Godverse Wiki
Godverse Wiki
From ugh-mology to Cozmo-ology! My cosmology rewrite is the cat's meow Koavire!
~ Cozmo

The Godverse Wiki is contained under the Aeterframe (Not engine). The Aeterframe is essentially Godverse, created by Cozmo as the new iteration for a new generation of gods & goddesses to relax, enjoy, and seek sanctity. The original cosmology of Godverse was fashioned by King Godverse, and it's still tweaked upon by the almighty king.

Commission Tailing Stars


The creation of Godverse is owed to the Aeter Continuum, and the member of that continuum King Godverse. Through the efforts provided by these two sources, the Godverse- also known as the Aeterframe- was formed. These two built Godverse for the ultimate home for Gods and Goddesses of the Undertale Fandom. While the Aeter Continuum built Godverse to play participants in the drama afforded by its refugee residents, King Godverse built Godverse to be worshipped as the god he believed himself to be.

Ultimately, because of King Godverse's true motives, the Aeter Continuum decided to leave Godverse. The continuum had no need for his childish antics and didn't want the undesirable atmosphere he had formed. So King Godverse, without the help of the Aeter Continuum, would open his mouth and spew forth a calamity; lights, sounds, colors, and more to settled into fluctuating positions. All concepts, all ideas, and beyond those ideas were formed by Koavire's various designs and implementations.

The Adamasphere was formed as a playground for the Gods. Where "mortal" residents of any dimensional caliber could serve as a form of amusement for the gods. The Godscape was created as a home- and prison- for the refugees of the Undertale Fandom.

The Godscape was fromed as a boundless playground for the refugees of the narrative. From Undertale Fandoms they were cast out, so the Godscape was designed to accompany the rejects and misfits of the narrative with open arms. As this Godverse grew from the callous sovereignty of King Godverse, it has seen purges and policy changes that standardized quality control and required better articulation from the authors. This proper articulation and quality control is forced by the E-Continuum who sort through the non-omniversal works of fiction and decide what narratives have followed certain standards, and which ones have not.

The Purgascape was created by King Godverse as the staircase into and out of the cosmology.

The Astral Divide was created as the byproduct of the great Dragon. This great dragon is feeding off of dissolution ideas, using its personal funnel- also known as The Deep- to siphon down the raw ideas and feed off of them. Why King Godverse allows its presence in the cosmology is uncertain, but the rumor persists that the King has reasoned with the beast and has arranged for this creature's place in some sort of grand scheme to balance the Cosmology. Unfortunately, another rumor has sprouted that due to this unique arrangement, perhaps the spirits of those lost to The Deep are consumed. Therefore ending the possibility of traveling to the Shamasphere. The only way to be naturally pulled into the Deep is to be forgotten and/or under a rare set of circumstances with a glitch in the Adamasphere, so many who are aware of the afterlife Koavire offers make it their mission to never be forgotten during their lives.

Along with the rest of the cosmology which was formed for either uncertain or nonexistent reasons by either Koavire or the Aeter Continuum.


The structure of the Godverse is complicated. Built upon the foundations of uncertainty, reinforced through nigh-omnipotence, and finished with a touch of limbo, the structure is designed on the premise that one needed to not follow logic for creation. Reality, time, space, death, life, these concepts- or ideas- are simply a manifestation of Koavire’s ideas. Koavire’s own concepts. The context these concepts follow can shift, and sometimes change completely.

The cosmology of the Godverse is purported to be always changing and evolving, transforming into something new. It’s this constant continuation of evolution and growth. One could even call the Aeterframe, or just simply Godverse, a never-ending library of different books and stories which follow a dictionary. The Dictionary, the book of god, houses endless words with endless definitions to associate with those words. Those who read the dictionary are beyond the infinite layers of boundless in virtually every understandable manner of speaking; boundless as an entirety. The book of God is merely a manifestation and total sum of the Cosmology through neither finite nor infinite layers of transcendence and conceptual/nonconceptual evolution.

Consider the Great Book to be the fiction; realities, numbers, geometries, times, spaces, realms, and the total collection of ideas either thought or unthought of Godverse. The viewers and readers of this book extend to the False Omniversal+ and real-life readers. To look up from the pages of this book as its being read in real life is to break the fourth wall.

