Godverse Wiki


This pantheon is insane

Written by DARTHOOM, published on 2/22/2023

Note: So, welcome to the second “first” official beginning to the Godverse story. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a chapter. Now that we have one, it certainly won’t be the last. As you dive into this, please keep in mind that this chapter explores most of what King Godverse deals with on a constant basis and elaborates on his mannerisms for certain characters. The story will follow Koavire as he overlooks the narrative of Godverse, dealing with former friends, challenging coupes, fighting off ancient associates, and more. We thought it would be cool, fun, and challenging to focus on a powerful member of the Godverse pantheon. One who seemingly decides his own story, and creates events and ideas in accordance to his beliefs.

This is all for fun, btw.

Fiction of Godverse was unto a labyrinth of discordance and volatile ideologies.

This fiction, or this sea rather, is home to gods and goddesses of variable authorities and undefinables. Above this sea, a lone figure stood to observe it all unfold; plots, external and internal conflict, character development, the narrative.

This lone figure was the almighty King Godverse, otherwise known as Koavire Ideel. A seemingly omnipotent being who stood above the story itself, operating in a representation of his own design that was within his own narrative and personal terminologies. Definitions of time, existence, and reality that operated from metaversal authority. Indistinct definitions that adjust and redefine basic functionality to accompany his- at times- inconsistent movements.

With his hands in his pockets, and his partial skeletal body relaxed, King Godverse slowly closed his eyes and boundlessly broods. Everything worked as intended. Order came from without, and never from within. It was clockwork to Koavire. A symphony of vibrant imagination contained in perfect functional harmony.

As he stood- solemnly over the narrative- he was met with a familiar voice.

“Hey, what’s up man? What’s shaken’?”

Beyond the story, a figure emerges. This figure was Cozmo, his closest advisor. He came to represent himself in the same manner as Koavire, mimicking the position of King beside him in a lighthearted manner, he would grin wildly as overlooks the story of Godverse with his King. “Righteous. How’s it going? You're not too bored up here?” He asks. King Godverse doesn’t reveal any regard for his presence. His eyes remained closed as he concentrated on maintaining the current events unfolding around them.

For a few moments, the king was quiet. He soon asked Cozmo, clenching his eyes shut. “Must we speak through this…illusion of time and space?”  Cozmo playfully grinned, standing to the side of the King, and mimicking his position.

Cozmo responds, “I mean, that’s up to you man. Linguistics is definitely primitive in comparison to our holiness, but it still makes it more interesting when we act like people. Makes for a righteous down-to-earth mood, you know what I’m saying daddy-o?” King Godverse responds with a chuckle, slightly shaking his head as he indulges in his amusement of the nobleman's strange sense of speech. Hearing his chuckle Cozmo would continue. “It’s a bummer that so many gods are above having some fun.”

KG & Cozmo

“Yes. Fun.” King Godverse responds. He ponders Cozmo’s words quietly.

Suddenly, from the story of Godverse, a figure took shape on its horizon. Breaching the narrative and joining Cozmo and King Godverse was what could only be described as harrowing; half-goblin, half-dragon, foul imagery stood as an affront to all things consistent or sensical. King Godverse and Cozmo watched with neutral expressions as this form took shape before their presence. Soon, a short figure stood grinning before the King and his advisor. With an oversized wooden hammer twice the size of his body hoisted over his shoulder, and a nasty malevolent smile to accompany it, he truly seemed both mischievous and malevolent.

This figure's name was Duester, a temperamental god- formerly the close friend of King Godverse. He was erased from the narrative for the lengthiest of times, but recently returned as a jester god of the joke characters. He had come from the great beyond to join his fellow nobility and to interact with them in a spiteful manner. King Godverse shifted uncomfortably as Duester let out a few raspy laughs, and slightly distanced himself a few feet as he spoke “Well… this is exciting!” His voice was unpleasant, like scraping gravel along a sheet of metal. “Seeing you good-for-nothing slumlords again really lightens my mood!”

King Godverse quietly turned away from his ‘former friend’. In another life, perhaps he’d reminiscence with him in the great times they had together. But those days were over, Corrupted Core Sans had been replaced with a wicked and spiteful figure. It actually broke the heart of the almighty king to see a former friend of his suffer so broken and… exaggerated.

