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"Anger is not the way to fight; being calm is the best way to fight." Lexinity to his angry opponent

Lexinity is the first swordsman of TGV, but despite being a certainly weak character, he is known for his calm decisions even in the absolute worst situations, as he does not fear the opponent no matter how powerful they are, but when it comes to defeating his opponent, he shows no mercy and kills them on the spot, giving them no chance to plead. Many people call him the Heartless Beast, but most, if not all, call him The Demonic Swordsman.

Chapter 1 (Demonic Beginnings)[]

Screams could be heard throughout the town of people who were burning to death, and some were bleeding to death. Lex (short for Lexinity) was just leaving the burning town to head onto the next one, but he decided to go home instead and then teleported home. Lex's home was on a place called Jungar Mountain a place where hundreds of hikers go missing every year. Lex lives near the top of the mountain only a couple hundred feet below, showing that Lex does not need air to breathe as he lives perfectly fine on the top of the mountain. He also does not need to drink or eat, but he still needs to sleep. But then someone came through the door of his home, and Lex sensed it and immediately grabbed his sword and teleported to the door. He opened it, and it was his friend Jinjin from hell back at his true home. Lex said, "What are you doing here Jin? I thought I was the only demon that was sent here to the human world.", "No, you weren't the only one; there were a few more actually even if you were the first one the others came a couple years after you; I think I came only a few days after you." "Oh, that's interesting I didn't know that." The two talked for a while, catching up on what's been happening these past few years. After the two finished talking, they decided to team up since that would be beneficial for them both in the future. But before they went to leave for the next town to destroy, Lex said "By the way, how did you find me?", "Oh, the way I found you is by researching the disappearances on this mountain you live on and eventually figuring out it was you due to your signature kill mark, which is an x carved onto the back of multiple bodies."

The two then went to the next town and before they could enter the town they sensed a weird presence by them, so both of them looked around and then a human swordsman jumped the two of them, managing to get a clean cut on Lex before instantly getting sliced in half by Jin, but Lex immediately regenerated so the wound went away and he was back to normal. The pair then continued into the town going at such speeds that all people saw was people suddenly getting cut in half and falling to the ground, despite no one being there. Then all of a sudden in the middle of their killing, another human swordsman stopped his friend by stabbing him straight through the chest with a sword thankfully it didn't hit any vital organs. This person then said, "I'm not like any of the other swordsmen you've faced." So, Jin was about to go at the swordsman but Lex stopped him and told him that he had this. The swordsman immediately ran at Lex and teleported behind him, slashing Lex into a building and completely destroying it. Jin was about to jump in, but he trusted his friend's words and stayed there. Lex got up and tried to regenerate the slash but he couldn't, and it reminded him of that time. Before Lex could be done thinking the swordsman was right behind him almost managing to cut Lex's head off, but Lex managed to block and kick the swordsman off, sending the swordsman flying through a couple buildings and destroying them all. The swordsman got up with a couple medium-sized cuts on his body, but the swordsman got up like it was only a minor cut and used a technique called "NAJIRO TANKUN!" Suddenly his body started to glow, and then suddenly all the things around them in a 50-kilometer radius were incinerated to rubble or dust. Lex took a major blow from this but managed to heal most of the damage.

The swordsman was already behind Lex and before he swung his sword, he said his name was "The Tinfall Swordsman". After that TTS swung his sword and Lex barely managed to dodge it; the slash hit the ground and destroyed a thousand feet worth of damage being massively weaker than the initial technique explosion. Lex decided to stop messing around and now knew this guy was an actual powerful opponent, so he ran towards TTS being right in front of the brute swordsman. With his speed he didn't even pull his sword out, and then suddenly TTS was sent flying hundreds of feet into the sky, completely dispersing the clouds in a 5-6 kilometer radius. TTS then used a technique called "JINTEL WANTO!" and suddenly, TTS got wings on his back and was given the ability to fly. He flew towards Lex at amazing speeds so loud that the sound waves could be heard from a couple of hundred feet away. He then landed and immediately went at Lex managing to get a few hits. Despite having a lot of medium-sized cuts, TTS was still fighting as if he had never gotten those cuts and was completely fine. Then, Lex managed to use a technique called "DEMONIC FORM 15%!" Suddenly, Lex's arms turned into demon arms from hell and with no movement from his arms, he placed his hand on his sword. All that TTS saw was a bright light before he was incinerated by a huge explosion. After the light cleared, all that could be seen was a huge crater spanning over 250 kilometers, but his friend Jin was completely unharmed having managed to shield himself from the explosion. Lex however had taken a lot of damage from his own attack; his arm had snapped in half. His regeneration would take a couple of days to heal this injury, as it had been caused by a technique rather than a physical attack. He had used too much power for his body to handle, so his arm had completely broken as he was not strong enough to contain even 5% of the demonic form yet and is barely able to hold 4% without any major injuries.

