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Godverse Wiki

Courage!Sans is a monster with the soul of Courage and the best detective in all of the Godverse, he also seems too know more then he lets on. Wrath!Papyrus is a monster with the soul of Wrath and the second best detective in the Godverse. Noir!Frisk is a human with the soul of determination and incredible actress


Years ago monsters and humans lived in harmony, there was no war and no conflict between the two species and both prospered. Due to this harmony some monsters and some humans started families with the other creating human monster hybrids. A monster doctor named W.D Gaster and a woman with the soul of bravery got into a relationship and started their own family. Their first son was named Sans, Sans inherited his mothers soul type getting the monster version of bravery called the soul of courage. Sans grew up a prodigy with a great sense of justice and a sucker for a good old noir detective story, in fact Sans was addicted to noir detective stories having a whole collection of them and wanting to become a detective himself.

By this time Gaster had been attacked by a mysterious all black creature, nothing much came from this at first but when Gaster and his Wife had their second son Papyrus things changed drastically. Papyrus was born with a soul type never seen before, the soul of wrath, the monster variant of HATE. Despite his soul type Papyrus never acted violent or maliciously, he was always kind caring and generous, being the light of everyone’s lives. Papyrus however was constantly bullied by other kids for his strange soul type and Sans had to step in multiple times in a vain attempt to stop the other kids from bullying his brother. But despite this life was great for both Sans and Papyrus.

During Sans’ college years and Papyrus’ second to last year in middle school however tragedy struck, Gaster and his Wife was caught in a lab accident killing them both. Now orphans Sans took it upon himself to try and raise papyrus as best he could. Sans had been studying to become a detective and just finished getting his degree when the accident happened. So while Sans was looking for a job as a detective Sans worked as a grocery store clerk in order to pay the bills too keep a roof over both their heads. Boring work and long hours along with getting denied work at local detective and private eye firms made Sans grow Frustrated growing, and because of this something grew inside of Sans that would soon be unleashed.

Papyrus now got it even worse. Now being both an orphan and an outcast made his life a whole lot harder for him. Constant bullying and teasing made it hard for papyrus to focus on his studies and sans could only bring the bare minimum to keep both of them afloat and soon Papyrus had too get a job in order to help pay the bills. All of these combined put a great toll on Papyrus and when one bully went too far, he snapped. Papyrus’ soul started pulsating and the hatred he harbored for them came out as a great black light emanated from his body and a black viscous liquid poor out of all his openings, Papyrus was not longer Papyrus. In an instant tons of black tendrils flew at the bullies pinning them too the wall poking them but not puncturing them. Soon they disappeared and Papyrus regained control he realized what was going on and ran away. Soon the others kids In the school and even the teachers feared Papyrus, although it was nice to not be bullied for once he did not like the reputation he had.

One day the fear Papyrus now spread was too much too handle for the kids at the school and they decided to end it by ending Papyrus. A small army of 78 kids went too Sans and Papyrus’ house and broke in while sans was out at work. They quickly found Papyrus and dragged him too the backyard and prepared too do the deed when the sound of a car engine echoed behind them. Sans had gotten back from work early and he heard the commotion in his backyard and when he went to check it out he saw a beaten Papyrus tied too the tree with a whole bunch of kids surrounding him with either knifes, bats, stones or sticks. What Sans saw enraged him and his soul began too vibrate, Sans clenched his fist and threw a punch only for an orange fist to come flying it and knocking out one of the kids. Sans was pulsating with magic and filled with courage, subduing the rest sans called the police only to hear destruction and chaos on the other end and soon a light encompassed the world blinding both Sans and Papyrus and they where soon knocked out.

Waking up in a strange white void Both Sans and Papyrus woke up to see each other with nothing else but a pure emptiness. Sans and Papyrus although happy to see each other and that the other was okay they where confused on where they where and what happened and when looking closer at each other it seemed like both of them had aged quite a bit. Getting up both Sans and Papyrus wandered through the white void hoping to find something, anything but nothing ever showed up. One time while asleep in the white void Both Sans and Papyrus found themselves in outside of a yellow castle. Walking closer a yellow figure appeared and welcomed them too his home, Both Sans and Papyrus where confused but before they could say anything trees sprouted from the ground and dirt covered the ground around the castle and soon the whole white void was replaced by a never ending forest. The yellow figure then beckoned both Sans and Papyrus Inside too which they entered although cautiously.

