Godverse Wiki

"You want a fight pal, fine so be it. I have you know you will not like what will happen in the next 5 minutes"

Forever!Cyrus is an extremely determined Defender of Fiction and will do anything in everything to destroy all and any evil being that he comes across

(Do note, this page is no longer canon, a more perfected version/canon version is over here)




Forever!Cyrus dorns a human like appearance, however its only a containment field for his powers, Forever can change his own appearance however he prefers this form. In his human form Forever wears a casual uniform that being, a plain white t-shirt, dark grey jacket over his shirt and dark grey shorts, he also wears thongs for his footwear of choice, he also has a hidden necklace under his shirt and jacket. this hidden pendent does contains some of his powers, but is there for just looks. The pendent has a orange Omega symbol on it and the gem itself is dark blue in colouration.


Forever!Cyrus is a calm, logical, tactical person, being that he is the defender of fiction, he has a large sense of defense of the weak and a huge amount of justice. he is extremely ruthless to all those that he sees as threats to the stability of the fictional realm, he will use any means necessary to get rid of the deemed threat but he will back off if he can clearly see he can not win


459 and Forever!Cyrus are allies at the very core, with having pretty much the same moral code, even though their goals are not the same, they see eye to eye and will do anything for each other

Snacks met Forever!Cyrus after snacks was entering random fictional worlds looking for food. He met Forever!Cyrus after looking around and they just talked. There pretty chill with each other but snacks would probably steal food from him any chance he got.


Forever!Halberd The Main Weapon of Forever!Cyrus, Cyrus uses this weapon to reshape entire multiverses, this weapon has white pole and black axe and spear heads, and the weapon has powers of its own, mainly to destroy and recreate multiverses without the concept of "effort". This weapon has the special ability to be able to fire off Forever!Chromatic lasers, these lasers pierce the very existence of one foe and completely erases them from fiction

Orb of Forever!Chromatism The Orb of Chromatism is one of the Forever's most powerful weapons, and possibility one of the most powerful weapons to exist, able to ignore all physical possibilities and logical boundaries, this weapon is able to cast reality shattering and possibility 4th wall destroying attacks, the attacks from this weapon also bypass and ignore all forms of illogical forms of manipulation, defence and immunity, as this weapon does not abide by them and therefore not restricted by it, this weapon can be used in a defensive matter by emmiting powerful shields and attack nullifying effects this weapon can take all forms of attacks, including all forms of concepted based attacks, and turn them into something that Forever can use, such as more power or an counterattack if and when he wants to, this orb glows with all and every possible and impossible colours of chromas

Button of Unity The Button of Unity is a button created from Forever's Justice and Determination along side the other 5 traits. Being that he has entirely united each and every soul trait, magic, power, and life together. he was able to create this button. This button allows the combined usage of all buttons possible, the main buttons that are combined into the button of unity and the ones Forever uses is SAVE, LOAD, CHECK, TRUE RESET, DELETE, CREATE, ERASE, GAMEOVER and OVERWRITE. with this button Forever is able to use any attack within the fictional realm, including those not in Forever's main arsenal of attacks, the button combo of Overwrite and Create allows Forever to use any attack known. This button is also used for personal editing, Forever can edit himself using his button to be the most potent in any combat situation. As well as his opponent, though since this is considered dirty play, Forever tends to not edit his foes unless his hand is forced.

The Amplified! Sword of Triple Souls The Amplified! Sword of Triple Souls is a weapon made out of Forever's extremely high and potent Determination, Justice and Perseverance, this weapon is capable of dealing severe damage to Forever's foes, this weapon is the weakest in Forever's line up of manifestable weapons due to the weapon being made of mainly soul traits and not so much from Forever's magic this sword is still capable of destroying many timelines however this takes much more effort, power and magic to do so due to this sword using Forever's soul strength to fuel the swords power

Soul Trait

Universal Soul Forever carries a unique soul that he crafted, despite the mere fact that Forever does not require a soul for his existence. Forever's soul is extremely unique in the fact that it is able to switch between all soul traits known within the Undertale fandom, Forever's main soul trait is the Amplifed!Determination-Justice soul trait as those 2 traits best suit him but he can use any soul trait and change his own soul to any trait, including special soul traits such as X!Gasters Overwrite soul trait, due to Forever's soul uniqueness, he can also use a souls special abilities, such as the Determination soul trait's timeline manipulation abilities, Forever can also combine any soul trait together to create an entirely new or more powerful soul, such as his prefered soul trait is the trait of Determination-Justice or as he likes to call it. The Soul Trait of Nigh-DeterJustice. This soul trait is the main cause of his buttons existence, but due to the high adaptability of Forever's soul , he can't risk losing access to this button and has made it so his button is usable across all soul-traits Forever uses and could use

