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”In the book of The Omniverse, you are nothing more than a footnote”

King Omniverse Sans is created and owned by Keion15

Tier: High 2-A

Soul Type: 1 | Code Type: 1


He, his brother, and his father lived in an alternate AU.

During The Human-Monster War, Gaster decided Asgore was to merciful to defeat The Humans. So, with the begrudging support of Undyne's Mother, Gaster and The Royal Guard overthrew Asgore. Via Gaster's brutal tactics, the war was won when the humans surrendered.

Gaster lived as The King of The Monsters for a long time, and eventually had two children, Sans and Papyrus. Sans was his successor, being The Oldest Child, and had a different upbringing.

Unlike his brother, who was raised differently, and respected the humans, Sans despised them and would occasionally go with his group of friends to hunt down unsuspecting humans.

One day, while he was off screwing with his friends, his father was assassinated. Sans was of course, enraged, where Papyrus was solemn. It was discovered their remaining guardian had been tasked with telling Sans that his father's research had interesting information.

Sans studied it before his inauguration as King. During his studying, unknown to him, he was set to be married to a human. Normally, this wouldn't phase him. He didn't care about love, thus, couldn't care less if it was arranged, however, had he known, he would've been angered, due to his hatred of humans, especially after his father's execution.

Papyrus was dealing with most royal affairs, while his brother was researching into Gaster's research. Sans discovered about AUs, and given that on the surface, food and water was running out due to twice the residents, he decided to set The Royal Scientist, Gerson, and his assistant, Alphys, on the project.

Shortly Afterwards, he was notified by Papyrus of the arranged marriage, which, and I quote, "PISSED HIM THE FUCK OFF." eventually he calmed down, as Papyrus explained the purpose of the marriage, to calm the war between the species.

Then, Sans was inaugurated as King. He prepared for the arranged marriage, as he had to deal with with his responsibilities. Then, the marriage occurred, in which, both of them treated it rather awkwardly out of the situation. Afterwards, Sans returned to his palace along with the human, which he barely even remembered the name of. Afterwards, he learned their name was Chara, and that they were rather closed off.

Sans took some note of this, but didn't care. Gerson sent some notes back to Sans, and Chara felt rather depressed due to his lack of interaction with them. Eventually, as Gerson took on a role of Father Figure to Sans, and Papyrus was forced to do many royal duties along with Sans. Eventually, Gerson was able to kindle at least some mutual friendship between Sans and Chara, despite Sans's defiance.

Eventually, Sans agreed to do the ritual of everlasting. In where as he gave Chara some of his DNA, so that they wouldn't age, as Boss Monsters do. His refusal to do so up to this point was surprising, but it went as planned, and restored some of Chara's youth they had lost over the years. Eventually, after the fact, they sparked more of a romantic relationship and created a child.

However, Sans's research had gotten dangerous, and Gerson warned him of this, but Sans continued. Sans wanted to help his people, as their lives had gotten slowly better over time, but if resources ran out, that'd all fail. So he tried to activate the machine that would bring him to another AU, as he found that any form of skin wouldn't work on it, and he didn't want to risk his brother's life.

He was sent out of his AU, into the realm known as The Oblivion. There, his life was almost sucked away, but he was saved by a Godlike figure that called itself "Koavire." This entity said for messing with reality, he was banished from his AU and Sans could never return, however, that his abilities as a ruler were appreciated, and thus, he gave him a small amount of his power, and made him into a king of The Omniverse. Then, Koavire Froze his AU in time, and told him unless King Omniverse could finally put The Multiversal Shenigans within his Omniverse to rest, then he could never return to his AU and it'd be stuck in frozen time forever.

Unlike most beings just gifted with unfathomable power, Sans still had the capacity for rational thought, so as Koavire left, Sans tried to ask what the hell he was supposed to do. He knew that this omniverse wasn’t just going to accept him as ruler. He got no response though, leaving him stranded and confused in an infinite omniverse. As such, he declared that if he wasn’t gonna be taught how to rule the omniverse, then he wouldn’t.

