Flaks is a Primordial entity who originated outside of TGV and is the self proclaimed god of all forms of Luck and Probability.
In the beginning when everything was made a being of incredible power viewed their creation, it was it’s base fundamental parts but it was missing things. This being although mighty had a feeling that he could use a bit of assistance to make the process of creation quicker, and with it’s almighty power it created the primordial ones and made them step into existence, beings formed to help it in it’s task of creation. At this time the Omniverse was incomplete and the being who created the primordial ones set them on a task to fix it, Following their creators demands they created avatars of themselves with their cosmic might spreading and creating different aspects into the land. Luck, Emotions, Pain, Life, Death, each and every concept was created by a primordial one and the being morphed their personalities to fit the concept they created. As eons passed the Primordial ones kept to their task and created more and more concepts and then their creators voice fell silent, a once booming wind turned into a small breeze. To investigate they let their avatar bodies decay as they went to search for their creator only for them to find nothing. in light of this discovery most of the primordial decided to watch over what they and their creator had made, however two of the Primordial ones decided take advantage of their new freedom and remade their avatars for them to puppeteer, One of these two was Flaks the Primordial one who created Luck and Probability.
Flaks unlike the other Primordial ones he had what was considered by them to have made two of the strongest concepts, the concept of luck and Probability. This power allowed Flaks’ avatar to never lose too anything nor be at the threat of the other surviving Primordial one, his brother Død the Primordial one who created Life and Death. During the ages where him and the rest of his siblings worked together to help form creation Flaks’ avatar always loved to gamble and take risks, Flaks even took a gamble with Død and thanks to his luck he won. This gamble gave Flaks’ avatar immortal life and immunity to death of all kinds. Life went on and Flaks avatar’ watch as his siblings vanished one by one seemingly wisked away by a powerful force until only He, Død and their avatars remained.
Eons had passed since most of the primordial ones vanished and Flaks at this rate had grown bored, he had lost connection to Død and his avatar form and trained and meditated for so long perfecting his skills and mental aptitude and his avatar form finally realized that without his siblings he had no real challenge nor good partner to play a game of chance with and what surrounded him was a complete absence of good company. So Flaks and his avatar form started a search for a place with beings with strength and power galore, a place full of beings willing to take risks and take bargains and bets. With good navigation and a hint of good luck Flaks had discovered a place he knew without a shadow of a doubt would the the perfect place to set up camp, he had found The Godverse, a place filled with gods and those who claimed to be ones themselves. Flaks saw a great challenge with beings he believed could rival or even surpass the power of his siblings. Flaks now was Ready, to start anew and enter this newfound land with the knowledge that luck would always be on his side.
*more to be added/need permission from others/need inspiration*
Avatar Flaks (Flaks’ Avatar)[]
False Mentality (Personality)[]
Flaks’ avatar is a happy go lucky, charming and charismatic fellow always willing to take a gamble. Flaks is also very intelligent and strategic always planning ahead and making sure the bets and risks he takes will always go in his favor (which is almost always). Flaks also has somewhat of a god complex with his complete power over luck and probability always giving him the upper hand in everything, so far very few have even come close to breaking it.
Flaks’ Avatar has three appearances and names depending on the form he takes and they are the following.
Flaks: Flaks is a gigantic humanoid figure as big as a sun with a coin head as big as Jupiter. The coin head he has is golden and has a clover on it symbolizing good luck. The suit Flaks wears is that of a black tuxedo with white pants, a red bow tie, white gloves and black shoes.
Nøytral: Nøytral shares many similarities with Flaks in terms of appearance with the only major change being that with his coin head. His coin head changes from one of gold to one of silver with an Equal sign on it symbolizing Equal chances or a 50/50 shot.
Ulykke: Ulykke like Nøytral does not share many differences with Flaks appearance but Ulykke has more changes. Ulykke’s colors is photonegative too Flaks making the colors opposite, the black shoes and tuxedo become white, the white gloves and pants become black, the red bow tie becomes cyan, the golden coin head becomes blue. Speaking of the coin head it now has the Chinese symbol of bad luck on it.
All Three forms can adjust their size and change forms at will.
Some powers all forms can access and some powers only certain forms can access.
All forms:[]
All Luck Based Powers[]
Flaks being the one who made the concept of luck and luck in general, has all luck based powers and can use them too their fullest extent.
Primordial Entity Physiology[]
Flaks being one of the Primordial ones, a being at the start of Outerverse and Omniverses, Flaks is also considered to be the strongest of the Primordial ones.
Pan-Dimensional Physiology[]
Flaks and the other primordial ones had spread their concepts through every and all dimensions, this feat would of been nigh-impossible if not for them coming from a place with an Limitless amount of Spatial Dimensions, Spacetime Dimensions etc. Due to the place he came from Flaks exists within all Dimensions of every and any scale, and this is shown to be true thanks to the fact that luck and probability does in fact exist within all Dimensions, and to his Luckpresence that allows him to exist and be anywhere one of his concepts are.
