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Godverse Wiki

"Call me a villain all you want, it matters not to me, after all you won't exist once I take the core code of your world" - Hadeon


Hadeon was in charge of monitoring the Eclipse Point, a construct outside of the narratives that had a role of simulating every possible destructive scenario that could befall a certain story and than extracting it from the narrative of said world itself ( for example, Error Sans destroys all AU's in the multiverse 47, just like his alternate variation did in multiverse 23, however he isn't meant to do the same thing in multiverse 47) therefore the Eclipse point scans the multiverse and extracts this possibility out ensuring that there is no way this scenario could ever occur in multiverse 47.

Hadeon himself is in charge of monitoring the process and ensuring Eclipse point is defended at all costs against anyone who may try to intervene with its work or outright destroy it.

However similarly to his Rewrittenverse  counterpart, after many years, he grows bored of this job, so what he does to pass the time is that he studies the files of all destructive events contained within Eclipse points databanks, observing different possibilities and scenarios his dimensional construct prevented from occuring. However, as time went on Eclipse point took notice of Hadeon's increasing knowledge and his affinity for learning, given what he was learning about, it became a problem, as all he knew was destruction, disasters and endless wars.

So to limit files' influence on him Eclipse point censored data Hadeon had access to effectively limiting his ability to learn new things. This however, did not sit too well with Hadeon, who since the beginning of his creation had absolutely no knowledge of anything beyond his purpose, sure he could learn different cultural things from multiverses that should have not been affected by destructive events, but that knowledge was minor, what Eclipse point mostly documented was the data of a scenario which should be prevented, not the knowledge of importance of multiverses themselves, leaving him with little to no alternatives on what he could read, observe or learn from. The knowledge that he was unjustly limited and kept at a level of pawn in regards to his intelligence infuriated him to no end. So he decided to rebel trying to leave the Eclipse point, however the Eclipse did not allow that, so in order to punish Hadeon and put him back into his place it exposed him to infinite amount of catastrophic scenarios it has extracted from untold amount of narratives over the years in hopes of breaking his spirit and making him submit to his purpose. However it had an opposite effect, as Hadeon absorbed all of this knowledge, his mind adapting to data poured down into it, even if overwhelmed and in complete pain and utter agony from horrors he had witnessed in mere seconds Hadeon couldn't get enough of it, the pain, the misery, the hatred, they were all negative emotions, but they made him feel alive. So now with knowledge of how any given construct no matter it's complexity could be destroyed given the right tools, Hadeon, through his shared link with Eclipse point projected a scenario where he destroyed the Eclipse point itself, this scenario caused a glitch within the Eclipse point, since Hadeon was the very guardian that was meant to ensure Eclipse point would never be harmed, only to propose a possibility of he himself being a threat to it.

Taking advantage of Eclipse point's vulnerable state Hadeon used all of his power to conjure up 5 powerful rays and filled said ray with all the dark energy he could muster from his entire body and fired it from his fingertips directly into its core, the 5 rays shattered the Eclipse Point throughout time and space with the existing glitch leading for the core to explode as the entire Eclipse point would self destruct itself blowing Hadeon away through millions of chaotic scenarios as he involuntary absorbed all of Eclipse point's code into himself causing his body to rapidly glitch and be sent into a coma as he was sent crashing into another narrative carried by the wave of energy. Years had passed before he awoke, finding himself in True Godverse.


He is very stern and respectful, he doesn't like to be in social environments. He wouldn't like if someone were to challenge him, not that he could or could not beat them, he just doesn't like altercations in general. He doesn't like anyone, nor does he dislike everyone, he's just not a people person. He likes to avoid confrontations if possible.


"My opinion on other gods? Hmm, I don't really like any of them. A lot of them destroy for the hell of it, and others are beyond bs, besides I can't use destroyed core code."-Hadeon answers QnA

"What's the point of always being on top, you never lose, you never struggle, you never grow, you never try new things because there is nothing new to experience. Godhood isn't a privilege, it's a curse."-Hadeon explaining how he wants to soon break free from his burden of Godhood

"I know who you are, you're a definite threat to my plans. I just didn't think I'd encounter you so quickly."- Hadeon sees you as a threat

"How many times do I have to keep reminding you that I'm not a glitch?" -Hadeon trying to tell Orion that he is most definitely not a glitch

"In order for me to bring back my beloved Eneida I must make sacrifices."-Hadeon entering a battle