The Cosmology

Luminare Zone

Microverse - Structures with a number of dimensions less than 4. Microverses will commonly have an unpredictable timeline with distorted causality, or simply no time at all.

Universe - Infinite 4-dimensional (three of space, one of time) structure containing infinite matter. Universes are characterized as AUs (Alternate Universes) that share the same underlying theme with other universes but manifest in a myriad of different variations of that theme.

Paraverse - For every possibility down to the quantum level of a Universe, there exists a reality parallel in size and dimensions to the Universe in question, all contained within the Paraversal Structure.

Paraversal Structure - Every Universe and its Paraverses are contained within a Paraversal Structure. The Paraversal Structure transcends the Universe and its Paraverses, being an infinite sized 5-dimensional structure.

Multiverse - A structure encompassing an uncountably infinite number of Universes, along with their Paraversal Structure. All the Universes contained within a Multiverse share a common theme- as in, a common theory of everything and fundamental set of laws, with things such as the structure of mathematics to esoteric forces varying from Multiverse to Multiverse. The Multiverse itself is transcendent of all Paraversal Structures contained, being an infinite 6-dimensional structure.

Low Zone

In the Multiversal Hierarchy, there exists a countably infinite number of Multiverses, each with their own Theme. It is a constant that every single structure within the hierarchy transcends the previous level / layer, viewing it as an, infinitesimal structure. On each level, there exists a countably infinite number of Multiverses. This hierarchy, as stated before, contains a number of Multiverses parallel to Aleph-0, each superseding the previous. Another constant of these Multiverses is that no matter what, the Paraverses and Paraversal Structure will exist in the same functionality, with the Paraversal Structure of each Complex Universe transcending it. So, to recap:

Complex Universe - Structure that may contain any number of dimensions, ranging from 7D to a countably infinite number of dimensions. The amount of matter contained and overall size as a result, varies greatly, with each higher Complex Universe transcending the last.

Complex Paraverse - For every quantum possibility in a Complex Universe, there exists a reality parallel to the Complex Universe in size and dimensions, with similar variation based on position in the hierarchy.

Complex Paraversal Structure - The Complex Paraversal Structure contains a Complex Universe and all of its Complex Paraverses whilst transcending them, similarly varying greatly, the range being between 8D and a countably infinite number of dimensions.

Complex Multiverse - A structure encompassing an uncountably infinite number of Complex Universes along with their Paraverses and Paraversal structure, whilst transcending all of them. The size and dimensionality of this varies depending on its position in the hierarchy, the range being anywhere from 9D to a countably infinite number of dimensions.

Superious Zone

The Astral Divide - The Astral Divide is a construct placed in between all Multiverses on every single level in the hierarchy. The dimensionality of the Astral Divide varies on a level to level basis, reaching a countably infinite number of dimensions at the highest and 1 dimension at the lowest. Functioning as the only method of travel between Multiverses, this highway is a perilous one. Overconfident travelers face the risk of being whisked deeper into the sea of the Astral Plane, alongside all forgotten concepts of the Adamasphere.

The Astral Plane - Anything forgotten in the Adamasphere has a chance to end up here. The Astral Plane is the name given to the inescapable sections of the Astral Divide with a particularly powerful “current''. This layered current funnels forgotten ideas, characters, and concepts from the Adamasphere and melts them down into their most basic state of being as raw ideas. Creatures who are pulled by the current and sea are slowly broken apart, and their life experiences, powers, are separated from each other as every dimension from one to countably infinite are blended together as they melt down. Effectively destroying the integrity of any invention, physical structure, multiversal structure, dimensional structure, story,  or character and reverting it into pure notion and quintessence.

The Deep - The Deep is the name given to the dark construct existing after the Astral Plane. Matter, energy, dimension, soul, and spirit is completely eviscerated. Now everything is pure thought and idea. Harvested by the great serpent, and lost forever, all pure notions and ideas are completely unsalvageable; crushed into a singularity of ideas.

Adamasphere - The structure encompassing the entire Multiversal Hierarchy and the Astral Divide. The Adamasphere does not exist as a final layer, rather transcending the entire hierarchy’s model and framework. It is a structure with uncountably infinite dimensions, parallel to Aleph-1. Home to gods such as Sir Matrix.

