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“Must you be so loud Anomaly…it’s annoying ’[]

Bryce or commonly known as EMINENT! Is a Godversal correcting Destroyer and god of all things Eminent whose existence has gone through multiple variations, being the creation of an entity known as Z! And being recreated/ Reborn by Aam who has given Bryce the title of 01. Bryce mostly sits around a void located in a pocket multiverse like domain called the Everse in a void to observe and correct anomalies in the Godverse, he also being the mentor of a being known as Hollow.


Bryce is a being that came about via an entity called Z! as an idea that existed in the minds of most GODVERSE inhabitants without their knowledge. To bring about its creation’s existence Z! had to steal the conceptual idea of its creation from the very essence of the inhabitants in the GODVERSE that held the idea without knowing it. To do this Z! used an ability that tapped into the other inhabitants and snatched the conceptual idea and brought it back to a spot which existed between individual dimensions at the time. This spot is where over the course of millennia it created the avatar for Bryce and nearing its completion Z! smuggled it into a random universe and planted the avatar then abandoned it. Slowly and surely this avatar grew into an actual being that at the time was incomplete and didn’t know it’s purpose and before it could figure out the new being was approached by another of extreme hostility this being Virus404, almost immediately Virus404 attacked the being nearly resulting in its immediate destruction.

Bryce was able to escape… or more of was pulled out of the universe and thrown through several dimensions till the being found itself in a spot with nothing. Completely devoid of anything but stings of information that were strung about in all directions.A sea of information that had the being intrigued, eventually the being would attach itself to these strings and consume the knowledge within them. Eventually gaining an identity, Bryce is what he would call himself and over the course of years Bryce would consume more and more till his physical essence collapsed and shattered into millions of versions of himself inside the strange space, this would turn him into an Error and Virus at the same time temporarily. But this did not last long, only for five seconds exactly till all the pieces fused back together in a reaction so powerful higher dimensions could feel the shockwave.

Which also resulted in the complete dimensional collapse of the space he was in. This new version of Bryce was more than what Z! created him to be, Bryce would instantly begin to figure out how to use its abilities, using them to destroy the space he resided in even more, until he managed to get pulled back to the universe he was originally created in. when finding himself in the universe he didn’t know what to do so he did the only thing he could, he found a single PS3 and tv while wondering and played the only game on it which was Doom. He would continue to do this for days on days until one day he noticed something, he noticed the remnants of the battle with Virus404 when he was originally created. This angered him as he remembered the events years ago and now that he had fully mastered his new abilities, he decided it was time for round two. Using his abilities he managed to completely track down Virus404 and ambushed him resulting in a battle between the two that lasted for days only coming to conclusion when Virus404 went into O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L ultimately ending in once again victory for Virus404.

The two battered and Bryce near death once more Bryce saw this opportunity to escape which he did by instantly transporting himself back to his universe. Bryce returning to his universe would sit there in thought wondering about this being he met Virus404more specifically why he wasn’t on par with him in terms of strength at the time. In his moment of thought he realized that this was because of Virus404’s alternate form O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L and its power being more deadly than Bryce’s base form. While in thought Bryce would inevitably be interrupted by the approach of none other than his own creator Z! almost immediately Bryce did not see Z! as his creator but as a being in his territory. This would result in Bryce attacking Z! and a fight broke out between the two. The fight would ultimately work out in Z!’s favor though the fight brought a thought to his creator, that Z! had managed to create something near even its own power, something Eminent. So, realizing the brilliance of its own creation Z! would take Bryce under its league and teach him things more specifically what it meant to be above others, this gave Bryce kind of an ego when it came to beings below him to the point it drove him insane. This caused him to rapture his whole universe till it became nothing but empty dimensional space,until he altered the very fabric of it into a new domain for him to reside in.

Over the course of the GODVERSE’S growth Bryce would use this new space to observe other beings for educational reasons and to hunt beings in lower dimensional levels. Continuing the hate for all things below him, only answering to the wills of his creator and nobody else. He would inevitably be so cooped up doing the same thing he began to create little paper dolls to talk to and considered them his only friends. He would speak to them about many things and more specifically Virus404 again. His mind would drift on about the destructive being and the two times he encountered Virus404. He wanted to be stronger, but how? He did not have a second form like Virus404… at least not yet. He would ask himself the same thing, how could he achieve what Virus404 had? So, Bryce would begin to tap into the deepest and far off roots of knowledge floating through the different universes and dimensions that made up the complex GODVERSE. And in result found an artifact unheard of that lied in the dimensional space with strings that had collapsed.

