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"I see it now, the bare bones of the other worlds I visit. I can sense their corruption and filth bleeding from the cracks, spewing like tar as it snares the unworthy. It's too late for them, they must be cleansed in a mighty wrath. They will feel my power, and they will burn by it."

Drazgore is an OC created by DARTHOOM. He serves as a destroyer of the Fandoms and as tyrannical warlord who believes purity is found through agony which is then drenched in the perpetual darkness of the void. He is an Antagonist against the forces of good all throughout the multiverse.


Drazgore was a King in Exponent!Tale, a Universe aptly named such that the inhabitants would possess a constant desire to reach new heights of power at whatever the cost to escape the underground. Sometimes even losing themselves in the process. That’s precisely what happened to a very noble King Drazgore. Something no one saw coming.

It began at where it usually starts: The intent to do good. King Drazgore strongly desired to unite the monsters against the humans and finally achieve justice for his people's horrible treatment by the humans. With his strong mind and body combined with incredible willpower, his nobleness and mercifulness put all other monsters to shame. Including his scheming wife Toriel that he so despised.Toriel was one of his most well known nemesis back in the days, with her demeaning manner and horrible treatment of the poor.

Drazgore always expected the worst of her. Even going so far as to place a few contingency plans in case she ever would get out of hand and do something that would threaten him or his beloved son Asriel.

She’d play a major role in his downfall as a king to a corrupt and warped tyrant. This role in fact would prove disastrous to her and every other person who lived in the universe, including his son.

King Drazgore had to come up with a formal announcement to the public. The protests riled the streets and led to great civil unrest among the underground, they were fed up being stuck in the depths. Even the King's well-liked head wizard and scientist couldn’t keep them calm anymore. The head wizard Asriel was well known to be a powerful practitioner in the arcane arts, or even more accurately one of the most powerful wizards in the underground. Able to do a great deal that included most things, besides exiting the underground. Just like the Head scientist Alphys wasn’t able to publish her article and her essays to the public after she lost favor with their critics. They’d no longer accept any more delays, they wanted to be free NOW. They built the armies, they bred the new wolf military, they had their strategic assault planned, and they were finished creating the magic armaments and weapons of mass destruction.

Everything was going down, and King Drazgore was pressured into coming up with a way to break free of the underground soon or the masses would spiral out of control, and take matters into their own hands.

King Drazgore desperately summoned his council of advisors with ideas on how to either do what the public demanded or come up with a way to calm them down. He knew of no ways to break free. Growing very afraid for his kingdom. His council when summoned also had zero ideas for how to stave the great unrest, all except for Toriel who informed him of something Alphys created called the Nexus of Wrath. Toriel knew that all subjects perish from exposure, and while paying enough money to keep Alphys silent, she knew he’d have no choice but to listen to her. Maybe even get killed himself for being exposed to such violent energy. Letting HER take control.

As she expected King Drazgore and had no choice but to order the True Labs to be located and uncovered.




Drazgore is the essence of a tyrannical death knight who rules with a cruel and iron fist. He possesses his own personal set of laws and moral codes he abides by, holding strong to the values of might makes right. Drazgore is a sinister figure who kills and demolishes all the oppose him. He doesn't differentiate between good and evil, even viewing his actions as morally just. The laws of nature are harsh, and so he will be the same.


King Drazgore is approximately 12’7. A towering and muscled figure with broad shoulders and a powerful build covered completely in pitch black adamantine armor. His hands are armed with gauntlets, with a whole set of intricate demonic-looking armor. He has his bearded face for all to see wearing a horned helmet that uses long spiked horns to give him a devilish look. His face is perfectly visible: a grinning smile with sharp fangs for teeth behind a long white beard. His eyes are pitch black seclaras with a crimson iris and a vertical pupil. Burning with hatred for the unclean.


King Drazgor usually uses the giant broadsword in his left hand and a powerful void-like giant medieval crusader shield in his right hand. Both of these items let no light escape them as they shine, remaining outlines of their forms in a perpetual nothingness. Capable of nullifying opposing magic and able to strike with a disintegration effect or a void blow. Void blows are not the void per-se, they unleash bursts of rippling energy that causes them to lose molecular coherency as the bonds of every atom are being broken apart, ripped apart, and divided. The effect not only affects people but can affect planets and stars as well. Causing them to violently erupt and destabilize.


King Drazgore's ability mainly comes from the Nexus of Wraith, a powerful mutated soul of Hate, Wrath, and Determination warped into one power source for him to command. Allowing him to unleash storms of black energy through space, and single-handily annihilate multiple planets throughout the process.

Infused Weapons[]

King Drazgore has access to shadowy black weapons, a manifestation that is nigh indestructible and capable of dealing with a devastating strike of subatomic corruption on the Quantum level. He can corrode the coherency of atoms from person to planet. Even able to cause instant entropy to a biological entity that is touched by one of his weapons. These weapons could be whips, swords, guns, or any other of his choosing. Immortality

Superhuman Condition[]

King Drazgore is almost indestructuble. Able to go toe-to-to with supernovas and enter the center of a blue star with very little effort. He can tank most attacks and possess damage reduction in the trillions. He moves at incredible speeds allowing to bound back and forth at least 12 times to each end of Earth's solar system in less than a minute. A single punch capable of shattering celestial bodies and creating spatial shockwaves through time and space.

Nexus of Wrath[]

Capable of channeling a devastating force of energy that allows him to demolish entire stars. This black energy can let him summon shadow minions from the beyond, and create weapons and tools that are just as indestructible as himself.

Shadow Manipulation
