“Such determination and hope... It's a shame it didn't get much use; you could have made more of it, but you foolishly thought you had reached your peak. If you had tried harder, you might not have met a fate worse than death, or even better... YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE MET ME.”- Fear!Sans talking to an OC with a determination soul
Fear!Sans is a being that was conjured from the Godverse's deepest and darkest thoughts and emotions, given form by the very outside. It or better, yet he now wanders across the omniverse, casting fear and suffering amongst the very narratives of the omniverse in its sick and twisted desire to cause the omniverse into a very, very, very dark age...
Fear and Suffering. Powerful emotions among beings. Being intensely unpleasant emotions in response to an experience of unpleasantness or aversion and perceiving or recognising danger or threat. The very thought of these two concepts was terrifying, but over time, this very thought would begin to manifest itself. The Aeter Engine held many Godverse's inside of the Aeter Frames, all of which were plagued by the very conception of fear and suffering and would unknowingly give birth to it through their fear and suffering. On the outside, in a vacant space outside of the Godverse, Outside of the Aeter Frames in the nothingness that existed there, a place untouched as those who stepped in where erased, and any structure built in it transcendent or not would eventually crumble and erode as existence of any kind could not be supported. in this place of certain doom a skeleton would take shape, but its body was completely black, made of nonexistent sludge; its form was taken from that of a certain skeleton from the Undertale narrative but far worse and twisted, its very being made from the nonexistence, it's presence excreting it, it floating around for eons, however this being was not awake, and it floating into a nearby Aeter Frame, one we know as The Godverse.
Once it gained consciousness, it wore up traveled around aimlessly, not knowing what it was or what it was supposed to do. it wandered, with it's steps corrodoing the ground it stepped on, eating away at the verse with each singular step, through it's wandering it saw destruction, and chaos, curious if it could do so itself it grabbed a nearby complex multiverse and when touching it, the nonexistence sludge it was made out of poured into it, decaying it, just as if it was put into the place it was born from, and next he knew it turned it into the same black sludge of nonexistence it was made from, and it was ecstatic about the destruction it caused, as well as the fear and suffering it caused from those who died, and those who watched, along with an aroma that was addictive to that of a drug. It wanted more of it, it wanted to destroy things that where stronger it KNEW it could erase things that where stronger, so it departed, heading across the vast Adamasphere destroying and maiming all those who stood in it’s way, each time it destroyed it went for higher and stronger targets eventually looking to go beyond as it learned of a path to a higher existence, with its long spindly legs on it’s back it reached out and using it's body nonexistent sludge, it decayed and eventually broke through the barrier between it and it's promised place above.
As it climbed higher and higher through existence, going through layers of a place known as The Lesser Otherverse, each layer of dimensions infinite he ascended from as his legs pierced into the layers and it's nonexistent sludge seeped out of them, the sludge eroded away at the structures frame and dimensions causing the layers to decay, Alpeh-0, Aleph-1, Aleph-2, Aleph-3, Aleph-4, all the layers eventually crumbled and fell from it's decaying touch as he climbed ever higher, reaching beyond The Lesser Otherverse and decided to head even higher, and as he headed higher even the dimensionally transcendent layers in the Greater Otherverse stood no chance as they crumbled as well due to the nonexistent sludge seeping into it's frames from the sharp spindle legs piercing into it, causing it to encompass a same fate as the Lesser Otherverse's layers. Emerging from the now crumbling and decaying Infinitum Zone, it looked at what it saw, a sea of many little pockets, each holding it’s own unique and interesting world in a place that voids all expressions and singular sets of definability. curious the being touched one, only for it to turn black and fall into a sludge of nothingness, just like everything else it touched, it did not surprise him now, he knew that his touch would erode away at anything, its frame woudl crack and fall as his form corroded it's existence causing their ineventible fall, and it then felt a shift in the area as these pockets started to move away from him, tried to avoid him, it was as if they feared him, as if the most unnerving aura came out that it scared anyone who came close, smiling wide he chased down and grabbed another pocket, however he focused so that it would not be destroyed upon his touch, looking down into it he shrunk himself down and entered into it as he decided to have some fun, seeing hapless victims run away in fear as he tormented and slew, he decided to fit himself around the aura he exhumed, giving itself its own name...