This revelation angered him, how was he supposed to get an artifact that existed nowhere? Then he had an idea he could reverse time in the space to retrieve the artifact. So, he would transcend himself back to the collapsed space and pulled it off, Retrieving the artifact and returning to his universe. Now he had another problem how would he use this artifacts power if it had any? And if it did what kind? These questions would eat away at him till one day he decided to just fuse with the artifact regardless with any consequences. Almost immediately the reaction destroyed his whole universe leaving him in a non-physical dimensional void and zero perception of gravity, as well as destroying one half of his face that was then covered in some sort of purple flame. Regardless Bryce felt complete, he felt whatever he was supposed to be, what role he would have, he had finally gotten it.

He perfected himself even more after the fact. And he would have one goal in mind, to find Virus404 and destroy him. However now there was a problem he had reached a state of mind for not wanting Virus404’s destruction. He would instead settle for observing Virus404 and getting whatever information he could on him. Over the course of this he would engage in fights with Virus404 most of which would now end in stalemate even when Virus404 used O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L, this would continue and continue. To the point Bryce would start to call himself Virus404’s rival, Bryce had become even more hateful to any sort of sentience below his and at this point would call himself the God of Eminence, making a throne out of literal PS3’s just for the heck of it.

Chapter two: reborn[]

Millennia passes… Bryce would get bored of his usual routine picking off other beings or observing, it would eat away at him to the point he would do things he wasn’t supposed to according to the orders of his creator. Then came the day he decided he was fed up with it, and wanted to take control of his own situation, this thought was then immediately interrupted with the arrival of his creator after sensing Bryce’s treachery and engaged with Bryce. In a fight that lasted for days Bryce was ultimately destroyed by his creator and rendered nothing more as scraps of code and essence, that floated around the universe he resided in but not before splitting himself creating a separate version of him that escaped. This parallel version of him would soon become ignorant to its own existence believing itself as the original and would continue as the new Bryce. As years passed the scraps of code and essence from the original eminent found itself way to a place called the Param sphere, a world of absolute perfection where beings of extreme control and power resided in. These scraps of the original were found by an elder of the Param sphere known as Aam, Aam was confused at first but knew there was use for this strange arrival. It took awhile but Aam was able to salvage the scraps that could work for his project and began to reassemble the scraps he was able to fix which resulted in Bryce being revived but not completely, he was rendered as something along the likes of a physical ghost which did not remember who he was…at least not fully. Aam was transfixed by his new creation and gave him the name 01 signifying it as the first, Aam would do tinkering on this new version of Bryce for ages to perfect him till one day Bryce evolved and regained his full memory…but this time rather than trying to immediately kill, Bryce showed respect towards Aam which pleased his new creator. Over the course of Bryce’s time in the Param sphere, Bryce and Aam gained a student teacher relationship as Aam would teach and train Bryce or now 01 new powers and new ideals which Bryce listened and followed, becoming a more perfect and mature version of himself…something truly EMINENT. Once Aam had taught Bryce everything, Bryce gained the title child of Aam.

After everything Bryce knew work needed to be done and bid his teacher goodbye, he left to explore the multiverse eventually finding himself back at the place where he originally resided in…face to face with his clone. Bryce was immediately disgusted by it, and the two engaged in a fight that ended almost immediately in Bryce annihilating the clone with a single attack. Bryce after destroying the clone absorbed it completing himself and making himself whole again. He knew his new purpose after the fight…to keep the GODVERSE in check and perfectly balanced, he altered the universe he was in, creating a new domain that was infinitely infinite similar to that of a multiverse, which he called the ETHEREALVERSE or EVERSE for short and in this new place he established a void in the very center for him to reside in, a place with windows in every corner of everything in general to observe all so he can keep everything in check. This is where he now resides and kills anomalies in the GODVERSE.

past Appearance[]

Bryce is around 6’1 in height a little taller than that of most and has the same color as a normal Sans OC but with purple highlights and one half of his face being covered in a purple flame, Bryce wears what is described as a long hooded coat with purple and black lining along 2 black diamond shape symbols and purple fur on the edges and wrists, being purple and static on the interior, and wearing light black pants and sweater under it the sweater bearing an icon that looks like an x and diamond and the same diamond symbol on his knees but in purple as well as remaining barefoot.

New appearance[]

Bryce after being reborn altered his appearance to fit his new personality and views, he’s around 6’1 in height and wears the same black sweater and pants as before but with white icons along with a long white coat with fur trim and black markings, his eyes have changed to a white diamond and circle and has purple tears that flare off his face like ribbons

Past Personality[]

Bryce is an insane yet concentrated individual, most of the time he’s very lazy and just plays video games and drinks hot sauce, sometimes observing powerful avatars in the GODVERSE, however sometimes he craves chaos in the GODVERSE so he’ll go out destroying universes and Dimensional structures or trying to kill other beings for the fun of it, in a fight Bryce will use a ‘’fight fast kill quickly’’ dynamic but sometimes he’ll toy with his opponent as a joke.Bryce has a hatred for one individual in the GODVERSE Jack, Bryce hates Jack for two reasons,one believing jack to be arrogant, and two just being petty for Jack trying to kill him when he was created.However, this hatred for Jack seems to stem into more of rivalry as sometimes Bryce will track down Jack either to have a chat with him or just annoy him.

