Godverse Wiki

"Quotes are a thing I dont like to say but this will do"

Infinity Virus is more powerful than imaginable by mere humans, as if they tried to comprehend his power, they would be erased from existence as he has lots of influence.

Permission Required to use IV[]


Chapter 1 (Infected)[]

He was just floating in the void when a being appeared out of nowhere and said, "You are the perfect one." Then suddenly Gano (aka IV) was corrupted by a being beyond his power; it spread so fast that it was going at an irrelevant speed. Gano then got fully corrupted with ease. Gano couldn't really do anything as he was just still in a void, and then, out of nowhere, IV forced his mentality onto Gano as he was above him. Gano regained consciousness, but only for one purpose: to infect anyone he sees. IV then gave himself an appearance, and A.C sent him to a void dimension known as the "Abandoned Void." He then got up and looked around, seeing nothing but a black void. He walked around and saw absolutely no one around.

He then tried to escape the void, but nothing worked. Time also did not work in the abandoned void, so he didn't know how long he was in that void, but over a while, then suddenly a portal opened and a being came through; he could barely see them, but he got up and ran towards them. He then got closer and closer, and the being noticed the Infinity Virus and thought he was going to attack him, so IV suddenly felt themselves dying suddenly as their body started to disappear, but suddenly the disappearing stopped and he somehow regrew the missing parts of his body. Then suddenly he blacked out and woke up again, but with a dead person and a spike right through their chest. It was his hand, but it was a spike. Now the being's head was twitching impossibly fast and it looked glitchy, but then he noticed the weird skin corruption was also on them now.

He suddenly felt a surge of power go through him, realizing that when he fully corrupted someone, he got their power and everything else they had except for weaknesses like a power chain or something. What he didn't realize was that this person was a being who destroyed entire otherverses with the snap of their finger and was notorious for it. Infinity Virus then opened a portal and escaped the abandoned void. He went into the other realm, immediately saw someone, teleported behind them, stabbed them with his spike right through the head, and the being got corrupted instantly. He also got their powers and everything else. He turned around and saw a virus. It tried to attack him but failed, and he almost died and got corrupted. The virus then got corrupted instantly, but the Infinity Virus didn't even go near it.

It's because he also had the ability to do absolutely anything he wanted with anything that was a virus. Because he was the most powerful one, he also impossibly ignored the logic that you can't infect a virus with a virus. He then went on with the passing time and corrupted many more beings.

Chapter 2 (The Explanation)[]

Infinity Virus was just doing whatever he was doing; he was looking for more people to infect and add to the army of infected TGV beings. He walked around and infected a couple people with absolute ease. He then saw another virus character and, as usual, used his virus manipulation to easily wipe out the virus. Then suddenly, a being spoke in his own mind and was probably using telepathy somehow. This being was completely ignoring IV's absolute immunity, which could only be done by a higher authority. What IV didn't realize was that this being could easily take control of him and do whatever they wanted with him. IV thought, "What do you want?" and the being stated that he wanted to explain his goal with IV and IV's goal in greater detail (this is to clarify some things). The being said his name was A.C.

A.C. said that from the beginning his goal was to take over everything like any other generic evil being, but the way he wanted to do it was different: instead of just becoming more powerful than everyone, he wanted to actually take over everything and not just become all powerful and say, "I took this place over." He wanted to infect every living being in the fictional world and said he has knowledge of a greater world that is beyond even the most powerful fictional omnipotent beings' reach. He saw this fictional realm as an "unrealistic, too-OP" realm and said that godverse is filled with too many powerful beings, one of whom is beyond even his own power. So the being said he looked for the perfect candidate to infect with his infection—someone powerful but not too powerful for it to spiral out of control or someone already controlled by another being higher in power—and the being said that Gano was the perfect one to be the one to infect the godverse while he takes on other powerful verses or fandomverses.

