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Nill's a being made by the convergance of negativity, it doesn't know what it is and what it is supposed to do. However, the feeling of the unknown is what sparked the desire to gain more knowledge and for someone to answer its one question.
"He who wanders aimlessly through the dark will never see the light"
"He opened many doors, asked many questions, but found none"
"A being born from nothing, will achieve nothing"
"It was all futile from the very beginning..."
Nill takes the form of a dark humanoid skeleton with two white sockets glowing with otherworldly light, he wears a dark lab gown infused by The Void.
Nill is a chaotic malevolent being, he shows no sympathy because he doesn't have any, all he feels and how he expresses it are an accumulation of all the suffering of corporeal and non-corporeal entities.
Chapter 1: How It Came To Be
Beyond the veils of reality, breaking the walls of archetypal infinity, going further beyond the conceptual barrier of existence is where the Void dwells. The Void is a bottomless emptiness that goes beyond any idea of nothingness we might grasp. It's like standing on the edge of existence and peering into a void that's so great that it makes the very concept of nothingness seem small and insignificant. It's like staring into a pitch-black night sky, but instead of stars, there is nothing, stretching beyond our understanding. In the face of such emptiness, even the idea of nothing pales in comparison. From the Void a multitude of negative consciousnesses began to merge an amalgamation wherein every celestial deity, mortal entity, and the entirety of existence, whether past, present, or future, be it material, spiritual, or transcendental realms, a swirling darkness as if someone was guiding it. From the swirling chaos of negativity, an entity emerged, a product of everything that was and will be negative. Nameless and devoid of identity, this entity only knew one thing, it existed. However, from the very depths of its consciousness, a question emerged, like a random sting a child gets when they rub alcohol on their hand. The question was: What is the purpose of existing? This being held on to the thought ever since it emerged.
It had wandered within the Void, trying to find an answer to its timeless question. Born in the incomprehensible expanse of the Void, a birth so extraordinary that even the Void itself found it unbelievable, this entity shared a connection with its birthplace. Their bond resembled a tin-can telephone, linked by an invisible string. The Nameless asked the Void the same question it asked itself and the Void answered with: "NOTHING", the Void has never been the optimistic type, after all, it is the Void. As the Nameless had been wandering the endless expanse of the Void, asking itself its question, the answer unknown, that feeling of unknowing sparked something within the Nameless being, something that was as important as his timeless question, it was knowledge. It hadn't known anything ever since it had arisen from the depths of the Void, it didn't know what it was and how it came to be. The realization that it had known nothing gave the being a purpose, to know everything.
Since the being had a connection to the Void it asked the question: "How?" The Void's seemed hesitant to answer, its response wasn't as quick as the other times it answered. However, the Void not long after finally answered saying: "I DO NOT KNOW" The Nameless hadn't expected this kind of answer from the Void as it seemed to know everything, if it didn't know, then the Void merely knew many things other than everything. Although the Void did mention a plane of existence that could answer and give it knowledge, although little, it is a good place to start. With a nod, the Nameless with a wave of its hand summoned a luminescent door that led to the Tapestry, where physical beings reside. The nameless before it summoned the luminescent door, the Nameless was a little skeptical since humans were from what it heard, fools. However, the Void reassures the Nameless, saying that there are mortals who have reached their pinnacle of knowledge and that they do know the answer to the Nameless's question. The Nameless would then step through the door, completely engulfing itself in the door's radiance.
Chapter 2: Exploration
The Tapestry - has an infinite number of levels, but only the first and second are significant. The first level is where the universe exists, and it is either finite or infinite in size. However, the actual size of the universe is beyond mathematical definition or quantification. The universe contains dimensions beyond the third, and the number of dimensions is unquantifiable. The difference in power between lower and higher dimensions is so vast that it cannot be measured even by large cardinals. The second level is beyond the first, and if the first level were placed inside the second, it would never fill it. The Weavers, who reside on the second level, see the universe as a mere grain of sand in an infinite desert of alternate realities. The Weavers possess incomprehensible power, capable of creating and destroying universes with a wave of their hands.
