"Well. I may be just a dumb old Corruption, but you can't kill me. I have no HP!" - Final_Corruption talking to Error404 during their conflict
Final_Corruption!Sans was once just Corruption!Sans.
Corruption!Sans had so much code, so much so that he can't handle his own corruption. He knows that he can transform to his mentor's form, Fatal Corruption. After all, he was told that he can be another him.
So he went to find a place to transform, and then stupidly decided that the Antivoid was the perfect place to transform. As he reached the Antivoid, he met Error!Sans, who had weirdly expected him to come. Corruption was unsure on why, but doesn't really care about it. Then he proceeded to cut off Error monologuing for plot reasons, which caught him off-guard and understandably enraged him. How dare he interrupt the monologue.
While Corruption usually would defeat him in less than a minute, this fight proved to be harder, way harder. It seemed like Error FINALLY improved his fighting technique.
The fight continued for a long while. But Corruption!Sans still won. So Error backed off a bit, and then revealed to him that he had found his counterpart and teamed up to defeat him. Corruption doesn't remember who that is, but to his horror Anti-Corruption appears and they both immediately attacked without warning. (why wouldn't they tbh)
Of course, Corruption lost. Then on, Anti-Corruption tried to erase Corruption, but Corruption summoned Null!Sans to hold him off but to no avail. Weirdly, Null!Sans's code merged with Corruption, and he felt a quite large power boost. Then he absorbed all the corrupted code, right then and there.
Anti-Corruption tried to stop him, but it was too late.
Null!Sans code which contained part of Corruption's original world began to overpower all the corrupted code. This caused him to transform into something much more stronger than Fatal Corruption, way more stronger.
This form was known as Final_Corruption.
With this newfound power, he took Anti-Corruption and Error's code in a way that kills the both of them. He absorbs both their code effectively powering him even more. In addition, Anti-Corruption's code being absorbed caused the corrupted code to react in such a way that made his corruption bypass the Anti-Corruption properties, meaning nothing can be immune to his corruption. His code is so unstable that he doesn't have HP or DEF or any traditional stats for that matter.
Now he went out to corrupt the whole Antivoid, and discovered that he can use corrupted code to overpower him should he fight foes even stronger than the most overpowered characters.
As years pass on, he had gained the ability to create an artificial Determination soul and thus had access to all its power, including infinite lives as well as RESET. After researching the RESET ability, he was able to modify Corruption Menu to an extent where it could also ERASE, EDIT and CREATE. He was also able to connect his Corruption Menu to worldlines (the very code of the AUs and Multiverses) by tracing back the code RESET affects that allows it to change back time.
Now he seeks to corrupt the Omniverse (multiverse of multiverses lmao) to take full control of everything, and become god of the Multiverses.
Normal Form[]
He looks like Sans, and his original form, but his eye sockets are more melted, and a corrupted mass covers his right eye with corruption goop leaking out of it, as well as a blue color on his skeletal structure, representing Bluescreens. His left eye glows an eye-blinding white, and his right eye (which actually exists) is colored green, red and blue. He also wears a dark grey jacket that dawns over a green shirt, with a dark red-blue side on the hoodie. He also wears green slippers.
Shaped abstractly almost to the point of being random jumbled mess. The unstableness of the form makes it hard to spot any real features, due to it bein heavily glitched. It does appear that he has a slightly discernable head with a dual color style, and what appears to be an X replacing both eyes and a stitched smile. There are also presumably cracks in the head.
He has an unnervingly stoic and calm demeanor, so much so that even an a nanometer away from death he acts as if it's just a normal Tuesday, and usually wearing a blank expression. It is also really hard to spot the difference between "calm" or "dead serious" as on one hand he might be acting like a normal Sans, pretty chill and a bit lazy and all that stuff. On the other hand he might be ruthless and pragmatic, not hesitating to kill if for a decent reason. And both of these look similar to one another to the outside person.
