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Hinn Óreiðukenndi whose real name is Óskipulegur Geðræn Beinagrind is a Sentient Hallucination who was spawned from the Psychedelic Hallucinations of a Eldritch Horror whose dimensions correspond with Aleph-3, bringing him life. He is also a well known Cognitohazardous Being in The Godverse.


In the deepest darkest corners of the Lesser Otherverse, many layers above the Adamasphere, there existed an Eldritch Horror, a being of pure terror and nightmare fuel. It reigned over its section of land in pure and utter brutality as cults and churches sprouted up in its name. This Eldritch Horror known as the Mad Dreamer was almost always In a deep sleep where he would have vivid and psychedelic dreams, these dreams would sometimes be visions, or constructs of his maddened mind. The Mad Dreamer was also in a constant state of Narcolepsy, causing him to see and view these Psychedelic vision even while awake as hallucinations. One of these more prominent Hallucinations and Dreams was one the Mad Dreamer dubbed Óskipulegur Geðræn Beinagrind, otherwise known as Hinn Óreiðukenndi.

Hinn Óreiðukenndi was one who almost always appeared in the Dreams and Hallucinations of the Mad Dreamer, and unlike the rest he seemingly had a mind of his own and had some tricks he could do. In each appearance the more he was around, the worse it got and harder the psychedelic imagery hit, he also got The Mad Dreamer to indulge in LSD’s and Magic Mushrooms as a way to prolong his stays, worsening The Mad Dreamer’s condition but strengthening in his own. Hinn Óreiðukenndi always seemed to do everything in his power to prolong his stays and drag the Mad Dreamers mind into even more chaos. And for a long while Hinn Óreiðukenndi played by these rules, until one day he got a bit more ambitious with his goals. He started expanding his tricks into manipulating the Mad Dreamer making him do things that Hinn Óreiðukenndi wanted, acting as the devil on his shoulder.

Finally though, Hinn Óreiðukenndi finally reached the point where he was no longer content with playing the secretive puppeteer, pulling the string on the Mad Dreamer. Now he wanted to no longer be just a hallucination, he wanted to be REAL. So he convinced the Mad Dreamer to go into another one of his deep sleeps, where he of course appeared as the dream. However this would be one In which The Mad Dreamer would never wake up from. As the Psychedelic imagery got worse, Hinn Óreiðukenndi managed to input subliminal messages in them, making the Mad Dreamer dream Hinn Óreiðukenndi into the real world, and finally a subliminal message along with a psychedelic image that hit the Mad Dreamer so hard, it caused immediate and permanent brain trauma killing The Mad Dreamer. Upon this happening Hinn Óreiðukenndi burst out of The Mad Dreamers body as he tore out of it with his bare hands.

Looking at himself he looked physical and real but had a waves and psychedelic presence around him, and as beings who went to check in on The Mad Dreamer looked at Hinn Óreiðukenndi they went into a drugged state as Psychedelic imagery consumed the world around them and at first they where disturbed but the closer they got too Hinn Óreiðukenndi the more euphoria they gained and out them in a state of pure bliss, a feeling they would never want to stop feeling. They were consumed by the presence of Hinn Óreiðukenndi becoming maddened and drugged, and totally subservient to the one who put them in this state. Soon more the inflicted showed more and more people Hinn Óreiðukenndi and they too became inflicted by his Cognitohazardous properties becoming just like the others, losing their sense of free will to experience this pure bliss his presence gave.

Slowly but surely, overtime the entire Aleph-3 Layer of the Lesser Otherverse was inflicted by Hinn Óreiðukenndi’s Cognitohazardous properties as he became the new god of a layer now known for it’s madness and the spread of the Hinn Cognitohazardous effect to stretch across the entire layer engulfing it and making any being who entered it suffer from it’s effects. Deciding to see what lies outside his Layer, Hinn Óreiðukenndi ordered one of the beings under the Cognitohazard’s effects to build a machine that can take him into lower or higher layers, and 3 years later it was complete and Hinn Óreiðukenndi began traveling throughout the entire Godverse.

Now Hinn Óreiðukenndi once again started looking for something greater, something bigger. Forever ambitious with the new knowledge he held, he sought to conquer the entire Otherverse, after all their ignorance will soon turn into their bliss.