Fear!Sans was born...
Mini-Story: Fear!Sans Meets Tanphrous/Sans.EXE (Trash, gonna be remaking)[]
A twisted god is primarily a being who wants nothing more than to spread its twisted fear and suffering throughout the omniverse and its basically infinite timelines, who wants nothing more than to see those suffer and fear him greatly. Fear! Sans has a cruel and monstrous attitude toward everything he sees and prefers to cause suffering rather than generally talk about something that is specifically beneath him. He has, for all intents and purposes, developed a major god complex as a result of his abilities and regards others as mere toys or prey. He is aware of how powerful he is and uses it to mock and literally make others fear him; he used to specifically despise it but has grown to actually enjoy it. As such, he has generally immense pride in himself and can definitely be rarely angered just by the indomitable amount of trust he, for all intents and purposes, has in his power; toying with him only kind of makes you look childish, and he points it out, or so they actually thought. When he is not destroying or causing fear and suffering throughout the omniverse, he is rather calculative, intelligent, and overall mentally prepared for anything; even the most improbable events would, for the most part, not phase him in the least, which is quite significant. He is actually always focused and stern, regardless of what situation he's in; he specifically holds a dominant stance, and even those who talk with him are compelled to particularly listen to everything he says, or so they literally thought. Surprisingly, he, for the most part, is capable of love, as evidenced by the fact that he generally asked out and married his now-wife, Corrupt!Chara, in a very major way.
Fear!Sans's entire body is purely made of pure nothingness, without anything truly left from his physical form or very existence. He has impressive control over his form and a vast capacity to control nothingness in various ways and can erase everything he comes in contact with. He prefers to take the form of an all-black Sans with 4 gruesome spider legs coming from his back, a greyish black jacket, black shorts and black slippers along with a pearly white grin. His eyes are a crimson red that is known to bring immense terror to those who gaze into his eyes. He also has 4 cracks on the right side of his head he puts there that show a bright red light with a similar ability to that of his eyes.
Body of Nothing[]
Fear!Sans’ body is made of… Nothing. Pure and absolute nothingness. Due to this Fear!Sans has very unique actions and reactions depending on the scenario:
The Touch of Nothing[]
Due to Fear!Sans being made of pure nothingness if anything touches him or his mind it will cause an erasure effect on an absolute level with the process absolutely erasing the thing who is touching Fear!Sans or his mind over time, this will bypass any and all absolutes, concepts, and immunities. The only way to avoid this fate is to not touch Fear!Sans or his mind for too long.
The Nothingness of The Beyond[]
Fear!Sans having a body of actual nothingness, he is essentially beyond (transcendent) and devoid of everything, including but not limited to: most concepts, life, death, time, space, the narrative, cycles, dimensions, numerical values, damage, the whole of infinity, power, immunities, logic, laws, rules, etc. however Fear!Sans is bound to Fear and Suffering as its manifestation, but he can exist without them so destroying Fear and suffering won’t harm Fear!Sans. In fact, it may help him, making him the Manifestation/Lord of Nothingness.
Mind of Nothing[]
Fear!Sans has a unique mentality that of full of pure nothingness, paradoxes, contradictions, the beyond (transcendent), madness, and incomprehensibility. Due to this mentality Fear!Sans’s mind and will are completely untouchable and incomprehensible to all who see them. If a being tries to manipulate or control Fear!Sans, one of three things will happen: 1, the reverse happens as Fear!Sans’ mentality is too incomprehensible and breaks their will before they can do anything to Fear!Sans and now serve under Fear!Sans as a shattered mind. 2, the being winds up touching the mentality/mind of Fear!Sans too long and they succumb to absolute erasure. 3, they straight up failing miserably.