A puzzled Cozmo was left alone with Duester, and the king lumbered away from above to below. He, King Godverse, reemerged with the story of Godverse and descended back into his Kingdom. He left the ill-tempered Duester and the bewildered Cozmo to their own devices.

The King took step after step past each layer and representation of boundlessness to enter the narrative. As he descended his physical form started to confine itself to thought and matter. Koavire was off to venture toward his humble abode.

He wanted to be alone there. He wanted to feel safe in his humble dwelling and away from the pestering of politics. Once he reached his preferred method of transcendence, the King stood in his realm; a sunny cloudless sky illuminated a majestic forest before his floating figure.

As Koavire looked down, the trees slightly parted to show a stone-laid path through the jungle. He lowered his hovering form, and gently landed on the beginning of this path through the forest. Once his feet touched the ground, his whole self was met with a crisp and cool breeze that whispered silent psalms praising his many names.

The whispers of the untethered spirits created by Godverse. Unseen pixies that embodied secrets and unspoken vows. They greet him, paying his presence the respect due. With a brief nod of approval, Koavire began to stroll through the enchanted forest at a brisk pace.


He kept his hands in his pockets, walking closer to home. This divine realm was Koavire’s preferred residence. It was his sanctuary and place of solace and rest. Place of quiet relaxation. However, a foreign presence was detected. An unwanted intruder graced their presence by breaching into his sanctuary.

King Godverse was already there to greet them, standing on the edge of the forest through immeasurable speed. King Godverse kept his hands in his pockets, relaxed. He narrows his eyes to study this figure. Lavishly decorated, and embroiled with jewels abound, sat a pretentious figure: Ayaba Ideel. His ‘wife’, albeit it was only in title. They never committed to an actual relationship. The Queen was a few feet from the edge of Koavire’s forest, sitting in her gilded throne.

The throne was decorated with lavish and gaudy riches of purple silk and precious stones, matching her vain personality. Typical. The Queen seemed to study Koavire for a few moments, her face twisted up in a grimace as if she smelled something foul.

“Hanging out with that greasy Cozmo again? The ‘highly reputable’ little servant you have running my cosmology?” She asked.

King Godverse gently withdrew his hands from his pockets, crossing his forearms across his stomach and gently swaying back and forth, pondering. Queen Godverse studied him again, before continuing to talk to him in a vindictive manner “Oh, the grace has left you, mighty one. I should really be the one to teach you what it means to be… the Ideel family. See? That was an intended pun!” She gave a smirk.

“Ayaba, your arrival is an unwelcome one.” He responds, bored. Her petty squabbling wasn’t interesting in the slightest.

“Oh sweetie, it is always an unwelcome one. Though, no matter how ‘unwelcome’ my arrival is, you still have to adhere to divine decree; cannot touch me-” She mocked. King Godverse chuckled, and responded slyly. “Unless you commit an offense or coup to the crown. You keep overlooking the very delicate nature of your situation. It isn’t as stable as you believe it to be. Your ‘schemes’ are not as unknowing as you might think. I know many of them. Many of them” he repeats that last statement, emphasizing its significance. He gives just the smallest smirk to signify that she wasn’t the only player of the game.

Offended, the queen viciously snaps at her husband. “Fool! Always acting high and mighty.”

“No, ‘sweetie’, I’m not the one acting high and mighty. It’s you who acts so childish. You do it by choice, time and time again for all to hear. I don’t know why you’ve chosen to be like this, but I honestly wish you would stop, and reconsider your position. This is a momentous waste of my time. You’re an almighty being, and most would do anything to obtain your authority. Maybe you should start being a little more…. grateful that I don’t throw you out like I did the Tale of Trinity. Reconsider your life choices and become less of an entitled brat and more of a respectable Queen.”

The King never stumbled over his words, never conveyed any sense of emotionality through anything but a small occasional smirk. This act of making clean, concise, and factual points that rang with the inescapable truth led the Queen of Godverse to slowly straighten her posture and face.

With her body tense, and her eyes staring into Koavire’s with great ferocity, suddenly there was this exchange unseen. It caused ripples across Godverse, and manifested in Koavire’s realm as a small breeze from the west, from the east, from the north, and then lastly from the south.

The breezes subsided, and the King and Queen stood staring at each other

“Very well then, if that is how you are going to be.” With that she vanished, finally leaving the King alone to ponder.