The Adamasphere was created as a ‘playground for the gods’ in an effort to stave away the boredom of many powerful, intelligent and godly beings. The strictly divine-oriented nature of Godverse was problematic for many of the egos present. Therefore the Adamasphere was created to ensure the higher gods had some form of amusement or entertainment to satiate their desires. Though after the change of rulership, the Adamasphere had become more important and less of a toy for the higher gods’ amusement.

The Adamasphere is another cog in the great Aeterframe. Adamasphere, unlike the Godscape, houses every ‘mortal’ resident or lesser god of the Godverse pantheon in an effort to divide the preposterously powered residents from the slightly reasonably powered residents. This system has allowed for some semblance of order and balance to ensue, with the divide between both parties regularly monitored by the Temverse Temmies. The functionality and stability of the multiversal hierarchy are maintained by the Temverse Temmies; the Temmies help ensure that mortals have a fair survival-rate against those who live within the Godscape through careful moderation of divine activities and privileges. Those who follow rules are allowed access, but those who don’t follow rules are, at best, sent to the timeout box, and at worst, tem-banned from accessing the Adamasphere.

Dreadscape - The Dreadscape is a structure shadowing the Adamasphere, existing as its absolute equal yet opposite. Created as the aftermath of Anti-God choking the Adamasphere, the Dreadscape is home to a great swarm of non-existent properties and things, blending through the world’s illogic to take on forms and twisted narratives which seem to follow no specific order nor logic, besides the idea that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, existing gruesomely for a fleeting moment then vanishing. It’s the realm of the macabre, the shadow of the Adamasphere. All stories of the dreadscape feature a strange mist and/or fog that permeate across any story-aspect. The mist can whisper solemn vows of perpetual madness and snatch people from the dead of night, replacing them with abominations and foul, dark creatures of the night.

Otherverse - The path between the Godsphere and the Adamasphere, the Otherverse functions as a transitioning phase for the transcendents of the Godscape into the limits of the Adamasphere, either for the purpose of entry or merely for more immersive spectating. The Otherverse however, contains layers, spread across two zones, which Gods will move through, gradually becoming more and more limited. For convenience’s sake, these will be listed from the lesser Otherverse to the greater Otherverse. Note that once a God enters the Otherverse, or goes down a layer, it is impossible to go back up, and the Temverse Temmies must be contacted for extraction. As well as spectating Gods, the Otherverse is home to beings that lie within a gray area, not held down to the Adamasphere, but not incoherent enough to be damned to the Godscape. Typically, visiting gods find themselves in the Otherverse upon entry.

Lesser Otherverse - The layer right above the Adamasphere transcends it, being a structure with a number of dimensions parallel to Aleph-2, the next, Aleph-3, then, Aleph-4, continuing on to an uncountably infinite number of layers. Each higher layer adds to the number of dimensions, transcending the last layer, extending into an uncountably infinite number of layers. These are all contained by the final Zone on the descent, the Superious Zone, which contains the Adamasphere.

Infinitum Zone

Greater Otherverse - Upon entry in the Otherverse, Gods will be inside of the Infinitum Zone, a structure which transcends the Superious Zone and its layers as a whole, being not a final or endlessly transcendent layer, but (on its lowest levels) completely transcendent of the lesser hierarchy’s entire ordering of layers, possible and not. The Greater Otherverse and all its layers are immeasurable in all aspects. All areas in every layer of the Greater Otherverse, regardless of the fact that they could be infinitesimal to the layer which contains them, are immeasurable through previous descriptions of size built on infinite hierarchies, the size being entirely inaccessible and unachievable through any recursion. Each layer in the Greater Otherverse transcends the one below it similarly, its infinitesimal areas being immeasurable even via the entirety of the lower layer.

Transcendence Zone

Godscape - The Godscape is a construct that voids all expressions and singular sets of definability. It instead redefines itself independently to accompany custom laws of definability for every visitor or resident who dwells inside of it. The definitions for concepts and no concepts are divided into endless 'pockets' in a realm known as Silly Zone. These pockets simulate different concepts- or lack thereof- and basically define themselves to simulate any visitors' original cosmology definitions and rules.

