Being Reworked
Harmonytale Sans (Harmony!Sans) now known as Hope!Sans is the Arch-enemy of Fear!Sans and is a symbol of Hope in the Godverse.
(Note: Hope!Sans is W.I.P and in the process of being reworked so expect some major changes to the character)
Prolouge: Reborn Anew[]
As Harmony!Sans looked into the eyes of the one who destroyed his world, corrupted his friends, and was slowly erasing him, he felt a great sense of fear, of loss. But despite all of what he felt, he could only hope, hope that one day a being powerful enough to defeat this maniac would come, someone who could permanently stop and end the actions of this beats, these Sans who caused fear. And Hope, Harmony!Sans did, even in his final moments he would not let go of his Hope, not now, not ever. And with those final thoughts he blacked out embracing his fate…….. or so that was how it was supposed to end.
many years later Harmony!Sans opened his eyes, he was confused, he was supposed to be dead. After all that thing he encountered not so long ago had erased him, well he thought it was not that long ago. Getting up he went to touch his head, however his hand passed through it…. Confused he looked at his hand, but in fact his hand was not even a hand, it was a bright golden tentacle blob. Panicked at the sight he jumped back and look a closer look at himself, he saw that he was just a big yellow glowing blob of mass, which was not how he remembered himself looking. Confused Harmony!Sans looked around for answers, however that did not take long as soon the answers came right out of him, when thinking about the answers to how he got this way a book with writing detailing how he became this way appeared, Opening the book he started reading.
He read about how after an entity known as Fear!Sans had erased most of him and only his consciousness and memories were left, the hope he had in that someone would be able to stop Fear!Sans was heard by someone, someone who decided to make Harmony!Sans’ hopes come true. Right as his consciousness and memories were about to get slowly erased as well the being shot down a beam of light onto where Harmony!Sans would be if he still had his body, this beam carried away his consciousness and memories and was put into a blob of pure unfiltered existence, becoming the embodiment of Hope and existence in whatever modified Aeterframe, Godverse, Shamasphere, or Deusverse he was in. This form he know had also gave him the power to combat and defeat Fear!Sans, and due to it being a blob of pure unfiltered existence he soon started receiving every single piece of knowledge becoming virtually Omniscient, from this he quickly got used to his new form and managed to morph his body into something that looked more familiar to his former self.
After his metamorphosis and a brief training with his abilities, Harmony!Sans took on a new name, Hope!Sans, a symbol of the hope he had and will always have, a symbol to others in need that everything will be ok, a symbol of light that will shine in even the darkest void. And now Hope!Sans set off to stop Fear!Sans, save his friends, revive his world, and help others along the way.
Chapter 1: Meet the gang[]
A bit after his initial resurrection Hope!Sans travelled the Adamsphere and throughout Bubbles in the Godscape hoping to find Fear!Sans who he knew liked to pick on weaker entities and destroy them from what he saw from his own world, however for a long time he found no luck, but he did help others throughout his travels, here he would assist and bring hope to trillions of people assisting in reversing destruction and just doing general good deeds. However eventually he would find a world where Fear!Sans presence could be felt, and went off to find him.
Upon entering the AU Hope!Sans walked around and conversed with the locals and asking them subtle questions so he could try and get Fear!Sans’ location down and eventually heard screams. As he followed the screams it soon lead him to Fear!Sans who was trashing buildings and skyscrapers nearby, erasing them from reality with a touch and watching those inside fall to their deaths, laughing at it in the process. Seeing this Hope!Sans rushed into the fray and tackled Fear!Sans, not suffering from any form of deletion or existence erasure. Fear!Sans was at first confused by this, confused on how anyone from this AU could of survived even touching him, until he realized he was not from this AU, perking up and happy to receive a challenge Fear!Sans spread out his spider legs and begun his assault.
Harmony!Sans/Hope!Sans before the Fear-event and the destruction of Harmonytale was just like every other being in Harmonytale, a peaceful being with Absolutely no malice nor hatred, Sans however absolved to crack jokes and was generally a more peaceful and care-free Classic!Sans.
However Post Fear-event and the destruction of Harmonytale changed Harmony!Sans/Hope!Sans, due to his merging and eventual transcendence above the concept of hope, he now has an unwavering will and hope that can never be quenched and is more attuned with violence and will use his powers for the protection of others. However deep down he is still the same skeleton he was before Harmonytale's destruction.
Pre-Fear event: Harmony!Sans looks similar to Classic!Sans having the same higher and weight as him, however he wears a black trench coat like jacket with white vine drawings covering the sides of the jacket. he also sometimes wears a white scarf when he is feeling fancy.
Post-Fear event: Harmony!Sans/Hope!Sans in reality is a amorphous blob of Pure Existence that takes the form of golden light, due to his new physiology it allows him to morph his shape into whatever he wants and thus he takes a similar form as he did during the Pre-Fear event era of his life. However everything is colored a shining golden yellow and the scarf he wears is not his, but instead that of Harmony!Papyrus' and thus it is more tattered due to the destruction caused during the Fear event.