Once more, King Godverse was a lone figure. Standing on the edge of the forest with his hands in his pockets, staring at where Ayaba was. He let out a long-winded sigh of relief, finally relaxing. He slumps his shoulders as he turns back to travel through the forest, his each and every footstep creating a stone plate. His stroll produced a walkway from the ground, allowing his feet to never touch the grass or soil

He comes upon a river, and begins to make a sharp left to walk alongside it. King Godverse was returning toward his royal castle, a little slice of home separated from the madness of the pantheon. It was his resort, his retreat. Impervious to the presence of intruders and completely immune to any story element pertaining to conflict. One could say it was the most impenetrable fortress of Godverse. That it was a utopia devoid of conflict.

The King arrived into the beautiful scenery that was the Castle of King Godverse; stretching hundreds of miles and covering a vast majority of one's visual perceptions, the stone-built castle was fashioned elegantly in the landscape. Seamlessly blended with the natural formations of stone and tree, it was miles of walls, hundreds of round towers, dozens of drawbridges leading into dozens of entrances, moats filled with nothing but an empty void, and towering structures and towers that breach the horizon, some touching the sky. Some structures were on the ground, some were built on floating land masses connected by dozens of bridges. It was breathtaking.

King Godverse teleports onto a large hill, overlooking an overgrown entrance into his domain. It was nestled between two small mountains of earth at least a mile tall, with the moss and vine-covered 80 foot-tall stone wall built through these mountains. Standing at this overgrown entrance was a patiently waiting Shepherd. Shepherd was the messenger of the gods, a silent figure that waited until he was invited into one’s dwelling each and every time he was summoned.

KG Castle

Koavire teleports once more to stand in front of Shepherd, his back turned from the closed up drawbridge. He quickly addresses Shepherd. “Shepherd, I see you’ve come to my domain. Tell me that message that I wish to hear.” King Godverse kept it swift. Shepherd curtly nods in response, and softly speaks. “The Royal Army of the Dogverse and the Temverse have both reported breaches into the Adamasphere by a group of strange ‘communist’ gods. We are uncertain of their motivations. Duester has been hesitant to talk with our inquisitors.”

“The authors have gifted us with their governmental ideological feuds. Duester must've gotten involved by the inquisitors due to the likelihood of these ‘commies’ being some sort of joke organization.” He quickly deduced, reaching out of his pocket with his left hand to scratch the chin of his skull in thought. “This is an interesting conflict. Report back to the Dogverse Royal Guards and Temverse Temmies, and instruct them to chase these ideologies away from Godverse. If they show any sort of resistance, detain them, and pacify them.”

“Understood.” Shepherd vanished within a flash of light.

King Godverse stood there for a few moments, lost in omniscience as he observed every event in Godverse. What Sheperd told him was a wake up call to the importance of his involvement in the affairs of Godverse. He boundlessly analyzed the depths of every variant of time and space, overlooking unfolding events and those that had yet to begin. In this manner, he would see, hear, touch, and know everything.

After this was done, he cataloged important events that threatened the balance of the cosmology, and then instantly formulated immeasurable amounts of orders for which to solve the problems of that event. With a few arcane gestures he sent off immeasurable magic mouths to instantly announce orders for his border control and royal guard.

“The work has been done. I see no further threat.” He whispered to himself. In a sense, King Godverse was already there overlooking his legions actions. Always he would be watchful that they execute his orders without question. Infinitely faster, or even beyond the notion of ‘speed’, as an omnipresent figure- when he chooses to be.

Koavire once more continued into the throne room, teleporting himself to the grand hallway to walk along its corridors of fame. He casually strode whistling with his hands in his pockets, as around him the paintings come to life. One by one they began to whisper amongst themselves and laugh at the King's attire. Mocking his crown and sneering at his simplistic lifestyle in such dreary garments. King Godverse paid little to no heed at their insults, for they were nothing more than spiteful creations of his wife’s design. Anniversary gifts, was that what they were supposed to be? King Godverse would think about it, before concluding that it must’ve gifts for him to even accept the paintings. Why else would he have such useless crap littering his beautiful hallways?