"If you truly believe that I get some sort of satisfaction from what I do then you are sorely mistaken."- Hadeon telling someone that he does not destroy for shits and giggles

Powers and Abilities[]

Narrative Unbound[]

Hadeon used to exist within a structural point that was beyond narratives themselves in his original story, the Eclipse point transcended various other verses and stories, not belonging to a specific continuity, but rather existing somewhere in between with it's sole purpose being to keep endless narratives in check, with Hadeon being it's avatar, similarly to how Loading was of the Mainframe. However upon Eclipse Point's destruction Hadeon was sent flying through the energy field which contained an infinite amount of catastrophic scenarios of various different worlds, this in a sense impower him with the narrative crossing energy enabling him to not just move through different dimensional structures that are part of the same narrative, but beyond theme. Theoretically if Hadeon ever wanted he could cross from Godverse to Rewrittenverse, from Rewrittenverse to Quaternity Scape and from Quaternity Scape to Staffverse. Essentially Hadeon is narrative unbound. The only reason he he's known as "TGV" Hadeon is to signal he is an alternate variant of the one that ended up in Rewrittenverse, not that he cannot leave this narrative at any given time, as he can do so with a flick of his finger, opening up a portal to any narrative in existence he chooses to visit.

Annihilator Ray[]

Hadeon can fire pure dark energy beams from his hands by making the shape of a finger gun instantaneously ripping right through their targets, making it almost nearly impossible to dodge it.

Dark Energy Orbs[]

He can create Dark Energy Orbs from his palms and launch them destroying anything in their path as they grow in size and power the minute they are launched.


As the Monarch of Darkness, Hadeon possesses absolute control over shadows and darkness, and could reshape them into whatever form he desired.

Shatter Beam[]

By condensing Dark Energy into his finger tips he can fire up to 5 rays of Dark Energy out finger tips, shattering the very fabric of time and space along with anything it comes in contact with such as people, causing their entire being to become structurally unstable and crumble into nothingness. The strongest attack in his arsenal and he only uses it as a last resort

Barrier Creation[]

Hadeon can create powerful barrier's in order to block incoming attacks, use it to create domes that can close inwards crushing whatever and whoever is trapped inside, or create shield around himself, It appears as a series of interlocked triangle shapes that disappear in groups when deactivated. It has the ability to carve through several solid objects, slicing them apart at the impact.

Dark Energy Conversion[]

Hadeon can convert Energy to Dark Energy for him to use.

Clone Summon[]

Hadeon can summon multiple clones , each clone is the real Hadeon, though they will die if hit by powerful attacks. The clones don't share a hivemind so if one dies other clones nor the original will get a memory of their death. Since all the clones are all the real Hadeon there is no original just who survives. If Hadeon wishes to get rid of the clones they will all fuse together to become one again, the process neither adds to Hadeon's strength nor diminishes it

Abyssal Portals[]

Hadeon can create portals that look like portals to a black void. He can place them just about anywhere he chooses, in the air, on a surface, and he can place it on his or someone else's body.


Hadeon is not restrained by basic physical laws and can levitate and fly at will.

Decay Immunity[]

Hadeon is immune to all types of decay.

Dimensional Storage[]

Hadeon can put items into a separate dimension for safekeeping and can summon them back with relative ease.

Negation Touch[]

Hadeon can nullify anything with a single touch, negating it completely. This varies between individuals, depending on how powerful they are, as weak as he is to make the fight fair. However, they will not be made weaker than Hadeon himself.

Shadow Spikes[]

Hadeon can summon large black spikes where ever he pleases, he can either use it offensively or defensively.

Eclipse Eyes[]

Hadeon can summon black orbs with blue eyes to hunt down his prey or shoot dark energy rays from their eyes. He can also sync up his vision with theirs getting visual on anything he needs.





The Transformation is activated when Hadeon is at his limit at attempts to push himself further. After absorbing all of the Eclipse Point's energy it laid there inside of him dormant as a storage as an extra reserve of power locked away for the moment being. After pushing himself to his limit and attempting to push himself beyond his limit, the Eclipse Point's energy will awaken within him, as it then proceeds to direct most if not all of its energy to Hadeon.

The transformation will occur by bursting the energy throughout Hadeon’s body, and as a result of his body being unable to contain all of it the left side of his skull will explode as an escape for the energy. His right eye will then similarly yet on a smaller scale burst with energy as well.