Then A.C. said that now it was time to explain IV's goal, and he said that he has to obviously infect everyone in the godverse and that people more powerful than him will be left alone due to obvious reasons. A.C. said that he should start from the weakest and climb up the ladder all the way until he finishes off a being who is on the exact same level as IV, and then stop there. A.C. then stated that if he achieves this goal, he will be free to do whatever he wants because he will be free of the control he is under. He has to do it in a series of battles starting from the bottom and infect the opponent after.

A.C then said goodbye and left IV to do the set goal.

Chapter 3 (The Virus Is Nigh & Yowilde Vs Infinity Virus)[]

Part 1[]

Infinity Virus was infecting some beings as usual until a certain someone showed up. He said his name was Yowilde and he was here to kill Infinity Virus, but IV knew he would be coming eventually as all his targets were missing and dead and knew this guy had something to do about it. They both knew that they were now on somewhat the same level of power. IV started out the fight with a flying tentacle behind Yowilde, but it went right through him like he was never there, and then Infinity Virus said, "We both know we can't hurt each other due to us being nonphysical, so let's both disable that so this fight is more interesting." Yowilde agreed to the terms and disabled his non-physicality, and so did IV. Then, again, IV sent a tentacle towards Yowilde from the ground up, which Yowilde dodged and destroyed with ease. Then, Yowilde teleported behind IV and gave him a punch that sent him flying in the other direction, and IV caught himself with his tentacles and sent four energy balls Yowilde's way, which Yowilde cut in half without even moving. Yowilde then sent Magno after IV, and due to Magno's speed, he was already behind IV as he felt the impact of Magno's punches even though Magno wasn't even moving. Then suddenly, IV stopped mid-air and glitched out and disappeared, and suddenly there were three spikes going straight through Magno, killing and infecting the Yowilde minion and forever losing that minion.

Infinity Virus was behind Magno's dead body, storing the infected Magno in some random dimension, when suddenly hundreds if not thousands of tentacles sprouted from the ground and started attacking Yowilde, and with Yowilde's own tentacles and hands, he easily defended against the tentacles, but what Yowilde didn't know is that this was a distraction as Infinity Virus fired All Erasure on Yowilde, which Yowilde sadly couldn't dodge as the ability was undodgeable, and as he started to fade away, he quickly teleported to his domain, healed himself, and teleported back, quickly using Ability Disabler disabling IV's abilities, and IV was wondering why his abilities weren't working. IV then quickly removed the abilities disabled via editing his own being, and Yowilde used this to attack IV and send multiple tentacles his way. IV then grabbed the tentacles and ripped them off, but Yowilde generated them back, and the two dashed at each other, their fists clashing as the void they were in began to shake immensely and reality shattered at the battle these two were in. The void they were in was shattered, and then Yowilde managed to get a blow on IV, sending him flying as Yowilde opened a portal to the celestial sea, and Yowilde went through the portal too. The two fought in the celestial sea, and IV then managed to throw Yowilde onto an island with one of his tentacles, breaking the already-ruined buildings. IV then flew onto the island and, using his mere presence, destroyed the entire island in one go, wanting to fight in the water as an advantage.

IV then punched Yowilde into the transparent water before flying into the water himself, sending attack after attack. IV then went above the water and created a huge energy ball the size of an entire city, sending it towards Yowilde. As it clashed with the water, everything went white as the water around them evaporated, but the water immediately started to come back. Taking this time, the two fought on the sea floor as their fists clashed more and more. As they sent more offensive abilities out, the celestial sea dimension began to crack and break, like the void they were in. Soon, the entire dimension couldn't handle it anymore and was destroyed. As the dimension collapsed on itself, the two left through a portal. The two then entered the Shamasphere. The entities that dwelled there looked at them, then looked away, minding their own business. The two clashed even more. IV, not even looking casually, infected one of the dwellers and sent them to attack Yowilde. Yowilde, barely even trying, killed the dwellers with ease, sending them to his domain. Then, Yowilde used conceptual erasure to erase the concept of limitation, and IV did the same. With multiple attacks, the entire Shamasphere cracked and shook immensely, and most of the dimensions collapsed, falling to the same fate as the Celestial Sea and the Random Void as the only remaining parts of the dimension. Refused to be destroyed and stayed that way. Most of the dwellers there died too, as most of the dimension collapsed on itself.