Hinn Óreiðukenndi is a manipulative and clever tempter, using his Cognitohazardous effects to his advantage and using it to help him with his goals. Usually he will act as a kind and nice fellow merely wishing others the best and trying to “help” them achieve what they desire. However all of it is one extremely large trap he sew. At best Hinn Óreiðukenndi can be best described as the devil spawn of a spider and a snake, using the snakes charisma and ability to lie in harmony with the spiders effective construction of traps.


Hinn Óreiðukenndi is a 23’ 8” tall spindly Skeleton Monster who takes a similar appearance to Sans, he wears a long black coat with red outlines and a LOT of red fluff on the neck area on it, this making it similar to Virus404’s own coat but with much less detail. Hinn Óreiðukenndi also wears long black pants with no red outlines at all. Hinn Óreiðukenndi’s main body looks a lot like Sans’ but MUCH taller and more spindly, however his right eye has been replaced by a crystal with a chemical composition similar to glass reflecting everything it looks at in a warped and twisted way making half of Hinn Óreiðukenndi’s vision similar to how others see his psychedelic effects. He also has a rainbow esc shading around him at all times due to the Cogntiohazardous presence he has.


Cognitohazardous Presence[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi’s very presence is a dangerous tool due to it being a very powerful Cognitohazard causing anyone who can see Hinn Óreiðukenndi experience psychedelic visions and hallucinations, the closer you get to Hinn Óreiðukenndi the stronger these things become, those who see Hinn Óreiðukenndi  will also get an urge to walk towards him that will not go away until the psychedelic visions and hallucinations stop. When you are 100ft away from him the world will be entirely engulfed within the psychedelic visions making it look like a whirlpool of colors coming from Hinn Óreiðukenndi, Fiction and reality will also fully mesh together making it impossible to determine what is real and what is fake. When 75ft away from Hinn Óreiðukenndi you start to feel mild euphoria putting you in a better mood. At 50ft away the euphoria becomes much stronger making you outright happy, at 25ft away you are under pure bliss and WANT to stay near Hinn Óreiðukenndi to keep this feeling going, they will even seemingly lose all free will as it is replaced by pure bliss. If you are within 0.5 inches of Hinn Óreiðukenndi however you WILL die of what seems to be a drug overdose.

The longer you spend near Hinn Óreiðukenndi also effects your mental state, overtime the effect will last longer and longer even when Hinn Óreiðukenndi is no longer in sight with the closer you are the faster the time will increase, until eventually the effects become permanent and never being able to break free, slowly turning your mind to mush making you become maddened.

What makes Hinn Óreiðukenndi’s cognitohazardous presence even more dangerous is that it seems to linger for a time, lasting for around 1-10 days once Hinn Óreiðukenndi left the area. However this version of the presence can only put you into the stronger euphoria state that happens when you are 50ft away from Hinn Óreiðukenndi, no higher.

The Cognitohazardous Presence can also effect those who also exist in the Lesser along with it’s layers, however even those in lower layers in the Greater Otherverse can get effected by all of the stages of Hinn Óreiðukenndi’s Cogntiohazard, but he cannot effect the full on layers anymore. Once you start going higher his Presence gets less and less effected until it becomes utterly useless.

Subliminal Messages[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi has a ability that works well with his Cogntiohazardous presence, the ability to create subliminal messages at will. wither it be auditory, visually or mentally, Hinn Óreiðukenndi can make them. These Subliminal Messages effect the targets Mind, Soul, and Code all at once with it using different keys and sensors to trick the Mind, Soul, and Code of any being to follow what the subliminal message says essentially brainwashing them. and due to the fact it targets all 3 main parts of a being's essence means if can bypass most brainwashing resistances/immunities unless they cover all 3 spectrums.

The things Hinn Óreiðukenndi can make those do with his subliminal messages are essentially limitless within certain reason, for example he can use them to make them do anything he wants but he cannot use them to lose or gain more power, but he can make them use their powers more effectively or entirely forget how to use them. however there is one main thing he can do with these subliminal messages that doe snot follow this rule, Instantly killing someone with them. upon seeing a subliminal message designed to kill those that see and/or hear it the Mind, Soul, and Code of those who hear and/or see it get multiple things triggered in them causing immediate and sudden mind trauma/death, Soul cracking/shattering, and Code destruction/deterioration.