When Inside the yellow figure introduced themselves as Hope!Sans a being of hopes and keeper of dreams, Hope explained that he had watched both Sans and Papyrus’ journey and was intrigued and wished for himself to be a part of it so when he found out their world was destroyed he knew he had to help. Sans and Papyrus where still confused on why Hope!Sans took interest in them specifically too which Hope!Sans replied that they reminded him of two forgotten beings similar to them and who he happened to know. Hope!Sans then stated he wanted to give both of them one wish and transport them to a world in which they could be free too interact with others again and help those in need but in return he needs one tiny little favor. Sans and Papyrus where intrigued by the offer and accepted to which Hope!Sans responded in delight. Hope!Sans then explained he wanted to do a little something before the wishes and soon Hope’s eye sockets glowed a bright light and magic surrounded Hope!Sans as he extended both of his arms and two blasts of light hit both Sans and Papyrus, one of them being yellow and the other being green. this did not hurt them however but instead made them feel much stronger as Hope!Sans had just given them both some of his power and gave Sans a Soul of justice and gave papyrus a soul of kindness, This ended up making them much stronger and capable of handling the world he would transport them into.

After that Hope!Sans asked what their wish would be, Sans wanted to become the Perfect detective and Papyrus wanted to channel and control his negative emotions in order to gain enough power to protect those he cared for. And with a snap of his fingers Both got their wish with Sans now being able to see the tiniest details and their importance, learnt the best way to decipher clues and gained a photographic memory. Papyrus now gained control over his emotions and learned how to transfer and conjure emotions into magic allowing him too make attacks and defend others with his emotions. In order for them too get used too their new power and new abilities Hope!Sans let them train a bit in his castle before they fulfilled their end of the deal.

Years of training went by and both Sans and Papyrus had mastered all their abilities and magical powers and where ready to fulfill their end of the deal. Hope!Sans informed them that a very low level of Hope located in an area that he wanted them to bring up as he is currently tracking down Fear!Sans so needs someone else to go fix it, and soon transported them there. Transported to the area Sans and Papyrus ended up in a familiar white void but this time they heard someone in the distance. Upon getting closer to the noise Sans and Papyrus encounter a fully black and white colored woman who seemed to be moping and was struck in a similar position too them before they met Hope!Sans. Sans approached and quickly recognized the clothing to be similar to those in classic noir style films, clothes typically worn by those in the femme fatale role. Papyrus soon got closer himself and was shocked at what he saw as he watched some classic noir films with Sans before and also instantly recognized the clothing and style but not to the same degree as Sans. Sans and Papyrus then approached the woman and soon she noticed their presence. Sans and the woman’s eyes met and Sans quickly understood what happened too her and in a way she Also understood what happened to both him and papyrus. Sans asked the woman if there was anything they could do to help her to which the woman replied that she just needed some company. Apparently She had been stuck here for a long time and had just given up hope on finding another living being. They both exchanged stories and Sans and Papyrus found out that she was a famous actress in her world using some powers she had that no else had in order to make it big on the big screen, staring in many popular movies and TV shows and was just about to get another award when her world was destroyed by a Monstrous black figure with red eyes and 4 spider legs protruding out of it’s back. Sans and papyrus both empathized with her as their world went though a similar fate, Sans then realized he forgot to ask her their name and when asking her that she replied with Frisk.

A good portion of time had passed and soon Frisk’s spirits went up. Sans and Frisk joked around and made some flirtatious remarks, Papyrus and Frisk exchanged stories and had grown a brother and sister like relationship with each other to Sans and Papyrus this was no longer a simple mission on bringing Hope levels up. Eventually a Portal opened up back too Hope!Sans castle, Sans and Papyrus asked Frisk to follow them and since she not only formed a bond with them and also had no where else to go she followed as well. Hope!Sans upon seeing Frisk and looking into her soul joking told Sans he told him to bring up levels of Hope, not get a girlfriend, Sans and Frisk made a quick chuckle before Hope!Sans asked if Frisk would like a little dose of power? Confused Frisk asked Hope!Sans to specify what he meant to which Hope!Sans explained he would gift Frisk some extra Power in order to help her survive within the world he would transport the 3 of them too. Too Frisk this was an easy deal and she accepted and Hope!Sans hot a Red beam of energy at Frisk which like Sans and Papyrus made her much stronger and also increased her determination even more. Hope!Sans then explained how he was happy to meet the 3 and wished them luck in the Godverse and said if they ever encountered Fear to impede his plans for him before snapping his fingers and transporting them there.

Now Sans, Papyrus and Frisk started their own detective/private eye business all taking different roles in it along with helping those in need.



