She was born into an Inuit family in the Arctic circle, and is the daughter of Zsolikut Okki, and Seripijik Okki. The tribe that She was born into began to experience extreme misfortune, so the Leader took drastic actions. He blamed it on Sesosalika, now known as Lori. They then captured Lori and threw her into the Arctic ocean, which seemed to cure their misfortune.
She then began to drown, getting swallowed by the ice almost. That was until She suddenly appeared on the ice, like nothing happened. She then swam to mainland Canada, where She was greeted with much more kindness. She grew into a teenager, and started to notice something. Despite Her being an average student, She still got the best grades, and everyone else got the worst.
This began to escalate, She got accepted into college, and then became an atomic physicist. Afterwards She began to produce world changing products and inventions, becoming famous worldwide. This all ended when Error Sans descended upon this AU, and destroyed it. Everything vanished, except for Her. She was teleported instantly to another Universe, and began to roam. It appeared to be full of deities of all sorts. The area was simply a void, with a large bar in the middle. She entered the bar, and began to melt from the overload of power surging from the deities. However, She began to reform, and absorbed every bit of energy that was hitting Her. She then walked up to the bartender, who appeared to be a monster of sorts, flaming head, no physical appearance, nothing. So She ordered some wine, and began to drink.
This was Her first introduction to the Godverse, as any other way it would have been impossible.
She got drunk, and began to flirt with a man by the name of Oliver. Oliver offered Her a hotel room with him, and they slept together. They would soon find each-other again, and in a few years, marry. Oliver turned out to be the God known as the Forager, and stated that he could transfer some powers to Her. She accepted, and went on with life, being some sort of Luck deity.
Explanation of God abilities / Well thanks, DARTHOOM.[]
Sesosalika is a creation of Almunshi, one of my characters. This does not need too much explaining, however I can do that too.
Almunshi created her out of pure boredom, for some reason.
P.S. I can't bother to tie it in with anything other than my characters, so feel free to suggest things.
She usually appears as a Woman with black hair, and I guess you aren't blind since you are reading this.
Lori is kind, but also quite intimidating when She wants. She enjoys partying, getting drunk, buying random items (while drunk), and being the person She is, can also be quite lustful at times, however that is rare. Lori is Semi-Loyal to Her husband, Oliver, while still flirting with random Gods.
Luck Embodiment[]
Users act as the physical representation or personification of luck/probability, as such, they have limitless control over all forms of luck/probability on all levels.
Probability Manipulation[]
Users can manipulate probability, how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true. They can decide how likely events happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. They can cause and prevent both good and bad luck, sudden deaths, natural disasters, and even apocalyptic events.
Flawed Ultipotence[]
Ultipotence is solely centered on Omnipotence as the ability to "possess truly unlimited power and potential". The user possesses raw power almost infinitely exceeding everyone and everything else in their setting allowing them to potentially achieve anything and everything without any limit depending on how much knowledge and control the user has over their power. Users therefore has limitless means at their disposal but must have a clear enough idea of what they want to achieve and how they will do it. This double condition may notably prevent the power from going awry and backfiring on the user.
Effective use of Ultipotence requires both knowledge and imagination: knowledge to offer templates for applications, and imagination to shape new possibilities.
While users are not really all-knowing, the user could acquire tremendous amounts of knowledge as they need, gradually expanding their options and refining their mastery through practice and experience, furthering their control and precision over their endless power and access to new abilities more powerful than before, opening new worlds of possibilities.
P.S. Lori's Ultipotence is extremely uncontrolled, and cannot manifest at this point.
Probability Computation[]
The power to see nearly all the variables of any situation and predict the outcome.
- Making Oliver non-maidenless
- Surviving a battle with Error 404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. by pure luck.
- Manipulating the probability of reality imploding around Her in a large radius
- Beating the living hell out of Error Sans, near the brink of death
To make it clear...[]
- Lori technically is boundless, however due to Her not training her power even once, She is quite literally stuck at Low Multiversal
- She would be extremely overpowered when, or if She would train
- Despite not training, She never gains weight by manipulating the probability of weight gain
- This was originally a Joke character, but is not anymore.