“ | No Omniversal for you. | „ |

art by Justme
The official Tiering System exists to create uniform scaling throughout all articles on the True Godverse Wiki, and is used to categorize characters on the Power List. While users are allowed to do their own scaling, take that scaling with a grain of salt unless the character is scaled similarly on the Power List. Please leave any criticism of the system or any questions you may have in the comments. Happy scaling.
Note that this Tiering System is tailored specifically for the True Godverse, and is not intended to be applied outside it. It wouldn't work, anyway.
The System
Tier 9: Zeroid
Characters whose value across all aspects of power is effectively zero, exist with a complete lack of any form of influence over any structures, no matter how infinitesimal the structure is.
Tier 8: Infinitesimal
Characters who are either infinitesimal on a 3D scale, or exist as lesser dimensional entities.
Tier 7: Confined
Low 7-B: Sub-Human
Characters capable of exerting less force with their “feats” than an average human could.
7-B: Average Human
Characters capable of exerting force with their feats comparable to what an average human could achieve.
High 7-B: Athletic Human
Characters capable of exerting force with their feats comparable to the feats of more fit humans, such as professional fighters.
Low 7-A: Peak Human
Characters capable of exerting force comparable to the limit of human strength.
Mid 7-A: Superhuman
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage tougher materials such as steel.
High 7-A: High Superhuman
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage smaller buildings, destroy an area equal in size to a small building.
Tier 6 - Expansive
Low 6-C - Building
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage buildings or areas with size comparable to apartment complexes and malls. For the destruction of buildings, note that structural collapse disqualifies this.
Mid 6-C: Large Building
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage buildings or areas with size comparable to skyscrapers. For the destruction of buildings, note that structural collapse disqualifies this.
High 6-C: City Block
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to city blocks. Note that the feat must exceed what is required to destroy a skyscraper.
Low 6-B: Town
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to towns.
6-B - City
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to cities.
Low 6-A: Small Mountain
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to smaller end mountains.
6-A: Mountain
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to average mountains.
High 6-A: Large Mountain
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to large mountains.
Tier 5 - Global
Low 5-C: Small Island
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to small islands.
5-C: Island
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to islands, or damage characters with island level durability.
Low 5-B: Small Country
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to small countries.
5-B: Country
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to countries, or damage characters with country level durability
5-A: Continent
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to continents.
Tier 4 - Celestial
Low 4-C: Moon
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to a moon.
4-C: Small Planet
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to a smaller planet.
High 4-C: Large Planet
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to larger planets, such as gas giants.
Low 4-B: Small Star
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to a smaller star.
4-B: Star
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to stars.
High 4-B: Solar System
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to solar systems.
Low 4-A: Multi-Solar System
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to multiple solar systems.
4-A: Galaxy
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to a galaxy.
High 4-A: Galactic
Characters capable of exerting enough force to destroy or significantly damage areas with size comparable to structures comparable to multiple galaxies, clusters, superclusters, or generally any higher ordering of matter.
Tier 3 - Unlimited
3-C - Cosmic
Characters who can destroy all matter inside of a Universe, rendering it a void.
Low 3-B: Low Universal
Characters who can destroy an entire Universe throughout its timeline, obliterating it in every moment across time. This tier can extend to any higher finite amount of Universe sized structures, i.e Paraverses.
3-B: Universal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect a countably infinite number of Universe-sized structures, such as all the Paraverses of any given Universe.
High 3-B - High Universal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect a Paraversal Structure in its entirety. Destroying any number of Paraversal Structures does not qualify for a higher tier, but a plus sign will instead be added to the end of the tier name. (High Universal+)
Low 3-A - Low Multiversal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect one or more Luminare Multiverse, which is a structure with 6 dimensions. Characters capable of destroying all Luminare Multiverses will have a + added to their tier. (Low Multiversal+)
3-A - Multiversal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect Low Zone structures with a number of dimensions corresponding to 7, or any higher finite number.
3-A: High Multiversal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect Low Zone structures with a number of dimensions corresponding to Aleph-0.
Tier 2 - Immeasurable
Low 2-B: Low Hyperversal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect Superious Zone structures such as the Adamasphere, which have an uncountably infinite number of dimensions corresponding to Aleph-1.