For example, he might be casually talking about stuff and tell bad jokes when someone would say a joke about his past, and then he would throw them to the other side of the room, and then become "enraged" for a brief moment before returning to normal.
He only ever shows emotions to manipulate others into a state of courage or cowardice; emotions to invoke another emotion, or control their behavior. He rarely does this however.
Unstable Reality[]
The nullifying presence of Final_Corruption!Sans's large number of corrupted code mixed with Null!Sans causes his mere presence to be able to corrupt parts of the very code of multiverses or corrupt an entire AU if he so wishes to. This unstable nature also causes the AU he is in to randomly glitch (has no effect, only visual)
This code is so unstable it gives a unique effect where Final_Corruption does not have HP or DEF stats. Basically, null HP/DEF which means he is immortal. However, he can only take a certain amount of hits from someone with god-like code or else his code will shatter due to large amounts of contact from those with god-like or higher code. While this usually isn't a problem with god-like characters as it takes 7381 hits to shatter Final_Corruption's code, it only takes 79 to 215 hits from anyone with omnipotent code (as the bridge between god-like and omni codes are very high, thus more power) and anywhere from 34 to 78 hits with those of beyond-god code.
Unrivaled Corruption[]
Final_Corruption's corruption is of unimaginable magnitude, unmatched in every single way. Not a single other Corruption can beat him. His corruption has the ability to destroy those a lot more stronger than him, even those beyond gods, while not using his full power. When an entity with the HP stat gets hit by the corruption, they will experience a DoT (damage over time) effect that will consume 0.1% of their MAX HP per milisecond or damage up to 25% of MAX HP every second or even just die instantenously.
Administrator Status[]
Final_Corruption!Sans has a better Corruption Menu, renamed the "Administrator Menu", as it gives Final_Corruption full access to any of the multiverses code, as well as the entities inside of said multiverse, such as the AUs. He is able to make full changes to the multiverses code entirely, without it being undo-able except by himself. The powers that come from this include but not limited to: manipulating a certain AU's code or the objects inside it. CREATE, EDIT and ERASE, SAVE and LOAD, It can also help him corrupt AUs in an ungodly speed, or even instantenous. It also has full code manipulation, and has remote access to a pocket dimension named the "Anti-NULL Dimension", and Final_Corruption can use any one of the Administrator Menu's abilities telephatically.
Full Code Manipulation[]
With the help of the Administrator Menu, Final_Corruption!Sans can manipulate corrupted code that he gained from other universes to form objects, entities or moves. This allows him to use his yottabytes worth of corrupted code and use it to form blasters, bones, shockwaves, beams, spears, flames, tridents, etc. They can also be used to coat himself, acting as an absorption shield that will add anything it absorbs to Final_Corruption's library of corrupted code.
Corrupted Determination[]
Final_Corruption was able to create artificial determination by using code from the DT souls as well as the 6 other souls combined, and merging and modifying them together until it created a perfect DT soul. This artificial determination was created to be able to fit Final_Corruption. One problem, he had no soul. So he had to create a soul vessel to use this determination.
Abilities include:
- Infinite lives (when he gets killed, the DT will form his body back with the corruption it has, and immediately replenish it again.)
- DT magic objects (swords, shields, etc)
- LV (doesn't have a cap)
- SAVE/LOAD Usually he only uses this to RESET an AU or a multiverse.
Corruption Blasters[]
Summons 5 giant gaster blasters in a horizontal row dealing godly dmg, and applies the Corruption effect (random speed). He can summon as many of them as he wants. The blasters stay for 8 seconds, unlike other Sans's blasters.
Null Beam[]
Shoots a 50m diameter dark cylindrical grey beam that will deal 2% of the entity's MAX HP every milisecond. Applies a slow death Corruption effect.
Moveset Steal[]
Using the Administrator Menu to modify code, Final_Corruption will be able to use moves from characters in said AU. If it happens to be an attack, they will also deal the corruption effect.