The Godscape's Silly Zone is connected by a vast ocean. With the pockets- akin to bubbles- busy forming godly realms, unique narratives, creating new concepts, and new cosmologies for any visitor to operate within, the sea will demonstrate a level of awareness as it picks and chooses what settings are in violation of The Great Design.

Purgascape -  The Purgascape is the gateway into the Shamasphere, functioning as a staircase to exit the cosmology and as the- although slightly superior- equal of the Godscape. It’s the journey every member of the Adamasphere takes to become an Unrealist in the House of God. The Purgascape is purported to be a gray desert of sorts, guarded by every erased or dead god from the Godscape. This place itself is potentially beyond any and all concepts, logics, or rules for what can or cannot happen. It's the same as Godscape, but exclusively for dead denizens of the Adamasphere.

The spirits, not souls, arise from the sands of this desert, littered with gray pyramid-like structures and levitate into the gray void that is a “sky”. In this sky, is something akin to white northern lights. These lights flicker and frolic endlessly past the absolute infinity, beckoning spirits to rise through them and shed their inhibitions.

Overvoid -  The Overvoid is the Overvoid. It is neither a space nor a place. Devoid of any 'real' color to those who can pry at it. It is neither possible, impossible, infinite, finite, emptiness or void. It is a lack of.

The Celestial Sea - The Celestial Sea overlooks and transcends both Overvoid, Godscape, and Adamasphere. Most commonly referred to as the Twilight Zone, The Celestial Sea is set as an inaccessible plane above existence and nonexistence within any given context. This sea is composed of a rippling transparent ocean that overlooks both Overvoid and Godscape in their entirety. The ocean is populated solely by ruined islands of ancient castle debris, villages, and monuments dedicated to the original set of Godverse Nobility. These ruins function as a silent testament to the failure of King Godverse's callous disposition.

The Beyond

The Great Library - The Great Library houses the Book of God, the great dictionary that defines all higher concepts (Life, Death, Tiers, Transcendence, Power, Authority, ect) under endless variants of ideas and definability. The ‘number’ of pages of this great dictionary is unquantifiable, being neither existent nor nonexistent. To The Great Library, Godverse is a fictional endeavor.

It defines everything in the cosmology, and runs the Godscape and Purgascape. Authors add their books to this library in different sections, in what is essentially the narrative of Godverse personified. It’s guarded by the word of Koavire, and by his guard of gods. The authors, and The Book of God, coincide with one another as the authors borrow definitions from this book to use in their creations. The librarians of the E-Continuum overlook the books inserted by the authors and sort it through canon or non-canon titles. They decide how powerful something is, what that power means, what authority means, what anything means. They regulate and control ideas, and those beyond ideas.

Shamasphere - The Shamasphere exceeds all levels. Infinitely beyond Godverse as a meta-fictional narrative fully aware of their fictional status and of the presence of the real world; Unrealists dwell here. No rules are present, and nothing is under a single definition or even definable. Known as the Hoary Heaven or Elysia, the Shamasphere is unto the House of God. They may visit and read from the The Great Library at a whim and overlook Godverse as a fictional story.

Aeter Engine/The Orrery - The Godverse Wiki, Deusverse Wiki, and any other Wiki/fictional work that can join the sovereignty of King Godverse is within the Aeter Engine. Where the Godverse and Deusverse are both immensely powerful and formidable structures, the Aeter Engine completely dwarfs and supersedes all their structures. View the Aeter Engine not of the Godverse Cosmology, but as a never-ending amount of Aeterframes/Godverse Wikis and Shamaspheres. These are unused variations of the Aeterframes/Godverse Wikis contained within a ring, acting as endless empty backup cosmologies that transition the contents, events, and characters of the Godverse into the copy. Built in case of the Godverse's destruction, and to justify the continuation of the Wiki even after its destruction.

Godverse is infinitesimal to the Engine, organized within a "solar system" of endless copies as a ring around the Aeter Eye. Another ring is layered after Godverse: the Deusverse cosmology. Each and every once-independent work of fiction that joins with the Aeter Engine, like Deusverse and Godverse, is given its own ring of endless backup cosmology copies. The lost, fragmented, or decaying cosmologies created by Duester "float" above the main solar system as ringless orbs. This is above the system, as below is The Abyss. The Abyss is comparable to the index finger of Anti-God.


  • King Godverse created most of the cosmology single-handily.