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"It's.... corroding.... everything I touch. Memories are warped. Sight is impared. Why can't I feel my soul? I'm not sure if I had one to begin with....."
Maalik, also known as Mydoom!Sans, is a member of the Virus Family rewritten by DARTHOOM. He is the distant cousin to Virus404, who embodies both corruption and malevolence on a multiversal level. He is forced to keep infecting and corrupting, or risk corroding himself into nothingness.
Maalik was created and born from a virus-infected AU called Malware!Tale, an AU being pulled into the Overvoid after a violent encounter with Virus404. The collapse of the AU was done through Virus404's corrupted touch, and killed every resident of the AU except for one: Malware!Sans. MalWare!Sans was corrupted and fundementally altered by Virus404's mentality and prescence like most of his AU, but instead of it killing him he managed to barely escape it by Virus404s will. Instead of the Virus Gods intellect replacing his own, it permanetly altered and warped his morality into a genocidal monster who's only goal is to corrupt things into abstract concepts and corrode the foundations of all creation.
Maaliks psychological state was imprinted on by some of Virus404's personality, namely Virus's murderous and obsessive tendencies. Virus404's touch of madness would corrupt and scramble Maaliks memories into a horrific monster capable of only inflicting sorrow and destruction. Maalik slowly crawled out of the collapsing realities with these new impulses, and started to laugh hysterically it in confusion and sorrow. He wasn't able to properly line his memories togethor, and left him a scrambled mess of past memories randomly mixed around in a twirling storm of contradiction. He couldn't remember his real name, or who he really was. His laughter arubtly ceased once he was pulled into another AU at random, unable to continue existing inbetween realities. He fell into the ground of a snowdin and immediately erupted with the equivelent force of a nuke. A energizing effect that infused and forced atoms to repel from one another, and split themselves into their basic quantum states. In the blink of an eye the underground was dead, and their sudden death filled Maalik with only one emotion: Glee.
How sweet was their demise, their corruption. He could feel the rush kick in without the empathy to hold it back. He felt good. The pain he inflicted briefly before death felt really good. It was that irresistible rush. Finally, he found something he could make sense of. Something he could really understand. Why keep his broken memories when this rush felt so good? He would slowly imagine doing more to feed and nourish it. Maalik would remain in the primordial soup that was this underground for a good few minutes before he visited the above ground by effortlessly corroding the barrier that sealed the monsters. He could feel his powers and wouldn't suppress them, and his corruptive presence took hold and agonizingly distorted and corroded the residents of the human world. He would gleefully dance toward a nearby town of corroding humans, singing gibberish as he felt them suffer.
The true form of Maalik twists and turns against what's geometrically possible; It is to be viewed as a corrosive grey acid-like substence in which is infinite in both size and mass. This substance oozes up into multiversal realities and forms impossible shapes or structures. All lesser beings who view this true form will find their memories to suffer the same fate that Maaliks suffers from. Memories of past events all throughout the observers lives will be endlessly shuffled and corroded all at the same time. Forever warping the onlooker's perceptions. In his manifestation, he appears to be vaguely Sans-like in both form and appearance; unstable is this form. It messes with and corrupts the minds of all who view it.
Sick, deranged, and twisted. Maalik showed as much during his fight with Lotus. His past broken and in shambles, forever twisted and corrupted, he decided to shed away what was left of his sorry personality and embrace the rush and thrill of inflicting suffering on others. Maalik is daunting and cruel, with a sick sense of humor and a twisted personality to match. He relies on heavy sarcasm and a deceitful disposition during interactions with other sentient beings. He rarely shows care or worry over his actions and always appears to be filled with confidence. He isn't the most intelligent of Gods, relying on his thirst for power and his sickening sadism to guide his actions and decision-making. A Callous and cruel God who fancies himself an artist of suffering.