Harmony!Sans Powers/Abilities (He no longer has these, but can replicate them)[]
Harmony!Sans has the ability to manipulate already existing bones and summon bones out of thin air, these bones act like bullets traveling at that speed and piercing anything a bullet can.
Gaster Blaster[]
Harmony!Sans has the ability to summon Gaster blasters that fire beams that can pierce anything in the 4-C range and not only target the soul directly but also act as a potent plasma that completely burns and melts almost anything it touches. However due to his peaceful nature Harmony!Sans rarely uses this in battle and only as a last resort.
Harmony!Sans has the power to lift and move things at or under 5 Tons being able to toss and throw anything in that range like a ragdoll.
Harmony!Sans can teleport to a area he can see within reasonable distance or can teleport to an area he has been to as long as he knows the coordinates.
Hope!Sans Powers/Abilities[]
Attacks of Pure Existence[]
Hope!Sans can form attacks that are the exact opposite of Pure nothingness making attacks out of Pure Existence, This Gives Hope!Sans attacks that are quite literally made of everything, are everything and can hurt anything. Each attack has the same attack potency as if everything in existence and existence itself attacked you all at once.
Manipulation of Existence[]
Hope!Sans can manipulate the very fabric of any Existence lower than Fictional existence, which is Essentially a stronger version of Reality warping as not just reality but also existence bends to Hope!Sans whims making it seem that Hope!Sans is Nigh-Omnipotent to those who are Externaversal or Below due to Hope!Sans being able to do pretty much anything too them and their existence on an Unfathomable scale due to him manipulating the fabric of existence.
Pure Aura[]
Hope!Sans has an aura around him that screams purity and salvation, This aura will weaken the Will of any Evil entity and weaken their powers, if an evil being stays near this aura long enough they will lose their evil tendencies and instead act as a force for good and abandoning their evil ways.
Transcendent of All[]
Hope!Sans after being reformed was created out of pure unfiltered existence he essentially is All and is Above all Transcending every single thing including that of concepts, life, death, time, space, the narrative, cycles, dimensions, numerical values, damage, the whole of infinity, power, immunities, logic, laws, rules, etc. This puts Hope!Sans at an absolute scale over this Set of Definitions.
Hope!Sans has one transformation called True!Hope. This transformation happens when the Aeterframe he is currently in is under complete and utter danger with an actual possibility it will crumble and fall from either a threat or through creational decay. In this Form Hope!Sans’ main goal is to preserve it and stop it from falling and once the threat or creational decay is gone this transformation will cease and True!Hope will transform back into Hope!Sans.
True!Hope Powers/Abilities[]
Going Beyond[]
When in his True!Hope state, True!Hope can always go beyond the amount of power he is currently outputting in his attacks, this essentially means When you fight True!Hope he only gets stronger and stronger on a limitless scale, this strength cannot go beyond True!Hope’s Tier but it can put him at the absolute top of it.
Bane of the Destroyer[]
True!Hope can summon and create attacks that embody the more than just existence allowing them to be even stronger than Hope!Sans’ pervious attacks being capable of shaking (and has the potential to heavily damage) transcendent cosmic structures and destroying fundamental parts of any cosmic structure under Transcendent one’s (Not like True!Hope would ever do that). These attacks also have a special property that makes their attack potency stronger against threats to TGV and its continued existence.
Big Bang[]
True!Hope is capable of inducing big bang’s into existence that will re-create any destroyed Frames that exist in the Aether Engine and put it in a prime state which allows True!Hope to undo the work of destroyers and undo creational decay by making new, unique worlds from the ashes of the decayed worlds by putting them in a new prime state.
Relationships (Being worked on)[]
Fear!Sans (Arch-enemy): W.I.P
Harmony!Chara/Corrupt!Chara (Former Friend/Former Love interest): W.I.P
Harmony!Frisk/Corrupt!Frisk (Former Friend): W.I.P
Courage!Sans/Noir!Frisk/Wrath!Papyrus (Friends/Students): W.I.P
Legacy Tanphrous/Sans.EXE (Major Threat): W.I.P
- Hope!Sans when he was first reborn was curious about the Godverse and travelled around it for a long time, due to this he knows about most factions and has grown a distain towards them, with his least favorite of the bunch being Any Religious faction, however he lets the Kronos Sect off with a pass due to the Kronos Sect itself is fairly benign, although he does not view it's leader in a positive light.
- Hope!Sans in his past life has Harmonytale!Sans was a fairly religious guy, but due to the events he saw at the hands of many factions he now views religion as corrupt and a tool for more manipulative beings to use to manipulate and control the weak-willed.
- Hope!Sans spends most of his Time fighting Fear!Sans and/or Tanphrous/Sans.EXE, and impeding the progress and goals of most factions.
- Hope!Sans is somewhat aware of his original counterpart due to his interactions with Dr. Papsey.