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Tier: Varies Wildly in Physical Realm | Unknown in Dreamscape | Low 1-B to High 1-B In Ideatic Space | Unknowns, Probably High 1-B, Possibly (though not likely) 1-A In Thornspace


Soul Type: Varies, Code Type: Varies | Soul Type: Varies, Code Type: 1 | Soul Type: Unknown, Code Type: Unknown

General Information[]

Memeplex!Flowey is a sentient, living idea that has worked its way into the fabric of ideatic space, that seems to take the form of a Flowey. (It’s unknown wether that’s what it originally was or wether people just thought of it that way to the point where it stuck) It appears to take control over people’s minds and using them to influence others, generally creating a network of small cults across a universe or multiverse, then using and altering their belief in it to grow stronger. It’s not known where it came from as it just showed up out of nowhere and started taking over ideatic space. The leading theory is that it was originally a normal flowey that shed its physical form and ascended into becoming an idea, through some unknown process. It is claimed by the various worshippers of Quondam that it’s a false god of some kind, particularly by those outside the church. (Most people are to scared to talk to members of the church for obvious reasons) This is backed up by it seemingly convincing those it converts and possesses that it is the almighty figure, not Quondam, seemingly in an attempt to use the power of belief in order to become Omnipotent.

Signs of Flowey’s influence includes:

  • Repeated emphasis on dark green and black thorns/vines.
  • Mentions and demonstrations of The Sun and other stars as divine and holy entities but in a rather disturbing or strange context.
  • Treating all flowers other than Golden Flowers like heretical objects (especially buttercups and echo flowers) and praising Golden Flowers as divine artifacts, often treated like manifestations of Memeplex Flowey itself.
  • Holding Floweys in high regard and Asriels in very low regard.
  • The number 6.
  • An affinity for plague and disease, metaphorical or otherwise. Oftentimes associated with weeds, which are seen as good things.
  • Encouragement of various forms of torture and bloodshed.
  • Confusion between Hate and Determination.
  • Incredibly toxic social culture.
  • Confusion between heroicism and demonization
  • Birds, apparently.

And plenty more.


Since nobody has been able to get close enough to it in ideatic space to get a proper description, the best we have to go on is various “holy” texts, fanatics, and the very few survivors from its various religions. The most concise, consistent, and patched together appearance we got is described as a flower similar to flowey, with 666,666 petals, 6 eyes on the front most petals with one central eye on its face with 6 pupils/6 eyes on its face, with an uncountable number of dark green and black thorn covered vines coming from it, apparently meshing with ideatic space in innumerable ways. Beyond this it’s either incredibly vague or straight up indescribable, to the point where attempts to do so result in one being either possessed or just straight up killed via brain death. It’s unknown if this is a direct action of Flowey or just a side effect. Of course it’s appearance can vary wildly so this is the best we have.


Considering we can’t really trust the cults to be unbiased, solely based on its behavior, it’s safe to assume that it’s a total narcissist and megalomaniac that gets sadistic pleasure out of torture and bloodshed, not unlike normal Flowey. Presumably it’s also incredibly paranoid, killing anyone not apart of the cult that gets metaphysically close to it, though once again, wether this is direct action or an indirect side effect is unknown.

One of the clearer notions of its personality is when it’s attacking someone in a dream. However these account vary wildly to chaotic insanity to cold and calculating and even cruelty unmatched by the worst of gods and men alike. The only constant is that it’s a master manipulator with a silver tongue.


Thornspace is Flowey’s personal section of Ideatic Space that it has fully corrupted and converted into its own dimension. It’s on the very edge of Ideatic Space making it difficult to think about or comprehend in a meaningful way and is also where Flowey’s true form resides. (Though some hypothesize that Thornspace extends beyond Ideatic Space and that section is where Flowey truly resides. If this were true then it would make Flowey Metaversal, thus making it a far larger threat. This is considered highly improbably as if it were Metaversal it likely would have already destroyed conventional thought and taken over ideatic space. Also it appears to be atleast somewhat comprehensible, challenging this notion further.) Flowey at first glance, seems to have ultimate power and control there, though this doesn’t seem to be exactly true because…


Erik Nortekh is a researcher that was assigned to study Memeplex!Flowey, got too close to it metaphysically, and was dragged into Thornspace. The reason he was dragged into it was because Flowey was unable to destroy his metaphysical structure, as Erik had taken the correct precautions against Flowey and has shiploads of determination. So while his physical body became apart of the collective, his metaphysical form was tortured for a millenia, over which he adapted to be more resilient to the torture, until Flowey gave up. Now he lives in Thornspace annoying the memeplex for all eternity. We only know this because he took a “selfie” with him and Flowey and shoved it into someone’s brain who managed to transcribe the information before dying. There’s presumably a lot more to this story but we have no idea about anything else because Flowey kills anything that gains too much knowledge about it unless that being is powerful enough to resist. Anyone powerful enough to resist generally isn’t interested. Honestly for all we know Erik could be dead or being used as a tool to convince people to challenge it directly.