Sans is a very lighthearted, Lazy and punny guy. He always looking for the best opportunities to make a pun or the most efficient way to slack off while making sure he always is helping those that need it. But while taking up a case as a detective/private eye or when in a fight Sans is very serious and never lets his guard down making sure he is always prepared for the worst.


Sans is a skeleton who is slightly taller than most other Sans’ standing at 5.6 feet. Sans Wears a Orange Trench Coat and white undershirt with a tie on it, He also wears Long black pants and military grade boots, he also has a cool looking fedora. Sans’ Skull has two vertical orange lines with one of the two one being on one of his eye sockets. Sans also has his left pupil glowing orange.


All of Sans’ attack damage is equivalent too a solar system going supernova.


Sans can summon bones out of thin air to attack those he sees fit with each bone hitting the target per Millisecond. Sans can also shift and manipulate the bones inside of others allowing him to twist your bones into positions that render you unable to move, crush your skull or snap your neck with a flick of the wrist. (The bones he summons can also be turns blue or orange)

Gaster Blasters[]

Sans can summon Gaster Blasters out of thin air and aim them at those he sees fit with each blaster firing out a beam that pierces infinitely and deals damage per Microsecond. (Blasters and their beam can be turn blue or orange)

Absolute Gravity Manipulation[]

Sans has an infinite control over gravity and able to move Objects in the Cosmos around with his gravity manipulation and mess up space-time real bad just by flicking his wrist if he wanted too. Because of the destructive power this wields Sans only uses it’s full potential when he has too. It’s full potential has never been shown but so far he has demonstrated he could negate Immeasurable speed by putting so much gravitational force on them it completely halted them in their tracks leaving them unable too move.

Wormhole Creation/Manipulation[]

Using his gravity manipulation Sans can create and manipulate wormholes and use them to quickly travel from place too place being able to transport himself or anything else across any distance in a matter of seconds.

Photographic Memory[]

Sans is Able to remember everything and anything with impeccable accuracy. Sans can also mimic any move or make similar versions of abilities he saw and is able to mimic or recreate what he saw perfectly after a couple of try’s. This allows him to be a master an all forms of hand to hand combat and make people believe he has powers he does not really have or even replicate powers using his own. An example of this would include Sans finding a way too use his gravity manipulation too travel across a Large Multiverse in 25 seconds without the use of wormholes after seeing someone travel across a multiverse almost instantly.

Detectives Eye[]

Sans can notice and spot the tiniest details on any sense or area and understand how important an object is too what he is investigating or their overall importance. This also allows Sans to detect if someone is lying or being untruthful and wether it’s intentional or not.

Courage Manipulation[]

Sans can manipulate his own courage in order to become completely immune to any and all fear and manipulate his courage into magic that he can use to summon fists to punch someone from miles away or make copy’s of himself to bring the beat down onto others. Sans’ level of courage is so high it took Fear!Sans the embodiment of all fear in the Godverse awhile (and some editing to the definition of Fear) to properly scare Sans.


Primordial Emotion Manipulation[]

Sans although having extreme power over his courage, Primordial Emotion Manipulation can override his own Courage Manipulation forcing Sans to use other means to win a battle.


Wrath!Papyrus (Brother): Sans holds Papyrus close and cares for him a lot. Sans would do anything for his little brother and would face any foe in order to protect him. The Brotherly bond these two share can never be broken.

Noir!Frisk (Love interest/Friend): Sans and Frisk are REALLY close, Both of them bounce off each other’s personalities well and share some common interests including jokes. Like many others Sans fell for Frisk because of their personality and looks and it seems like Frisk also reciprocate his feelings.

Harmony!Sans/Hope!Sans (Friend/Mentor): (being reworked)

Fear!Sans (Enemy): Sans had heard of Fear!Sans from Hope!Sans, he has heard of the insane powers he has and what he took away from Hope!Sans, and from doing some investigating he found how deep the rabbit hole truly goes. With this knowledge Courage!Sans works from the shadows as he tries his best to Empedocles on Any of Fear’s plans when he comes across them.


  • Sans is slightly stronger than Wrath!Papyrus.
  • Sans was able too halt all movements of someone with Immeasurable speed using his Absolute Gravity Manipulation.
  • Sans regularly smokes a special type of cigars too cool his nerves (these cigars are addictive but do not hurt the user).
  • Sans has solved mysteries others deemed to be unsolvable.
  • Sans still drinks ketchup and loves hotdogs.
  • Sans has an IQ of 300.
  • The only Reason Sans is stronger than Wrath!Papyrus is because of his gravity manipulation being far superior and more Useful than Wrath!Papyrus’.