Luckpresence (Nigh-Omnipresence)[]
Flaks exists and is everywhere where any of the concepts he created is involved in some way shape or form, being Omnipresent when it comes to luck, probability, currency, gambling, bets, risks or bargains, and sense luck, probability, currency, gambling, bets, risks and bargains are pretty much everywhere, Flaks himself is pretty much everywhere.
Luckscience (Specific Omniscience)[]
Flaks knows anything and everything when it comes to Any of the Concepts he created (luck, probability, currency, gambling, bets, risks and bargains) ask Flaks anything about any of these concepts or rules of them and Flaks can give you an answer, if any new knowledge comes up or is found out about these concepts, Flaks already knew. It is impossible too outsmart Flaks when it comes to these concepts.
Primordial Probability Manipulation/Meta Luck Manipulation[]
Flaks being a Primordial being who created Luck can go back way into Luck roots and go back to Lucks first version, Probability. Flaks Probability manipulation is able too override even the worst outcomes into his favor and the probability of Flaks succeeding could be so low the number for his chance of success goes on infinitely with 0’s yet Flaks still would succeed. This manipulation is so strong it overrides All other Probability and Luck manipulations no matter the form.
Conceptual Lordship (Over Luck and Probability)[]
Flaks is the highest authority in terms of the concepts he created and able too manipulate their their principles and axioms. Flaks can never and will never be outshined by anyone else in power over the concepts he created and can override others powers over the concepts he created with his own.
Concept Creation[]
Flaks being the one who Created the concept of Luck and Probability has the power to make more concepts then just those but they are his most well known. The concept of currency, gambling, bets, risks and bargains were made by him as well and he can create even more if he so wishes. The concepts Flaks creates all fall under his Conceptual Lordship.
Omniversal Strength[]
Flaks has being a primordial one and being of Ginormous size gives Flaks Strength beyond the scopes seen by many, Flaks can toss around, bend, snap and break the any and every layer of the Greater Otherverse and anything within it. Anything contained within the Greater Otherverse can be shattered or broken by Flaks’ strength.
Because of the gamble he won against Død, Flaks has been removed from/Exempt from any concept that leads to death and the concept of death itself, those concepts are unaware of Flaks very existence and currently ignore him.
Near-Absolute Attack[]
Like his Mind, Flaks has had Eon to train himself physically and perfect his fighting styles, although not a fight he knows it may come in handy. This training gave Flaks his only real primary offensive ability, Near-Absolute attack gives Flaks the ability to create attacks that can bypass almost any defenses and almost every defensive powers, instantly obliterating and demolishing anything they can hit. This ability also gives him the knowledge of every fighting style and makes him a master of them.
Coin of Fates[]
Flaks has a coin on him that he can summon at will and cannot be destroyed, this coin has a angel on one side and a demon one the other. This coin can either cause great fortune or great misfortune and can also alter fate itself changing the outcome depending on the way it lands. The coin will always grant three flips for a user and has a set of rules the user has to follow. the rules are as followed,
- Demons always counter Angels and Angels always counter Demons
- You have to flip the coin and you cannot just toss it into the air so it lands on a side you want, anyway works as long as the coin is flipped.
- If you catch the coin you can choose to flip the coin a last time before you see the results, you cannot go back once you see the results.
- Once you get your hands on the coin, You must flip the coin at least once.
- NEVER flip the coin a 4th time, doing so will result in consequences depending on how the coin lands.
Flaks Claims that of someone was too flip Angel three times they will have riches and power even The richest would be jealous of and if someone was too flip Demon three times in a row a fate even the strongest fear will fall upon them(These claims are most likely a exaggeration though it is likely it has a hint of truth).
Only Flaks is immune to the effects of the Coin of Fates, this by extension means he cannot gain good or bad luck from the coin of fates nor does he have to follow its rules.
Cards of Fortune and Misfortune[]
Flaks has a indestructible deck of cards on hand which seems like a normal deck of cards at first until they are used. These cards have a special effect for each and every card which can be used in and out of combat and effect Flaks or anyone else. The cards must be pulled out one at a time and must be put back in order for another card to be drawn. The effects are as followed:
Hearts (helpful):[]
- Ace of Hearts: Heals target of all their injuries and illnesses.
- Two of Hearts: Flaks can choose two targets and they are now soulmates.
- Three of Hearts: Protects 3 targets from all incoming attacks for 30 minutes.
- Four of Hearts: Four Fictional Verses are cleansed of all evil.
- Five of Hearts: Gives the target 5 extra lives.
