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“Lady and gentleman I welcome you to the circus!” - Jester to the audience

Jester Luke is a Jester God created by Destroyer who likes entertainment and he works in a circus in New York where he is normally is seen there doing shows for people as his role as a Jester he is to make people laugh at jokes but sometimes things go wrong after all he isn’t a good Jester if your a evil person also he is still confused how he found True Godverse but is happy being here to tell his story.


Chapter 1, The Circus[]

In the year of August 7, 2010 on a bright night the moon was shining bright on the sky of New York City and suddenly a star struck down on a circus and when the Star disappeared something strange walked out of it it looked like a Jester but it had no eyes but the clothes he had one was like a stellar clothing like stars he looked around and walked inside the circus and saw people watching the circus so he walked in the center and suddenly everyone looked at him strangely and wondered who he was or where he came from he smiled and looked at the audience and said “Hello! Ladies and gentleman the name is Jester Luke!” Everyone was wondering who he was then suddenly the ringmaster came out and looked at Jester and said “Hey buddy where you came from?” The Jester replied with a smile and said “I came beyond the stars! And am here for entertainment!” Everyone thought that he was a alien from space but he wasn’t really so the ringmaster looked around and said “Well that’s very interesting to hear now folks who wants to see him do a act for us?” Luke looked at the audience and then pointed at the sky and then he summoned a star and started to spin it around the audience was shocked and they started to clap their hands together as they were cheering for Luke for the amazing act he did he smiled and then threw the star up and grabbed it and turned it into a staff and then he started to spin it around and grabbed the star and threw it up in the sky and suddenly it exploded like fireworks everyone clapped for his performance while the ringmaster was surprised and was shocked for what Luke did and he walked to him and said “Hey buddy wanna join the circus? We might need someone with that talent around here what you say?” Luke looked at the ringmaster and smiled then said “Sure why not!” The ringmaster smiled and then summoned a contact for Jester to sign he looked at the contract and said “What is this for?” The ringmaster laughed and said “It’s for you to join the circus buddy!” He grabbed the contract and summoned a pen and looked closely at the contract before signing it completely.

He saw that the contract that he will do shows everyday for the people and would never get a pay check from the ringmaster and had to train everyday he looked at the ringmaster and said with anger “So.. you want me to sign this?! This is like an in a jail cell!” The ringmaster laughed and said to the audience “Don’t worry folks he’s just joking!” He looked at Jester with an angry face and said “Listen here I don’t care where you came from but you are mine now you got that?!” Luke smiled and said “Alright then I’ll sign it!” The ringmaster got up and clapped his hands together and said “Hear that folks! He’s gonna join the circus!” Everyone clapped and cheered that Luke joined the circus but Jester was having plans up his sleeve for his revenge against the ringmaster after the show was done everyone left the circus and went home and when the ringmaster went to bed and so as the other people but not Jester so he woke up and summoned a mysterious portal and walked inside and looked everywhere and summons tons of Stars everywhere and expands his realm to boundless size - endless size and he walked around and then stepped on stars and walked across to a door and walked inside where a bright light happened which was the Big Bang itself that exploded and suddenly lands appeared everywhere and he slides down his stars and walked around in land and summoned his star hammer and walked around and smashed the ground creating land around him and jumped away he looked around and noticed it was getting daylight he sweated “Oh snap! I gotta get back home now!” He ran to the exit and jumped inside and landed back in the circus and looked everywhere and saw it was daylight he didn’t sweat anymore because he made it out in time he looked everywhere and saw the ringmaster still sleeping he smiled “I still have time left now what am I gonna do?” He looked around and wondered around the circus not trying to cause so much destruction or anything when it was 8:00 am he saw the ringmaster was woken up and walked downstairs and saw Luke the only one up “Hmm so your the only one up? Interesting anyways i'ma get my coffee before we start the show.”





”Let the show begin!” - Jester Luke to the audience

“The moon is beautiful and it shines bright!” - Jester Luke

”You have no idea what I can do!” - Jester Luke

“Life is so much fun! Am I right? Or am I wrong!” - Jester Luke


Cartoon Physics: Jester possess the ability to impose the laws and physics of cartoons into reality, essentially allowing to warp the world around them however they see fit usually in a comedic fashion. Basically, cartoon physics is a jocular system of laws of physics (and biology) that supersedes the normal laws, used in animation for humorous effect. Most users can re-write the strict laws of physics in their universe to their convenience and is allowed to overwrite the laws with more lenient and much more absurd physics with much more ridiculous ones in service of hilarity.