Stepping out of the luminescent door, the Nameless stumbled upon a tree, the Nameless reached out its hand to touch said tree, however, when the Nameless' hand and the tree touched each other, the tree was instantly erased. the Nameless' expression unchanging it set out to find a human that was capable of answering its question. The Nameless wandered the forest, it was lost and did not know where to go. Wandering for hours and hours the Nameless could see a dirt road from just a mile away. Reaching the dirt road the Nameless saw two human beings, one was asking questions endlessly while the other one was trying his best to answer all of them as precisely and quickly as humanly possible. The Nameless after seeing the two turned into a middle-aged man. The man who had answered the questions left, yet he looked to be enlightened; But why was that? The Nameless thought. The Nameless walked towards the human, his body old yet heavily built. the Nameless introduced itself and the human did the same. The Nameless then asked the human, "What is the purpose of existing?", Then the human, now named Socrates replied, "Life is like a never-ending river, linear, but when you reach a certain age the river splits into other endless rivers, one must pick which river they will follow", The Nameless after pondering Socrates answer accepted it, and went on its merry way, following the dirt road not knowing where it lead to.
A few hours passed since he had talked to Socrates, and yet no signs of civilization were in its sight. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, and hours into days. Then finally the Nameless saw a human being from just a few meters from where it was, the Nameless ran towards the human so fast not even a quectosecond had passed. The Nameless, now behind the human tapped on his left shoulder to surprise him, and surprised him it did. The human looked to be a middle-aged man with a long beard blocking his entire neck. The human never noticed the Nameless' presence, the human shocked said, "Who are you?", and the Nameless replied, "I am no one, I have no name, I am nothing" The man looked at the Nameless with sorrowful eyes and then said, "If you are no one then you are someone, if you have no name give yourself one, and if you are nothing try to be something." The Nameless pondered the man's answer, then a few seconds later the Nameless said, "Nill, Nill is the name that I have given myself", the man smiled and said, "Then Nill, what is it you want?", Nill then replied with, "What is the purpose of existing?" The man then answered, "It is what you want it to be." Nill accepted the answer and walked away, its expression unchanging. Nill was confused due to the different answers that it was given, however, Nill heeded them with no mind.
Following the endless dirt road again Nill would meet its third and final human. Nill walked up to the man and said, "What is the purpose of existing?" And the man replied, "It is up to you to decide" Nill was now more confused than ever before, Nill had different answers with very different meanings. Nill after some thought, it had made a way to find the one, true, answer. Nill would ask the same question to all three of them, and then, they would need to see which answer is the true answer. How exactly? Well, they would vote on which one they agree with or not, the one with the most agreed one left alive erasing their memories of what happened, while the least agreed-on answer will face consequences. Nill never liked liars. Nill and the three humans were then teleported within a dark space named the Aether Space, Nill's very own pocket dimension. Nill then asked them the same question, although they were confused as to what was happening they did not hesitate to answer. They answered the same, the same answer they had told Nill, and then, Nill said, "Now whose answer do the three of you agree on?" Socrates said "Well the answer isn't real-" before finishing his sentence Nill erased him from existence. Nill looked at the other two and said "Now whose answer do the two of you agree on?." Since it was a one-on-one Nill couldn't figure out which answer was correct or not without at least a third person, Nill resurrected Socrates, his body shivering as if he was trapped within a freezer. "Now, whose answer do you agree with? All three of them quivered in fear, they had to say something, but their bodies were frozen still. Disappointed Nill put them back within the Tapestry erasing their memories of what transpired, Nill then went on to travel to the second level of the Tapestry where the Weavers reside. With a wave of his hand a luminescent door appeared, a portal to the higher level of the Tapestry, Nill entered the door completely engulfed in its light
Chapter 3
Stepping out of the luminescent door, Nill stumbled upon a corpse, a Weavers corpse. How could this happen? The only beings capable of killing the Weavers are either the beings from higher planes or other Weavers. But the higher planes care not of the lower planes and the Weavers are beings that would never attack their own kind, so how? Nill pondered as it walked around the corpse of a god. After what seemed like only a few seconds another Weaver spotted Nill walking around one of its kind, The Weaver looked at its corpse and then looked at Nill; it did this 2 or 3 times before it came to the conclusion that Nill killed the dead Weaver. In anger, the Weaver used telepathy to call every Weaver to go to where it was located and kill Nill, noticing this it tried to kill the other Weaver before it used its telepathy, but alas, Nill was too late, from the corner of his eyes Nill saw an endless swarm of Weavers coming at it, Nill dodges and weaves and most of their attacks, balls of energy that could wipe out endless multiverses were thrown at Nill, however Nill's aura passively erases the energy balls as Nill sends one of its own, Nill uses Entropic Blast to erase thousands of Weavers. Nill, thinking that this fight would last for an eternity, Nill erases the infinite swarm of Weavers leaving only four to live.