Corruption Release[]
Using code manipulation, this move forms a large shockwave that can expand to 3/4ths of an AU. This shockwave is so strong it will reduce the target's MAX HP to 0.08. This will not affect anyone with omnipotent code or higher, but will instead take away 37% of their MAX HP.
Advanced Telekinesis[]
Using the Administrator Menu's code manipulation, he can manipulate a character's XYZ coordinate, and force it to throw or even teleport it to the specific coordinate. He uses this to push someone into the path of a Gaster Blaster, or a beam, or forcefully teleport it into the ground for tactical reasons.
In addition, this allows him to just take a piece of the ground, trees or any objects nearby with code and throw it to a specific coordinate.
Code Coat[]
Final_Corruption!Sans can use his corrupted code to form a coating covering his entire body, which will take in attacks from the characters and turn it to corrupted code and transferred to Final_Corruption's infinite library of corrupted code.
Corruption Bone[]
Corruption bone. Deals 28374 to 83762 damage. He can summon 9 rows of these, or 72 of them as bone projectiles. Applies a fast death corruption effect.
OMNI.CORRUPTION is a form Final_Corruption!Sans takes when he uses his whole code library to keep himself from dying, and in addition fusing his code with that of Final!Bluescreen and Sirius. Due to the amount of code making him, this will immediately release a burst of corruption, corrupting the whole Multiverse, along with AUs, and characters as long as they don't have beyond-omnipotent code.
The sheer unstableness of this form causes it to look like an abstract body, heavily glitched and with no real features even able to be spotted, and a very unconventional structure. This also causes a certain area near OMNI.CORRUPTION to consist of nothing other than jumbled code (hence the grayscale static in the background of the depiction). In addition, this area also will erase anything near it, or heavily corrupts those even with beyond-omnipotent code.
(keep in mind this is only if the target intentionally MOVES to the area, so he can't just rush straight at the enemy and corrupt them. they can also escape the area unharmed if OMNI.CORRUPTION rushed to them first.)
However, he can only last in this form for only half an hour.
To turn back into his normal form, he can release his whole energy (which will not kill him, but erase all of his existing code) or collapse himself inside out, which will shatters his soul in a way where it can be turned back to normal. From there on, it creates a new body with the condensed corrupted code back in the library.
This form takes the previous attacks and combines them with corrupted DT magic to make every attack instant death. However there are also new attacks:
NULL.VOID - Releases corrupted code in the form of a puddle that will consume anything in it (excluding OMNI.CORRUPTION of course) and takes their harvested code to expand the puddle even further. It then shrinks to OMNI.CORRUPTION, returning all the code used.
OMNICORR.BEAM - Shoots an expanding beam that erases anything in its path.
Other move changes include:
- Corruption Blaster now no longer has a wind-up time; firing instantaneously.
- Null Beam now summons a small cylindrical beam to both front and back directionally, before expanding to a 100m diameter beam.
- Moveset Steal now no longer needs corruption in that certain AU, and will also summon one shot attacks, and can even summon the character the attacks belong to.
Relationships (you can add stuff here)[]
Fatal Corruption (friend) - Fatal Corruption doesn't recognize him, but Final_Corruption recognizes him as his former mentor. They both work together in destroying multiverses. As soon as he realized he had a power stronger to his, he immediately tried to convince Final_Corruption into combining their powers, heavily corrupting each other to send large amounts of raw Corruption across hundreds of multiverses to complete their mission. However Final_Corruption denies this, stating that it is "too boring" and "the super-duper easy way out". Because of this Fatal Corruption sort of hates Final_Corruption, but they do have fun in their corrupting competitions.
Corruption!Sans (creation) - He restored the timeline of his past self to create a new Corruption!Sans who will follow the intended path, where it will turn to Fatal Corruption, instead of being it's own weird anomaly. He also modified it's corruption to boost it's Fatal Corruption strength. However he wanted to have some fun and increased it's chances of being a much stronger Anti-Corruption.
