Finger. Eventually the phone started to overheat from everything going on in it and the phone itself froze and then crashed needing to be fixed or replaced. After this the bully was in shock and tears flowing out their eyes as their prized possession was slain before their very eyes.
Next up the one with the Laptop was inconvenienced, as the bully was typing up an essay for an important piece of schoolwork that would decide if he failed the class or not. While working on it he suddenly noticed multiple grammatical errors even though he swore he made none. Fixing them anyways suddenly more errors popped up, and then more and more and more. It was a swarm of random numbers and characters and the bully was spamming the grammar fix button on google docs until eventually it stopped. Sighing in relief the bully continued its work until suddenly all of the text on the page changed to a very NSFW piece of work, something that would be an immediate fail if submitted. Seeing this the bully hit the undo button but it did not work. Eventually the bully just deleted it all and restarted from scratch. 10 minutes later however the bully finished the second paragraph and a lanky black and white Underswap papyrus with a error for it’s face and it’s hood up came from the far right side of the screen and clicked the X that closed the tab and then dashing back where it came from once the tab closed. And when the tab was reopened by the bully the Papyrus came out again and repeated the process causing another tug-o-war between the bully and CRA5H in which the both parties moved really fast to do what they wanted to do with CRA5H eventually moving so fast it was as if he was moving beyond linear time. Eventually the Tug-o-war ended when CRA5H caused multiple internal server error’s on each webpage opened as the bully closed his laptop in defeat.
The last target was the bully with the Gaming Console, right before being infected the bully was being a stereotypical Toxic kid on CoD being demanding and rude in the voicecall. In other words being a stain on the gaming community. However this is when CRA5H decided to strike as out of nowhere the same papyrus the other 2 bullies saw came walking up to the screen waved at the bully before pulling out comically large scissors and snipping a thread that appeared on the screen causing the bully to be severed from the Game server he was on and each time he joined a new game the scissors returned and sniped at his connection causing the bully to get more and more angry. Eventually he went of off CoD and opened Minecraft….. only for that CRA5H to moonwalk into the screen from the far left and roundhouse kick the loading bar away, looked at the bully, shrugged and moonwalked away causing the game to crash upon the CRA5H leaving the screen. Seeing this the bully tried to open another game only for him to have no internet connection checking the internet he saw that same CRA5H there and was wearing a construction uniform as he was building something there taking up all the WiFi, soon another Papyrus that looked the same as the other walked into the screen and pulled out a stop sign that said “5top, Con5truction ongoing” and held it in front of the screen before a text box opened up with two options “Ye5” and “Whaterver you say Mr. Con5truction worker.” Upon choosing one of them the bully was forced out of the internet option and construction tape came over it rendering the bully unable to go back in. However after 24 hours the tape came off and when the bully opened it up he saw a strange machine with a note on it that said “I’m in your Wall5” and soon all the electronic’s in the bullies house where freaking out as CRA5H had infiltrated each and everyone one of them, using the machine he created to escape into the wider internet letting him infect anything he pleases as long as he can find a way in.
CRA5H being a piece of Malware programmed for a specific task means his personality is also centered around his task. From this CRA5H can be seen as annoying and frustrating, poorly imitating Underswap Papyrus trying to act all “cool” but instead coming off as annoying and a burden.
CRA5H when manifesting on someone’s screen or in front of another being looks like a 50’ 0” tall and 500lb Underswap Papyrus with his hood up wearing the same clothes as him but all in white/Black color scheme. CRA5H’s head is also lacking any and all facial features and instead has Safari’s Internal Server Error 500 text on it.
- Electronic/Machine Manipulation: CRA5H being a piece of Malware has the ability to manipulate and control various machines and electronic’s he infects capable of doing a variety of things within them,
- Connection Sever: CRA5H has the ability to sever a Electronic’s/Machine’s connection to multiple things such as WiFi, VPN’s, Bluetooth, Other electronics/machines, Servers, and Calling others.
- Code Manipulation: CRA5H can manipulate and change the code in an Electronic/Machine, changing how they work fundamentally or changing already active things. Using this CRA5H can change the values and variables of code, change what the code does (such as changing or adding letters to a document), creating new things for him to wield, or causing a code error to crash whatever the code is for.
- SPAM: CRA5H was programmed with a specific ability to annoy those he targets. Whenever he infects a Machine or Electronic, it has the ability to send/receive emails or text others then CRA5H can send a sea of spam to either of those sending a picture of Underswap Papyrus flipping them off every 0.1 seconds.
- Internet Travel: after making a machine in the internet settings of a console CRA5H gave himself the ability to travel all across the internet letting him move around it instantly and gives him the potential to infect any electronic with a internet connection.
- Specifically designed defense: CRA5H is very capable of getting into and bypassing most defenses in electronics including the strongest firewalls, Anti-Viruses, and Anti-Malware programs. However if you have enough knowledge on how CRA5H works you can make a specifically designed defense against him or a Anti-Malware program designed to target CRA5H.
- CRA5H was inspired by the common site error Internal server error 500.
- CRA5H may use his Code manipulation as a form of toon force.
- CRA5H was not made to destroy/harm software or electronics but he can easily do so unintentionally.
- CRA5H tries to imitate Underswap Papyrus.
- It is believed that CRA5H may be sentient, but it is unknown if he truly is.
- CRA5H although goofy, jokey, and memey in most of his attacks, he can be very serious and intimidating if he has to be.
- CRA5H is an avid internet troll.
- CRA5H references memes a lot in his attacks, being any type of them (including dead and outdated memes).
- CRA5H whenever he speaks or his name is spelled out the S’ in them are always replaced by a 5.
- CRA5H is loosely based off of Sunky (and his EXE counterpart Sunky.mpeg) and is considered a Comedic EXE.