“God, King, Dictator, that does not matter too me. As long as they show signs of corruption or evil, I won’t hesitate to show them the errors of their ways….. Through any means necessary.” -Delta!Sans
It was an average Day for Delta!Sans in the multiverse. He had just stopped Nightmares gang from invading a AU and helped the inhabitants recover from the damage and making sure everything was alright. It was a daily routine for him, wake up, fight evil and help others, and although he liked the life he was living he sometimes wished the bad sanses would just quit and stop their antics. While pondering through these thoughts and feelings he unknowingly stumbled upon a Sans in a detective’s outfit opening up a wormhole and entering through it. Delta!Sans wondered where the wormhole might lead and who that sans might be. In the end curiosity got the better of Delta and he hopped through the wormhole before it could close.
Upon reaching the other end of the wormhole Delta!Sans found himself in a strange place, it looked similar too Outertale and lots of rocky floating remnants floated everywhere seemingly forming some sort of a path. Delta!Sans charged up his back blaster and used it to help him fly across this barren wasteland until he ended up finding another portal, and with nowhere else too go he went through. Exiting the portal Delta!Sans found himself in a place called The Outskirts and Delta immediately noticed the variety of different beings there, some he could recognize, others seemed otherworldly too him but they all interacted in a form of peace. Soon Delta!Sans found a place called “Godverse’s Private Eyes” and inside he saw the same Sans in the detective’s outfit that opened the wormhole that led him here. Believing they would know things about the strange place he ended up in he enetered.
When entering the building Delta!Sans was immediately greeted by a Papyrus standing at a bit over 11ft and in the corner of his eye he saw a human who seemed to have come straight out of a old timey black and white movie. Delta!Sans immediately asked about the strange Sans he saw and if he was here, the Papyrus immediately pointed him towards a door stating that his brother was in there and beloved he could help find the sans he was looking for. Delta!Sans Thanked the Papyrus and entered the door seeing that same sans leaning back on his chair with his feet on his desk. Upon entering the room the strange sans looked up and greeted Delta!Sans while introducing himself as Courage!Sans and asked Delta what he could do for him. Delta!Sans asked where he was and who they where. and that he was in The Outskirts, one of the largest dimensions in the Godverse. Delta!Sans then asked more questions on the godverse and Courage!Sans answered each and every one, although Delta!Sans was confused he somehow understood what it all meant and could piece it all together.
After the talk with Courage!Sans, Delta went to a nearby mountain range to overlook the area and found a cave with a glowing orange light in it. Going in he found an orange colored blaster that looked a lot like his face with a drawing above it with some sort of figure wearing the blaster as a helmet. Delta lacking any sort of caution decided to grab a rock as big as the helmet and quickly swap the two juts in case it was booby trapped and put the blaster helmet on his head, and as he did that he heard a fuse lighting and before he knew it he was tossed out of the cave by an explosion that rocked the entire mountain while wearing the blaster helmet and landed right in front of the Godverse’s Private Eyes building. Remembering how good Courage!Sans was at answering his questions before he decided to go in and ask about the helmet he just got. But as soon as he entered the building a loud bang could be heard coming outside of the building and screams echoing throughout the Outskirts. Quickly Delta!Sans’ thought he triggered more explosions by taking the helmet and his heroic instincts kicked and and he went to help those in need. When exiting the building he saw a Sans wearing a unique blue and red jacket with their face being completely obscured only seeing the mouth and eyes and was summoning spears and tridents too stab people and blasters too absolutely eviscerate others and was causing absolute havoc upon the Outskirts. Delta!Sans immediately went too stop this being and engaged him in a fight but try as he might he somehow could not land a hit on the strange figure and before he knew it a black bone came from behind him and knocked him too the ground and when he tried too get up he was knocked down again.
The strange figure approached Delta and laughed seemingly knowing Delta stood no chance against him, and right when Delta!Sans was about too throw in the towel a painful pulse came from his soul as the helmet he was wearing started to glow. The pain grew and grew and with it Delta’s mind, body and soul expanded and the power coming from his soul skyrocketed becoming power equal too that of so many Human Souls inside of a monsters body numbers no longer could describe the quantity and his magic went from above average power too godly levels of power. Delta!Sans’ body was now emitting the same bright light the helmet was and Delta started floating off the ground and suddenly an explosion came from Delta engulfing the area in a bright orange light, and when it’s light faded Delta!Sans emerged anew and ready for round 2.