They all teleport into the Aether space, after they all calmed down Nill asks the four Weavers the same question it told the three mortals, however, they didn't know the answer. The Weavers were just doing their job, creating multiverses and destroying the multiverses that were broken or were unfit to live. Nill before erasing the four last Weavers, Nill asked them a question, 'Who is your boss?' if it was their job to create and destroy, then someone must have assigned the job to them. A Weaver then answered Nill's question, saying "We do not speak his name aloud, we do not want to anger him. " Nill was disappointed with the response that was given and erased the four remaining Weavers. The Weavers are able to reproduce endlessly so they're not extinct and never will be. However, the four Weavers that Nill erased were erased entirely from the Narrative, and no one, not even beings from the higher layers, will remember them. Nill now was intrigued by what this someone could be, since the doorway would lead Nill to a completely random location of a plane of existence then it wasn't just a coincidence that the dead Weaver was placed in the location where Nill was supposed to land.
Nill, was disappointed with his search on the second level of the Tapestry as Nill didn't gain that much knowledge, just more questions than answers. With just a flick of Nill's wrist, Nill summons the luminescent doorway, Nill planes to travel to the Library, a plane of existence that inaccessibly transcends the Tapestry. Nill walks towards the luminescent door completely letting itself be engulfed in its beautiful light.
Chapter 4
The Library - A higher plane of existence that inaccessibly transcends the Tapestry, where space and time are meaningless. The Library is a higher plane of existence where the concept of dimensionality means nothing and completely transcends it entirely. The Library is a higher plane that holds countless books with each book representing a single Tapestry. Each book is contained in an infinite-sized bookshelf, the higher shelf, seeing the lower one as nothing more than a dream. This plane is where the Author resides, writing stories to try to exhaust his endless imagination.
The Land of Imagination - It is a higher plane of existence that transcends The Library seeing it as nothing more than its imagination, and is where the Author gets his boundless imagination, although that boundless imagination is just an infinitesimal fraction of the entirety of the plane. The Land of Imagination completely transcends all forms/expressions of infinities that can and will be imagined, be it from a real mathematician such as Cantor or some random kid named Timmy or something, and is where the Grand Master, someone that could control The Land of Imagination to his very whim resides.
Stepping out of the doorway, Nill was greeted by a tall humanoid figure with a cigarette in his mouth. He was wearing a black tuxedo, a red tie, and had a handkerchief in his left chest pocket. "I was waiting for you," the humanoid figure said, "Then you know why I'm here," Nill said to the humanoid figure. The humanoid figure known as the Author sighed, he took out the cigarette from his mouth and put it in his left chest pocket, staining the handkerchief. The Author then creates a book out of thin air. Grabbing the book, he puts it on his side still holding it. He walks towards Nill, giving it to him. Nill wondered why the Author was giving it a book, but Nill accepted and took the book from the Author's hand. "What should I do with this?" Nill said as he waved the books from its own hands from left to right, questioning the Author's actions, "What else would you do if you're offered a book? Read it obviously", the Author said jokingly. Nill's face deadpanned as he sighed and opened the book. It was blank, "Wha-", Then an endless stream of information suddenly rushed towards Nill's head. Retcons, how many times had Nill been retconned already? Countless times, Nill was a scientist working for Gaster in an AU named SurfaceTale, Nill was a being that was the 2nd to be born from the Void, Nill was a creature made from the Void with endless curiosity, the list goes on and on... And this probably won't be Nill's last.
