Godverse Wiki
People are allowed to edit my page to correct any mistakes “I” made. Other than that please inform ”me” if you want to edit my page. You are allowed to edit sections I personally marked that you can. This OC does not originate from Godverse at all but my own Multiverse. @CoffeeBlusel169 made this oc.

The ‘Code’ also known as the “Game” is Undertale in a whole meaning the Game’s code. The “Game” is any code that was originally from Undertale, and has mutated into an AU. The “Game” makes up most of the characters, it’s files, assets, sounds, textures, character sprites/models, and places. The “Game” is only set to run, and it doesn’t edit or manipulate any of the codes just makes them function. The “Game” can be manipulated inside of itself only if a character inside has the “Debugging Interface”. The “Debugging Interface” is used to debug the game, and fix it without it to stop running.


Jack is a being that the ≪Game≫ has chosen to be it’s new protagonist of SplitTale which is an AU based on madness. After the AU was quickly deleted by the ‘Game’s large amount of glitches but while in the deletion process, Jack’s code/file glitched, and merged with the ‘Game’. Jack became a sentient code of the ‘Game’, and also its protector against Viruses, Bugs, making sure the ‘Game’ runs well. He has recollections of people's memories from his AU. Jack's own memories faded as he got older, and Jack forgot important memories in SplitTale, even his mother, who passed away when he was young.

Before the underground[]

Jack’s family was poor, not being able to afford many things or any luxuries, and they poured all their money into Jack being in school. Which gave Jack opportunities to get jobs that his parents weren’t able to, and have a more good life. He was extremely thankful for his family, and when his mother died it tore him, and his father, up. His father was so depressed after the passing, he’d usually spend his time at work, leaving Jack at home to fend for himself. His dad couldn’t bear his wife's death or the place they used to live, and how Jack acted so much like his mother it made him feel depressed.

When they grew up he learned to be independent of that experience also missing his father dearly even if he wasn't that present in his life even before. Jack made it into high school, which was a big advantage for Jack, and it made him feel accomplished in his life. In his high school year, Jack came out of the closet, realizing he likes boys and girls. After high school, Jack found himself “married” to a man named Dylan. Which was a relationship kept quiet from most people who couldn't accept their decisions. This relationship made Jack finally feel loved for the first time in years after his mothers' death. After some time he worked up the courage to tell his father, who didn’t accept him at all, and his decision made Jack feel disgusted about himself. His father couldn't stand to look at him and cut him loose in his life, which caused Jack to be struck with grief.

Stricken with grief, Jack left England with Dylan to the United States, in a small town in Louisiana where MT. Ebott was. It was Dylan's idea, he thought moving away would make Jack happier, and it did for some for a while. It made things easier to forget about his mother’s death, and his father, who shunned him. But it didn’t last long since after a few years Jack ran into an old school bully that used to torment Jack about his odd appearance. He changed a lot, they were able to catch up with each other and talk about what happened over the years. He became good friends with Jack after his encounter, though Jack was a bit depressed talking with Marcus memories flooding back to him.

Jack kept meeting up with Marcus after their first encounter as he was finally moving on from the old memories, and he cherished the new ones, finding an attraction to Marcus. Dylan picked up on this and started to become jealous of Marcus. Jack noticed and started to plan a small get-together for the two to meet and get to know each other. Jack settled at a nearby bar for the three to meet. They got “along” or so Jack thought before Jack left the bar to go to his work from an unexpected call. Dylan kept drinking and drinking, allegedly. When Marcus tried to stop Dylan from drinking, this filled Dylan with rage, and he beat Marcus with a bottle on the head. Once the bottle broke, he started to stab him with it. Dylan was arrested once cops showed up at the bar to see him still drinking. The news tore Jack's heart in half, he felt terrified, and alone. Not only was his husband now a killer, he lost his only best friend, and memories couldn't help but terrorize Jack.

Jack couldn't take this anymore, so he decided to finally take his own life to release his burdens. He decided to climb MT. Ebott, and kill himself on the mountain, never looking back. He set off in the middle of the night, climbing to its cave where many people went missing, and stepped near the edge of the hole. He finally took a plunge, darkness engulfing him.


Jack awoke on top of a pile of flowers that broke his fall, the flowers were colored black, and white evenly split in half along with the rough cave walls that had vines, and broken bricks on the lower parts. The whole underground was vacant with hints of dust as he walked through, seeing empty houses like a ghost town with the feeling of being watched. Everything was split into halves, one side white, and the other black evenly.

Not a single person or thing as he walked through the underground until reaching Asgore’s castle where a glitchy figure stood, with a floating button labeled ‘Reset’. The figure pressed it, and Jack awoke from the start of the ruins on top of the flower patch. He felt his mind spin as he stood again, confused and scared as he went through the ruins again but this time no hints of dust or being watched. As soon as he reached the house where the entrance to the rest of the underground was, he was met with a kind goat lady. Who showed him around the Underground where he had Deja vu as he walked behind the goat lady. He met a bunch of monsters that were also split evenly black, and white along the way.

The monsters were accepting of Jack as he met each one which made Jack feel glad to be there. He finally felt at home but as he stayed longer in the Underground monsters started to disappear. All that was left was dust and a full colored monster one day before Jack was grabbed by a pitch black chain, and pulled him apart limb by limb…

he awoke again,... again,... and again. Each time a different death, and a different monster. Sometimes he felt forced to kill viewing all of it from his body no matter what he did. Sometimes he would try, and stop whoever but was killed in action. It felt like purgatory in the underground insanity. Nothing he did could stop what was happening..

until one day a force interrupted the AU, a inky portal opening in the forest before snowdin where Jack was. a skeleton hiding a large brush(Ink) walked through finding Jack. They talked and talked, and eventually Jack felt a connection towards the stranger feeling the same hope like the monsters. Soon the skeleton left but he would visit the AU constantly talking to Jack, finding the AU fascinating until the skeleton was forced by the strange being that made monsters kill each other, and He left after that, locking the AU's code so no one could enter. After the reset Jack cried, and cried feeling anger towards him.

