Godverse Wiki
Jokes on you!
~ Duester

Duester is a jester god written by DARTHOOM. He’s a deeply conflicted entity who struggles to pick a side between King & Queen Godverse; Once known as Corrupted Core, Duester is now a dark empath who craves the old ways of Godverse.


Duester was originally a Sans OC known as Corrupted Core. Corrupted Core, before the Feast of Kings, was a prankster and advisor to the original King Godverse. However, after the purges from Lotus and King Godverse, Corrupted Core was erased from the narrative- the Aeter Engine- and became a forgotten idea devoid of thought or substance.

Before the events of the Godverse Prologue, many nobles of the Godverse had developed a movement known as S.E.E.N in the light of Cozmo’s successful rehabilitation. S.E.E.N, also known as the Save Erased Entities Now, was concocted to preserve and further a positive image of King Godverse in the minds of the public via giving erased characters a second chance at participating in a more consistent story.

Duester was the second saved entity from the old era of Godverse, voted on by those who knew him from the old age and were interested to see Corrupted Core make a return to Godverse. While King Godverse voted that Duester shouldn’t be brought back and to let his character rest, the nobles were not only persistent in their votes, but adamant in his return.

King Godverse, unwilling to veto his noble’s votes, would reach into the Overvoid from the Celestial Sea with his skeletal hand and pull out Duester from pure nonexistence. What was erased from the narrative and beyond the principle of death was brought back- not remade- and given a second chance in Godverse.

While the nobles conveyed their approval with a momentous choir, King Godverse was slightly distraught at the sudden return of his former friend. The once advisor lay before the Celestial Sea covered in what could only be described as nonexistence manifesting as a physical sludge. This sludge wo uld drain away, and in the process allow Duester to fully recover.

Duester would come to grips with the new Godverse. The Godscape and structures beneath him were laid bare. Nothing was hidden, and it would allow him to witness the entirety of each structure. He registered the changes made to the fictionalverse and suddenly grew to hate it, and would soon hate his former friend King Godverse for making these changes possible.

Duester valued freedom, friendship, family, and honor. Duester saw Godverse as a beacon for wayward narratives who had no other place to go. In the past his Corrupted Core form served as a satire for the overpowered, but secretly he admired the ridiculous and goofy charm of those overpowered. With this new age erasing the purpose of his old home, and him being erased with it, Duester felt both betrayed and enraged.

As Duester came to grips with his new lot, he was forced into consistency by nobles. Skipping the trial which made Cozmo, and granted a new role and form. He was decreed in the Celestial Sea to be the king of joke characters, and to be the wielder of the Hammer of God. His resurrection, realization, and coronation, happened within an infinitesimal moment. A string of events with a start to finish that blended together into nonexistence.

This nonexistent moment granted Duester an entire character arc; a depressed alternative sans who postulated feelings of depression hidden underneath a typical alternative Sans persona that blossomed into a wicked jester that delights in chaos and carnage. The adverse character shift didn’t seem to surprise the nobles. They were aware of all events, and could foresee their outcomes.

With the nobles’ foresight and infinite wisdom indicating an unsuccessful attempt, they immediately moved to reject the angry god from the pantheon and into the Unwritten Rift. However, a guilty King Godverse prevented such an action, decreeing that now that Duester was here, he should at least keep his role in the pantheon as compensation for the traumatic resurrection.

King Godverse’s veto of the Duester’s banishment led him to quickly take his new position with stride.

Since his gifted position, Duester has taken great strides in mocking, belittling, and antagonizing various residents of Godverse. Always a deceptive shapechanger who compulsively lies and breaks oaths, he is by far not only an extremely annoying, but exceedingly dangerous individual who will stop at almost nothing to achieve his goals. Even going far as to betray his own allies like Strangus Dreemur- his literal son- to Anti-God.

It’s important to note, that while he does cause grievances at an unthinkable capacity, Duester is highly committed to doing his job the best he can and pretending to be the most respectful to those who matter.