"What... Is... This" Nill said to the Author as information was still flooding his mind, "How many times? You probably can't count" " the Author said. "However, try to find a common theme with all the information, all of your past selves. Try to find something that is common within all these memories". Nill tried, and it was fairly obvious, that there was always something or someone trying to prevent Nill from achieving its goals. But that someone hasn't been shown or even stated to exist... Until the Weavers, The look on Nill's face after the realization made the Author laugh, and tears went down his cheek, After laughing for a while the Author calmed down as fast as he could and said: "Now you get it", Yes, Nill did get it, but the question is, where does he have to go to get more information of this being? "Go to the 'Land of Imagination' Maybe you could ask the Grand Master more about this being. " Nill, agreeing with the Author summoned the luminescent door and entered it shortly after, slowly letting itself be surrounded by its light.
Arriving at the Land of Imagination Nill was surrounded by pink and white shades, and from the corner of Nill's eye he saw a man wearing all white. "Let me guess, you expected me to, right?" Nill said jokingly, The man known as the Grand Master said "Now is no time for jokes" the Grand Master said with a serious face. Nill, completely understanding, stopped and sat down even if there was no ground to sit down on. "The being you're searching for is not someone you should take lightly. You may be powerful, second in power to only YHWH... However, this being... I can't understand it. Its actions are too complicated. It's too unpredictable." Nill's eyes widened at that sudden revelation, and Nill's smile widened. 'There's more mystery to uncover!' Nill thought to itself, "I warned you to not underestimate it" the Grand Master said, however, Nill just brushed it off completely ignoring the Grand Master's warning. The Grand Master completely defeated said "If you want more information about this thing then I advise you to head up to the 'Highest Peak' YHWH is the only one left to answer your question, However, you can't just use your door to enter the 'Highest Peak' you must first go through the Bronze, Silver, and Golden gates in order to enter the 'Highest Peak'" Nill accepting the challenge, Nill summoned the luminescent gate to transcend to the Bronze Gate. Nill entered the door as the warm embrace of its light completely engulfed Nill.
Chapter 5
Hyper Narrative - It is a Narrative that encompasses the entirety of the cosmology, outside of existence, and is where the True Author resides
Bronze Gate - A single Bronze Gate completely transcends The Land of Imagination the same way The Land of Imagination transcends the Tapestry. There's an immeasurable amount of Bronze Gates so much so that even mathematical infinities be it Aleph or Large Cardinals cannot possibly fathom the amount of Bronze Gates, a hierarchy in which the higher one sees the lower one as nothing more than a sheet of paper. At the very top of the hierarchy is Cerno, a monster that guards the entrance to the Silver Gates.
Silver Gate - A single Sliver Gate inaccessibly transcends the hierarchy of Bronze Gates, a single Sliver Gate sees the hierarchy of Bronze Gates the same way a Bronze Gate sees the Tapestry. There's a hierarchy of Sliver Gates beyond what the Bronze Gates hierarchy could imagine, with the higher one seeing the lower akin to fiction. At the very top of the hierarchy is Juno, a creature of immeasurable power that guards the entrance to the Golden Gate.
Golden Gate - Unlike the Bronze and Silver Gates, the Golden Gate has no hierarchy as it doesn't need one, the Golden Gate transcends the hierarchy of the Sliver Gates and sees it as nothing more than an illusion, nothing has been able to go past the guardian to the Highest Peak, The guardian also known as the Gate Guardian is someone no one would dare face, if we were to compare the Gate Guardian and Juno it would be like comparing a collapsing infinite multiverse and a wet sheet of paper.
Arriving at the Bronze Gate Nill knew that this journey towards the Highest Peak wouldn't be an easy one, Nill transcended the hierarchy of Bronze Gates and arrived in a space of clouds and smoke, from there Nill saw a creature not far from where Nill was, This grotesque creature had 4 legs and many tentacles covering the body and its head. When the monster sensed Nill's presence, it started to attack Nill, casting illusions to confuse Nill and used its tentacles to strike Nill whenever Nill was open. However, Nill thanks to his ability 'Eyes Of The Beholder' no illusion was able to get past Nill, and with Nill's other ability 'You Reap What You Sow' the tentacles were not enough to hurt Nill, instead the damage that Nill was supposed to receive was countered, the one that was receiving the damage was now the monster itself. The monster in desperation revealed its head, it was a head with many eyes and one mouth, from that same mouth it charged a beam of light that was capable of erasing the hierarchy of Bronze Gates, Nill smirked, Nill stopped using its abilities and let the beam of light hit itself, Nill was destroyed erased from existence along with the hierarchy of Bronze Gates, however, from the same time Nill was erased from existence, Nill also regenerated from the blast returning to existence transcending its previous body. Nill smiled and with just a wave from Nill's hands the monster disappeared without a single trace. It was erased from the Hyper-Narrative. Defeating the monster, Nill proceeds to enter the Silver Gates.