New personality[]

Bryce after being reborn and learning from Aam, became a more collected individual serious yet quite not only that but he became more mature and wise compared to his original self. His teasing aspects had not changed even when in a fight though he has learned to stay more quiet and serious during one.


Matter Reconstruction and Manipulation:Bryce can use any sort of matter to his will be it physical or non-physical matter creating anything he wants even another universe if wanted using massive amounts of matter.

Dimensional Disruption: Bryce being so unequal in essence with the space around him will cause any sort of domain he’s in no matter dimensions to disrupt or crash upon arrival.

True Eminent Multiply: Bryce has the ability from his creation to split himself into thousands or even millions of himself at once all clones being the same as him on power and abilities.

Physics Manipulation: Bryce can manipulate any sort of physics in a fight or just because but only on a mid-level of control his strongest use being he is able to completely shift a structure of multiple dimensions at most.

Vast Knowledge: due to Bryce being trapped in the space he was for a long time he used the strings to gain access to a very vast amount of knowledge and is considered smarter than the average GODVERSE inhabitant.

Multi-Dimensional Access: also known as True Dimensional Transcendence Bryce can travel to incredibly high levels of the dimensional scale and all the ones below. This also allows him to travel in between dimensions themselves.

Eminent Arc v1 Tower of God: Bryce when using this ability will activate a law that all is bound to which states every magical attack forwarded to him is rendered less powerful than when it was launched.

Eminent Arc v2 Strings of Essence: Bryce can summon black strings which can render his opponent completely insane if made contact as well as being able to grab onto things that are not physical.

Eminent Arc finale Absolute Ray: Bryce can use his hands or fingers to fire a ray of high concentrated dimensional energy towards his opponent if this attack lands it will do one of two things, one it will completely wipe out his opponent’s existence, two it will render the opponent’s consciousness into multiple perspectives to a point they will not recognize themselves if the opponent manages to survive.

Eminent Blasters: made as an experiment while observing other inhabitants these Blasters created of 12D antimatter stretched and folded into blasters that can cause shockwaves across multiple dimensions at once as well as hitting a target multiple universes or dimensions away.

True Strength: Bryce has strength almost unopposed by most capable of cracking a 7D space with a full power punch.

Multi-Dimensional Portal Configuration: Bryce can open a portal to pretty much anywhere opening and closing them faster than a nano second.

All Dimensional Time Reverse: Bryce can reverse time of everything events, actions, spoken words. In any dimension he finds himself in.

Non-Conceptualization: Bryce cannot have his own existence be tampered with in an altering way meaning no one can create something based off him or use him to create other beings.

Blitz: Bryce has an incredible speed in which he likes to call Blitz.

Arcane mastery: any skill, combat form, magic, in the whole Godverse has already been learned and mastered by Bryce such as the attack patterns of a typical sans OC like Blue mastery.


“Sorry dude but you got to go.”

“Look I know you want to talk about your problems, but you should have not been in the crossfire, so I don’t care.”

“HAHAHA LOOK AT YOU…oh you’re dead.”

“Hey, want to see me travel to that universe…want to see me do it again?”

“Screw off I’m playing Doom.”

“I am not an insane video game playing prick! Well, I am but still.”

“Look sir- wait what? That’s a woman? I’m getting canceled. TRY CANCELING ME WHEN YOU DON’T EXIST!”

“Zig Zag.”

Alternate forms[]

F.L.O.W.E.R 01 (used by channeling both his old and new form simultaneously)

DOMINION 01 (used by completely embracing his inner manifestation of his old, new, and countless branches of his own manifestation)

Arcadeon (used by completely getting rid of his code leaving nothing but his form and arcane essence)


Virus404 status rival: Bryce has met Jack many times and considers him to be his biggest rival often annoying him or fighting him.

Z! status creator and ally: Z! is the creator of Bryce and is held in high regard by Bryce for his teachings.

Hollow status student: Hollow is another skeleton which Bryce had created and taken under his league Hollow does follow orders but at times tries to fight Bryce for Dominance.

Fortran status observed stranger: Fortran is someone that although respects greatly he does not want to communicate face to face.

Aam status teacher and ally: Aam recreated Bryce and taught him everything he now holds in regard such as his new powers and ideals because of this Bryce sees him as a high regarded ally.

Omnigodity status high regarded stranger: Bryce observes and respects the being known as Omnigodity for believing in Omnigodity’s immense prowess.

Everyone else currently status strangers: everyone in everything is considered as an stranger and threat until proven otherwise by Bryce.


Bryce loves video games.

Bryce is considered an insane video game playing prick by many.

Bryce considers anyone below him as target practice.

Bryce considers himself as the god of eminence.

Bryce reads a lot of comic books.