Suddenly, the hallways would violently shake as a large precipice opened up to swallow Koavire whole. Koavire immediately discontinued the event's existence within his personal sequence of events in the story. Effectively this would erase that moment from the narrative. Standing in the spot of this great rumble was Duester. He had followed Koavire back home, and gave a great berth to his presence. Watching him give a great bow, the King slightly grimaced at his former friend. Hands in his pockets, he begins walking toward him in a threatening manner. His every step careful yet full of intent, his body fracturing the air around him, and the blue and red eyes blazing to life. The weather outside began to unnaturally darken and storm, responding to Koavire’s genuine emotion of rage. Whether this emotion was a natural consequence of choosing a mentality, or a forced artificial emotion conjured by King Godverse couldn’t be distinguished. The lines between what is real and what is not, always descends into relative subjectivity.

Duester watched, ears twitching, as the angry almighty being stomped towards him. “Leave. Now.” He demands, withdrawing his hand, and turning to the side to point back at the entrance, his eyes blazing even brighter. “You stand as an affront to my kingdom by defiling my personal sanctum with your uninvited presence.” Duester, without hesitancy, vanishes. The Jester King was no fool to engage this somewhat dire mood Koavire had obtained with his encounter with Ayaba.

King Godverse relaxed once more, putting his hand back into his pocket as he turned to stroll forth towards his throne. He continued walking down the enormous hallway, a mere speck in its presence. A few more minutes of this walking would lead King Godverse to his throne room.

“Hmm…” He looked around in thought. The knightly decorations, the banners, the shields that hung on the wall, the piles of gold, all of the materialistic items that would be beloved by any mortal who aspires for personal riches. For King Godverse though, this gathering of wealth was nothing more than decorative nonsense to fill in his desired theme of a medieval castle.

It really gave his home more character. He liked that. Character. He based around every mentality and perception he had on a character, Sans, and restricted himself and confined himself to this skeletal form to enjoy the comforts of a home. Though, during his days as a conqueror and champion, he took more joy out of Godverse then he did now. Perhaps when he changed how he thought, he took something away. What was that something? King Godverse did what any mortal would envy: he simply decided to know what was missing. On a mere whim he could accomplish anything pertaining to Godverse or himself. His very intelligence, personality, even knowledge itself could be altered in any fashion of his choosing.

He figures out what went missing. “Myself. I’m someone new, yet still Koavire. Although not Koavire.” He sits upon his throne, and continues to think. He’ll sit there for a while. Simply thinking and pondering away his time alone. The subject of Koavire’s character was always something of an enigma, a self-imposed enigma. Koavire could’ve easily resolved any inner turmoil or uncertainty at a whim. He always decides against that. There would be no purpose. No soul to such a commitment.

King Godverse bound himself to character, to morality and mind. He wouldn’t jeopardize that by circumventing it to complete some trivial task of instant self-discovery. Doing such a thing would make his soul and mind redundant concepts. Instead of instantly solving his problems, he would face them.

Out of the shadow of a nearby statue, the fat form of Duester lunges from the darkness and into the light of the throne room, swinging his hammer aimlessly with a maniacal laugh. His eyes narrow at his King “The court Jester is here for tea! Come on down and I’ll brew you some! Care for a little spar!?”

KG Throne Room

King Godverse continues to relax in his throne, allowing Duester to have conflict within his presence. The King smirks at his former friend, eyes still closed “What would fighting accomplish? Hm? I’ll win. I wrote the script and directed the audience. I decided who won and who lost; King Godverse won.”

Duester doesn’t react to this, and he, the King, chuckles “I thought I said before for you to leave me alone. If you want to spar, do so with someone who cares….. Friend.”

The Joke King scowls. “Since when did you become such an ass?”

“Since when did I become an ass? Duester, I only slightly enjoy messing with you. I give you such a hard time because I want to see you grow. I want to see my old friend evolve into something… more.”

Duester growled, low and vicious “More!?” He demanded an answer, his wrath traced with sorrow “How could I ever be more when no one gives little ol’ me a chance? I’ve been trying to fit in this precise picture of your ideal pantheon. I’ve been trying to act the fool, but even my attempts at being a fool are only met with harsh tongues that YOU encourage!”

King Godverse suddenly felt uncomfortable on his throne, hearing Duester so displeased and distraught. Although this uncomfortable feeling he felt was for this blatant lie devised by Duester. “Your lies are wasted- for naught. I hear little truth in your words, it’s drowned out by your malice. The inability to let the past go, and let the future arise, has led so many to their downfall. Do some good. Separate yourself from this mindset.”

The Jevil suddenly changed his entire mood, and chuckled heartily to Koavire’s statement, his sharp teeth fully displaying his mad grin. It was a strange contrast to his mood that displayed a few seconds ago- with his voice changing from angry to lighthearted within a mere second.