Transcending the Silver Gate hierarchy Nill stumbles upon a creature with four legs and a hundred faces attached to a seemingly human-like body, It stood roughly 5 feet and its arms were around 6 meters in length, with cuts and bruises all around his entire body seemingly from other competitors. Nill with zero effort erased the creature known as Juno from existence, however, to Nill's surprise Juno was capable of completely regenerating from his Hyper-Narrative Erasure, Juno angered, completely disappeared from Nill's line of sight, and then in just a flash, it was behind Nill. Nill was completely stunned by what just happened, then it arched its arms to perform rapid punches. Nill had no time to react to Juno's rapid punches, each punch completely transcended Hyper-Time, leaving Nill completely stunned. Then, when Juno was going to finish Nill off with a heavy punch, Nill saw an opening and completely erased Juno from the Hyper-Narrative once again. But just like the last time Juno completely regenerated from said erasure, Nill used Absolute Absorption to make sure that whenever Juno regenerated, it would always be inside of Nill slowly getting eaten by the never-ending darkness giving Nil more power the more it gets devoured. However, Juno dodged the attack and went straight for Nill again, Nill didn't try to run away from the punches as Nill had an idea of what it's gonna do after the barrage, after blocking the barrage of punches from Nill Juno yet again charged a heavy attack, Nill knowing that this was Juno's weak spot used Absolute Absorption
to eat Juno. The attack was successful. Nill was finally happy that the creature was finally defeated, then not a moment later, entered the Golden Gate where Nill would meet the Gate Guardian.
The Gate Guardian was an enigmatic being made of fiery gold and a sword so powerful no matter how infinite you were they could always cut you down destroying your very being, the concept of your existence destroyed. Nill knew that this one was someone he should never take lightly. Unlike the rest of Nill's foes, the Gate Guardian