Transcendent Physiology: Jester possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of transcendent beings like deities, other beings that are divine in nature, and other transcendent level beings like cosmic entities. Most have surpassed the restraints of the material existence and transcended their physical limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being. They achieve this either through literal transcendence, summoning or transforming into a godly entity, or already being a divine being in the first place.

Absolute Immortality: Jester is absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are absolutely self-sustained and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are either immune to mental and spiritual damage or will always flawlessly recover from them. Any injuries the user suffers will immediately heal, even if the user's body is blown up, disintegrated or completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level and even if the user is completely erased, they will still return to life. Alternately, some users are absolutely immune to all harm, and can never die from any causes.

Concept Manipulation: Jester can manipulate parts, parts of a set, all known parts, or all existent parts of concepts, change concepts and their definition, create new ones by warping a universal ideas or create one out of nothing, so long as it is rational, and consistent with preexisting concepts.

Oneiricpotence: Jester can manipulate all forms of dreams freely and without limit be it their own or others. Users can extend dreams beyond their boundaries and into the real world, making any dream have a complete impact on reality and in the user's control. The power can be used to imbue the user into reality with reasonably limited abilities due to already being in reality, making them superhuman or just nigh omnipotent.

Meta Power Manipulation: Jester can freely manipulate every source of power of any type across all existences. The user does this by controlling the fundamental forces that all powers are created from. The user of this ability in essence remains omnipotent over any kind of power or ability across all existences. Including those of Meta, Omni, Absolute or even Almighty powers.

Stellar Manipulation: Jester can manipulate stars, self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of super-heated gas held together by their gravity in which the outflow of energy balances the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures.

4th Wall Awareness: Jester is aware that one's Universe is a fictional/false one, allowing them to carry out acts that, within the Universe, would otherwise be impossible. Depending on the extent of the user's power, one could potentially gain the powers of Reality Warpingand/or Omniscience within the context of their own false Universe.

Dimensional Travel: Jester can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.

Creation-Destruction Manipulation: Jester can manipulate events that deal with the beginning or end of universes/multiverses and how they happen, such as the Big Bang, Big Bounce and Big Melt for the beginning of universes and the Big Crunch, Big Freeze and Big Rip for the end of universes. They can manipulate the acceleration or expanding of universes, and thus Dark Energy as it deals that.

Almighty Law Creation: Jester can create rules and laws that are unbreakable by any means. Everything is subject to them, including: Space, Time, Life, Existence, Reality, Truth, Logic, Etc.

Star Hammer: Jester can summon a star type hammer that can create or destroy anything in its path also when used inside of his Star Realm he is able to create land or mostly anything that he wants and he can destroy it to also he could smash dimensions in half like nothing and makes many realities inside to explode also he could throw his hammer and could travel with his hammer to Jester can also use this hammer to create many things like landscapes, islands etc the possibilities for this hammer is endless.

Star Staff: (TBA)

Star Realm[]

Inside of his Realm there are millions possibly billions of stars that is inside of his Realm or Beyond that also his Realm size is endless - boundless which he has full control over the entire Realm because he created it himself with one snap also he can create/destroy anything inside of his Realm if he wishes also he can create laws and many other things inside of his Realm also he has no limitations to what he does inside of his entire Realm because it’s under his authority and no one else also he can summon portals to mostly anywhere like Godverse or any dimension he wants to visit also he can warp his Realm and many other things to.


  • Jester Luke is a immortal space clown that cannot truly die but can be weaken by higher tier beings only.
  • Jester Luke is known for The God of Clowns or Space.
  • His real name is Luke Wills or Luke Williams it depends but mostly Wills because he likes short last names for some reason.
  • His age is over 120,000+ due for being trapped "Beyond the Stars" like stated in Chapter 1.

Link to Original[]

Jester Luke by Destroyer (Me/Original)



Bowing at the audience


On his moon
