Godverse Wiki

"You Monsters were merely a fairy tale, you should have stayed as such." -Naeyfan talking with JadeMaster!Sans

....This page is a WIP!

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The year was 1391 when a young girl was born in a now Unknown town,. All her life, others had taken notice how she always acted as if she had known when and where a certain event, the other's claimed to be... supernaturally so. Despite her parents arguements, others branded her a which, which Naefyan replied with just a nonchalant sigh. These antics would continue as she grew older, up until 1405. This year, it was like any day. Naefyan would continue with her work, until she became bored of this. Naefyan didn't see her hometown as anything more than old junk, as its people didnt help much. She decided to go on a little adventure, despite not being at her "Peak" just yet. Wth just a few hours, she would head up the J'horm Mountains, a long but doable walk, as she had all the time in the world. Only then would she encounter her Enemies once again, Ready to finish what she had started.

Chapter 1: The Catalyst[]


Chapter 2: A Lie for A Life[]


Chapter 3: Spirit of Hate[]







Eruptive Dagger[]

Naefyan's classic knife. This weapon is not bound to a physical form, and only takes the appearance of a knife. This weapon is the only way she can physically damage others without using much of her energy on Magical Power. This weapon is reliant on how much Hatred she can fuel, as the more there is around her within a universe it stronger it is. At its Base without Manifestation, the knife has no unique power, staying in its basic shape and size but with seemingly no pierce of cut limit. As Naefyan grow's however (Without the limit to the likes of JadeMaster!Sans) It could render a Universe a complete graveyard at least to destroying the Universe within and possible around at Worst.

Many of these Knifes can be summoned, all with the same power shared equally. There is no limit to the amount she is able to copy, each of the above could be multiplied by 10, 20, 30x worse and beyond. The amount of knife's she can summon however is fueled by the HATE she has, so if weakened by positive emotions, this could limit her overall power.

"Serrated Demise"[]

A rush of hundreds of knifes, these ricochet of any material and will hit the target over and over until they are nothing but sliced meat.

"Gouging Speed-Blitz"[]

Yet another rush, though with this attack she will get up-close to a being, usually in her spirit form and deal hundreds to near thousands of stabs onto a victim usually around the face or chest and leave nothing but carnage on said victim, brutalizing them until they are nearly unrecognizable.

"Double Cross Slash"[]

A clash of 4 large knives gashed into your shoulders and hips, and once hit Naefyan will force them both up, down, left and right is a rapid amount of time, tearing off a good amount of flesh and soon your limbs, leaving you amputated and what we like to call "Fucked".

"Jaded Ends"[]

An attack needing both Naefyan and Jade, in which Naefyan will summon essentially a row of knives, with jade Controlling your soul or body will force you into them endlessly why Naefyan slashes you left and right in an X pattern until you are dead or at least damaged in some way.

Spirit Physiology[]

Naefyan, being turned into a spirit since their journey here, now follows under the laws and "Physics" of a spirit. Rather obviously, she is the spirit of her former self as she takes on her classic human appearance, although is usually seen just from the torso and up. She is applied with the most powerful attacks, durability, speed etc within a spirit's physiology, as she has shown supernatural speed, endurance, durability, agility and speed.



  • Continuously fought and endured 600 Years of Fighting to protect Jade (600 Year Rest)
  • Overwhelmed JadeMaster!Sans in combat most of the time. (Whenever they get in fights with each other)
  • After an explosive attack that destroyed a large number of Universes, she was not visibly affected in the slightest.
  • After a purposely provoked Encounter with "Enzo G. Echo", Naefyan beat him by Forcing his own Black Hole's onto himself (No Enzo's were harmed in the battle. at least not much aside from his I-Pad which was erased.)


Positive Emotions[]

Any and all positive Emotions, no matter what, will hurt naefyan (EX: A P.E attack like a gun or canon would be the equivalent of a normal human taking the hit, so it would one-shot her). This is mostly because of their age, as they did die relatively young, and in a spiritual form, you are bound to that age. If they were older, they would most likely not be that easily countered. This has been seen to be the only way to defeat her. (Quick P.S., Light attacks won't do anything to Naefyan, they are pretty much useless in terms of dealing damage).

Holy Attacks[]

Characters such as Inquisitor Sans can purify and banish her hateful spiritual Forms, as well as purify them quite easily. Other beings with similar capabilities can do the same as well.



JadeMaster!Sans (Partner/Hated Enemy)[]

Though they hate Jade with too many words to list, they do hold some kind of appreciation for Jade over time learning to bear with and even check on the human from time to time. Though they still hate him. In combat though Naefyan does rely on jade quite a bit, as they cannot go anywhere where jade isn't nearby. They do constantly annoy and bother him though any other time and tend to remind him of his failures to protect the ones he loved. Still very much hate each other.

StarWalker (Enemy)[]


"Imperator Aeterna, Inheritor De Kronos; Titan Tempus." (Enemy)[]

After Jade had made that idiotic deal with Aeterna, Naeyfan plans to kill him with any power necessary. Though she is curious on how this will end, as she has yet to find out what power awaits her when she embodies Jade to see what power is really in play here.

Genocide!Minet(Still in wip with story, and is Partner with Naefyan)[]

Sometimes, Genocide!Minet would be a partner with Naefyan because of their same approach and similar minds and ways of thinking. However, because Minet is more calm than just going around killing unneccessary, him and Naefyan would often argue, however, this doesn't mean they don't do any good teamwork in a battle.