Courage!Sans Gallery[]



Papyrus is a kind, caring and generous individual who will always try to act as a mediator for two groups and hates getting into fights or seeing others hurt one-another and even in the worst of times always flashes a bright smile. Before learning how to control his emotions whenever Papyrus’ bottled up negative emotions got out he would become something much different, Papyrus becomes cold and unforgiving and prone to lashing out.


Papyrus is a massive skeleton who stands at 11.1 feet tall completely towering over everyone expect other huge creatures. Papyrus wears what seems to be a custom piece of armor on his chest that resembles medieval chest-plate with spiky shoulder pads. Papyrus also wears a long flowing red cape, a black and gold belt, long red gloves, long blue pants and like sans he wears military grade boots. Papyrus also has what seems to be cracks under his eyes and mouth which seems to be where the black viscous liquid would pour out when papyrus lost control.


All the damage papyrus attacks do are equal to a galaxy blowing up.


Papyrus can summon bones out of thin air to attack those he sees fit with each bone hitting the target per centisecond. Papyrus can also shift and manipulate the bones inside of others allowing him to twist your bones into positions that render you unable to move, crush your skull or snap your neck with a flick of the wrist. (The bones he summons can also be turns blue or orange)

Gaster Blasters[]

Sans can summon Gaster Blasters out of thin air and aim them at those he sees fit with each blaster firing out a beam that pierces infinitely and deals damage per decisecond. (Blasters and their beam can be turn blue or orange)

Master Gravity Manipulation[]

Papyrus can manipulate gravity but not too the same degree as Sans can. Papyrus can break the laws of gravity, create gravitational singularity’s along with making black and white holes and being able to ripple space-time.


Because papyrus lacks the ability to create wormholes Papyrus can and will manipulate his own gravity too give himself the ability too fly. Papyrus can fly super fast being able to travel to the edge of a universe from the other edge in 10 seconds.

Emotion Magic[]

Papyrus can use his own emotions to power his own magic or make whole new magic relating towards the emotion. Because of this Papyrus is able too manipulate the emotions of others and himself along with making devastating attacks through emotions.


Primordial Emotion Manipulation[]

Papyrus’ mastery over his emotions if great but users of Primordial Emotion Manipulation dwarf him in emotional power and can even block off his emotion magic and emotional control which can cause him to lash out if his bottle up negative emotions come spilling out.

His Kindness[]

Papyrus is very kind, perhaps a little too kind. Papyrus always sees the best in people and his enemies and like Undertale Papyrus believes they can change…. We saw what happened too Undertale Papyrus during the Genocide route in Undertale so I think you can see why his kindness can be a weakness.


Courage!Sans (Brother): Papyrus cares for Sans deeply and always wants to help and protect him in the worst situations and cheer him up when he’s feeling down. The Brotherly bond these two share can never be broken.

Noir!Frisk (Friend/Big Sister Figure): Papyrus and Frisk are close but not as close as Sans is with Frisk, but they are close enough for Papyrus too view Frisk as a Big Sister he never had. Because of their bond Papyrus would go out of his way to protect frisk as he would too Sans.

Harmony!Sans/Hope!Sans (Friend/Mentor): (Being Re-worked)

M.A.P (Best Friend): Papyrus met M.A.P a few days after Sans encountered Fear. Papyrus was wandering around the Godverse when he Ran into M.A.P. Despite Sans telling Papyrus that he saw a being that looked like M.A.P near Fear Papyrus decided to approach anyways. This was one of Papyrus’ best decisions and Papyrus and M.A.P hit it off as friends almost immediately.


  • Papyrus would never kill someone on purpose.
  • Papyrus once accidentally turned a bunch of the Godverse into a love festival after his emotion powers went haywire with love and lust magic being spewed everywhere and it took him awhile to fix it.
    • Papyrus took steps to insure his emotion powers never went haywire again.
  • You do not want to mess with Papyrus when he is angry.
  • Papyrus Has an IQ of 275.



Frisk is a Smart, Curious and very determined person who loves being an actress and they are a very talented one at that. But even though Frisk as a lot of talent she is incredibly humble and cares for those less fortunate than her and whoever she does something wrong she will always try to make things right.