IV and Yowilde then left, having a record of destroying three dimensions in the midst of battle, and then they both left the broken Shamasphere dimension, going to their final destination. The Aeter Engine, a place where even infinite shamaspheres heavily pale in comparison to the Aeter Engine, the two walked up to each other, ignoring the conceptually infinite size of the Aeter Engine, and fought at their best, not laying a single scratch or dent in the Aeter Engine. IV then created perfect clones and sent them after Yowilde as a last resort, and as more clones spawned without even becoming fatigued, Yowilde began to get overwhelmed by the IV perfect clone army as they all perfectly copied the Infinity Virus. Soon, IV created an infinite amount of clones, completely overwhelming Yowilde, and as a last resort, teleported the original Infinity Virus to his domain. After both of them appeared in Yowilde's domain, he immediately removed all of IV's abilities, passives, transcendences, powers, authority, etc. Yowilde thought that he had won because he was in his own domain. IV then laughed as he destroyed the entire domain with his mere presence, but Yowilde brought it back at inaccessible speeds. The two did this for a while until the two decided that they would be allies, as that would be beneficial for both of them, and both knew that they tied each other right now currently, so they put aside their differences and teamed up, making this battle a tie.

Part 2[]



He can choose whatever he wants to look like but he is a demon with void white horns on his head and a completely void black mouth and eyes and his entire body is also completely void white (His design is pretty simple so I can't really say anything else) he also glitches out every now and then and he has 4 tentacles on his back and they can retract back into his body too


Infinity Viruses personality is nearly impossible to explain due to a few reasons such as forced mentality, transcendence, and outerversal stuff but to somewhat explain IV's personality is that of almost like anti-gods but a few notable differences IV's dislikes everyone but doesn't HATE everyone sense in the backstory of IV Avatar Corrupter never forced him to hate everyone but just to infect anyone/anything he sees, detects, feels, hears, etc but the dislike part was developed on his own sort of taking A.C's personality of being disgusted on the unrealistic, too op Fictional realm aka The Fictional World so he took a disliking to any too op, unrealistic character which is basically everyone in TGV

The only exception is someone not op & realistic, himself, and Avatar corrupter those are the only beings he will or does not dislike/hate if you do end up being not op & realistic this doesn't mean your safe though as he is only neutral to not op & realistic so if you provoke infinity virus you will be killed



  • Virus: This is how IV's virus ability works: when a being is infected by the corruption, it spreads over their physical form to change it; the corruption itself is completely void white, and it turns the infected being's eyes and mouth void black with white pupils. meanwhile, inside the opponent's consciousness or mentality, the infection takes over at any speed necessary and will fully take it over no matter what, unless the opponent is higher in power and authority than IV. Once fully taken over, they lose complete control over themselves and will only listen to the Infinity Virus and IV. Whatever goals they have or had will be replaced with the goal of infecting anything the infected being sees as indomitable will, anti-virus corruption, absolute immortality, etc. Won't work. The only way to stop this corruption is if the being is higher in power and authority than Infinity Virus himself. The ability itself isn't bound to concepts, so he can deal with concepts whose existence transcends their opponents. Basically, it allows him to completely ignore any immunity, defense, blocking, dodging, authority, etc. so he can absolutely infect the opponent.
  • Virus Control: With this ability, he has control over anything thats a virus; since he is the most powerful virus in the TGV (I think), he has absolute control over all viruses, even viruses that are not in the godverse; he can control absolutely everything about them, whether it be what happens to them, their powers and authority, how something happens to them, if something happens to them, basically anything you can name about controlling something, he can do with a virus. If the virus is more powerful than him, this ability will not work; no virus can be immune to this by any means and cannot be dodged either, as his authority and bypass can allow him to control any virus thats on the same level as or below him.
  • Absolute Domain Over Viruses/Corruptions: Like Fear Sanses has absolute dominion over fear and suffering. Infinity Virus has complete control over corruption and viruses, so he has complete control over what happens to viruses or corruptions, how it happens, when it happens, its primordial conceptual existence, its principles and axioms, its immunities and resistances, its manipulations, its beings who are corruptions or viruses, how it works, if it works. Basically anything and everything that is corruption or a virus that he has absolute control over and is considered limitless in the dominion of corruption or viruses and can do anything with it.