Incredible Strength[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi is a very strong being who has preformed many incredible feats of physical strength, he has shown to be able to tear out of the Mad Dreamer’s flesh with ease, this is incredibly impressive as the Mad Dreamer was the unopposed ruler of the Aleph-3 Layer of the lesser Otherverse with no one in said layer or below it able to scratch his hide, meanwhile Hinn Óreiðukenndi tore through it like butter. Hinn Óreiðukenndi being a entoty whose dimensions correspond with Aleph-3 also has shown it to be easy for him to utterly destroy any cosmological structure whose dimensions are equal to or under Aleph-3 with physical attacks.

Speed Unbound[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi can and has moved at speeds beyond the concept of speed itself and transcends distance letting him move anywhere within an instant bypassing any and all barriers to get to his destination. From this he can travel across the entire lesser othervere in no time at all and is only bound by the dimensions in which he moves by making it tricker for him to move in and around structures higher than infinite dimensions corresponding to Aleph-3 but moves seamlessly and effortlessly in equal or lesser structures.

Crystalized Magic[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi is able to create crystals out fo then air by reconstructing and rearranging molecules and atoms allowing him to create any crystal out of thin air as long as he knows the composition of it, he can also form these crystals into anything he wants, but he prefers to keep them basic making them basic Sans Attacks such as Crystal bones or Crystal Gaster Blasters (which fire a stream of sharp crystals), but he is not afraid to get unique with them such as creating constructs or other forms of weaponry or attacks which are equal in strength to his physical attacks.

His Favorite crystals to create and form his things out of are Crystal Meth (mainly due to them increasing his Cognitohazardous effects), Diamonds , Onyx, and Rubies.


“Calm yourself, after all ignorance is the best form of bliss” - Hinn Óreiðukenndi talking to an engraved protector slowly succumbing to his effects.

”I’m not the bad guy here, I’m only giving these folks the sweetest joy of life.” - Hinn Óreiðukenndi justifying his actions.

”Come on, be reasonable here, you know what you want, and I know what you want. Just come closer and all those fantasies in that little head of yours will come into fruition.” - Hinn Óreiðukenndi tempting a poor soul.

"Isn't it nice to feel this way, to not have to think of anything other than this feeling, to have your mind be blank and ignorant, in pure bliss. To listen to my voice and obey, knowing I gave you such a wonderful gift?" - Hinn Óreiðukenndi talking to a Chara under the full effects of his Cogntiohazard.


The Mad Dreamer (Creator)[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi never really thinks much about his creator after his death, for Hinn Óreiðukenndi The Mad Dreamer is but an afterthought, a piece in his game of chess that had served it’s purpose. no more, nor less. However he does remember him to be a useful tool.

The Sanstrosity (Old Friend)[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi met the Sanstrosity while it was still pretending to be an inter-dimensional Sans who guided travelers from world to world. It tried to do something similar to Hinn Óreiðukenndi, however it failed, however Hinn Óreiðukenndi chatted with it for awhile, and using his incredible intellect found out its motives and what it was. Every know and then he went back to talk to The Sanstrosity due to him being a good talker, however once The Sanstrosity started his new hunting pattern Hinn Óreiðukenndi had not seen him sense. He still wonders about how his friend is and what he is up too.

Flaks, The Primordial Luck (Nuisance)[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi has had his fair run-in’s with Flaks, and he never liked a single one. He finds Flaks’ luck infuriating as he somehow just gains gas masks and/or pills that completely negate his Cognitohazardous Presence and what makes it worse is that it also has little effect on Flaks even without said things. He also does not like Flaks’ overall attitude finding it extremely annoying and makes him want to flip that coin head of his into a black hole.


  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi although a manipulator and tempter is not a tyrant.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi rarely makes friends due to his view of other beings, but those who have befriended him has said he is a pretty chill guy.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi loves Cola and adores French Fries.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi has secretly made and runs a popular fast food chain in The Godverse due to it being tasty and fairly cheap.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi likes to burn things he does not like, and has been diagnosed with pyromania.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi usually involves drugs in his plans due to them enhancing the effectiveness of his Cognitohazardous Presence.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi is not aware that Koavire even exists, he only believes him to be a myth. However he does believe the in existence of Fortran and supports him.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi usually overthinks things.
  • Hinn Óreiðukenndi was once placed under VERY strict house arrest for 103,372,382,372,837 years, not being able to leave the Aleph-3 layer of the Lesser Otherverse by the Temverse Tems without getting blasted and he is currently under strict surveillance by the Tems.
    • Both of these happened after he tried to install a puppet king in The Outskirts without following any of the rules and appearing in The Adamsphere without an avatar to make it happen before he was stopped by Foreigner: Asgore.