It continued, and continued the endless repeat…

Until one reset the place was covered in a liquidy green, and black with purple an’ black squares like kitchen floors tiles in odd places. Things looked out of place as a surging pain erupted throughout Jack panic filled with adrenaline ran through him as he stood from the starting place where he fell, and he ran worried, and concerned to Toriel’s house as he reached the house he lost his footing falling through the ground phasing. He screamed out his voice not there anymore as the wind whistled his falling never stopping.

The pain still surging through Jack as he felt himself slowly dissolve away as he appeared back at the start more odd things appearing as error signs appeared throughout some of the walls showing the bottom of an endless pit. He sucked up the pain running back through this time not phasing through the world as he ran past the screaming goat lady who was horrifically dissolving away the same checkered pattern covering her face. He freaked watching this going up to Toriel trying to see if he could help but Toriel only screamed telling him to help the others as she dissolved away 1’s, and 0’s in the place she was at.

Jack quickly left to Snowden horrified by what had happened, and went to check on the others, careful of the disappearing terrain revealing the infinite void below them. As he reached snowdin he was met with monsters all screaming like Toriel as Jack's surging pain got worse. He ran into snowdin immediately going to the two brothers house only to be met with the two Skelton brothers dissolved away with the smaller of the two reaching to a portal that was glitching violently. Jack looked at the two and he immediately tried to enter but was thrown back by a powerful force by the portal.

He was frustrated as he tried again breaking through the glitchy wall that was behind him darkness started to creep into his eyes. He only looked around breathing frantically, maybe it was the person who was killing them for years, Jack only felt determination as an unimaginable pain arose in his body it felt like his utter being was being torn atom by atom. He just hoped he only woke up after this back in the place he always awoke. The darkness consumed him and he was finally at peace.



Medical Information about Jack includes Mental, and Physical Information about Jack.




Jack has obtained severe Depression as years passed by showing signs as a kid to even as an adult, and he has never been treated but has been diagnosed by the Universal therapist(OC yet not given a story.). He experiences common panic attacks, and episodes usually experiencing six to four a week which lasts a very long time.

Common Emotions[]

Jack has trouble comprehending how people feel. Often Jack is to harsh or to kind, and often get taken advantage of when they are to kindly to strangers. It often makes them unpredictable in nature. He gets very shaky, and uncomfortable when he tries to remember who is mother was since he forgotten what she looked like over the years. It makes him feel regretful that he forgot such a important person in his life.

(More TBA)


Jack is a cis white male that weighs approximately 114.67 lb, and is 6’4 feet tall. Jack has Heterochromia Iridium in both his hair, and eyes getting passed down from both his mother, and fathers side. Jack is surprisingly strong for his body weight, and can carry things that are 143.96 pounds more than his own body weight. Jacks sides are a actually a bit crushed, and curved like a corset but not by much. Jack has a giant scar on the right of his torso that is hook like going to his upper back to his lower front in a spiral like way.

Jack has his right arm, and left leg missing from his body.

(More TBA)


Current look of Jacks Soul

Jacks soul used to be the colored black, and white but now is made of solid stone. During the deletion process were Jack glitched his soul disconnected from his body, and turned to solid stone not having a body to accompany it anymore. The soul is covered with cracks, and it’s protected by a cloaking device that Jack has coded into the game. It has two large wings that are now stiff, and it used to have a halo until it disconnected from Jack. The halo fell with the soul shattering into millions of pieces.

Awakened Soul[]

Made with starryai

When the soul finally fused back with Jack ascending to a normal soul to a god like soul that can’t die. It can manipulate it’s own molecules so if the soul is completely destroyed, and can repair itself coming back. When Jack is fused back with his soul he can use angel like abilities but the code powers Jack had is removed he won’t be able to get them back.


Warning W.I.P Powers
These powers are experimental, and are not set in stone.

“Debugging Interface”[]

The “Debugging Interface” is an Interface that allows one to modify the game without it to stop running. Only one is known to exist within the game. Who ever gains this Interface within the code of the game holds a bunch of power with this screen.

Character File Interface[]

This Interface holds all Character files in the game. These files hold the characters code to run, and any assets for the character. In the Interface you can create your own character that can run in the game.

Raw Code Interface[]

Raw code is being able to see the raw code of characters by bringing up a Interface that allows them to see their code. What makes their character run, and everything.

Code Manipulation[]

Code manipulation allows the person to mess with the games code.

The deletion[]

The deletion is basically the computer trash bin that Deleted characters go. Previously Deleted characters can freely access the Deletion anytime they wish as not deleted creations are not allowed near or in the deletion. Once a creation is Deleted it’s assets, and code become unstable. The characters appearance melts, and some of the textures are unreadable.

Coded in Tendrils[]

Black inky tendrils made of hate that Jack coded in to do anything they wanted the tendrils to do. These tendrils can morph, and shape into objects mimicking their textures, and everything. Jack can summon any amount of tendrils to do his bidding. They can even Construct into anything.

Code based Aspect Manipulation[]

Code Construction[]

(More TBA)


Jack is a being that doesn’t have many weakness’s when it comes to codes within the game. Jack has strong points in the code that are MV’s that if destroyed Jack’s code will start to crack, and when these cracks appear Jack is extremely weak. Eventually the cracks can kill Jack the whole game resets with all the AU’s.

Personal Wiki’s
Multiverse Wiki | Labverse Files

Page by Jace P.