2-B - Hyperversal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect structures with a number of dimensions corresponding to Aleph-2, or Aleph-3, or Aleph-4… extending onto an uncountably infinite number of possibilities, each exceeding the last similarly to how Aleph-3 exceeds Aleph-2, or how Aleph-4 exceeds Aleph-3. An example of such a structure would be the Lesser Otherverse’s layers.
High 2-B: High Hyperversal
Characters who can destroy or significantly affect structures which exceed all possible levels of 2-B, being unreachable via recursion or similar concepts. An example of such a structure would be the Greater Otherverse’s layers.
Characters who transcend dimensional scale, existing in planes indescribable through dimensional measurements, transcending dimensionality fundamentally.
Characters whose level of power is expressed through dimensionally transcendental infinities. This tier can be extended to any higher expression of these transcendent infinities.
Characters who transcend all expressions of infinity, existing as inexpressible meta-giants unbound to boundlessness, never self-exceeding with further variant of boundlessness, always absolute.
Tier 1 - Transcendent
Low 1-C: False Omniversal
Characters which wield absolute defined power, capable of molding into any set of definition or form, or lack thereof, to represent absolute transcendent power as themselves. This power stretches across all interactions or events of a Low Omniversal. Characters which can wield absolute power which is at the same time inconsistent (being absolute in two contradicting definitions) are not above Low Omniversal. Transdual forms and definitions also do not qualify for any higher than Low Omniversal.
High 1-C: Omniversal
Characters which wield absolute defined power across two or more (any higher finite amount) sets of definitions and forms, or lack thereof. Similar to False Omniversal, this power stretches across all interactions with further verses.
High 1-C: True Omniversal
Characters which wield absolute defined power across the never-ending sets of definitions and forms, or lack thereof. This takes the qualities of the two lower tiers, and renders them irrelevant as their power stretches across all versal interaction.
1-B: Outerversal
Characters who cannot be defined. No definition, existent or not, real or unreal, no recursive transdual definition, there can be no definition of an Outerversal being in terms of power, much less their nature. When “undefinable” is said, it is meant to the highest degree. No terminology of any form could show the capacity of an Outerversal. Feats displayed of this level, if there could be any, would “happen” in a manner completely unattached from description or a narrated explanation.
1-A: Metaversal
Characters unattached from the above implications. There is no power or setting associated with 1-A. Any implication towards “Metaversal Capability” following the same formula presented above is entirely useless. All is accessible to a Metaversal. There is no such thing as a Metaversal Nature, or Metaversal Constant, or Metaversal Law. There is no governing force behind them, no implication of undefinability can express what a Metaversal achieves.
Miscellaneous Information
The convoluted nature of the spirit: The spirit is a thoroughly misrepresented concept throughout the Godverse, being understood as some malleable article, entirely subject to the power of those above you. This is false. The soul as it is known by most is in fact only one type of essence, known as the Soul, the worldly bond which most beings are created with. Souls would be articles such as the Soul of Bravery, Perseverance, Integrity, Stability, etc.
But a true soul, known as a Spirit, is entirely different. Spirit refers to the immutable form of any given being. It is entirely unattached from mortality and mainstream existence, living as a formless timeless being, tied to every single being in Godverse (except the empty which inhabit the Godscape). The ticket into the Afterlife.
What is code?: Code is the raw reality-stuff that defines all of reality and its aspects up until the Godscape. Arranged in blocks, with each block being the anchor that keeps concepts themselves consistent. Essentially, deep reality.
Soul Types: Souls are the worldly cores of entities which define them in many ways. There are many types of Souls, all granting special capabilities. Due to the nature of Multiverses, the soul types cannot be said to be consistent across all of the Godverse.
How buttons work: Buttons are powerful tools, which function through a deeper layer of reality, Code. Code is the raw reality-stuff which serves as the basis for everything, from dimensions to reality warping. Buttons allow users to directly target this Code, creating unstoppable events, effects with undefinable causes, the overriding of reality warping, etc. Buttons however, can function only on dimensional levels within the user's grasp.
Authority is a being's position in priority of action. A being with higher authority's actions will always dwarf those of a lower authority being. The concept is essentially irrelevant until the Unlimited level.