  • Perfect Cloning: Infinity Virus has the ability to create absolutely perfect clones of himself that all have the exact same things as him: power, abilities, immunities, appearance, personality, memories, and so on. The clones can last forever and always listen to the original Infinity Virus, no matter what. Infinity Virus can also remove these copies if he has them. He can also create perfect clones of his opponents; they will also have the opponents abilities, power, authority, memories, etc., but the downside is that they last only temporarily; thats why he prefers the original over the copy, as the original lasts forever; the other downside is that he can't copy people above him in power, authority, etc. (as that would be deleted); he can only copy beings on the same level as or below him; they will only listen to Infinity Virus and will not disobey no matter what.
  • Bypass: With this passive ability, it allows Infinity Virus to bypass immunities, defenses, passives, utilities, etc., so this is pretty self-explanatory and stuff. By ignoring the rules and laws of them, he can do it anyway, and even if it's declared impossible, he can still do it due to transcending impossibility.
  • Enfearing Aura: Now, this ability is passive, but with the power of the being with ultimate power, he can make anyone who faces him fear him, as this even works when the opponent doesn't feel fear, as it is impossible to do, but the impossibility transcendence allows him to bypass that and make the opponent feel fear when fighting Infinity Virus. This even works on beings who are the embodiment of fear itself.
  • All Erasure: Now with this ability, he has combined all types of erasure into one ability, making it easier for him. Whichever type of erasure you name, he has it in this ability: narrative, biological, natural, life, conceptual, absolute, code, physical, etc., and will guarantee the opponents erasure unless they have absolute immunity or absolute immortality.
  • Omni-Reflect: Now, Omni-Reflect means Infinity Virus can reflect anything and everything and nothing and void how this works is when the opponent sends out anything that is supposed to hit Infinity Virus in anyway, wether it would be physical, non-physical, mental, etc., it would not work and reflect back onto the opponent Infinite Fold meaning it would hit infinitely times more powerfully due to it being omni-level no matter what immunity or anti, omni-reflect, or even bypass would be able to go through omni-reflect so its guaranteed to reflect the opponent's attack.
  • Royalty Steal: This ability is passive, and if any opponent is declared "royal," they will immediately lose their status as royalty and will give any royalty items like crowns, jewels, rings, thrones, etc., even if the opponent's "royalty" item is stuck to them and they can't remove it unless they want to, as Royalty Steal bypasses that.

Conceptual Outsider (Transcendences)[]

Infinity Virus Got these transcendences due to ofc transcending these areas in his way to power

  • Reality
  • Time
  • Space
  • Most Concepts
  • Logic
  • Impossibility
  • Improbability
  • Luck
  • Stats
  • Speed
  • Physicality
  • Death
  • Life
  • Infinity
  • Finite
  • Existence
  • Conceptual Existence
  • Absolute Immunity: This is almost self-explanatory, but he is immune to absolutely everything, whether it be manipulation, erasure, death, code, virus, abstractions, etc., as if anything that would try to hurt him would just not work at all. So IV is immune to absolutely anything; his absolute immunity cannot be removed from him, added onto him, or edited by any means, as he would be immune to that too.