Sans immediately started training with his abilities, determined to get back to his au with his now incredible power. Unfortunately, the progression of his timeline had been totally wiped from existence on a conceptual level, rendering it impossible for him to undo it by any means, as only an Outerversal power could. Sans, not knowing this, persisted anyway. As his power continued to grow, many beings began to notice. As such, many quickly moved to assassinate him. Every single time failed, as Sans was now incredibly proficient with his abilities.

This changed when just about every being in the omniverse with an interest in power and status decided to jump him. Despite the power Sans possessed at this point, even he couldn’t take on a dozen of the most powerful beings in the omniverse (there were a lot more than a dozen but most were pathetic)

While Sans was getting beaten to death, he began to feel The Omniverse, it’s very existential structure was visible, back to the most fundamental parts of it. Desperate to keep on living, he traced The Omniverse back to a source point, where the entirely of creation came from. And he found a nexus of existence itself, a swirling, pan-dimensional pool of space, time, matter, energy, dimensions, souls, minds, thoughts, feeling, magic, etc. And so he drew from it.

It was as if creation seethed and crackled around the hole in the fabric of The Omniverse that formed instantaneously, but just as quickly as it was formed, it was repaired as a newly empowered Sans stood in the center of what just was a void. He easily annihilated his attackers, and began to experiment with his power. But more than that, he gained the knowledge of The Omniverse. And with that knowledge, he could look almighty.

And so his political takeover began. He promised prosperity for every single resident of The Omniverse. While many didn’t want this considering most gods were terrible people, he gained much support via bribing and intimidation. As his support grew, so did his enemies however, and he was subject to assassination attempt after assassination attempt. However, his position was soon secured and he became to King of The Omniverse.

It had only been a few years into his reign and his policies had put a rest to nearly all shenanigans in The Omniverse. His reign had ushered in prosperity, and his people were happy. Now Koavire was many things, a cheat is not one of them. So, with reluctance, he allowed Sans to return to his timeline, and allowed it to progress.

But it was never meant to be, as despite him putting to rest The Omniversal shenanigans, his duty still called, as Koavire never said he would allow him to give up his throne. This made it so he could rarely spend time in his au, causing him to become ever more bitter towards the gods. But, as of now, this is the status quo.



He wears a purplish-blue jacket. He has a gold crown on top of his gray hoodie along with a gray shirt, he has a right blue eye and a left pink eye. He also has a long galaxy scarf around his neck and with a black pair of pants, he has pink slippers along with blue socks.


He has something of a short fuse. He despises having to repeat himself, and hates talking to most humans. He isn't good friends with the other "Gods" of The Omniverse, and actually flat-out hates them, so he will often just beat up and berate the ones he doesn't like. Outside of his treatment of Gods, he's actually a rather intelligent and fair ruler, and his relationship with Chara caused him to respect humans more, even if he doesn't like them, hence why he doesn't torture them as he does The Gods. He hates Koavire with a passion, as he blames him for putting him in his position. Despite having a lot more wealth and power than his old position, he absolutely despises his current position. However, he does respect wiser entities, as they remind him of his father or Gerson. While he does hate most of the gods, there are a few that he does like or respect in some way, and he is willing to hear out most beings grievances. Also he is entirely willing to threaten and manipulate in order to achieve his goal, (though he tries to refrain from it) unless this puts any of the few people he actually likes at risk.


  • Temper. He is quick to anger, which could be used against him.
  • Cockiness: Sans views himself as superior to most of the gods in just about every way (which is like half-true) causing him to be incredibly confident in his own abilities, often taking time to play with his opponents if he’s in a good mood. This could easily be used against him.
  • If King Omniverse use too much magic, it will make him very weak, which allows him to be very open for his enemies to attack him.