Anti-Corruption!Sans (rival) - Corruption's rival has always been his opposite counterpart, Anti-Corruption. Although Anti-Corruption can't stop Final_Corruption, literally being killed mere seconds after transformation. Although he knows that the Corruption he created can turn into a way stronger Anti-Corruption that might just be as powerful if not powerful than Fatal Corruption, and so tasked Fatal Corruption to kill Corruption, if it looks like he would turn into an Anti-Corruption.
Error!Sans (enemy) - As Corruption!Sans, he had encountered Error!Sans while trying to manipulate code. They both fought and ended up with Corruption winning after Error failed to string him because of his unstable nature. Error then became annoying to Corruption, destroying AUs before he could corrupt them and destroying AUs he has already corrupted. After transforming to Final_Corruption, Error died when his code got harvested, along with Anti-Corruption.
Error404!Sans (enemy) - Error404 is disliked by Final_Corruption, due to him obviously being an Error, whose goals are to destroy AUs, which goes against him needing AUs to corrupt.
They once fought, somewhere in another Antivoid. Error404 has infinite HP and DEF, and Final_Corruption doesn't have an HP or DEF stat, making them both unkillable. However, using the administrator menu, Final_Corruption was able to track down Error404's code and override his HP and DEF substat to 1, aswell as copy his code (his code can't be harvested, it was hidden), and proceeded to kill Error404.
However, technically Error404 did not die, since he was reanimated due to his code not being erased fully. Plus, Final_Corruption would've not won if he did not modify his HP and DEF.
So their battle was never resolved. Error404 then saw him again later, but immediately avoided any encounter with him, due to what happened in their battle.
Glitch BFT: Well They are on neutral terms but Final-Corruption never dared to fight Glitch BFT as for the last time he did he got beaten to the pulp but nowadays they are on neutral terms, Glitch BFT would do favors for Final-Corruption and Final-Corruption would do favors for him and go corrupting together.
Final!Destruction Sans (Natural) - They will encounter each other but it is pretty rare Final!Destruction won't get in his way but will talk to him a bit then goes on his way and he usually leaves Final_Corruption alone they do have some terms with each other but don't fight just talk and leave each other alone that's pretty much it.
- Corruption!Sans had saw another Corruption behind Fatal Corruption, but then walked into a blind spot and disappeared.
- Error404 had seen someone break into the mainframe, in which he proceeded to blast them with dark blasters. The figure then disappeared.
- Fell!Papyrus along with Fell!Sans had seen an unknown figure killing one of the monsters for code. They then proceeded to rush string Sans and dragged him to the shadows. He was never seen again, along with the figure.
- Glitch BFT saw Final-Corruption while checking up on the AUs before going to the next universe and he basically let Final-Corruption do what he does and went on to the next universe.
- This character is inspired from Corruptiontale.
- Despite being a Corruption, he sort of dislikes other Corruptions. Except for himself and Fatal Corruption. Yes he hates his past self, Corruption!Sans. That also in a way means he hates himself. Which is also true lol
- He can't be harmed by his own attacks, since it's literally his own code. And so he can use the Corruption Blasters and stay inside the beam for protection. This is a tactic he uses when in dire situations.
- Absorbing Anti-Corruption's code for some reason prevented him from looking psycho, and instead unnervingly calm. (which is still kinda psycho but doesn't look like insane)
- He has an guilt complex, due to all the destruction he caused.
- Final_Corruption!Sans's favorite food is fries. He has a fries generator in the Anti-NULL Dimension which he can teleport into his inventory using the Administrator Menu. He literally has a specific button in the Menu for transporting fries....
- He has strings. They corrupt. However they do not get used (except dire situations) because Final_Corruption thinks they're ugly and way too boring to use. Although he does attach strings to his puppets as a means of a way to control to them or to know their exact location everytime, to teleport to them. They are also used to harvest their code instantly. (used for form transformation)
- He is bisexual and is non-binary. His pronouns are he/they.