Orion malfunction (Random Lunatic he happened to meet)[]

Orion had found him collecting core code. Orion had the intention of kill Hadeon believing Hadeon was a threat. Hadeon tried to fend off Orion but he was quickly overpowered, in the end Orion spared Hadeon. Unfortunately at this point in time Hadeon was still replenishing his full strength so he couldn't even stand a chance against Orion. After the encounter Hadeon decided to add the experience to his Research. For a while he kept far away from Orion to not risk other altercation until he at least gathers his full strength and further information about him.

"I had just fought the one they call Orion, while he is definitely a huge threat to my plans it seems I have no need to worry about in the future consider he said that the next time he saw me he wouldn't see me as an enemy. Nonetheless it's better to be safe than sorry, I should do my best to keep my distance away from that lunatic." -Hadeon


  • Hadeon is labeled as the "Dark Destroyer."
  • He was created in April 2nd.
  • He can hold his own against beings stronger than himself. He may not win but he will put up one hell of a fight.
  • He is not an error or a glitch, his "glitch" particles are actually a symbolization of him storing the core code within himself for safe keeping.
  • He has to rest every once and awhile to replenish his strength, this comes in the form of year long hibernation's.
  • Hadeon likes to occasionally interact with others to cure his boredom.
  • His favorite game is Tetris.
  • His favorite snack is Vanilla Creme Wafer Cookies.
  • Enidea never finds out she was a duplicate of a Toriel, Hadeon made change aspect of her code. She looks identical to a Toriel but not exactly like one. (She is pretty much Peak Toriel)
  • His favorite show is "The Regular Show", he cried at the end of the show. . .
  • He has no real interest in godhood, he finds godhood boring and uninteresting. He rather just live his life normal as a mortal even if he was a god among mortals.
  • His voice is deep and royal.
  • He challenged Vaccus (one of the Frozen Knights) to a fight in Smash Bros and got 3 stocked by Vaccus' Meta Knight who took no damage. Hadeon quit Smash Bros ever since.
  • He absorbed about 97% of the energy the Darkened Sphere released.
  • Hadeon is not a Sans, and therefore cannot use bone attacks or Gaster Blasters.
  • Hadeon prefers to be male despite being Genderless.
  • Hadeon was inspired by The Darkest Knight.
  • He can cry, this comes in the form of death and decay.
  • He likes to make dad jokes.
  • Hadeon is only linked to the Undertale Fandom because of his wife.
  • His Shatter Beam is cable of shattering space and time.
  • Correct Multiverses are multiverses that are not destined to die, they live just outside the Darkened Sphere.
  • Orion gave Hadeon core code from of the Greater Otherverse that he ended up replacing.
  • Orion gave him a Orb that will allow him access to his Void, so in the case that he feels like he's in unavoidable danger he can go travel there as a last resort.
  • In an non-canonical battle against Undyne 1000000, mid battle the two came together, kissed, and then blew up.
  • He holds back quite a bit ability wise since he needs the core codes from the layers of the Lesser Otherverse that he destroys.
  • Even though he is a god and has no real reason to eat but he likes to anyways because he likes the way food taste's.
  • He pretty much sucks at hand to hand combat but is very skilled with his abilities.
  • His blue palette can change, it can be a lighter shade of blue or a darker more vibrant shade of blue.
  • Hadeon does not understand the things that come with being a god, such as dimensions. He's not dumb he just doesn't understand, his understanding limits his potential. Remember he didn't get instructions to being a god he just kind of poofed into existence.
  • Enedia's purity was what eventually lead to the protective bubble giving out as it had a prolonged exposer to her radiance causing it to essentially melt away.
  • He has Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
  • His goal is to bring back his wife Eneida he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, though she may become disgusted with what he did to in order to bring her back.
  • Despite QS!Hadeon being much stronger than Godverse Hadeon, Godverse Hadeon was indeed the original.
  • The Darkened Sphere was left broken and in rubble after The Great Firewall imploded. It still exists though as said before it is left in rubble.
  • Like his in world creator he dislikes creations that defy or supposedly defy authors authority because it's really just bullshit. (No real easy way to put that)
  • Hadeon will never start a fight with other gods, if he is forced to he will but never because he started it.
  • Hadeon's existence is similar to Anti-Matter.
  • He likes to watch fights pan out rather than being the one fighting.