  • Omniversal Power, Authority, and Knowledge: Has total power and authority over The Omniverse. No lesser being can challenge his authority, anyone who tries will be annihilated. His power over reality is so incredibly great that, were he to wish it, he could annihilate the whole of The Omniverse, and bring it back just as fast. The very laws The Omniverse runs on are under his control. His authority is also unchallenged as he can impose limits on anything, create and remove laws, etc. This power extends to everything bound by The Omniverse and everything that exists within it. Having absolute power over all of it. Also has full knowledge of The Omniverse and everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen within it. However, unless he concentrates, this knowledge is generally a bit vague, and the deeper it is hidden within The Omniverse and the farther away it is from him in space and/or time, the more he has to concentrate to access it.
  • Pan-Dimensional Physiology: Exists across all dimensions simultaneously and can play with every dimension like they’re drawings. Every being is practically a 0-dimensional speck to him. Every Space-Time Continuum is like a tiny little river sketch that he can redraw to his whim. He can manifest in lower dimensions as lower dimensional forms if he wishes, can be anywhere and anywhen he wants, etc.
  • Omniversal Arsenal: Wields every power and ability by every being in The Omniverse. So basically, he has just about every single ability in existence besides like, full scale concept, logic, and information manipulation, and stuff like that. Basically everything that doesn’t make him Outerversal.
  • Chains of The All King: Chains constructed from the pan-dimensional fabric of The Omniverse. They are nigh-indestructible, and capable of performing basically any act of binding, protecting, or sealing. Wether it be binding someone’s abilities, imprisoning people in certain realms, beyond space and/or time, or whatever else. Can also just throw things with them.
  • Hands of The All King: Can summons hands capable of interacting with basically anything. Wether it be atoms, quantum mechanics, spirits, souls, minds, processes, space-time continuums, etc. They are incredibly strong, capable of ripping whatever they interact with apart with ease, no matter how durable the thing is. Often used to annihilate anything trying to oppose him without having to pay much attention or for tasks requiring incredible precision.
  • Eyes of The All King: His eyes are capable of inducing any mentality or feeling into a sentient mind. This is just the secondary ability, as the primary ability is to be able to see, perceive, and comprehend anything and everything. Can summon them across The Omniverse to see into that specific portion, across all dimensions and points in time and space.
  • Existential Harmony Manipulation: The Existential Harmony is sourced from strings. Essentially, everything vibrates in a particular manner that preserves its existence within The Omniverse. All forms of space and time, all realms, all higher and lower dimensions, all realities and everything in them, etc. This vibration creates a harmony that permeates The Omniverse and is only perceivable by some of the most powerful. Being able to manipulate it grants one incredible power as they control existence itself. Sans is not very skilled with this ability as of now as he has never needed to use it. (While The Existential Harmony does exist to some extent outside The Omniverse, it’s much less of a Harmony and more of a cacophony)



Omni-Restore is one of King Omniverse's closest friends. He is really close friends with Omni Restore and OmniGodity, he trusts them a lot, they also work together very well. He known both of them since he became king of the Omniverse. KO, Omnigodity, Omni-Restore and Cozmo are great friends and they are always together. KO asked Omni-Restore to always help him with close decisions.


OmniGodity is KO's comrade that often cooperates with each other to handle some things, OmniGodity often goes with KO. (KO considers OmniGodity to be one of his best friends.)


He is the only person that Omniverse fears. He has been told by someone that Fortran is out of his reach, and he is not to trifle with him. He hates, but also deathly fears Fortran. King Omniverse and Fortran have encounter each other many times, to this day KO still despise Fortran with a burning passion.


  • He is the Supreme Ruler of Omniverse.
  • He enjoys Chocolate and Spaghetti, as it reminds him of his Papyrus and Chara.
  • He doesn't like Ketchup very much, it somewhat being due to health reasons.
  • King Omniverse has known Omni Restore, for a long time.
  • Omni-Restore are best friends with King Omniverse.
  • King Omniverse is known to be very serious is respected across the entire Omniverse.
  • King Omniverse lives in the center of the Omniverse.
  • King Omniverse is shown to be very intelligent, when he is making a plan.