“Lmao, almighty King. Have you grown soft?!” - Duester to King Godverse


Duester stands at any height, dressed in a jester’s attire and wielding a massive hammer which is present with him at all times. His body parts float together to form a single form, with a devilish grin always present on his face.


He’s classified, by mortal psychology, as a dark empath; capable of emotionally relating with those around him, but able to disregard any conscience. In other words, Duester understands the basic rights and wrongs of society and is capable of feeling guilt or shame at his choice. Duester utilizes this, and his ability to relate to others, to achieve his goals. He’ll hide behind a cheerful and goofy facade similar to Virus404. Yet, his joking facade is sometimes hurtful, life-threatening, or downright offensive.

To many, Duester is a sadistic god who manipulates, harasses, embarrasses, and lies impulsively to get what he wants. That is precisely what Duester is; Duester, among gods and mortals alike, loves playing sadistic pranks and lying to those who are beneath him, while subtly using jokes and insults to deteriorate one's self worth. With those who are equal or above, he relies on games of intrigue and psychological warfare.. Using his empathy as a weapon. Although, the truth of Duester is that- while definitely evil- he has a soft side; a broken god who misses a bygone generation and secretly relates to many in the Godscape.

This relation with the few in Godscape by Duester is never seen, and he usually ignores the Godscape. He’ll leave them alone, unless someone attempts to justify the new Godverse over the past iteration. In which case, they will earn the attention and wrath of Duester through his minions like Strangus Dreemur, or through direct interaction with an extension of the Jevil’s persona. Many residents either keep their opinions of Godverse to themselves, or only whisper good opinions of the old godverse in fear at the consequence of dealing with an angry Duester. Duester derives amusement from this, and will exploit the fear of his wrath to earn votes in the court of Godverse Nobility.

His relationship with the Godverse Nobility is rocky at best; he has some former tethers of friendship with King Godverse buried under mounds of resentment and spite, viewing his policies as extreme and redundant. Other nobles outside of King Godverse are usually handled in a very specific way that crafts the continuation of events to his liking. He pretends to be outlandish as a way to both cope with the trauma inflicted on him by the nobility, and as a tool to manipulate politics. Playing mind games with the nobles or making underhanded deals with Queen Godverse to secure the future of an old Godverse.

Duester justifies his manipulations, lies, jokes, sadistic pranks, and exclusively evil acts by claiming that this version of Godverse will be nothing but a footnote in the return of the old Godverse. He intends to erase the existence of his crimes, foreseeing no such thing as long term consequences when he can easily adjust space, time, and rewrite the story however he sees fit. Everyone will live a better life in his old Godverse, just like they used to.


Transcendent Physiology: Duester’s physical and mental manifestation, also known as what he self-bound himself to- is classified as absolutely infinite. Duester may be infinitely faster, stronger, smarter, and simply infinitely superior in any mental or physical regard. The Jester King may also demonstrate his ability to infinitely exceed infinite charisma, strength, durability, speed, regeneration, or any such concept. Combined with his concept manipulation, he may transcend the very notion of having a physiology

Cartoon Physics: Duester’s preferred manifestation is through embracing absurdity and randomness. Duester’s presence warps the existence around him, creating a cartoon-like atmosphere in which he functions as a powerful cartoon character which bends the plot around him to make him function as the main character.

Concept Manipulation: Duester has control and authority over possibility, impossibility, improbability, probability, infinite, finite, metaphysical, pataphysical, existence, nonexistence entropy, creation, life, death, order, chaos, laws, and every other concept. Duester can easily redefine the nature, law, and general functionality of concepts within any sort of given purpose, in any work.

Fourth Wall Awareness: Duester is capable of recognizing his status as a fictional character, and directly relating to the audience. This is essential for his ability to rewrite the narrative and story he’s presented in.

Khaos Hammer: Duester’s sub-ability is his Khaos Hammer. A great hammer that can split entire cosmologies in half, divide dichotomies, crumble the foundation of words, and even knock out characters from the story itself. The effects of this hammer are great shockwaves from great explosions of turmoil.

