Godverse Wiki
Righteous origin story, I respect it!
~ Cozmo

Cozmo is an OC written by DARTHOOM. He’s a well-mannered and attention-seeking god who fancies himself a child of the 60s’. A favorite of mortals and divine alike, he’s built himself a stellar reputation of helpfulness and friendliness all across the omniverse.


Cozmo was a forgotten character sent to the Astral Plane. His original origin and backstory were devoured by the outer rim of the Deep. On the outer rim of the Deep, all ideas slowly break down and dissolve. This utter dissolution resulted in Cozmo's backstory being forever lost. It was rendered nonexistent. Time, space, matter, and everything in the Adamasphere no longer acknowledged his existence. Cozmo was now a lost character with no story or origin. He had nothing but dwindling memories that quickly distorted and faded.

The terrified entity, who clung to the idea of his name and appearance, let out a desperate plea for someone to save him. His prone form slowly started to enter that critical moment on the Astral Plane—when dimensional hierarchies slowly converged and splinter into fragmentation. His sentience was next, before his body. With seemingly no one hearing his plea, he finally prayed that someone would save him. The name Cozmo was starting to become difficult to remember at this stage of dissolution.

Baron Fate, the fisherman of the Astral Plane and recycler of forgotten ideas, heard the whisper of King Godverse. In his omnipresence, the king saw Cozmo pulled into the Astral Plane. In witnessing his former friend suffer, he quickly telepathically decreed that Cozmo must be saved. Baron Fate obeyed the king without hesitancy or excuse. The majestic sunflower uprooted one of its roots and reached into the Astral Plane to pull out the astral figure. He hoisted it away from the dissolution and lifted it into a higher plane of existence: the Otherverse.

Within the Otherverse, Koavire soon restores Cozmo to his previous form and story. The cosmic entity stood amidst a council of gods; King & Queen Godverse, Baron Fate, Duester, and Lotus. He was shackled by a previous- highly inconsistent- narrative. Shackled by this narrative, Cozmo would watch them silently and wait for further instructions. For 12 years, Cozmo endured something known as a Kamaba. The Kamaba was a series of simulated events, short stories, and questions that ultimately decided Cozmo's worth in obtaining a better narrative.

With Cozmo passing the tests and trials under acceptable grades, King Godverse would move to rewrite the origin of Cozmo and redefine his purpose within the Aeter Engine. The essential overhaul of Cozmo's origin and story leads to a ripple of events that's always happened. Cozmo now had always been a member of Godverse. Another change would occur that would untether Cozmo from his origin story. No longer was he limited to mentality, physicality, spirituality, time, space, or any other idea. Cozmo had gleefully elevated into the status of Godverse Nobility.

With Cozmo elevated into Godverse Nobility, he would immediately take charge of his office and slowly begin to rework nonfunctional concepts of Godverse. He brought forth ideas of minor mathematical representation, developed versal hierarchies, new in-depth physics of conceptual existence within the entire narrative sum of Godverse, reinforced the rights of mortals, and pursued important policies towards the structure of physics and metaphysics within the Adamasphere. He took his position very seriously as a token of gratitude for being offered a second chance.

With Cozmo's policies quickly approved by his fellow council members, they would immediately be implemented into Godverse. New ideas took hold, and those civilizations advanced enough to alter the tide of their multiversal hierarchies, record the changes, evaluate their contents, and realize they were the work of a new God. Civilizations had grown accustomed to the unique patterns of verse-wide changes and associated them with the mighty beings they theorized over.

Cozmo's presence- but not his name- had become known to these transcendent civilizations. His name would only be known when Cozmo introduced his avatars into the Adamasphere as 'helping hands' of the godly civilizations. The mortal residents had never seen his sudden appearance, introduction, and kind manners. So, naturally, they held some reservations of suspicion at the true nature of the being before them. This suspicion would soon be misplaced as Cozmo continued his helpful spree. He was showing a genuine effort to improve their lives. Albeit sometimes going too far or being too generous.

Cozmo's helpfulness would later inspire many to create religions, most notably the Children of the Stars. His fame and popularity would grow, and to help solidify his fame and popularity, he made two daughters, a Chara, and a Frisk, to help him 'grow' and 'evolve' as a character: Darkloor and Starchild. Both went their separate ways after Cozmo spawned them from nothingness, but they still paid homage to his name.



“Dude, you’re crazy! I respect that about you!” - Cozmo to Jack

“Righteous… totally righteous.”

“Everyone gets to be cool at my cool table!”

“I could leave my personality, kinda get rid of this no-good-fear. I don’t think I want to though, you know? I wanna develop like a normal character. That too much to ask Fate?”

“Fat lady ‘bout to sing.” - Cozmo.

“.... say what?” - Cozmo to Fortran’s deal.