Primordial Nothingness Manipulation[]
Fear!Sans is made to manipulate the Primordial Nothingness in-between everything. Fear!Sans uses this nothingness to form weaponry, make defensive shields, puddles of volatile liquid or attacks. If anyone other than Fear!Sans touches this Nothingness, it erases them physically, mentally, spiritually, conceptually, narratively, etc, thus completely and fundamentally destroying them in all universes, timelines, dimensions, realities, possibilities, impossibilities, existence's, lack of existence's, and throughout the whole Godverse. The amount of Primordial Nothingness Fear!Sans can manipulate at once is perceived to be limitless.
Non-Existent Arsenal[]
Fear!Sans’ manipulation of Primordial Nothingness is not the only offensive/utility power regarding non-existence. Fear!Sans also has the ability to create and use any attack that does not exist, can’t exist, cannot exists, will never exist, will forever be stuck in non existence, etc, etc. From this Fear!Sans can (and will) use powers never before seen by anyone and anything allowing him to tailor specific powers and abilities to counter, attack, and hurt anything.
The Scythe[]
Fear!Sans wields a scythe that he made for himself. This scythe is made out of primordial nothingness and a special metal that is completely immune to any and all erasure, physical attacks, and magical attacks. The blade of the scythe is made entirely out of this metal and has primordial nothingness on its edges, meaning that if the scythe cuts its target (even if it doesn’t leave a mark), the primordial nothingness on the edges will infest the target, which will erase them from the inside out. As you may have guessed, the handle is completely covered in primordial nothingness, making it so only Fear!Sans is capable of wielding it.
Absolute Dominion over the Definitions of Fear and Suffering[]
Fear!Sans, being the manifestation of two primordial concepts, has absolute dominion and control over them. He can change the way they work, what laws they run by, manipulate and change their manipulation, their principles and axioms, who they affect, what the immunities and resistances to them mean and work, how far they spread/reach, and what Fear and Suffering represent. This dominion over fear and suffering is viewed to be unbound to boundless with no restrictions on what he can or can not do regarding fear or suffering.
Two-Faced Tongue[]
Fear!Sans is very convincing and manipulative with his words. Fear!Sans’ mere speech is enough to implant falsehoods and little white lies in his targets' subconscious, who will then believe these lies to be the absolute truth. If Fear!Sans is more focused on his speech, he can twist the wills of others into believing they should follow him and his goals, thus creating a variable army/cult under his command. This dominion, through talking, can even bypass the strongest of wills if Fear!Sans focuses enough.
The All Erasure[]
Fear!Sans has an ability that allows him to be untouchable. Fear!Sans when he makes physical contact with another being that is equal to or lower in “power” than him, he can completely/Absolutely erase their authority, power(s), immunities, and absolutes (except Absolute Immortality/Invincibility). However, this process is slow and can be stopped as Fear!Sans has to concentrate (subconsciously and/or consciously) in order for the erasure to take place, however no matter what even if they spend the slightest amount of time in Fear!Sans doing this to them, they will always end up weaker than before (even if it’s slightly).
”Ah yes, the hopeful one. You have been quite a pest to my vessel, but now, you are merely a bug before ME. What's with that look? You're right, I'm not him but rather, the superior! But that's all I have to say, but let me ask you this? Do you have any last words... BUG?” -F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ to Harmonytale!Sans/Hope!Sans
F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ is the transformation that Fear!Sans can transform by giving up control of his body, and giving control to something else within him... This entity was known as F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́, the entity that is considered the superior being of Fear & Suffering hiding within the mind of Fear!Sans, the very one who drove Fear!Sans to what he is now, the secret puppeteer that has caused every single action of Fear!Sans to occur. A beast whose sole goal is to rip apart the Godverse and make it scream in anguish.