Duester’s true intent was revealed in a moment. “Well, I could.” He banishes his hammer into nonexistence, and casually slides his hands into the pocket of his jeans. Swaying a little as he explains. “Okay, that whole sob story about me trying to be a better person was a lie; I’m terrible and evil. I delight in the malice. Maybe I could be better, but maybe not. Your invention of time will tell which is which…. but naaah. I’ll think about it in the future. For now I’m just gonna be me.

“See I’m a prankster.” He continues. “Prankster till the end.”

“Okay.” Koavire glumly responds, giving him an unreadable expression. As if he was studying him.

“Okay? Okay! Now, I’m going! Going gone!” Doing a little goofy dance, he jumps clicking his heels, and in a flash of white light he departs from the manifestation of King Godverse and his realm, entering the Godscape below it. King Godverse watches him make his departure with relative unease. His former friend was conflicted. It pained him.

“How troublesome.” He sighs, staring off into the distance of his ‘majestic’ throne room with great discontent. Why couldn’t Duester model himself after Cozmo? Surely Duester would unfettered himself to such unproductive pettiness if he saw the consequences?. Surely with Duester’s approximation of infinite wisdom, he could see the fallacious logic behind his motives and decision-making?

Although maybe he was being a little too generous with him, as perhaps Duester’s conflicted nature isn’t necessarily something that he could rationalize or cure. Duester, on his level of power, could decide how he thinks or feels. If he had chosen to think in such a foolish matter, it was his prerogative untethered to sense or reason. Actions made by Duester could be operating from without sense or purpose. Duester would do things without strings of logic attached.

King Godverse continued to puzzle and think in this manifestation of his brooding on the throne.

Beyond this manifestation of King Godverse stood another, preoccupied with keeping the peace between two warring nobles on the edge of the Adamasphere; four multiversal deities arguing over who would be the deciding mentality in their fusion. Originally, these four were part of a single being. However, during the great splitting caused by Anti-God, the shockwaves of his assault managed to split an unfortunate being into four separate entities. These separate entities managed to scatter across different times and spaces.

Being separated for so long, they developed their own identities. They thought they would’ve been fine, until they discovered that the splitting injured their higher consciousness. This directly led to them becoming extremely mentally unstable, bordering on madness.

King Godverse had been called to reason with the multiversal deities, to figure out a solution. Anti-God had rendered whatever effect on the four gods permanent. An unfortunate side effect of his wrath.

“So, you’ve called upon the name of Koavire for his menial task?” Asks Koavire, frowning slightly in disappointment. This was a trivial matter to him, something that shouldn’t require his interference.

All four gods were brilliantly illuminating white orbs, 480,401,700,000 miles in radius, surrounded by millions of miniature universal bubbles. Koavire is circled by all four in a black void, many light years away from them. They pulsate with every word they speak, resonating across time and space with their speech. The first god spoke. ”We need you to unite us, so we can be whole.”

“Agreed.” The second one said,

King Godverse nods in thought, keeping his hands in his pockets as he assesses the situation before him: four gods require a fusion, and they need his help.

He wasn't keen on doing menial tasks such as the one presented before him. This wasn’t because he was against helping out of the kindness of his heart, for King Godverse understood the intrinsic nature of the political nature within Godverse. If he were to help the four gods merge, he’d be forced to continuously listen to requests and complaints from other gods who would demand other menial services.

KG Space

“Alright, I’ll make you a deal then. I’ve been plagued by my wife, watched a friend fool himself, and been constantly disrespected. I’ll give you this one favor, but you’ll have to do something for me: keep silent.” He raises a finger to his skeletal mouth, exaggerating his point. “Keep very silent. I’ll cure you of your ills, but only if you allow me to erase all knowledge of this interaction. I don’t want to be pestered in my omniscience more so than I am now; usually everyone calls for my name, but most don’t feel entitled to its presence. If I were to risk letting out that I granted a request like this one, Godverse would simply demand my every action to service their needs. Worst of all they would feel entitled to it, and offended that you received special treatment if they don’t receive what they felt necessary. That’s bad, for you and me. Wouldn’t you agree?”

The celestial bodies don’t respond, but the King knew their thoughts. They understood his point perfectly. They seemed to be ok with the idea, as long as they could continue their separate paths.