- Six of Hearts: Saves 6 endangered Hyperverses.
- Seven of Hearts: Revives 7 wrongfully destroyed Fictional Verses.
- Eight of Hearts: Locks away a major evil for 8 Years.
- Nine of Hearts: Gives the target Incredible power for 9 days.
- Ten of Hearts: protects 10 peaceful Hyperverses from any and all attacks to them for 10 Eons.
- Jack of Hearts: The target’s alignment changes too Neutral Good and they become peaceful for a random amount of time.
- Queen of Hearts: Target will try to spread peace and happiness with their alignment changing too Lawful Good.
- King of Hearts: Targets become a protector of multiverses and their alignment changes too Lawful Good.
Diamonds (summoning):[]
- Ace of Diamonds: Summons a single yet big stack of cash (main currency you use is summoned).
- Two of Diamonds: Summons a gigantic amount of transcendent skeletons to fight for Flaks.
- Three of Diamonds: Summons a large turtle with Absolute Immortality and a calming aura around them.
- Four of Diamonds: Summons a meteor the size of a Hyperverse to crash onto the target.
- Five of Diamonds: makes a gigantic mountain of pudding that has total of 1 quadrillion calories.
- Six of Diamonds: summons 500,000 Nigh-Absolute indestructible magic swords that will fight for Flaks.
- Seven of Diamonds: Controls every skeleton in a radius that spans a Fictional Verse to come and fight for Flaks.
- Eight of Diamonds: A Gigantic amount of pure gold coins the size of a Car fall from the sky at beyond lightspeed.
- Nine of Diamonds: 10 Hyperverse wide volcanoes appear and spew god killing lava out of them for 9 hours.
- Jack of Diamonds: Summons a random Universal being to fight for Flaks.
- Queen of Diamonds: Summons a random Multiversal being to fight for Flaks.
- King of Diamonds: Summons a random Hyperversal being to fight for Flaks.
Clubs (random chaos):[]
- Ace of Clubs: Causes a Fictional Verse wide supernova to occur.
- Two of Clubs: Flaks can choose two targets too become soul-linked or code-linked (if one of the two dies the other dies as well).
- Three of Clubs: a random chaos happens (anything that a Card of Fourtune and Misfortune can do the Three of Clubs can do)
- Four of Clubs: Summons radiant light too engulf a multiversal wide area.
- Five of Clubs: All luck of 1-5 targets Flaks chooses is reversed.
- Six of Clubs: Plastic building bricks called stack’ em cover the area Flaks is in and stepping on one causes unbearable and unexplainable pain. (Flaks feels no pain stepping on any stack’ em’s).
- Seven of Clubs: a train comes out of nowhere and runs over the target.
- Eight of Clubs: GUN GO BANG BANG!!! (Flaks gets a Gun of his choice and it could be anything he wants, even one that does not exist).
- Nine of Clubs: The target gets sent to an undesirable place that they would never have wanted to go too and is forced to stay their for 9 days.
- Ten of Clubs: all the clothes a target is wearing vanishes from existence and the targets sense and feelings of embarrassment is heightened to its max.
- Jack of Clubs: the target becomes the Court Jester for a random kingdom or new kingdom.
- Queen of Clubs: the target becomes the Princess/Queen of a random kingdom or new kingdom.
- King of Clubs: the target becomes the Prince/King of a random kingdom or new kingdom.
Spades (offensive):[]
- Ace-10 of Spades: summons 10-100 large bolt of radiant light that has the potential to destroy 10% of any sized Omniverses each.
- Jack of Spades: target loses all fighting ability’s and knowledge.
- Queen of Spades: some of the targets abilites/weapons start too backfire.
- King of Spades: Kills the target no matter what (unless they are Absolutely immortal)
Jokers (CHAOS, CHAOS):[]
- Red Jokers: does a random ability from hearts or Diamonds.
- Black Jokers: does a random ability from Clubs or Spades (Ace-10 of Spades counts as the same thing to Black Joker cards).
Some Effects of these cards are permanent, while others are temporary, The Temporary effects from these cards ends when the card is put back into the deck. The effects can effect almost anything and everything. These cards only work when Flaks draws from the deck, otherwise they act as normal playing cards.
Aura of Fortune[]
Flaks has an Aura around him which he can activate at will which allows an infinite amount of beings he chooses too have incredible luck beyond the likes you have ever seen, Flaks can also remove anyone from the effects of the aura as well.
Absolute Fortune[]
Flaks is filled with and emanates good luck, Flaks can never lose a bet nor can he lose anything luck related, skill becomes absolutely useless against Flaks luck. Flaks also can gift this luck onto others giving them a similar yet weaker level of luck he has.
Nøytral is completely and utterly neutral and that stance cannot and will never change. Nøytral also is immune too the powers of Good and Evil and immune to temptation from both sides.