Upon Fear!Sans giving into F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́'s influence and giving up control, Fear!Sans grows even larger and grotesque, with his four spider legs and arms growing larger and sharper, his lower half becomes a portal that black inky tentacles that can stretch around and squeeze Fictional Verses. But the horror doesn't stop there, his face grows even more disturbing with his eye sockets getting stretched and his pupils growing uncanny and realistic that now destroys whoever is unfortunate to be gazed at by it, F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ mouth is elongated and down F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́'s throat is a gate to the void. (Yes, it is. For those who know.)
Unlike Fear!Sans, F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ is a far more dangerous and malevolent individual who doesn't like to utter words when confronting something/someone but rather immediately, attack. Talking is worthless to F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ but it will only talk to mock or break the bad news to its unfortunate prey. It is nothing short of a beast who has been blessed with a consciousness that the one who gave it consciousness deeply regretted and before they could remove it, F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ had become a "GOD". F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ doesn't seem to care entirely about Fear!Sans nor his wife, but rather see him as a weaker vessel housing him and his wife as a pointless piece of existence, but he has shown great joy and amusement watching them do their own thing that he has ironically grown to slightly care for him and his wife.
F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́'s Power's[]
Nigh-Absolute Condition[]
F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ has all of its capabilities, attributes, and aspects at a near-unlimited and nigh-infinite level. At the most fundamental level, it is in a supreme and near absolute physical and mental condition, with almost no one being able to surpass him in those aspects. It is also almost immune to all forms of damage and/or any other type of harm. F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ is the sole controller and master of its body. F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́' other attributes (if it has them) will be at a nigh-absolute and/or near absolute level depending on it, such as regeneration, invulnerability, and potential, having the physiology of a near nigh-omnipotent being.
Fictional Massed[]
F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ can compress an beyond infinite amount of Fictional Verses into a single Fictional Verse by threading some kind of thread through each of the Fictional Verse framework's, in a sewing fashion. Once it has finally sewed every Fictional Verse together, it tugs the loose thread with extreme force, causing all of the Fictional Verses to collide with one another, rather than causing Fictonal Versal devastation, the force that they were pulled by will cause them to merge, causing the entire Fictional Verses to merge with one another. Once all of the Fictional Verses have fully amalgamated, there will be a singular Fictional Verse that is exceedingly unstable and can explode with the same force as the big bang, big crunch and big tear combined, F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ can even compress the fused Fictional Verse into an actual weapon that it can use as a bomb.
In the story Fear!Sans meets Tanphrous/Sans.EXE F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ has shown to be capable of doing an similar thing with Aeterframes/Godverse Wikis/Deusverse Wikis and Shamaspheres.
Horror of The Beyond[]
Due to the wide belief that F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ is a greater being of Fear and Suffering it is likely F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ hails from a background beyond the scope of the Godverse and thus even beings beyond the Godverse can become frightened and effected by F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́'s mastery and dominion over Fear and Suffering.
Voice of Fear!Sans (Sansfan1563)
“Such determination and hope... It's a shame it didn't get much use; you could have made more of it, but you foolishly thought you had reached your peak. If you had tried harder, you might not have met a fate worse than death, or even better... YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE MET ME.”- Fear!Sans talking to an OC with a determination soul
Fear!Sans being a A**hole to Hope!Sans because he can.
"You know Hope, you have been a REAL pain in the ass for me, you just showed up out of nowhere and immediately decided to try and F**k me over. But now that I know who you once where, it all makes sense now........ You're still mad that Chara found me more attractive than you Harmony." - Fear!Sans Taunting Harmony!Sans/Hope!Sans about how he corrupted Harmony!Chara/Corrupt!Chara.