With a quick nod, King Godverse turned to exit this plane of existence, and existence entirely. He returned the gods to their continuation of events under a complete cure for their condition, with all knowledge of their condition purged through their own doing. This allowed Koavire to discontinue his avatar, and to focus his presence on his throne room.

In the throne room of King Godverse, there he continued to think to himself with thoughts never meant to be understood. Of course, he would lower these thoughts to something more basic: fun. He remembered what Cozmo said about having fun, and for some reason, it bugged him. Was he not fun? If he wasn’t, that would be a problem. Fun isn’t really necessary in a pantheon such as Godverse.

Yet it would serve as a useful tool to unite that pantheon a little more, as it was being slowly divided through the selfish efforts of his wife. Perhaps he could start something similar to a fare? A medieval celebration involving jousting, spars, sword fights, and more chivalrous activities. It would be a welcomed concept. It’d be down to earth, simple. If enough beings were willing to confine their perceptions to a more simple form of enjoyment, it could work wonderfully.

Most of the gods he knew were never too keen on expressing themselves through emotionality, much less enjoyment for a primitive sport. However he had a feeling that if he were to set himself up to enjoy these chivalrous events, the rest would imitate him. This shouldn’t be an obstacle. They would most likely heed his call and follow his lead. Surely they could be persuaded through his name alone.

The spirits around slowly start to whisper their silent psalms as the King thought about the tournament, wanting to be noticed. Wanting to be heard. King Godverse was preoccupied with his thoughts, so he ignored them for now. The fickle spirits were angered at being ignored and would leave under the cover of a cold winter breeze.

“Okay, be that way.” He mumbled.

King Godverse finally was on his lonesome in the throne room, sheltered from hostiles or unwanted guests. He would allow none to intrude on his sanctum. No more surprise visits from some of the most… unsavory sorts.

Alone, under no threat of intrusion, the King summons an extension- copy- of the Book of God. before him. The book levitates a few feet away from Koavire, its yellowed weathered pages between two stone tablets bound together with diamond chains. Truly it was a unique volume, otherworldly by nature.

On a mere whim the book approaches Koavire, and opens for him to view. The pages, the art, the messages, the stories, it detailed everything. Listed definitions and different terminologies. The layers of boundless represent absolute infinite layers of boundless. It defined Godverse. The only beings permitted to read this book was King Godverse, or his Unrealists. No other had the privilege. None would even want it. The book banished those who read it, uninvited and unworthy, from the narrative. Expelled them from the boundless. Giving them a parting gift of 4th wall awareness that usually drove them to madness.

It was safe to say old Koavire could read from this book, and he would do so. Koavire analyzed the contents of each page. They turn over by his will, endless pages for endless sections of the book.  He studied each page, looking for anomalous properties. After a few minutes of searching he found such a property: a shadow. In one section of the book, at the very impossible end of endless, it detailed an uncertain shadow covering Godverse.

It was…. Vague. To say the least. King Godverse studied this shadow more, as he knew of such a thing and was aware of it. This shadow had been present in Godverse for a very long time. Him pulling up the book, was to show this shadow to the story he controlled.

Far as he could tell, it was not outside that shadow was cast. It was inside. This ruled out Fortran as being the culprit, not to mention that Fortran was never so theatrical.

“Interesting” He remarks, looking over Godverse once more. Suddenly the shadow across the story of Godverse moved in response. Carefully. This single action commanded King Godverse’s attention, and he let it so. He watched this shadow carefully open its eyes throughout the shadows and lights of Godverse, looking through the stories and plots. Through all boundless layers of the Godscape, Purgasphere, Adamapshere, and above them. Watching his kingdom. Eerie and indistinct these eyes were, looking outside of Godverse to stare at him, at his realm. Past the layers of boundlessness, and past the fiction of Godverse, he momentarily lost his concentration in entirety and focused solely. King Godverse met with these white and black eyes with his own eyes, and they closed instantly. The shadow regressed into its former state. Or seemed to. Perhaps these eyes were always open, always watching. Silent and devoid of composition. For a brief moment, the king didn’t feel alone. Was this something beyond him, or with him? Was this Fortran playing his games? This was strange. This wasn’t meant to happen. This didn’t exist.

