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"I never aspired to be a killer, i did it for my own survival." -Jade talking with Naefyan


This iteration of Jade is different from his ORIGINAL COUNTERPART. Due to certain events, he will be rewritten into an entirely new character soon...


JadeMaster! Sans aka "The Jade Warrior", was a warrior within his own Au, in which his kind went to war with the humans in medieval Europe After a Human claimed to have been attacked and injured by the Monsters. After the battle, The Monsters were ultimately victorious though Jade was wounded to the point in which he would die a hero within the war. However, when he finally perished, he seemingly woke up after what only felt like seconds after his death. He was brought back by the very same Human who had started this. Though Both started immediately bickering and began to fight. Soon after though, Jade came to a consensus about this world after heading to a Particular building in the area. After conversing with another being and gaining their help, he decided he'd need to not only speak with Naefyan again but have to work to survive. Though before they could get started, another being had interrupted, forcing them to work together after Jade had a realization about their situation. Only then did they realize they would have to work together in order to survive at all.

Backstory [WIP][]

Coming soon...[]


Unlike his previous iterations, his current state is Old and Rusted. Being Much older than previous forms, He now wears an old dirtied loose Hijab on his head with a small cape attached to it. He has 2 stripes of loose cloth that was a part of his cape but have since fallen and now hang loose. He wears a dirty grey shirt covered with faint dust and sleeves with a similar appearance. His shirt is visible torn as well. He wears a small tasset belt that has his kukri and small holsters for his knives, and a sword Holster on his back that holds his Jaded Blade. He wears big pants that are noticeably teared at the bottom, with poor stich work done to keep them fixed. He wears large brown boots with straps on the top and are too covered with Dust. Jade is always visibly either tired or uninterested, but still stands with confidence.

When Possessed by the human, Jade takes the form of a Giant, fleshy monster mixed with fractured or fused bones with flesh either falling or moving around constantly. Most of his frontal skull is broken with 1 eye visible (down in gallery), as well as his clothes being ripped. He stands at about 18'6 feet tall. At times he may appear more human like or monster like, given what Naefyan feels like changing too but mostly this appearance takes on its fleshy monster body. Nicknamed the "Black Ruby", This appearance only comes out when Naefyan possesses Jade during a tough match, immediately boosting him up to his cosmic power. This enhances his power to cosmic proportions with most of Naefyans power being mostly prevalent.


Jade is a quiet monster, not really saying much or at all. At least, not with others. Jade suffers from PTSD from the war between Humans and Monsters, as such, he rarely wants to hear or view anything that would even remind him of the war. Despite this, jade can be kind and caring to others despite his situation, choosing kindness or anything similar to face a problem before anything else. . Jade does not usually pick a fight, as he hates to fight at all unless he truly has to such as energy depravity. Jade can be mean if he has to though, as while his PTSD can cause him to break down, it can cause unbridled Rage against those who mention or even cause an event similar to the war.

Jade in combat however runs as if he were still in That War, however with an unbridled rage. Fighting is a severe option for Jade, who will do anything to end it quickly for any situation. As to him, he is fighting against the same humans who had slaughtered his kind right in front of him. Using more of instinct and emotion rather than his own rational thought's, Jade can get lost in Rage. While sometimes he may be able to clear his mind in a fight to focus, this is highly unlikely.


Power Absorption/power Drain[]

Togglable by Jade, His power will increase infinitely for however long he is near or fighting with someone. As for the other, both their energy and power will be drained up until it is empty with a radius of Jupiter, with no more power coming from anyone and rendering them powerless and disable passive's as well (Not omniscience, omnipresence etc.). He can indefinitely drain the power from abilities as well, and with his ability is empowered by Energy-based attacks or anything similar. The energy taken and gained will heal him over time if for whatever reason his regeneration is stopped. This ability cannot be stolen, copied or deleted.

Power Perception/Precognitive Precision[]

Jade is able to sense a being's power from the same 2-mile aura as his power affection, and can immediately tell who or what they are, where they are etc. The more times they are sensed, the more knowledge Jade can have on them. Given his time here within Godverse, he knows a good portion of beings. He is also able to Accurately predict a beings next move, so long as they are attached to the concept of time. While he is generally smart in combat in terms of Guessing his opponents, this power has turned that sense to 100. With this he almost never guesses wrong and can predict a move 5-10 seconds before it happens. In any other circumstance of this ability being countered, he is still fairly easily capable of assuming a beings next move with terrifying accuracy.

Melee Weapon Proficiency[]

Melee weapons, of any kind, Jade will wield with absolute mastery. He is skilled with weapons he may have not even heard of had before. JadeMaster is, much like his name suggests, A master of both his magic and Melee weapons, supernaturally proficient at deploying a large variety of moves some would deem nigh impossible to do. And given his ability to sense others moves before they happen, his skill up close with melee weaponry and precognitive abilities allow him to be near unmatchable by those who attempt to challenge him up close.