Absolute Luck Neutrality[]
Nøytral can make himself or others lose the ability too have any type of luck effect them in anyway, everything will rely on skill and luck can no longer play a role. Nøytral can also remove this effect from himself or others allowing them to be effected by any type of luck again.
Misfortune Embodiment[]
Ulykke being the opposite too Flaks in terms of powers makes Ulykke the Creator of Bad luck and Misfortune being around him causes you too have luck so bad a piano could fall on you underground……. with your underground shelter being 100,000ft underground with only one floor………. and has no piano in it, yet the piano still falls onto you.
Luck Sapper[]
Ulykke can sap away the luck from a infinite amount of beings he chooses making their luck be sapped away from them and fed into Ulykke’s luck causing him to have an aura of bad luck to others while he has good luck.
Flaks, Nøytral and Ulykke all have a boon which he can bestow upon someone that will give them certain benefits and abilities.
Flaks Boon[]
Flaks Boon gives the wielder of the boon Incredible luck beyond that of which Flaks Absolute fortune and Aura of fortune can give, they also become adept and gain extensive knowledge on gambling, risks and bets and the best way to win certain bets, what risks are worth taking and beat the house in a casino.
Nøytral’s Boon[]
Nøytral’s boon gives the wielder the ability too view situations in a neutral light and always be level headed in most situations and lowers the chance of them getting mad. This boon also allows the wielder the ability too remove luck from a situation all together and make anything rely on skill and skill alone.
Ulykke’s Boon[]
Ulykke’s boon gives the wielder the ability to sap luck away from others and add the luck they sapped from others too their own giving them infinite luck as long as the wielder is around groups of people. This boon also lessens the effects and chances of some sorts of bad luck or misfortune that come upon the wielder.
Only one boon can be given too someone and one person cannot have two boons.
- Flaks is Luck in Norwegian, Nøytral is Neutral in Norwegian and Ulykke is Misfortune in Norwegian
- Although being more well known in creating Luck, Flaks first creation was Probability.
- Flaks sometimes jokes calling Probability “Luck Version 1.0”, although there may be some truth too it.
- The Primordial ones’ Avatar’s may or may not be bound to their own concepts, if they are not bound to them Their Avatar’s can limit themselves and make them bound to them if they so wish but they can easily re-transcend their own concepts. Flaks’ Avatar is one of these.
- Flaks’ Avatar loves to make bets and usually slightly rigs them in his favor (Flaks has a 98% of winning)
- Flaks although not liking to take orders will be willing to listen and work for those in high places as long as he gets something in return or he believes it aligns with his interests.
- Flaks Dislikes Opposite Day, Mondays and Friday the 13th (the day).
- Flaks Loves The month of March.
- Flaks is not that much of a fighter and does not need to be as his luck manipulation is so strong he would just automatically win any fight as either he somehow gets an entire army to back him up or the enemy gets so unlucky they somehow lost all of their skill and a piano falls onto their head.
Flaks (Flaks’ True Form)[]
True Mentality[]
Flaks’ mentality is that of an incredibly complex and incomprehensible being’s, being above and thinking beyond ethics, emotions and logic, having an mind compared to an False Omniversal being’s. (this mentality was shed due to the influence of his creator and replaced with a false one)
Conceptual Transcendence[]
Flaks being a being who originate outside of the Omniverse and whose avatar created concepts, it is safe to assume Flaks’ true form is completely beyond the power and scope of anything a Primordial One’s avatar can do, thus Flaks is transcendent and above all concepts including that of time, space (spatial), dimensions, life, death, luck, probability, Infinity, Cycles, and any other concept you can think of.
These Trancendence's exists through and are expressed by multiple layers of them on a nigh-infinite scale.
Conceptual Lordship[]
Flaks being a Primordial one is responsible for the creation of concepts through the use of his avatar, and due to the logic of the actual Primordial ones being beyond infinitely stronger than their avatars, any and all primordial ones have infinite control over any and all concepts being able too manipulate all of their principles and axioms. However If a Primordial one was the one who created the concept they would have infinitely more control over said concept over others. For example Flaks can manipulate the concepts of Life and Death to an infinite degree, however Død would overpower Flaks’ lordship over the concepts of life and death as his control over the concepts of life and death is infinitely superior to Flaks as Død was the one who created the concepts.
- Flaks is Luck in Norwegian.
- Flaks’ current personality is not actually his original as his creator morphed and changed his personality to fit the concept he made.
- Although being more well known in creating Luck, Flaks first creation was Probability.
- Flaks although not liking to take orders will be willing to listen and work for those in high places as long as he gets something in return or he believes it aligns with his interests.
- Flaks Dislikes Opposite Day, Mondays and Friday the 13th (the day).
- Flaks Loves The month of March.