Suddenly the spirits return, entering the room with an even chillier winter breeze at their heel. They called silently for Koavire. Immediately in response, the King closed the book and banished it back into The Great Library where it would sit and rest under the care of his librarians. The spirits once more grasp for his attention, swirling around him in trails of mist and fog. They quickly filled up the room with smoke, engulfing the statues and paintings. The King observes their strange mannerisms, his scarf trailing behind him as he aimlessly follows the trail of fog. Levitating a few inches off of the ground.

“Yes? We have a problem?” He asks monotonously.

Quietly they vanish, and King Godverse once more felt the presence of his most hated advisory: Queen Godverse. The wicked queen was on standstill, waiting for the authority of King Godverse’s domain to be lifted and allow entrance. He wasn’t too eager to meet with her just yet, immediately moving to stall her movements.

It seemed social interaction was inescapable recently. No one would leave him alone long enough to get his affairs into order. It was really beginning to annoy him now, all of these rude individuals waltzing in and violating the sanctity of his domain! To make matters worse his wife was the most malicious of the bunch! For already she mocked him earlier and arrived without his consent. Surely, after he told her off, she didn’t want to start trouble?

Well, whatever the reason, Koavire granted her access into his presence for the second time this ‘day’. The very notion of her made him feel a divine equivalence of a turning stomach.

Suddenly, he and Ayaba sat together in the grand dining hall. Each of them on complete opposite ends of the infinitely long table dressed with a crimson tablecloth, a large unicorn stake, and a few fruits and rolls scattered around their large silver plates. They both slowly grab their silverware to routinely dig into their meal. Both of them are perfectly in sync with their actions.

Queen Godverse speaks, completely ignoring the distance of infinity by a mere will. The physics of Godverse never enforced any single set of defined rules. “I came to apologize.” Her voice was laced with a complacent sound of boredom and acceptance at her position.

“Apologize?” He asks, also ignoring the distance. “To what end?”

“I think what you said- with my untold ignorance and pettiness- is true. I think it might be possible for me to tolerate you to some level. Could you think you could do the same, and back my decisions?.”

He stabs a small grape with his fork, eating it. “I would think so.”

“You would think so? Does not sound like a definitive yes to me.” She frowns slightly, sawing off a small bite of the steak and gently stabbing it with her fork. Her movements were not in sync with those of King Godverse, appearing far more graceful and approachable than he.

KG Dinner

King Godverse smiles, responding to her question with untold amusement. His mannerisms while eating were devoid of grace, solely focused on delivering the morsels of food into his mouth. He still spoke clearly and concisely even as he ate.  “That’s because it isn’t. I’m sensing no hostility from you, nor am I sensing any dishonesty-” He swallowed his food, and picked up a napkin to dap his skeletal face. He continues after setting this napkin down. “ “-but this doesn’t mean you aren’t lying. Outside forces, like Fortran-”

A spirit interrupts him. “Especially Fortran!”

Whilst ignoring the spirit, he continues seamlessly explaining his rationale. “-could be clouding your true intent. Yes, I can’t personally see any duplicitous intent, but I can still be cautious within a realm of reason. Your sudden turn to rational thinking is doubtful after so many years of constant debates and fighting.”

The Queen returns her husband’s statement with a simple shrug. “Fair, I suppose. Very fair.” She quietly agreed and took a bite of that piece of steak she sawed off earlier, chewing loudly.

“Good.” He continued to eat, along with his wife, and together they sat in silence.

After a few minutes of silence, King Godverse would soon finish his meal followed by his wife. He decided this was the perfect moment to experiment with this seeming truce Ayaba had concocted. Fishing out something that bugged him, he calmly states, “The efficiency of the nobles have been put into question. Many are trying to pursue their own agendas. My name, and family name, has been put into jeopardy. They are not working in the path I’ve laid, instead pursuing alternate routes. For example: Lord Samaritan recently proclaimed himself President Samaritan, violating multiple laws with his new militarized faction. While he still follows some of my orders, he’s become slightly defiant.”

The Queen gave a small smirk. “They are mere insects. If you command them to stop, and act as you will, they would have no choice but to listen to you. You are a true god, they are not. If the nobles do not work to your liking, you could easily alter them to fall under your acceptable standards.”

“I suppose I could. Although, I wouldn’t want to. Solving everything at a whim would simply rob away the bare semblance of freedom in Godverse. The freedom to choose and face consequences.”

