Tier: 2-E | Low 2-D with Primordial Magic | Atleast 2-C in Remnant Reality
Soul Type: 1, Code Type: 3
The stars are beautiful aren’t they? They look way cooler up close.
Every universe has access to a dimension with a pool of (by all practical purposes) unlimited cosmic energy to perpetuate itself and stave off heat death until a Big Crunch occurs.
However, a certain Gaster thought that if he could open a portal to this dimension, he could solve all he energy problems of the underground forever, and maybe even break the barrier. So, with his assistant, Alphys, and lab experiment son, Sans, he got to work. The 3 worked day and night looking at the way the universe operates and how it opens this portal before finally creating a machine that could open a portal to this dimension.
Alphys was so excited by the discovery that she forgot to check if the containment field was fully stabilized, so when Sans volunteered to test the device the rift tore through it and the energy began leaking out, disintegrating nearly the whole lab.
Sans at first also seemed to disintegrate, but he had actually fallen into the rift and in an attempt to keep himself alive, used the DT Gaster injected him with as a baby (refer to the “lab experiment son” part from earlier) to keep himself alive long enough to close the rift with his, now incredibly boosted magic.
Sans’s soul would, by some miracle, actually interlock and slowly merge with the energy, and his mind would persist as well. Despite the absence of a physical body, Sans was still alive in some sense.
It would be an incredibly long time but eventually, heat death would once again threaten to occur, and so the portal to the dimension opened once again. Sans’s soul, now a part of this energy, and his mind, connected to his soul, would come with it. Due to him now being connected to this energy, Sans soon began to learn to manipulate the forces and physics of the universe. He was already a master at controlling this cosmic energy due to boredom during the billions of years he was stuck in that dimension so it was rather easy. He even recreated his world, although he refused to enter it, merely protecting it out of grief.
Insert a few hundred billion more years and a Big Crunch finally occurred to reset the universal cycle. Sans, however, was having none of it. Having learned to manipulate dark matter, he could easily stave off the crunch. However, he knew that if reality faced another heat death, a portal wouldn’t open to resupply it with energy as the universe was past its expiration date. Considering he still had no idea how to open a portal having lost the memory of how to make the machine, he decided instead to super condense all the matter, energy, space, and time into himself to form a body in an attempt to preserve his universe forever. He did not foresee the effects this could have on him however.
Sans awoke sometime later in an abandoned world in The Other Realm, with no memory as to who/what he is, where he came from, or what the hell is happening. However, seeing the beauty in all the realities as he wandered eventually pushed him to protect them and help them as much as possible.
Cozmo looks similar in appearance to Sans, except for the fact that he got dipped in a bucket of paint that was actually the universe. His jacket, shirt, pants, socks, slippers, and entire body is covered in cosmic imagery. Said cosmic imagery is animated and can be seen moving and twisting. The only exception are his slippers, which are for some god forsaken reason still pink. You’ll even see a black hole or 2 on occasion. This is because this is imagery from inside the pocket universe which he has a portal to inside his ribcage but we’ll get to that later. His eyes are white with black pupils and they gave a purple/teal iris around them. Said iris’s turn into full on glowing eyes when he gets mad. You can see stardust in his eyes as well, which occasionally clouds his vision a little.
About the same as normal Sans except not being depressed, more curious and naive, and not nearly as lazy. Still a little lazy though. He’s still the laid-back pun cracking skeleton he used to be. Generally chill towards most things and has a perpetually calm and casual disposition. That being said, he is incredibly determined and loyal to his companions.
He can often be perceived as a bit stupid due to his naïveté and being easily distracted but he is actually incredibly smart and a fast learner. He’s fascinated with the stars and outer space and feels a warm familiarity with them.
Universal Condition[]
Due to being a hyper-dense universe, Cozmo’s physical abilities are enourmous. Being able to attack with the force of a universe, move at immeasurable speeds, surviving universe destroying attacks, (not necessarily taking it well though) and more.
Primordial Magic[]
Can use primordial magic, the magic that permeates various universes and is the progenitor of all forms of magic. Isn’t very skilled with it but even his lack of skill and knowledge with it is more than made up for by its sheer power.
Cosmic Energy Manipulation[]
Cozmo can draw upon the energy from the dimension of limitless cosmic energy, which is the source for most of his abilities. Can use this energy in basically whatever way he desires, including turning it into matter and back.
Cosmic Blasters & Bones[]
The blasters are empowered with cosmic energy. When fully powered they can deal damage equivalent to that done by a Big Bang in an already existent universe. Essentially capable of destroying entire universes in 1 go when fully powered. The bones are charged with this same amount of energy, dealing ridiculous damage on their own, but can be detonated for devastating damage on par with the blasters. These are often not powered fully as Cozmo prefers to keep the reality he’s in intact as much as possible.
If killed, his body will shatter and recreate his reality for a bit. This reality rapidly gets more unstable until his soul coalesces his body back together and absorbs the universe back into it. This is the only real opportunity to get to his soul and shatter it.
Highly Advanced Telekinesis[]
Has powerful enough telekinesis to the point of almost total matter manipulation. His telekinesis works on a subatomic level and can casually induce nuclear fission and fusion and rend galaxies apart.
Cosmic Force Manipulation[]
Can manipulate the various forces that form whatever universe he is in. These powers only grow stronger as he spends more and more time in that reality. This does not work in the wider multiverse however.
Reality Warping Resistance[]
Due to essentially being a hyper-condensed universe in the shape of Sans, it both requires a different process, and is generally more difficult to manipulate him with reality warping.
”Remnant Reality”[]
Inside of Cozmo’s ribcage there is a portal to a pocket dimension within his body. This pocket reality is the remnants of his universe that he absorbed. He has total control within this pocket reality and can manipulate it freely. He can choose to manifest himself there if he wishes. Within the pocket dimension, time and space are incredibly compressed making everything extremely slow. Cozmo and anything he’s touching however, aren’t affected by this and as such, move incredibly fast. Cozmo can also project this pocket reality around him, creating his own personal space-time in a sense. The larger this space is around himself, the less space is compressed, and the longer the field is permeated for, the less time is compressed. That being said his power over this pocket reality still stands and he can manipulate it and anything inside it with ease. At the center of this pocket reality, here is a huge cosmic storm that annihilates all who approach. In the center of this storm, is Cozmo’s soul which has merged with the core of his original universe, granting it truly divine properties. The destruction of this soul is the only way to permanently kill him. Good luck with that.