Physical Realm[]

  • Possession: Can possess people, turning them into temporary vessels before their metaphysical structure breaks down from its presence. Some people are resilient enough to be continually used or can even fight back, though these few survivors struggle with intense mental disorders and trauma that they rarely ever get past.
  • Influence: Once someone is metaphysically close enough to it or it’s general ideatic handiwork (typically by reading about it or the word being spread by its cults) it can begin to influence that person, often subtlety and barely noticeable. Recognizing it at this stage makes fighting it rather easy but if it goes on to long to the point where you do notice it, it’s often too late. The influence eventually ramps up to making you apart of the cult pretty quickly and going full mind control after a decade or 2, eventually replacing huge portions of your mind and metaphysical structure with tiny pieces of its own. Even if you try and leave before that happens it will likely just shatter your mind or render you brain dead and move on.
  • Soul Manipulation: At some point in the process it will grasp your soul, letting you know it’s too late. From there it can bend and warp it to its whim. This is shown by the increasing amount of thorned vines wrapped on the inside and outside of the soul. You try and leave and your souls gets crushed into pieces.
  • “Miracle” Work: Can grant extremely devoted cult members with prayers, powers, and other such things. Though this comes with a trade off in the form of pieces of their soul and mind. They generally ignore this and acknowledging it is a great way to be labeled a heretic.


  • Mental Manipulation: Can manipulate the mind of people in their dreams, warping the mental landscape around them as a result. It will slowly infect the landscape taking more and more control over the mind before finally snuffing out the consciousness if not stopped. This grants it knowledge of who it’s attempting to control. Often uses this to create a false sense of security in the dream to take control without a fight. Can manipulate thoughts and feelings and manifest them as entities or objects and instill them into the consciousness fighting against it or in its grasp. Can invite various cognitive hazards and informational hazards into one’s mind and manipulate them. Can also use this to summon various attacks due to the whole thing being mental and it gaining control over the mind this consciousness is trapped in.

Ideatic Space[]

  • Roots: Upon entering an infected patch in ideatic space the first thing you’ll notice are the vines everywhere, digging into and meshing with the fabric of ideatic space. What these do is act like roots, absorbing ideatic resources from the “soil” and the billions of minds occupying it and if you aren’t careful, you as well. They also just generally sting a little when you touch them so don’t do that. They grow bigger and much stronger the more infected the area is.
  • Buds: Smaller bud like constructs that become smaller versions of the true Flowey, often with the same powers but to a lesser extent. They run their own little cults in service to the collective and it is of utmost importance to kill them if you see any unborns or newborns so they don’t become a threat. They are the ones that wield these powers as described, but they are just extensions of the true memeplex so it still counts.
  • Idea Assimilation: Can assimilate ideas/concepts into its own metaphysical structure, shown in ideatic space as consumption. This permanently associates the idea/concept with itself. It has yet to be able to do anything to abstract concepts due to their all encompassing nature and the fact that doing so would upend literally everything.
  • Ideatic Thorns: Really it’s only offensive weapon besides reality warping, these thorns do metaphysical damage and boy do they pack a punch. They were able to instantly shatter the metaphysical existence of some of the most resilient minds and souls of the era.
  • Metaphysical Corruption: Smaller buds can corrupt metaphysical things, the larger they are, the easier it is, eventually assimilating it into the collective by turning it into another bud.
  • Metaphysical Destruction: Larger buds on the other hand, can skip all that and destroy metaphysical things if they wish, though they rarely do as you can’t assimilate a destroyed thing.
  • Reality Warping: I mean, obviously they can control reality/ideatic space around themselves, otherwise they wouldn’t be nearly as difficult to deal with.
  • Placebo Effect: Whatever people think they can do, they will be able to do.


Note: This is all mere speculation.

  • Personal Domain Mastery: Flowey can do almost whatever it wants in Thornspace. The power is limited to Thornspace, and Thornspace only and there are a number of things it’s not capable of. Though it’s power here wouldn’t outmatch Ada’s and Fortran’s, it’s hard limits aren’t known.
  • Ideatic Parasite Physiology: It’s a living idea that uses its roots and buds to steal ideatic resources from other ideas and lesser concepts, like a tumor. It would be impossible to kill with conventional methods, and is incredibly regenerative via the power of belief. One would need a better idea that can counter and refute all of its components in order to kill it, some kind of incredibly powerful ideatic bomb, essentially acting like an informational zip bomb, to overload it, or somehow starve it of all resources by disconnecting it from ideatic space altogether. But the worst part is that we don’t know what it is an idea of. Getting rid of it could drastically affect ideatic space and physical reality in ways we literally could not imagine.


Flowey exists purely ae an idea and cannot cause direct physical damage, requiring its followers to do that for it. It also has trouble affecting things with large amounts of determination as it makes their metaphysical structures more resilient. There are a number of theorized substances or objects or even people it might be weak to but it’s hard to really test any of them without instantly dying or being corrupted. As of now the best way to contain it is to destroy all of its cults and followers while systematically purging all information about it from people’s minds.