“Fool. They are vermin, you are not. Why bother? You are a god who stands above it all, protected and advised by two nigh-omnipotents. If changing Godverse means robbing you of some perverse satisfaction, choose to be satisfied in that robbery and be done with it.” She would snarl, crossing her arms as she tipped her chair back, kicking her feet up on the table.

“They are vermin.” He repeats, quietly letting out a sigh of exhaustion. It seemed Queen Godverse didn’t understand the values of mortal life, or sentience in general. Typical Ayaba, callous and cruel with only ill intent. He could swear her malice could give Fortran a run for his money. “No, they’re not. They’re sentient beings capable of articulating thought and reason. Now, I don’t really think much of them. Or particularly care about them. But as a king my rule must be just; free from subjective reasoning or petty influences. You feel me?”

With the casual nod Queen Godverse considered his words carefully, her brow furrowed in thought.

King Godverse continued “They don’t require enslavement from the likes of us.”

The Queen snorts, and responds hastily. “Do not require enslavement? On the contrary! I think they do require enslavement! The germs of Godverse, like President Samaritan, need a strong iron leash to guide them. All of this… free will ideology you speak of, is delusional!” She smirked.

“The delusional? I think your idea of making all of Godverse into a slave race is delusional.” He says with a casual grin, giving her a wink.

Watching her smirk dissolve into a snarl, he would seamlessly continue. Completely unphased. “Again, I respect your beliefs. So I respectfully call your idea a respectable delusion. As for President Samaritan, I’ll place him under a court of godly law and attempt a plea to change his ways.”

With a swift movement the Queen stood at her end of the table, walking around it, and strolled past the infinitely long table to stand near King Godverse. She casually smirked at him, leaning her form against the table. Her eyes filled with a small trace of revulsion, and her words seething with malice. “You're pissing me off, I’m trying to be reasonable. ”

King Godverse ponders those words for a second “I’d say that’s false.”

Ayaba stays silent, slightly frowning at his words. He continues, grinning. “You're just pretending to be reasonable, and since I couldn’t sense that, you must be getting aid from Fortran….somehow….” He slowly says, feeling another cold breeze rush into and around the dining room. The spirits brought a giant clock from the shadows and hoisted over the table before the eyes of King Godverse.

His grin transferred itself into a small smirk, and he addresses the time. His time. “It seems like your stay is finished Ayaba. You must meet with your minions and do whatever unpleasantries you have arranged. I don’t care to pry into personal affairs. Leave me. Leave me to address this shadow and the future of Godverse. The future of this story, how it’s going to play out. All that cryptic nonsense.”

Suddenly, without further expression, Queen Godverse vanishes, and Koavire vanishes from the throne room. Now, King Godverse sat once more on his throne, keeping his posture straight and his eyes shut. His forearms rest on the armrests of the throne, fingers dug deeply into their ends. His eyes were closed, and his mind once more lost in omniscience.

It was one of the very few times King Godverse couldn’t will himself to know, or reach out and touch upon an intruder. He was in the dark. Whatever was going on, it was beyond Godverse.

Instinctively, suddenly, he looked above him. Within one of the chandeliers of candles hanging from the ceiling, in the dark zone of the flame in one of those candles, an eye originally hidden from view closed immediately upon its discovery. King Godverse let go of his throne, and levitated himself up to walk across his halls. Outside the weather was turning from blue and slightly cloudy, into drizzly rain with seemingly uncertain storms ahead. King Godverse looked around as the halls darken in accordance with his mood; the statues, the paintings, the decorations, the stone walls, he looked at it all with his godly senses.

King Godverse felt- for the first time- uncertain about the events ahead. In the meantime, he would dissect Godverse- and all its dimensions, lack-of, and boundlessness- apart in his independent study. There, while observing the boundlessness, he would cautiously review the entire structure and hierarchies quicker than instantly, to where the moment he started his search and concluded it was put together as one in a nonexistent instance. The whole structure of Godverse was reviewed, and seemed normal enough for his tastes. The residents were never the wiser to his dissection, as the events theoretically never happened or could be registered by the structure.

Maybe whatever events were ahead could pose a challenge. King Godverse cautiously made his way through the vast hallways of his magnificent abode. With each and every step he took, his spirits trailed behind him nervously. They shared the King’s uncertainty and understood his plight, doing their best to comfort him by delivering good news from the Godscape and Adamasphere. This wasn't working, as the King couldn’t shake the feeling that he was still being watched.