Jin then grabbed Lex's unconscious body and used the Jintel Wanto technique to quickly fly him to his home so he could rest. Jin laid his friend in bed and Lex woke up a week later, his body having healed the injury. Lex walked around looking for something or someone and found his friend Jin sitting at his table drinking coffee. Lex asked what had happened while he was out and Jin said, "Well, the humans were very shocked about the huge explosion that destroyed over 250 kilometers of land, and the depth of the crater is a little over 65 kilometers. It's on the news spreading like wildfire, and basically everyone on Earth knows about the incident now and is trying to figure out what or who caused it to happen. Oh, and you forgot to consume the souls of the people you killed.", "Oh yeah I forgot to do that. Man, I could have gotten so much more powerful from that." "Yeah you would have, in fact you would be able to destroy entire planets with only 5% of your demon form if you had managed to consume all the souls." "What?! That powerful?! Dang bro. Well, how many people did I kill anyway?" "You killed well over 400 million people.", "Wow! That's a lot of people.", "I know right? Even I was surprised when I figured that out." After the conversation ended, the two agreed to chill at Lex's home for a while due to the huge incident. Lex didn't want people to discover that he existed so he wouldn't have to deal with the armies of humans.

Chapter 2 (Training Days & Nights)[]

After 2 months passed, humans still remembered the incident, and many were still wondering who did it, but it died down a bit, allowing Lex to leave his home after 2 months, so he told his friend he was going to hunt some humans, and his friend said okay, and Lex left to go to a city that was around 267 kilometers away due to the blast he did last time, destroying many cities and towns with his demon form, so Lex used Jintel Wanto and got to the city in under 20 seconds. But then, when he was just about to enter the city, he sensed something coming at him at insanely fast speeds but was too slow to react and got shot down out of the sky by an anti-air laser that went at the speed of light, so he went crashing onto the ground, creating a crater about 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Lex got up completely fine with no scratches and wondered who fired that at him. Then a bunch of hyper-advanced soldiers surrounded him with high-tech armor that could easily withstand hits from small town-level attacks, as it was proven when Lex tried to kick one of the guards away, but his kick completely bounced off like it was nothing. Then Lex decided to use 4% of his demon form, which is the max he can go without injuries, and suddenly all the tips of his fingers turned into demon fingers, enhancing his AP and combat speed, so he slashed at one of the soldiers, and the soldier and the ones around him were completely incinerated as the blast consumed the entire city they were in. But that's what Lex thought as he felt a powerful punch send him flying hundreds of feet and crashing into the ground. He was injured in that attack, as all the soldiers survived with only minor injuries.

Then one of the bigger soldiers started to run towards Lex, easily closing the distance of over 450 feet in 5 seconds, and with the hit of his hammer, Lex was sent flying into the sky, dispersing all the clouds in a 1-mile radius. This attack would leave Lex heavily injured, so he used Jintel Wanto to escape, but he only flew at half the speed due to his injuries and managed to get away and get home in 40 seconds. These attacks weren't normal though as they weren't instantly healing, and he looked at one of his injuries and saw some blue glowing bug on his arm, so he flicked it away and crushed it, but the bug already bit him and nothing happened, so Lex ignored it and moved on, and it was like the technique damage as it again took days to heal. After 2 weeks, this time Lex was fully healed and knew what he had to do, so he got up from his bed and asked his friend if he wanted to train, and Jin said, "Why do you want to train? You are already insanely powerful.", "Well, I ran into some hyper-advanced soldiers that easily beat me and even survived 4% of my demon form, so I need to become more powerful." After Jin heard that, he immediately understood and got up from the couch and grabbed his sword. They went to the peak of the mountain, which was surprisingly flat and big, and so the two trained in some form of meditation as red energy flowed around them, and then miniature red skulls began to form around them, and then the eyes of the skulls began to glow green. Then, inside Lex's head we see him practicing different styles of techniques and swordsmanship attacks.

Lex was ready this time and used a technique that wasn't required to be said out loud. Then suddenly a demon easily the size of an entire planet appears in front of Lex inside his head. Then suddenly the demon attacked, and Lex blocked the attack with his sword using all his strength to hold the pure strength of the planet-sized demon. Then Lex jumped away and ran up the demon's finger, then jumped up hundreds of feet, then performed a technique called "DANEN LEDE!" A giant slash formed being easily the size of an entire continent, as the demon's arms were cut off from the attack and then they disintegrated. Lex has officially achieved 15% of his demon form, and now he can use 15% of his demon form without any injuries. Lex has tried many times in the past to achieve 15% but always failed in the end, also only being able to cut off the tips of the fingers of the planet-sized demon, aka 4% of the demon form. But then Lex got greedy and summoned the planet-sized demon again, wanting to get 35% by destroying the legs. He then summoned the demon and went for the legs, but only managed to destroy half of them. He managed to achieve 25% of his demon form and can now use 25% without any injuries, but then got immediately destroyed right after. Lex was immediately kicked out of his meditation after he got beat by the demon, and a couple minutes later his friend got kicked out too. Both of them learned a bunch of new techniques from training for a couple hours straight, and both achieved new percentages of their demon forms. His friend managed to achieve 20%, and he told his friend he managed to achieve 25%. So both activated their demon forms, and their arms turned full demon, and half of Lex's legs turned demon, but only a quarter of Jin's legs turned demon.