Frisk is an average human who stand at 5.6 feet tall being of average human height. Frisk sports no color only being in shades of black and white and anything she wears also immediately gets a shade of black and white. Frisk Has semi long hair of unknown color though she claims it to be brown. Frisk Wears a long dress of unknown color with frisk claiming it to be red but she also says she has second which is black, Frisk also wears high heels of unknown color with her once again claiming the to be red with a second pair being black. Those are not the only thing Frisk wears however, She has a long raincoat and combat boots for rainy days and a GIGANTIC assortment of costumes allowing her to be almost any role in any form of media (no wonder she was a popular actress back in her world, she could of been in almost every TV Show or Movie and along with her actions skills always have a costume to fit the part.)


Color Saturation Manipulation[]

Frisk can manipulate the Saturation of colors turning any color into a shade of Black or a shade of White, this effect automatically triggers if she is touched or wearing an object and she can also make a planet wide radius of this effect turning everything in this radius into a shade of black and white.

High level Supernatural Beauty[]

It is unknown how Frisk got this but Frisk has beauty almost no one else can have, her charisma is incredible allowing her to persuade others in order to get anything she wants, her voice equivalent to an angels, her looks are enough too mesmerize and even mind control others. Frisk stated too Sans and Papyrus this is one of the abilities she used in order to help make it big on the big screen.

Indomitable Will[]

Frisk has willpower beyond what others have. This gives her immunity too all forms of temptation including but not limited too Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control, and Subliminal Seduction. Frisk although being able to feel fear does not show it nor can it be detected.

Determination Embodiment[]

Frisk has levels of determination so high it can be seen as equal or even beyond that of Even the most determined individuals. This allows Frisk to defy death and keep pushing forward and empower themselves on feelings of Hope.

Plant Manipulation[]

Frisk learned this Power thanks to Hope!Sans, Frisk is able to manipulate Plants on an incredible level making all plants and plant based creatures bend too her will. Frisk can also use all plant based powers and can even insert spores or seeds into creatures and then control them bypassing multiple Manipulation and control immunities. The damage of Frisk’s plant based attacks are equal too Courage!Sans’ Otokinesis damage.

Master Escapist, Fighter and Actress[]

Frisk is an incredible Escapist, Fighter and Actress being able to escape almost any trap or prison she is in with enough time, mastered almost every form of hand to hand combat and martial arts and her acting skills are beyond what you could ever see to point you would not even know she is acting. This allows Frisk to act as a damsel in distress to lower her enemy’s guard only to completely mess them up when they least expect it.


Primordial Emotion Manipulation[]

Frisk’s indomitable will and her determination can be weakened by those with Primordial Emotion Manipulation which could make her either unable or not want to continue or allow her to be more easily controlled or manipulated (though it will still be very hard to control her mind even if her will is weakened)

Still Human[]

Frisk may have incredible escaping, acting and fighting skills but she is still only human, enough damage too her body can kill her (temporarily) and is not the most durable or strong being out there only having levels of strength equal to that of a black bear and durability equal to an whale (which is a lot but it ain’t too impressive compared to others in the godverse)


Courage!Sans (Love Interest/Friend): Frisk and Sans are REALLY close, Both of them bounce off each other’s personalities well and share some common interests including jokes. Frisk after spending a lot of time with Sans Frisk fell for him because of his personality and his looks also grew on her over time and it seems like Sans also reciprocate her feelings.

Wrath!Papyrus (Friend/Little Brother Figure): Frisk and Papyrus are close but not as close as Frisk is with Sans, but they are close enough for Frisk too view Papyrus as a Little Brother she never had. Because of this Bond Frisk usually will help teach papyrus new things and can get a little overprotective like Sans.

Fear!Sans (HATES!): Frisk absolutely despises Fear!Sans for destroying her world and causing a whole lot of tragedy in her life. Frisk would take any opportunity too beat Fear!Sans up even if Fear is way stronger than her.


  • Frisk is very flirtatious with Sans in private and In public.
  • Frisk is sometimes hired by others to preform shows.
  • Frisk can successfully Prank the Prank master (Courage!Sans)
  • Frisk once used her charisma too manipulate someone who was trying to hurt Wrath!Papyrus and convince them too tell Courage!Sans what they did too Wrath!Papyrus.
  • Frisk’s charisma allows her to avoid fights and resolve things peacefully.
  • Frisk Although nowhere near as strong as Courage!Sans or Wrath!Papyrus can use her charisma and looks in order to gain an army of followers who may be as strong or even stronger than them.
  • Frisk’s world was destroyed when she was getting another reward for her performance in a noir style movie and she decided too wear the clothing her character wore In the movie as it would fit the occasion.
  • Frisk has an IQ of 325.