The strange figure quickly tried too strike Delta only for Delta too move so fast he seemly teleported behind the strange figure and knocked him into the ground. The strange figure looked up at Delta!Sans and tried too fire bones at his direction only for 4 mini blasters too come out of Delta’s sleeves and block every bone moving at speeds so fast that they went so fast they moved faster than the eye could see, and while the figure was distracted two orange fists materialized behind the strange figure and clocked him towards Delta who was charging a massive right hook. The strange figure then got within punching distance from deltas and in an instant Delta there a right hook at the strange figure punching him so hard the strange figure flew out of the outskirts and to the edge of the Luminare Zone, the strange figure although defeated thought they where now far away from Delta, BUT BOY WHERE THEY WRONG! Upon blinking Delta was rushing towards the strange figure and before they could React the strange figure was smooshed into the ground as Delta swung both fists downwards. Delta then emitted an orange light from both his mouth and his hands but before he could fire the strange figure dipped and transported themselves far away from Delta!Sans.
When Delta!Sans returned too the outskirts he saw Courage!Sans, the papyrus and the strange human helping others and when others saw Delta!Sans they hailed him as a hero. When approaching Courage!Sans he congratulated Delta saying he thought that guy he just beat was nigh-unbeatable and has been causing absolute havoc upon the outskirts for quite some time and was impressed on how Delta!Sans defeated him. Delta!Sans although knowing he win the battle knew that that strange figure would be back and similar figures would pop up. Realizing the dire situation this place was in Delta!Sans decided he would step up as this places protector and make sure no evil would escape his fists, and just as he was gonna take the blaster helmet off for a heroic pose he found it was stuck to his head having bonded with his body as others started laughing at the guy unable to get a blaster off his head.
Delta!Sans is a kind hearted, yet serious and brave individual. Delta!Sans unlike his former Self Classic!Sans, usually never lays back nor is he lazy like him. Delta!Sans always makes sure evil never escapes his grasp and has an intuition allowing him too know when other people lie too him making it impossible too trick him.
Delta!Sans looks fairly similar too his original form with some noticeable changes. Delta!Sans now wears one of his blasters as a helmet usually obscuring everything but his mouth, his white sweater has become orange and keeps the Bravery soul with the monster soul on it. His back blaster has been replaced with two small orange wings that usually pop up behind his shoulders and give him a major boost in speed. He keeps his gauntlets and black trousers but he can now make his feet disappear and replace them with two tiny blasters that propel him into the air allowing Delta!Sans too fly. 4 mini Blaster tops and 2 orange fists also circle around Delta!Sans and usually hide within his sweater or trousers when not in use.
Delta!Sans being a Foreigner has achieved Enlightenment, this Enlightenment gives him understand of his multiverse and the application’s and workings of the godverse, Delta!Sans enlightens also has the special effect of making it Impossible for Delta too feel fear of any kind and makes mental degradation all but Impossible.
Delta Blasters[]
Delta!Sans can summon Blasters that are orange in color and leak a black liquid from their eyes. These blasters can fire a energy beam that travels at speeds no mortal can comprehend and absolutely disintegrates everything within it’s path. A single blaster has the potential too eradicate Low-Multiversal beings with ease.
Variation: Blue and Orange Delta Blasters[]
Same as normal Delta Blasters but Blue Delta Blasters don’t deal damage when you are completely still while Orange Delta Blasters don’t deal damage when you are moving.
Variation: Mini Blasters[]
Delta!Sans has 4 mini blaster tops circling him. These mini blasters can fire beams that travel at the same speed as a normal Delta Blaster but these beams instead completely paralyze a target by destroying the concept of movement and speed within the target making them unable too move or go at any speeds making them completely still.
Delta Bones[]
Delta!Sans can summon Multiversal sized Bones that have been compressed to fit in finite space too attack his opponents, these bones can piece through anything infinitely in a 3D space, having no limits on what they can pierce as long as it’s an object/structure with three spatial dimensions. This allows the bones too attack the very foundations of reality and the third spatial dimension making it so they can effect and hurt anything within a 3D space. It also helps that a single bone has the density of a Multiverse making each bone infinitely dense and a weight of a multiverse allowing each bone pack a significant punch and be hard to escape from if one pins you down.