"I’m not like those other guys! I’m the farthest out there! The coolest cat of the fleet!” - Cozmo

“Nah… you got a good offer man, but I just don’t flow that way. Ya’ know what I mean daddamean?” - Cozmo to Fortran’s deal


Cozmo stands around 5’6, with a white-outline highlighting his cosmic appearance. This appearance, as seen in his first appearance in the Godverse Prologue, varies in the overall layout and design of the cosmic events featured. His eyes are white, his mouth is merely a white outline, and his entire stature is set in a relaxed position- much like the original Sans himself.


Cozmo is considered a thantophobic, eccentric, and good-natured entity who harbors feelings of paranoia at being erased from the narrative. Though this paranoia has been less intense throughout the years, it still manifests as an attention-seeking individual who strives for public acceptance. Cozmo is- at his core- a person who’s very concerned over his public image and what those think of him. He will do everything he can to put himself in the best light possible at any lengths required to do so. Cozmo believes that if there’s enough public outcry, the gods- especially Baron Fate- might rethink his existence and send him back, stripped of authority, into the Astral Plane. Inevitably being lost forever, and forgotten by everyone, as he cascades into the deep.

Cozmo loves 60's culture and being the ‘cool guy’ of the pantheon. He regularly drives muscle cars, wears leather jackets, collects mood rings, surfs, and hoards lava lamps. He has a fun personality that includes being a master of social gatherings, being party animal, and being a lover of sweets; starbursts are his favorite candy, and he will eat those over any sort of nourishment available. Besides a burger, shake, and fries. Only those will be accepted within a 60’s diner. Another strong aspect of his personality is his love for stars, real science, and any cosmic-related activities or events (I.e stargazing, solar eclipses, scientific experiments, and comets passing by interesting planets.)

With all of this in mind, Cozmo sometimes tries a little too hard to be respected and adored by those around him. Hard enough that it transforms him into someone completely dependent on the masses of opinion. He will change himself to fit the narrative of what the public desire and will sunder his own self- to only a certain extent, as those who belittle his fascination with 60s’ culture are told to buzz-off. It’s this unfortunate characteristic that enfetters Cozmo’s social life outside of public gatherings and hinders his progress as an individual rather than a mere figurehead for popularity. Progress can only be furthered upon when Cozmo acknowledges his position as a permanent arrangement and overcomes his fear of being forgotten.

Cozmo doesn’t necessarily care for Undertale, but he thinks Sans looks interesting and simple enough to where people- authors and artists- could always draw him no matter their level of skill. It’s this simple design Cozmo will stick to not only in art, but in his overall general goals and mindsets. Even with an infinitely transcendent mind, Cozmo still regulates himself to think and ‘see’ the world as a mortal. This down-to-earth Cozmo is always rejoiced by his worshippers.

Outside of his mental problems, Cozmo interacts with threats and opponents in a very easy-going manner. He is neither callous nor ruthless with opponents. Instead he’ll implore any and all methods of avoiding conflict and steer events clear of said conflict before they happen. He’ll alter time and space- or rewrite the entire narrative- if it means preventing any confrontations. Cozmo isn’t terribly keen on fighting other entities. The astral figure simply wants to enjoy himself and indulge in his favorite hobby of living in a 60’s world.

If he cannot avoid confrontation, and is actively threatened in a serious manner, Cozmo will rely on a very tactical approach of cat and mouse to summarize an opponent's strengths and weaknesses before forcefully immobilizing them. Killing someone is something Cozmo considers a ‘no-no game’ and a relatively abhorrent concept. If forced to, Cozmo could easily commit to a killing blow. Never does Cozmo want this. Killing- or something beyond the concept of death- is only used as a last resort when all other methods fail.


Absolute Physiology: Cozmo is absolutely limitless in his self-bound form, possessing little to no restrictions of feats requiring speed, strength, intelligence, and overall capability. Impervious to all forms of existential erasure, having infinite charisma, being outside probability/improbability, physical or mental limitations by virtually every representation, having all psionic powers, and able to crush externaversal structures with but a mere glance. His true form stands above conceptual existence and nonexistence in their entirety.

Concept Authority: Cozmo can manipulate concepts- entire ideas- through his vastly superior authority. Concepts like time, space, infinity, death, life, existence, nonexistence, destruction, creation, energy, mathematics, dimensions, damage, defense, experience, transcendence, and power are all completely subjective in nature and functionality. Due to this, Cozmo can orchestrate the rules of the playing field to his whims. With concepts summarizing every potential idea exact or inexact, Cozmo has all the authority he requires to redefine the very linguistic nature of it all.

Cosmic Arsenal: Cozmo utilizes blaster and bone attacks that alter the very fabric of space-time to reach their intended target as if they’ve always hit that target. They fold space and time across multiverses to hit their target and erase them from every aspect of existence: time, space, death, life, soul, anything and everything.