Active Skills

Forever's skills come in 2 variants, his main skills and his soul related skills, his main skills are the ones he uses the most due to the skill potency, variability and adaptability . His soul related skills come from his soul which is the only reason he has his soul skills, while their no where near as powerful as the main, they are strong enough to deal enough damage to his opponents, particularly those weak to the Forever's soul trait weapons and the passive JUSITCE effect

Forever!Blasters A white blaster with 4 black eyes, when fired the 4 eyes light up dark almost blood red and the beam is deep sea blue, if anyone comes into contact with these beams, the total eradication of the target occurs instantly, basically removing the foe from any sort of existence plane, these blasters have the power to destroy entire multiverses at 0.0000000000001% of Forever!Cyrus's total strength, if these blasters are used in their full scale of potential, the destruction would be so catastrophic, that countless outerverses are easily and utterly obliterated, leaving nothing but a void of creation behind, if Reality Enforcement and Control has been used, then Forever will use these blasters at their stronger levels, a sweet spot for Forever is 20 to 25%. As Reality Enforcement and Control protects everything outside Forever's combat area.

Forever!Chromas The Forever!Chromas power is unpredictable at its worse, at its best it is a power unknowable to even the smartest. bypassing all logical formats ,this power has eradication powers beyond what is even possible, this is the power to use any chroma trait, those seen, and unseen. nobody can predict what trait Cyrus will use next or what form it may come in Cyrus is incredibly smart with this power as this power rivals 459's own power. traits from this power are at their absolute levels and are highly modifiable so any "chromatic" attack from this power can be tailored for a foe at a mere thought

Forever!Hands These are what drives the Forever!Chromas power, these hands are some of the most powerful things to exist, the hands alone are able to fire off pulses that disrupt narratives theses pulses are not chromatic in nature and are purely from the Hands themselves, these hands channel the sheer essence of Forever!Chromas and turn each and every "chroma" into its most perfect and destructive version of each pre-existing chroma and is able to create new chromas from nothing but from Cyrus's very own mindscape, this power is some of the most lethal in the fictional realm, the hands just make an impossibly small fraction of Forever!Cyrus's total power.

Asmanda The ability to fractal the trace of the permanent target and fracture the formal reality of its own. this attack is one of Forever's most potent attacks quite possibly the most potent attacks in Forever's arsenal. When this attack is charging, Forever!Cyrus's palms will begin to glow white, this effect is coming off from the sheer stain this attack puts in the fabric of reality and possibly beyond it, once fully charged the light turns into a + sign which glows white, then Cyrus when he's ready to fire he will close his palms, after this the target will begin to rapidly fade and fracture from their reality then the entire omniverse as a whole, once done. the target will cease to exist in all planes, forms and dimensions of reality.

Reality Enforcement and Control Forever has the ability to enforce and control his own reality within his combat or general area, in his enforced and controlled reality, he controls what goes, he may or may not allow attacks to be summoned, he may deny physical changes like terrain changes, or even blocking coded attacks and coded changes. Forever particularly uses this power against the stronger murderers of the Fandoms as he really really really enjoys seeing their powers fail to simply exist within his enforced reality, This power is also used for Reality protection, Forever does tend to use too much power. particularly his Forever!Blasters. The Enforcement part protects everything within a combat zone, while the Control aspect is used to control the amount variables that leaves the enforced zone.

Absolute Life and Death Manipulation Forever can control the very essence and concept of Life and Death, Forever uses this power to restore timelines and worlds back to its most lively state and to get rid of any murderers within that timeline, this power extends beyond the life of a person, Forever is able to use this power to instantly kill off any attacks coming his way or attackers, he is also able to summon any person using his foes memories and bring them to life, Forever is not afraid to use psychological warfare alongside using memories

Shuriken's of Amplifed!Justice One of Forever's Ranged attacks, for when just using his other attacks is too much, these justice stars when fired will hone in on their target at unimaginable speeds, these deal an extreme amount of damage to any who has any LV. the damage amount varies from person to person