Harmonytale Chara/Corrupt!Chara (Wife)[]
W.I.P (will be done after Corrupt!Chara Rework)
Harmonytale Frisk/Corrupt!Frisk (Servant)[]
W.I.P (will be done after Corrupt!Frisk Rework)
Harmonytale Sans/Hope!Sans (Arch-Enemy)[]
W.I.P (will be done after Hope!Sans Rework)
M.A.P [Malware Associated Program] (Creation)[]
W.I.P (will be done after M.A.P’s slight Rework)
Puppet Master Sans (Unintentional Creation)[]
Legacy Tanphrous/Sans.EXE (Boss…… For now)[]
before encountering Tanphrous/Sans.EXE Fear!Sans had only heard of him through rumors and myths, and did not pay much attention to them and even if he was real he believed he would be no match for himself. However after their encounter his perspective was shattered as Tanphrous dominated him in battle and beat him and forced Fear!Sans to become one of his minions, ever sense then Fear!Sans has had an underlying hatred for Tanphrous/Sans.EXE and actively seeks in betraying him.
However we all know that the puppet stands no chance against the puppeteer =)
Yowilde (Ally)[]
Fear!Sans met Yowilde long before he met Tanphrous and the two of them clashed and fought, however neither could get the upper hand on the other, eventually the two stopped fighting and formed an alliance becoming great partners, after becoming a servant of Fear!Sans he had intended to tell Yowilde and his intentions on betraying Tanphorus, however strangely whenever he plans to he can never find Yowilde.
T.M.A aka The Malevolent Army[]
The Malevolent Army, abbreviated as T.M.A is an army of beings and creatures that are unwilling or willing slaves of Fear!Sans that are his primary allies, Fear!Sans can summon these creatures at any time and are merely spare blood. The Malevolent Army is Fear!Sans attempt at the scene of becoming a king, he admires the concept of being treated as royalty and being a god for lower beings that he made an entire army within his own dimension.
Creatures/Beings of T.M.A[]
Eldritch/Godlike Servants[]
Deznădejde (Translated Name: Despair) is an eldritch creature that was known to bring despair upon unfortunate realities in dark and bitter settings, only causing the inhabitants of the hellish worlds to lose any hope of peace even for a brief second, mainly causing them to take their own lives. Deznădejde is shown to be quite malicious and apathetic to everything, believing that it can do whatever it wishes without consequences, but soon, it gained the attention of Fear!Sans, which caused a battle between the two with Fear!Sans trumpeting unscathed and Deznădejde as his slave.
Deznădejde's Abilities:
Absolute Insanity Inducement[]
Deznădejde can cause unfathomable madness in absolutely any being regardless of how powerful they are. Driving victims to irreversible and total insanity just by mere whim.
Master-Level Reality Warping[]
Deznădejde can not only manipulate the rules of reality but also the logical framework that these rules follow, thus letting them make reality either logical and rational or impossible and illogical.
Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability[]
Deznădejde is immune to almost all kinds of damage, be it physical (internal or external), mental, spiritual, and even conceptual. Deznădejde can be immune to all those damages except for one, and that is pure and genuine primordial hope.
Demigods/Supernatural/Unexplainable Servants[]
Waif is a sentient piece/embodiment of negative matter who obtained sentience through unknown means and whose appearance is a 20-year-old man with a HUGE love and obsession with bladed weaponry and blades in general. They roamed the multiverse looking for victims and those who can supply them could get more blades, but they came across Fear!Sans, and needless to say, the two strikes a deal with each other, Waif getting more blades and Fear!Sans getting a servant.
Waif's Abilities:
Negative Energy/Matter Manipulator[]
Waif, as an entity composed of negative energy and matter, has the ability to manipulate negative energy and matter and use it for a variety of purposes; this energy and/or matter can always be used in some shape or form to aid Waif's desires and is usually drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar sources.
"Blades! Tons and tonnes of blades!"[]
Waif can construct black-bladed weapons in a heartbeat by utilising negative matter as a material. Waif may shape and manipulate these bladed weapons at any time, combining one blade with another to create a variety of hideous-looking yet lethal weapons. These blades are very resilient, so much so that they can only be destroyed by near-infinite strength, making them nearly unbreakable in certain ways.