Subjective Physiology: Duester’s character is not bound to a single defined set of rules in definability to a literary level.


Ayaba Ideel/Queen Godverse: Duester doesn’t like Ayaba Ideel at all, but still considers her a close associate due to the tantalizing morsel of offers she provides to old Godverse. Ayaba constantly claims that she would let him have his way over Godverse, for her goals consist mostly of Deusverse and weaponizing the entire Aeter Engine. These promises Duester doesn’t trust, and is speculative of their validity, but plays along as if he was her temporary ally. He intends to take advantage of the mortal mindset she confines herself, and undermine her efforts when the time comes to take over.

Baron Fate: Duester doesn’t think much of Baron Fate, and

Jack: Virus404 is considered a sellout by Duester, and an affront to himself. Whereas Jack considers Duester to be his worst nemesis- similarly to Error404 but to a larger degree- Duester  finds Jack inexplicably beneath him, and doesn’t really care. However, for the fun of it, Duester will indulge in tormenting Jack when he’s bored. Either by belittling his personality, exploiting his insecurities, or destabilizing any relationships Jack may have formed through events of tragedy.

Koavire Ideel/King Godverse: Duester has come to despise the reign of King Godverse’s new persona, although in the past he didn’t care for the original King either. The relationship between King and Jester has become both puzzling, and uncertain. Duester himself doesn’t understand what he wants out of King Godverse. Constantly contemplating the chance for middle ground between he, and Koavire.

The Graveyard Zone

The Aeterframe/Godverse and Deusverse are well-known by both canon and non-canon characters alike. However, within the Aeter Engine there lies more. Works of fiction written by different Gods and authors might inhabit the Engine with Godverse and Deusverse, but would not share the same levels of stability.

The Aeter Engine is truly beyond reproach, inaccessible to all who defy King Godverse. The Engine only obeys those with moderation or administration with the Aeter Eye; actively it organizes itself. It protects itself, and every Frame that joins with it. While the holders of the Aeter Eye can command the mighty structure, it doesn’t automatically mean that anyone couldn’t create a desired frame within the structure. Duester has become notorious for the creation of millions of lost, fragmented, or decaying frames that sometimes might resemble or parody Godverse.

Duester has experimented over and over in the creation of new definitions and terminologies, taking the alphabet and combining letters to spark up new words or definitions within new cosmologies. This is all to achieve one goal: create a stable version of the old TGV within the Aeter Engine. Relive the old days of freedom to express, and bring back his lost comrades.

Duester has tirelessly created Frames that mimic the old phases of the Godverse Wiki, only to discover that the Aeter Engine actively works against his designs. The Great Design is a universal truth & principle in the Aeter Engine. It’s essentially integrated into the Engine and a required building block for any new Frame. This, of course, prevented the dreams of an old Godverse. A free Godverse.

The Aeter Engine not only forces The Great Design as a key component of creation, but it also buffs created frames. A False Omniversal can easily create a Frame- a new Wiki/Cosmology- but destroying that frame is a tedious task. The Aeter Engine makes any created Frame inconvenient to destroy according to the intentions of the creator. Therefore, if someone is obsessive as Duester constantly seeks to create an old Godverse, it’ll lead to a repeated process of trial by error. Duester battles the Engine to create a stable Frame, but the Engine refuses, and doesn’t bother to destroy or correct his past failures.


  • Duester was once known as Corrupted Core.
  • Duester’s favorite food is cheeseburgers.
  • Duester is a master manipulator.
  • Duester loves jazz.
  • Duester’s favorite color is red & white.
  • Duester misses his former family.
  • Duester loves practical jokes.
  • Duester can sometimes be a sadist.
  • Duester’s preferred weapon is a hammer.
  • Duester loves to shape change.
  • Duester is an impulsive liar (If he can get away with it.)
  • Duester can’t leave Godverse due to his obsessive nature.
  • Duester is the King of Jokes
  • Duester accidentally created Strangus Dreemur from a bad joke.

