Godverse Wiki


There used to be a structure in the Overvoid. This structure was The Gray Kingdom. This place was not a place, but rather a big nothing. Mortals would perceive it as absolutely nothing, a gray nothing, but the reality is very different. There were two races. White and Black beings. These two races had always been fighting to prove their superiority over the other. Their conflict had been going on for over sixty Tui (units of "time") in that world, and neither race seemed to want to prevail.

The two formless races continued to fight until 100 Tui, before the miracle happened. A white being and a black being had a child, despite being from opposite factions. This Was Kabu.

Kabu was not like the others. He was strong, fast and wise. Not having an alliance, he grew up manifesting only his own ideas and thoughts. And more important, he was a white being than a black one, he was a two-tone.

When Kabu visited the two factions, he was seen as a god. He was unique, he was different, he was special and he took advantage of that. Kabu had himself elected king of the two factions, and unified them at the miserable age of 8 nanotui.

Kabu's reign lasted for an entire Tui without any problems, and in the meantime Kabu grew and matured, discovering his powers and the reality that surrounded his World. Kabu began to construct a palace on the ruins of the old kingdom of the Whites, when he found ancient manuscripts called Tikmi.

By reading the Tikmi, Kabu began to understand the reality beyond the visible. The Timki contained information from a far past, other than multiple tales from the ancestor and lesson about the world and how it worked.

In the past, the gray void was different. There was an entity before, according to the legends, which had characteristics very different from those of a normal inhabitant of the gray world. It was apparently composed of an infinite number of "colors", a mysterious something that was supposed to be different from white, black and gray. Kabu didn't understand what it could be, he couldn't understand the concept of "colors", but not only that. It appears that the primordial entity, whose name was "The Rainbow" according to the Tikmi, was shattered by a king from the worlds above, whose name was incomprehensible.

Kabu spent many Tui studying Tikmi. The legends were not unfounded Kabu was sure of it.

Unfortunately, however, the population that he governed did not agree equally.

Kabu had made legends of his obsession, and he began to increasingly absent himself from his duties as king to study.

The situation began to escalate, with the people in revolt and Kabu increasingly disinterested.

Kabu took refuge in his castle during a revolt and began experimenting with ancient magic.

Kabu had done similar experiments before, but this time the spell he had prepared had an unknown potency. Kabu started jerking, shaking and squirming as everything around him began to fade.

The gray void was disappearing as Kabu was catapulted lower, far lower, until he touched the physical world, which is where Kabu is still imprisoned to this days.


Kabu is a weird being with a mysterious behavior. He never talks, possibly beacause he cannot, and he just watches over everything and everyone he meets. Kabu is very determined to find his homeworld, the Graty Void, as he hopes that it was not destroyed. Kabu considers himself responsable for what happened to the gray void, and he is scared that his home was destroyed. Kabu shows a lack of interest for everything but history and tales.


Vacuum physiology[]

Kabu, like all members of his race, is capable of existing outside of any conceivable physical appearance. Kabu's true form is capable of existing only and exclusively in the Overvoid and minor voids, and in the void outside the Godverse, which Kabu has only visited once. The true body is completely formless, not describable by any of the more than infinite spatial or temporal axes that exist in the lower middle levels of the Godverse.


Kabu is able to manifest an avatar of his being into the world. This avatar can assume different forms, in theory, but is actually stuck on the same current form as Kabu, being that he is trapped in that body with no access to his true form. The avatar Kabu created retains the same powers and abilities as his true form, but not the same mind, making Kabu far weaker and more vulnerable.

Call of the Void[]

Kabu has the ability to call upon the powers of his true form of the Overvoid, but to do so he needs to go through the activation of this ability. Once activated, Kabu gains various powers

  • Infinite Telepathic Strength (Kabu was able to lift the Astral Divide)
  • Manifestation of eyes in the physical world
  • Existence Erasure
  • Time and Space manipulation


  • All the Beings from the Gray Void are genderless
  • Kabu is not able to speak
  • Kabu Is not capable to eat, read or touch things.
  • The Gray Void is a very small construc that "exist" within the Overvoid
  • The Beings from the Gray Void are Known as "Bihothcer"
  • Bihothcer stays for "Bi" (2 races) "Ho" (Which Indicates they homosexual reproduction) and "tcher" (Which comes from "Watcher")
  • Kabu is unable to talk
  • Kabu does not understand the physical world, he is basically unable to perceive dimensions in his true form
  • Kabu has Met Iside in the past
  • Kabu has Fought and easly outclassed "The Forever Error" in a fight once
  • Kabu is believed to be able to destroy The Celestial Sea and the Overvoid with little Effort
  • Kabu is Feared by Multiple low tier gods for his mysterious way to act