Make-Up Artist[]
Waif has impeccable make-up abilities and can design extremely flawless disguises for any infiltration task they may face. They are able to totally replicate the person they are now disguised as with amazing precision, even fooling the closest individuals towards whom they are currently disguised.
They can always escape whatever confinements or prisons they are in with relative ease, utilising everything around them and leveraging even the tiniest of things towards their escape.
The M.A.S.K is the primary item that keeps Waif alive against stronger individuals because Waif without it has such a feeble body that even the smallest punch is guaranteed to break one of their bones, but the M.A.S.K grants them incredible amounts of durability and even allows them to withstand and make them impervious to forms of disaster, disease, age, and other things that may lead to death. The M.A.S.K. also provides three more abilities.
Hallucination Inducement[]
Waif has the ability to induce hallucinations but has little to no ability to modify or interact with them once they are induced. These solely cerebral and sensory-perceptual distortions are frequently merely visual or aural, but can occasionally be tactile and even cause physical discomfort. They can be employed to distract the target, make the target go mad from uncontrolled sensations, or even force the victim's mind to permanently disintegrate.
Supernatural Eyes[]
Because of M.A.S.K, Waif's eyes have been pushed to a supernatural degree, and now they possess a sense of sight that is strikingly, clearly, and super/unnaturally more keen than other species in their universe. They can see kilometres away, in all directions at once, in the dark, with the slightest distinctions, and at speeds too quick for the human eye. Additionally, it includes the following abilities: 360-Degree Vision, Accelerated Eyesight, Clairvoyance, Electromagnetic Vision, Essence Reading, Hyper Awareness, Microscopic Vision, Night Vision, Shared Vision, Supernatural Accuracy, and Telescopic Vision.
Pain Suppression[]
Waif always blocks pain whether they want to or not, since M.A.S.K renders them incapable of experiencing pain or very resistant to the physical discomfort of any type, allowing them to think clearly and move without flinching, even with a severe injury. They can think clearly, move freely, tolerate suffering, and function in settings where the pain would impair a regular person. Waifs do not respond at all when harmed; they can walk forward while being damaged or fight without stopping, regardless of how severely they are hit.
Waif's F.U.N Button's[]
These are coded buttons that Waif obtained after being accosted by an unknown individual; these buttons provide Waif with a range of powers to utilise.
This button allows Waif to deplete a universe's energy, thereby increasing the capability of Waif's magic repository, and if desired, they can deplete all of the said universe's energy, which in turn will cause it to destroy itself. There is one serious downside to this button: Waif must consume tiny to medium-sized amounts of energy, since consuming too much would cause their magic to malfunction & instantaneously backfire on them, which results in their death should they be too careless.
Waif can use this button to heavily increase the quality or state of being improbable; the unlikelihood of anything improbable or unlikely. This button may be used in any scenario or if Waif simply wants to witness something really implausible, such as a chicken with a bodybuilder's physique wielding an assault rifle, Minecraft Steve with The Yamato, and so on.
This button is the most beneficial of the three; it will scan and analyse any foreign area/reality/universe and provide Waif with precise knowledge, allowing Waif to know where they are and have prior knowledge of their surroundings. It can also identify reality tampering, abnormalities, and so on.
Mortal/Human/Monster Servants[]
WSEFWERW3ERG!Dusttale Sans[]
An alternate version of Dusttale!Sans, which is created by WSEFWERW3ERG, is superior to its original counterpart. The same events and character changes of Dusttale are amplified and altered to an extreme level, with Chara becoming the literal spawn of Satan, Frisk being a mere vessel incapable of speaking and Sans going to higher peaks of insanity but gaining immense power from it. Dust had suffered the same countless loops and had gone insane even before the 3rd reset, and began to slowly but surely stop caring about life. The pain had grown meaningless, but eventually, the past had offered an option to fight back...