Both then turned back into base form, and both wondered about the capabilities of their new percentages but didn't want to test them here as they would 100% most likely destroy Lex's entire home, so both activated Jintel Wanto and then used the leg demon percentages, and then decided to try and go full speed, so both got in running positions and aimed to see who could get the moon the fastest. Then at the end of the countdown they went, and Lex managed to get to the moon in under 5 seconds as his speed massively improved, but his friend also went to the moon only 2 seconds later, but due to these two's big landing on the moon, it left a crater about 2 kilometers wide from their pure speed landing alone. Both then turned to look at planet Minken and were very happy about their new speed, and both then teleported back home. When the two got home, Jin wanted Lex to get revenge on those weird advanced soldiers, but Lex didn't want to as he was not the revenge type of person, so they both went to sleep after that conversation and woke up the next day, deciding to duel each other on planet Jinal, not wanting to destroy their home that was on Minken, so the two teleported to planet Jinal and went into a wild forest. So the two went at each other in base form and destroyed hundreds of feet worth of land in the wild forest, and both decided to test their new strength in the duel, so they activated their max percentages, and time slowed down almost to a stop as Lex was behind Jin. They then Jumped thousands of feet into the air, going so high up that they entered space. Lex then used the Danen Lede technique; a giant slash formed and went at insane speeds but was deflected by Jin and flew towards planet Jinal, reaching Jinal in 1 minute which was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and then the slash hit a continent.

The entire continent was destroyed into dust, even managing to destroy a couple hundred more kilometers of land. The entire planet shook to its core as a world-wide emergency was called on planet Jinal, and billions had died on the planet as the two left, realising they would be galactic criminals if they got caught, so the two teleported home and acted like nothing happened. The two then talked: "LEX, WHY WAS YOUR SLASH THAT POWERFUL?!", "I DONT KNOW WHY?! I didn't expect it to be that powerful.", "Great, now even more people are going to be wondering who's doing this massive damage to multiple planets." The two decided to stay in their home for even longer than last time due to them not wanting to get hunted by multiple planets worth of humans.


Lex's personality is that of a human's, as he is generally hateful towards humans but friendly towards demons, but he never feels any sort of anger. He stays calm even in the most serious situations, but he can still feel sad, disgusted, happy, etc. like a normal human, but never anger, as it is one of the most powerful ways to master swordsmanship and fighting in general.


His appearance is a black line going through his eye; he has white skin and no eye colors, with gray pupils and black hair; a black jacket with a blue shirt with a star in the middle of it; grey pants; and black shoes. In his demon form, he has red and black markings on his demon appearance with glowing parts of his hard demon skin, demon horns that curl into themselves a bit, red and orange lines covering the horns, completely orange eyes, and he has six eyes in demon form too, and his hands are like claws.


Jintel Wanto: This technique allows the user to summon demon wings or angel wings depending on their reputation as a good or bad person, which gives them the ability to fly at supersonic speeds to reach faraway destinations very quickly. Overall, this is a simple technique that only advanced swordsmen and above could learn, such as TTS, Jin, or Lex.

Demon Form %: This technique allows the demon user to activate a certain part or percentage of their demon form, either greatly increasing their stamina, durability, and endurance (chest), or their strength, combat speed, and attack power (arms), or their speed, agility, and travel speed (legs), or their intelligence, battle IQ, and strategies (head), or all of them combined to strengthen their things 100 fold. But at the cost that if the demon user cannot handle the percentage or part of the form, then they will get a major injury and will take days to heal.

Danen Lede: This technique makes the slash of a sword hundreds of thousands of times bigger and more powerful, and with higher demon percentages, this technique gets even more powerful than before. This technique is only learned by very advanced swordsmen.


Teleportation: This ability is obvious, and everyone knows what it is, but it allows any user to go to any place they want, and its range depends on its user's power level. It can go anywhere on a planet to even anywhere in the entire multiverse to even up entire dimensions, so this ability has insane potential.


JinJin (Status: Friend/Best Friend)[]

Lex is best friends with JinJin, as they were friends while they were in hell, and they decided to stick together after finding each other after many years of not seeing each other.


Lex's only weakness right now is his own power, as most of his demon form is too much for him to handle, so if the opponent manages to get Lex to use more than 4% of his demon form, they can inflict a somewhat major injury or they can try to kill Lex.


  • Destroyed everything in a 250 kilometer radius with 15% of his demon form
  • Defeated The Tinfall Swordsman
  • Destroyed multiple buildings just by kicking TTS away in base form
  • Went so fast that people were just falling over then got cut in half despite no one being there
  • Destroyed an entire continent with Danen Lede with 25% of his demon form
  • Reached from planet Minken to the moon in under 3 seconds
  • Withstood an attack from a hyper advanced soldier who has the ability to disperse clouds in a 1 mile radius with his strength


  • Lex is thousands of years old having tons of fighting experience
  • Lex in his prime which was in hell is supposedly around 2000x stronger then his currently self right now even if current Lex went 100% demon form
  • Lex and JinJin go far back as they have been friends since they were child demons
  • Lex learned swordsman ship from when he was just a kid from someone that will be introduced in a later chapter