Rifts of Amplifed!Perseverance and Integrity These Rifts are conjured from Forever's Perseverance and Integrity pool, these rifts are purple tears in the fabric of reality and these fire Integrity beams with the bonus effect of healing negation from the leftovers from the Perseverance, this attack combo is extremely powerful, being on the edge of Forever!Chromas powerful, however this attack is still truly no where near the power of a Forever!Chromas

Runes of Amplifed!Patience and Kindness These Runes are created from Forever's Patience and Kindness magical pools, these are used for shields and ranged blasts and beams, these beams and blasts are made from the Patience magic and the rune itself from the Kindness magic, the rune is considered to be nigh-unbreakable. the blasts and beams from these runes are only slightly weaker then the Forever!Blasters and do not have any multiversal destruction abilities

Blasters of Amplified!Bravery Whilest not being no where near as powerful as the Forever!Blasters, these weapons can deal extreme amounts of damage, using Forever's Bravery magic pool. These Blasters only deal a tenth of the damage that the Forever!Blasters can do at half power, as using a full scale Forever!Blaster to attempt to scale the Bravery Blasters would not give much in true essence on the damage output of this blasters as a full scale Forever!Blaster would destroy countless outerverses. a tenth of that power would still cause considerable damage to outerverses, possibly destroying a few

Passive Abilities

Forever!Magic Depriving from his soul and the source of his almost unbearable power level. The Forever!Magic is much like Omni-Magic. and this magic type grants Forever with an unlimited power base and arsenal of magical attacks both active and passive. and is therefore able to use any power that is known to the Omniverse and beyond both physical and passive

LV and Power Scaling Forever is able to adjust his own power and LV to be greater or lesser then that of his foe, Forever tends to adjusts his power to make sure he doesn't damage timelines during combat particularly during spars. however if his foe somehow gets the upper-hand on Forever through whatever means, he will readjust his power and LV to regain his advantage, the LV and Power Scaling does also effect his passive skills, therefore he can edit every aspect of himself

4th Wall Awareness Forever is aware in the fact he ain't real and is a fictional character. due to this he can also expose and play around with narratives he's in or, the one he usually does is mess around with the 4th wall like its his playground, which includes direct talking to the wall to all those who see, from a greater perspective. this passive pairs very well with his Nigh-Omniscience

JUSTICE effect Forever as the side effect of JUSTICE applied to his attacks, what this effect does is it, overtime weakens the magical potential of those hit and can disrupt the murderous intentions if hit enough, the more times one is hit, the effect gets amplified, beam based attacks are a quick source for Forever to quickly apply a massive JUSTICE effect on to a foe

Absolute Will Forever's willpower is absolute, limitless, the strongest. All of these describe his sheer force of will. Cyrus's Absolute_Will grants him complete and utter authority over himself and almost every being in fiction, only those stronger then Forever have a chance to have a go at Forevers sheer amount of will power. Because of Forever's immense amount of willpower he is completely immune to all forms of control and corruption this includes his own willpower if the foe is even ever so slightly weaker then himself. Forever is able to negate any damage done to him if someone managed to deal some, he will negate damage with sheer willpower alone and his will is that powerful it is putting him easily and effortlessly overcome death itself. marking him Absolute Immortal

Nigh-Omnipotent Forever is Nigh-Omnipotent and therefore can't be beaten by theoretical means or by most means, and his willpower follows this trait as well, unlucky for Forever not all can be beaten by his hand and sheer willpower and strength, Forever if he starts to struggle he will add more and more power to himself until he beats his opponent, he will stop at nothing

Nigh-Omniscience Forever has the trait of Nigh-Omniscience. carrying this trait means that he is tactical and intelligent. being that his knowledge came when he was rebirthed which was the point of when he received his powers he is basically always aware of his surroundings, his foes, however this doesn't mean that he isn't learning. No Forever takes great interest in broadening his knowledge, in-which therefore increasing his nigh-omniscience power and further increasing his own power...if it ever ends


"May hell begin, enjoy it for me"

"Your final judgement is apon us"

"Hey mate how ya going"

"sooooo mate, you got any business in and around these parts, if so pay up pal, shit ain't always free"

"What do you think your doing, your breaking a few rules here so now i get to erase you from fiction, goodbye"



Despite Forever!Cyrus's high authority over fiction, he does not use any sort of high manipulation powers despite his obvious access to them

Forever is extremely kind to innocent or murder targets across the Omniverse and probably beyond it

Forever does have both a formal and a causal form of speaking and language, which one he uses depends on the person Forever speaks too