WSEFWERW3ERG!Dusttale Sans's Abilities:
Ultima Blasters/LAGB (LV & Adaptation Gaster Blasters)[]
An upgrade to both the canon version of The Gaster Blasters and The Dusttale Gaster Blasters, the blasters look similar to their counterparts but possess a more dragon-like appearance with the skulls being dragon skulls'. Besides the appearance change, the blasters come with two new abilities, besides shooting a condensed stream of magic. The Gaster Blasters can "level up" via LV and/or overtime in battle, as the blasters are also imbued with Sans' own adaptation.
Osteokinesis Mastery[]
Just like every other generic Sans, WSEFWERW3ERG!Dust possesses bone magic, better known as Osteokinesis, but unlike every other generic Sans, he has a more proficient mastery over it and can mainly do things that either tire out Average Sans OCs or create things that are impossible to recreate out of bone, he can create weapons out of bones like a gargantuan scythe, halberd and other kinds of useful weaponry. In short, he is the bone man. His bones are superior.
Omni-Telekinetic Authority/True Blue Magic[]
A major step up from Blue Magic or, better yet, Telekinesis, he has now reached Omni-Telekinesis, which is pretty much fully mastered telekinesis and with an extra bonus of being able to telekinetically enhance one's physiology. Yes, Sans can use telekinesis to augment his condition, allowing him to increase his strength, speed, reflexes, endurance, durability, agility, leap, stamina, healing, senses etc. But besides that, he has gained more matter-related abilities, which I'll let you see for yourself here.
Phantasm Arsenal/Originality Breaker[]
Upon killing someone/something, should that individual have abilities, Dust can "steal" those abilities for himself and use them in any way he pleases. Emphasis on the steal as he's just merely copying their abilities and doesn't actually take away their abilities, but despite the fact they are just copies, they can still prove dangerous and effective regardless, and hell, Dust is even shown to be better with some abilities than the original wielder's.
Anomaly's No More[]
After meeting with Error!Sans, after almost getting deleted by him, the two confessed their hatred towards the same thing which was "anomalies", but Dust lacked the capabilities to do so and Error!Sans decided to be generous and pointed him to a certain skeleton. After the meeting with him, Dust now can nullify (somewhat) and/or kill anomalous entities/objects. He still hasn't perfected this ability but has some decent mastery over it.
Fear!Sans’ Theme (by Tre'von Jones)
- Fear!Sans’ arch-enemy is Hope!Sans.
- Fear!Sans is still a fan of Sausage Pizza and Drinking Mayo.
- F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ vastly improved on all of Fear!Sans' abilities made them much stronger when he is in control.
- Fear!Sans has been barred from play any games in Atlantis that requires a dealer or other people to be present in them after mere eye contact made those who saw his eyes suffer Fear Paralysis making him the defacto winner (he was draining away at their wallets.)
Origin of the Rework and Who made what?[]
This was originally a Fan-Work of WSEFWERW3ERG on the Sansfan1563Archive wiki but I (Sansfan1563) liked the very W.I.P version so much I wanted to help and make it the new canon version of Fear!Sans (also I was looking for an excuse to rework a lot of my older pages). I am gonna show the work both me (Sansfan1563) and WSEFWERW3ERG did. (The effort we put into it was pretty 50/50 with WSEFWERW3ERG doing some more work)
- Fear!Sans’ Powers and abilities
- Feats
- Trivia
- Pure Nothingness/Lord of Nothing
- Relationships
- F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́’s Horror from the beyond power
- Quote Section (Sansfan1563 is also the voice of Fear!Sans in the quote audio)
- Art
- Infobox
- Edited Appearance to fit new art
- Rank system of T.M.A
- Gallery
- Wants to add some characters to T.M.A
- Backstory
- Appearance
- Personality
- All of F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ except for it’s Horror from the beyond power
- T.M.A
- Deznădejde
- Waif
- Spell checking