"Radiation is pretty 'Rad'ical! Get it? Rad? As in rads? Heh...hehe... Yeah. It sucks here." - Virus404
Fallout!Tale is an AU created by DARTHOOM as the birthplace of Virus404 and the past home of Ayaba (Queen Godverse) This AU was relatively unknown and unused long after the nuclear holocaust between humans and monsters before it was located by Fortran. It was ompletely beneath the radar of various powerful beings due to its ignsifcance in the multiverse. This world exists as a shambled wasteland with dried-up oceans, a broken atmosphere, irradiated landscapes, and broken structures littering the horizon of any casual viewer.
Based in technicality, Fallout!Tale was Virus404's AU. He is only technical resident, besides the irradiated froggits, who frequents the dead wastelands and reguraly lives in the broken structures littering distant structures.
Fallout!Tale was a deviation from the original timeline of Undertale. In the Fallout!Tale primary timeline, Monsters and humans had a massive nuclear fallout shortly after the monsters obtained nuclear weaponry from trade. The monsters were approached by the government which desired the art of magic. They brought with them the tools and supplies for the monsters to develop nuclear weapons in exchange for the arcane knowledge. The monsters accepted, trading their bits of knowledge for powerful weapons, and began building a massive arsenal of weaponry in order to stave off the curiosity of scientific organizations and powerful countries from around the world. However, a foreign country across the seas grew displeased that the Americans had created a new nuclear power without the consent of other nations. Once a spy reported that they had just obtained arcane knowledge the foreign country soon grew paranoid over the Americans. Believing this arcane to be the work of evil, the foreign country quickly sought a counterstrike against the nations to prevent them from weaponizing this magic.
The counterstrike became a nuclear launch. At the same time the Americans noticed the major countries' assault, they fired their entire nuclear arsenal. Other nations were forced to either do the same or just simpy watch the collapse of the world.
- Fallout!Tale has been a shattered universe for over 2,000 years.
- Fallout!Tales entire solar system is broken, classifying the main planet as a rouge planet.
- Fallout!Tales sun disappeared long ago, but a unique magical residue in the atmosphere illuminates the planet with gloomy grey to irradiated green through the constant cloud cover.