Manipulation Abilities[]

  • Structure Manipulation: This ability is self-explanatory, but he can manipulate the entire structure hes on and below with his whim. He could destroy it, multiply it, edit it, or add on to it. Basically, he can do anything he wants in absolute terms with the structure hes on and below, so not much explanation is needed at all.
  • Consciousness Manipulation: This ability allows Infinity Virus to edit and tamper with the opponent's consciousness and even change it completely. This makes it easier to corrupt a being, as he just has to corrupt its consciousness. After a while, the opponent will start to listen to Infinity Virus more and eventually be fully under Infinity Virus's control and become one of the corrupted, and due to the Bypass passive, there is no defending against this one unless you are more powerful than him in power, authority, etc. Indomitable wills won't work either.
  • Physical & Mental Editation: With this ability, he can fully edit his physical and mental being with ease. He could remove his "infinite consciousness," aka mentality, and if he wants to add it back, he could. The same goes for any other things that include his mentality or physical being. He can edit what he looks like and give himself different forms.
  • Shapeshifting: He can shapeshift into the opponent's physical appearance by looking at them and then copying their appearance (this doesn't need much explanation due to it being so popular and well known).
  • Prime Manipulation: With prime manipulation, he can now edit the prime of any being. Here's how it works: when he uses this ability, he can edit the opponent to be in their weakest state, either before or after their prime, which means they will lose a lot of their power, authority, immunities, concepts, transcendences, etc. With Prime Manipulation, he can bring the opponent so far back from their Prime that he can make the opponent no longer exist in anyway, be it conceptual, life, death, existent, written, narratively, etc. This ability, like the virus ability, transcends concepts, so immunities, dodging, blocking, being anti, etc. won't save you from this manipulation.



Status: Enemy

He sees him as a pretty powerful virus when compared to other such virus beings on TGV of course due to his goal he is another enemy


Status: Enemy/Target

Infinity Virus thinks Ragnalof as a powerful being to be able to edit or consume someones power or authority as he is very interested in that ability so he wants to corrupt him next


Status: Enemy/Target

He thinks this speedster is really annoying and egotistical due to his absolute speed and wants to corrupt him next


Status: Enemy

He doesn't like Fortran at all but he doesn't like anyone in general but sense Fortran easily outpowers Infinity Virus he doesn't bother dealing with Fortran as he would easily annoy him but not take him down due to absolute immunity


"Hello Speedster You think you're the fastest? Think differently, multiversal."

-Infinity Virus to Magno

"The famous Virus404, the beings beyond all comprehension, think I was meant to insult you or surpass you, but they are wrong; you are really powerful. Although you are just another obstacle to my goal."

-Infinity Virus to Virus404

"Ah, yes, the consumer of power and authority. It's sad your ability won't work on me; you will be a great asset to my army, Balancer."

-Infinity Virus to Ragnalof


  • Defeated a being who was notorious for destroying otherverses
  • Destroyed A Fake Shamasphere, The Celestial Sea and a random Void in the fight with Yowilde
  • Destroyed the concept of limitations making the narrative forget about limitations making IV Limitless
  • Outsped Magno or otherwise known as the God Of Speed
  • Destroyed Yowilde's Domain which was said to be infinite in size
  • Ignored Yowilde's control over his own domain and Yowilde was said to have absolute control over its existence, story, reality, etc


  • Due to Infinity Virus transcending time he doesn't have a age and is just declared as him always being there
  • Infinity Virus actually got infected by someone not from godverse but from a different fandom verse entirely
  • The Being With Ultimate Power is just A.C or Avatar Corrupter
  • IV Knows about Anti-God and thinks he will not be able to destroy the godverse due to him being on the same level as him and IV knows he cant destroy godverse so he sees Anti-God as another enemy
  • IV Transcends Dimensionality on all levels



Made by NightCafe (Aka AI Art)