Cosmic Otherness: Cozmo is immune to effects made from matter or energy. Furthermore he may completely deny any attacks bound to numerology or mathematical expression, even immeasurable representations.

Narrative Manipulation: Cozmo can manipulate the entirety of the plot, story, setting, and every other narrative principle of a single fictionalverse he resides in. He may redefine certain words and terminologies (to an extent), restructure cosmology, and overall rewrite various characters at his leisure. He cannot go against the wishes of the author, however.

Versal Embodiment: Cozmo isn’t restricted to embodying a concept, but does so by choice. All variants of concepts such as life, death, existence, voids, math, time, space, dimensions, universes, and more come with a unique avatar that represents or otherwise embodies that concept. Found throughout many aspects of Godverse, these avatars are indirect manifestations of Cozmo himself and function as a unique way Cozmo can interact and participate in the pantheon under his own authority. These avatars are completely unique in their backstory and origin but are still somewhat Cozmo. They may be anywhere from planetary, to externaversal. Consider this aspect of Cozmo not a limitation, but a simple cosmic cosplay.


Life: Cozmo is represented by a versal principle that life- otherwise the very existence of thought and sentience- is a foul-tempered old Toriel who has grown tired of the societies that her creations keep manifesting through. She believes that her job is to forever create life, but she doesn’t have to hold any value to her creations after they’ve been created.

Death: Death is a wizened old Asgore, the manifestation of Cozmo who solemnly guides- or pretends to guide- the souls of the departed to the clutches of The Gray Figure. He is a gentle figure that will adapt its personality to the individual he’s guiding in order to either make them feel more at home, or feel like they may rest easy once they take a journey into the Purgapshere. Death’s only power is his embodiment of death and all death-related abilities.

Entropy: Entropy is a Asriel.

Time: Time is a Papyrus.

Space: Space is a Sans.

Fate: Fate is a Gaster.

Matter: Matter is a Alphys.


Fortran:  Cozmo keeps a healthy distance from Fortran, viewing this cold, sociopathic, and master manipulator as a figure to be feared above all others. He’s one of the very few who’ve come to understand the ‘real’ Fortran, or think they have. Fortran’s personality can only be approximated, but never exacted. He and Fortran are always ‘at odds’ with one another. Despite the enmity between them, Cozmo recognizes the immense power and intelligence of Fortran and respects the fact that his true nature can never truly be known. However, Cozmo also believes that the only way to better, never truly, understand Fortran is to continue engaging with him and exploring what he offers.

Ada: Ada and Cozmo are acquaintances. Ada acknowledges Cozmo, and he, in return, acknowledges Ada. Ada befriends all gods who don't associate with Fortran, and due to the fascination Cozmo holds with Fortran she doesn't entirely respect his viewpoints. Although this disrespect doesn't keep her from offering friendly advice or a helping hand. It's in Ada's nature to do so. Cozmo views Ada as an authoritative figure like Fortran, but less interesting and less compelling.


King Godverse: King Godverse and Cozmo are long-standing friends stretching back to the dawn of Godverse itself. King Godverse provides vouchers for Cozmo and offers recommendations. He grants the benefit of the doubt when problems arise and will always listen to what Cozmo has to say. Cozmo, in return, listens to the orders of King Godverse with both respect and paranoia.

Queen Godverse: Cozmo and Queen Godverse are indistinct, whereas Cozmo avoids conflict Queen Godverse will actively seek anything that will spite Cozmo. She has an obsession with ruining his reputation and name and would kill Cozmo if it wasn’t for the protection offered by King Godverse.

Baron Fate: Cozmo avoids Baron Fate whenever he has the chance. The baron is viewed as an entity who might be equals, but still shouldn’t be lightly approached.

The Gray Figure: TBA

Virus404/Jack: Jack is considered somewhat of an oddity to Cozmo.


  • Cozmo is a chill person.
  • Cozmo loves starbursts.
  • Cozmo loves 60s music.
  • Cozmo has a dog named Galax.
  • Cozmo is horrible with technology
  • Cozmo is fascinated with human culture.
  • Cozmo is a great swimmer.
  • Cozmo enjoys making sub-realities.
  • Cozmo is able to rewrite Godverse- the Aeter Engine- if he sees fit.
  • Cozmo owns a bar called ‘The Astro-Diner’ that houses a unique style of vintage artifacts.
  • Cozmo considers himself unmatched in his collection of every muscle car across every inconceivable or conceivable reality.
  • Cozmo lives in the Starstruck Sea.
  • Cozmo is the father of Starchild and Darkloor.
  • Cozmo’s followers are the ‘Children of the Stars’.
  • Cozmo is a regular conversationalist when engaging the audience.
  • Cozmo’s first appearance was in the third chapter, as a pizza delivery guy.
  • Cozmo loves dancing.
  • Cozmo dislikes cringey characters.
  • Cozmo dislikes overally rainbow or monotone characters.
  • Cozmo has a fun personality.