Variation: Blue and Orange Delta Bones[]
Same as normal Delta bones expect Blue Delta Bones don’t damage you when you are Completely still while Orange Delta Bones don’t damage you when you are moving.
Unstoppable Strength[]
Delta!Sans’ Strength far outweighs Anything with his strength being nigh-impossible too outmatch, Delta!Sans’ Strength alone allows him too shatter the space time continuum on an infinite scale, destroy an infinite amount of Realities and all of totality, and hold up the combined weight of the entirety of an infinite amount of Universes with one hand without breaking a sweat, Delta considers this to be average in terms of his strength. Anything and everything in Delta!Sans’ way will be absolutely eviscerated or demolished in a single too a couple of punches for Delta!Sans’ punches are so strong they tear through reality allowing for almost anything too get effected by a punch made from Delta!Sans. The True Extent of Delta’s Strength is unknown and seemingly incalculable.
This strength is also applied too the two fists floating around Delta!Sans.
Incomprehensible Speed[]
Delta!Sans can move at speeds that are incomprehensible too mortal beings. During his early days this speed let delta travel from the outskirts to the edge of the Luminare Zone in a couple of seconds to continue fighting True!Dust, now this speed allows Delta!Sans too travel at speeds most beings would be unable to comprehend being able to travel anywhere in the Luminare Zone in 0 seconds.
This speed is also applied too All of Delta!Sans attacks, his 4 mini blasters and the two fists that circle around him.
Unimaginable Healing Factor[]
Delta!Sans has a healing factor that is so fast it can heal any damage too Delta!Sans instantly, this healing factor allows him to survive dimensional collapses, complete disintegration, reality destruction, existence erasure and Death Manipulation. This makes Delta!Sans Nigh-impossible too kill as with every attack and every bit of damage no matter how severe, they will be instantly healed.
Courage!Sans (Pal): Courage!Sans was the first being from the Godverse for Delta!Sans too encounter and also the first for him too know well. You can usually see these two hanging out often and chatting about different things, these two really get along.
Foreigner True!Dust (Arch-Enemy): Delta!Sans encountered True!Dust awhile after talking too Courage!Sans for the first time and in their fight absolutely demolished him, beating a guy others saw as nigh-unbeatable. Upon their second fight however things where much more close as Dust was not letting his guard down again. These two loathe the other too their very core.
“Do you even have evidence on their existence that does not invoke holy scriptures?” -Delta!Sans auguring with a Member of The Church of Quondam.
“Back again ey, ready for another beatdown?” -Delta!Sans preparing too battle True!Dust
“I believe you only invited me is so that I would be a third-wheel, oh well at least I get free food.” -Delta!Sans 30 minutes into a conversation with Courage!Sans and Noir!Firsk after being invited too dinner with them.
“YEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOW! ****, ****, *******, ****, ****!” -Delta!Sans after stepping on a *generic plastic building block* that may or may not have been placed there by True!Dust.
- Delta!Sans has currently never lost a fight.
- Delta!Sans’ experience with many others Floweys makes him extremely suspicious of all Floweys who claim too be good.
- Delta!Sans is completely and utterly righteous and will refuse to do things he sees an immoral.
- Some people have been throwing around the claim that delta is immortal due too his insane healing factor.
- Delta!Sans is an stark atheist and refuses too believe that Quondam or some other almighty being exists.
- Too Delta everything has a weakness no matter how obscure or insane.
- The only way Delta!Sans truly believes something is with hard evidence, facts and seeing it with his own eyes, not holy scripture or anything already proven false.
- Delta!Sans sees followers of Fortran and The Church of Quondam as completely Insane/Deranged/Delusional/Coo-Coo for *generic chocolate cereal*/Madmen/card carrying members of the crazy club, for different reasons.
- Delta!Sans once used his strength to pull himself outside of the constraints of space, time and Spacetime.
- Delta!Sans mainly uses energy attacks dues to the sheer amount of beings in TGV that can manipulate magic by manipulating his inner magic supply and converting it into raw energy, Delta’s blasters fire this energy instead of their usual magic beam.
- The Blaster helmet Delta!Sans is wearing is what gave him the power increase against his first fight against Foreigner: True Dust, it is also permanently bonded to Delta!Sans’ head pretty much becoming it.