Jaded Blade[]

His prized weapon now turned into a Deadly Blade Capable of slaying gods. The Bladed part Alone stands nearly at 4'6 feet and is capable of slicing rows of massive planetary bodies in half with ease combining his strength and the cutting power/durability of this weapon, capable of bypassing Physical Immunities and regeneration abilities! His Strength, Base or growth, corallites with his Blades power. It is also capable of firing projectiles spanning 4 Lightyear's in distance in just under 15 seconds, being capable of Destroying entire solar system's entirely with just a single Swing! This weapon can handle immense forces as well if all the above wasn't enough proof. Jade could punch with the same force that would destroy a Star such as ours, this blade wouldn't even have a dent! It is also now capable of being summoned into his hand if he loses it from a distance.

Jaded Kukri[]

A weapon he's held for decades before he was able to retrieve his prized blade, this has been laid as back-up ever since. It is still capable of firing projectiles with each swing, as it is very helpful because up it does not have the immense cutting power his blade has, and lacks most abilities listed above aside from its projectiles, which have been nerfed to merely cutting Planets, which is still powerful for this weapon.

Jade-Tipped Daggers[]

Smaller and more lethal daggers, these can be used as both melee and ranged attacks. Much like his blades, these have an unnatural amount of cutting and piercing power, as well as being capable of withstanding immense pressure and damage. Even a single dagger could pierce down to the Earth's core.

Combustible Bones[]

Much weaker and fragile than usual bone attacks, they are less reliable for dealing physical damage and instead make this up with their ability to burst its flames upon impact with any surface or being. These flames are assumed to be the same as the ones Jade emits as well.

Complete Immortality[]

Unlike his Near complete immortal form, this version is completely immortal. He is incapable of dying to age and is 50% more resistant to Magic and physical attacks by anyone of varying power (Multiversal and above are not affected by this), and he is capable of regenerating his entire body so long as his soul or pieces of code remain, this regeneration only takes about 7 seconds max to regenerate something as large as his entire body.

Internal Combustion System[]

It is unknown what had happened during his 600 Year rest, but what is by far the strangest is his ability to become flammable at will. Although he rarely uses this, these flames are now confirmed to be hotter than the combined temperature of the Sun, rumored to be as hot as 9 BILLION Kelvin, Hotter than the supposed limit of Suns! This has given him very high resistance to Ungodly high temperatures, as even Standing in the suns core wouldn't do anything to Jade! Not even his Awesome clothes!! The combustion system has allowing Jade to set himself ablaze, burn any and everything in his wake. Those who are in a distance from the Sun to Earth could feel the heat like a brutal summer! This system works so long as the energy that he gains runs on, and will cease to work until then.

Paranormal Strength/Combusted Flames[]

Much like his original counterpart, this version of Jade is still capable of dealing devastating blows with his fists. Now capable of lifting Entire Planets, from Jupiter with just his finger to The Sun with just 1 hand! A single flick of his finger though a planet like earth would split it in 2, down to the very core. Not only this, but he is capable of Igniting his entire body into Flames, which does damage him of 0.25% of his total health, but one hit can leave anyone with incredibly painful burns, even being near them could melt metals into liquids then nothing in just under a second! Combining this flammable ability with his strength can lead to a planet such as earth to go up in flames in a matter of seconds with 1 flick of a finger. The shockwave alone would push smaller areas like the moon or larger asteroids away. His Max Strength as of now is unmeasurable, as it seems like every body of mass Jade has come across has been destroyed with a single punch.

Jade Magic/Jaded Confinement[]

Jade Magic is a form of an ancient magic practice that can he studied and used by anyone who knows the basics on soul, gravity, physical and willpower manipulation. Jade magic works by use of a Mental Link, which is how he is able to manipulate and control his Jade Warriors. The magic works like blue magic, capable of using soul manipulation or physical manipulation in order to grab onto his opponents, and it is up to Jade on what's next. He can invert the gravity of whatever he is controlling, which can end up crushing his opponents, literally. Or simply conjoin their souls to create another Jade Warrior.

In a worst-case scenario, Jade is capable of conjoining the soul of a victim with his own, which will override this soul but give jade the beings Memories, energy, some abilities that match his own (Empowers them) and, given the fact he merges their soul with his own, he can now Use these defeated beings as warriors for himself. These warriors will have their abilities still, though are all under the control of Jade & Naefyan (Mostly Naefyan, as jade never wants to use these and would rather them be in peace)

Peak Energy Manipulation[]

Due to him requiring this for his survival now, he has learned over time how to control the energy around him to an absolute degree. Though he can usually use this for himself, it does not give him the same amount as other beings and is less potent for him anyways. He can also redirect the energy of other attacks (Ex: Blaster beams), into other directions, and if an attack is no more than equal or lower in destructive force then his own max power level, he can absorb these attacks for a boost of energy or even send them back to an opponent. He is also capable of manipulating any body that even has a hint of any form of energy, capable of either manipulating that body to his bidding, Change, Destroy, create newer forms, anything of his desire.

Blissful Capacity[]

His power growth allows for many changes in his abilities, and his speed is no different. The more powerful he grows the faster he becomes, and at his max Capacity he can tear apart Galaxies with his speed, and his speed alone. While in his base speed he is barely fast enough to break the Sound Barrier, in his max speed he can run across the largest galaxies in under 2 minutes. While Jade is still capable of teleporting, as well as AU Jump's, He mostly require's his physical speed due to his teleportation being Janky from his corruptly state.

Synthesized Competency (Passive)[]

Since Naefyan's fusion with Jade, this has caused her power to intertwine with Jade's. Abilities like her Save Star or the ability to LOAD and the Humans now corrupt determination are also prevalent. Other more miscellaneous abilities are also shown not only by Fusion but by the error of the 2 souls merging. Strange immunities, resistances or healing items such as immunity to manipulation, healing Via corruptions or the power to retain his memories, and every little to big event in the past to current day. Sort of a photographic memory, he can retain much more Via power perception. Although useful in the long run, these powers will be lost once Their souls are disconnected.

Duplicated Alleviation (Passive)[]

Jade can replicate the healing or resistances (Not immunities) of other's Via Naefyan's Mirror attacks, this passive being a by-product. Jade can temporarily "Copy" a positive effect or passive/resistance that can help him in whatever battle he is with, this passive only working based of off what the other opponent has. This ability Has a chance of perfectly copying the opponent's factor's that will help Jade live to continuously stay alive during his Energy Refill's, and well... not die. As mentioned before however, it is only a chance that he can re-create the ability, if not, it will make a temporary sub-par power-up.

Stable Adaptability (Passive)[]

While slow, he can adapt to certain attack effect of surrounding elements. This does take a while though, as he must encounter the same trouble at least 4-5 times. Though when it is complete its effects will show, as he will no longer be affected either at all or as much depending on the danger of the effect/attack (The higher danger something is, the more likely he is to have some sort of or complete immunity to it)

Ethos Stances[]

After his encounter, battle and soon dedication to this belief, he's dedicated the rest of his life to practicing and learning this power he's yet to see. Although the human is against Jade learning this power, she does plan to (If jade manages to get it) use its power for her genocide of monsters within Godverse. Jade is more so focused in the more physical moves he is capable of doing. And although Hes tried to attempt those with Bravery and Kindness, the human prevents them from learning of gaining any other trait aside from Hate, since any other especially kindness will weaken them. The following listed below are the Moves/Techniques Jade has either mastered or is currently training in.

(Those not listed are feats he is unable to reach or cannot do)

Jaded Breathing (Training)[]

Jaded Breathing, First Form: Devil Cutter (Mastered)

Jaded Breathing, Second form: Green Mastery (training)

Jaded breathing, Third form: Serpent's hand (training)

Relationships [WIP][]

Prince Daedalus ("Rival")[]

Pre-dating their first duel, he is rather impressed with his persistence. Though Jade is also persistent in seeking his own freedom, he is rather slightly moved by the prince's attempts to help him. Although from their first encounter and forward, he's been hellbent on trying to surpass him in combat prowess, due to losing to an incompetent prince who honed himself more in craftsmanship than swordsmanship. With every loss He's taken, he tends to believe in the prince cheating in battle.

MudNymph Arid (Acquaintance)[]

Coming soon...

Arkhis, Will of Hades ([]

Naefyan Katif (Partner/Hated enemy)[]

The human that brought him down to this hellhole, they hate the human more than words could explain. though now they have somewhat gotten used to Naefyan, and sometimes checks up on them. Over time though the human's constant insults and reminders have made him depressed but now null to it. In combat he'd rather ignore the human to focus but will let them make a move if he thinks it is worth it.

MudNymphx Styx ("Threat")[]

Coming soon...


(Quick note, Feats listed are without Naefyan's help. I will specify which are with Naefyan.)

  • Rendered a Chaos-ridden Universe down to a barren graveyard in under 30 Minutes without breaking a sweat.
  • Stood his ground against "Imperator Aeterna" before being overwhelmed by his Supernatural Combat.
  • Survived a collapsing Galaxy while being "torn" apart by a Supermassive black hole. (During the )
  • Managed to survive fighting an inexperienced Prince Daedalus in their first sword duel... however, he has been bested on that same match and risks has gotten higher with every encounter.


  • Jades favorite color is green, obviously... it's the color that has been associated with his being since the beginning.
  • If all his energy stores where to be put into one punch, this amount of force would be enough to destroy earth... though, that is debatable.
  • Jade often daydreams a lot... Daedalus once had to wake him up during a sword duel
  • Jade generally has lived an imperial life under a world of middle-ages.
  • After He and the human merged, their conscience became one.
  • As stated before, Jade suffers from PTSD
  • Both The human and Jade hate more than both words and pictures could every say or show.
  • given the fact jades eyes glow when utilizing meditation, this gives him fairly good night-vision
  • The human's snobby personality is what usually gets jade into trouble when he's relaxing or just near someone, that is if he for whatever reason doesn't feel like killing.
  • In combat, Jade will preferably begin to go straight for one's soul, and if they do not have one, they will stall until they gain enough energy to survive.
  • Jade often talks to himself, but it's unknown what he really does talk about
  • When it comes to killing, he would rather go for destroyers than protectors, as destroyers offer the most energy. And overall, he is unbothered by protectors rather than destroyers who are personally more annoying to him.