was powerful enough to destroy the Golden Gate, something that no one was able to do yet. Nill with caution walked towards the Gate Guardian every little step the golden sword the guardian held grew larger and larger, Nill was then a few meters away from the guardian, Nill looked at the sword, its tip was no longer visible to Nill's eyes. Nill then took a few centimeters forward before coming to a realization that the guardian had cut Nill in half. Nill could see its own torso before completely dying... Nill then regenerated from the erasure, transcending his previous body. Nill wasn't scared of the erasure, Nill tanked much worse, however, what Nill was afraid of was the fact that it knew that it would never defeat the guardian, no matter how many times Nill died, regenerated, and transcended its previous form, Nill could never harm the guardian, Nill could barely even touch it. Nill knowing that this battle was futile needed another way to defeat the guardian. Ṯ̸̆̔̈͌̆̍̈́͐̍̇͌h̸̦͖̮̺̖̅̈́̐͋͋̒̅̃̐͊͗͊̽͊̐͠ę̶̻̰̯̝͔̙͇̮̮̉́̓̈́͝n̴̛͉̮̝̤͔̳͈̞̔̎͌̊̀͆͆̋̿̋̊̀̎̆̕͘ͅ,̸̧̨̢̬̗̠̝̖̗̲͍̤͕̹͍̰͋͒̑̌ ̶̢̨̡̡̟̠̯͙͚̠̮̮̳̑̆͆͋͌͌͝ͅş̶̧̣̩̹̩̰̲̘̹͔̭̩͈̪͉́̾̌̏̓̂̍̈́̕͝ỏ̷̧̧͎͔͖̗̻̻͉̹̽m̴̢̦̤͎͑͌̽̀͝ͅͅe̸̢̻̱̩̱̪̪̱̜͓͇͔̺̼͐͐̇̍̑̏̽̎̎̋̾̓̅̂̓͜͠ȯ̵͈͓̗̤̟̣̫̘̺̪̯̻̫̯̐̊̔̈̍̑̍̈́͠ń̴̯͙̥͚̥̬̝͙̪̖̠͔̣̻͇͆̄̐͆̽̿e̷̛̫͙͎̥͕͎̝̮̙͇͙͋͑̐̕ͅͅ ̸̙͒̅́̓͊̒̏̍̇̓͠f̷͙̩̅͒̽͊̈̈́͆̈r̶̻̪̹͓̘̯̪̮̲͙̰̳̟͉͉̽͛̍̿̐̅̀̀̈́̉̕ö̵̢͈̟m̵̟̤͈̏̊̽͝͠ ̸̨̙̙̮̪̖͚̹͇̿͒̏̌̋͂ͅt̶̳̩̫̮̞̠͓̜̪͕̝̭̽̄͂́͝͝h̵̡̟̝̗̜̙̲̟̱̥͓͒ę̸͔͇̝̹̱̘̞̩̪̦̗͈̬̿͊͑̊̎̈̑̈́͆ͅͅ ̸̢̡̫̺̞̳̠̱̬̥̘̔͑̈́͠ͅd̶̖̜̯͍͙̞̯̮͈̰̆͂̎̍i̷̬͖̞͒̎͋̓͌͐̂̉̏̏͝s̷̡̗̮̻̺̙̖̞̜̟̦̬͎̝͊́̔͌̐̽̓̐̈́̒̕̕͝͝͠͝t̵̡̡̜̭͈͙̣̣̘͔̜̮̜̺̘̫͑̂͌̌͝ȁ̵͈̹̼̼̞̭̣͔̖̾͛́̾̿̒̑̾̿͒͛̕͘͜͠ͅṉ̵̛̥͇̪̲̟̀́̉̈̊͠c̸̝̺̭̖̳̱̥̈́͂̋̾̽͆͌͋͌̽͒̕̚͝͝ͅe̸͎̫̺̥̥͎͎̣̱͍̾̆̈́̆̐̔̎̾͂͂̕͠͝ͅ ̴̢̨̧̛͇̘̙̰̫̟͎̙̬̲̳̭̽͆̐͋̑̎͘s̶̛̙̓̇̇̑͂̋̽̽̎̅̎̕͝a̶̧͖̩͈̤̦͈͔͂̅̿̐͑̓̏̂̈́͘w̸̡̥̠̻̼̠̦̹̅̃̊́̎̾͐̽̕͝͠ ̶̱͖̀̍̋͜N̵̛̻̱͇͉̎͂̍̃̒̀̃͋̌͛̇̎͛̅̚͜į̴̖̰̹͖͙̻̭̩̥̬͒́̊͌̉͂̒͊̓̃̎̂͊̚͘͜͜ͅļ̶̼̰̹͓̑́l̶̡͍̗̬̱͚̈́͌̃͌̀͊̀̿̍̎̑̎'̶̮̲̟͚̙̺̖̩́̽̂s̵͍̠͎̖͒̀̈́͂͛̈́̀͛̒̍̈͛͘ ̴̛͓͓̭́́̅̆̀̑͗̿̅̌̈́̏̾͂̚s̸̨̲̮̱̲̭̙͉͖̩̼͒͆̾̒͆͗͐͌̐̂̔̃̅ẗ̵͇͉̩͉̘͙̰̪̎̐͌̉ṛ̴̢̨̭̯̣̹̃̈̈̆̌ụ̷̢͙̩̝͙̟͔̖̟̗̞̩̟͐͒͂̿̃̀͜ġ̶̡̧͍̝͓̥̲̼̟͎̝̙̠̲̎̿̏͋͂̿̈́̒̀̕̚͜ͅͅg̷̢͍̫̦͈͖̱̰̖̭͔̞̫̝̅̆̉̇͘͠ļ̸̨̥̣̺͖̩̘̰̫̝̭͉̄̎͌̚͝ȩ̵̢̮͎̝̘͎̟̲̰̱̗̩̺̝̄̌͒̔̓̈́̉̔̾̾̓̏̈̒̚͝,̴̟̜̲͔͍́͐ ̴̻͊̐̈́̈́͐̈̐̇̕ḓ̸̭͚̜̻̜̜͔͉͎̞̄͊̌͊̄̕͠i̵̢̛͚̯̲͇͖̿̒̈́̍͋̽̑̎̇͝͝š̷̨͉̙̭̥͎̥̺̳̯̜̗̎̋̆͑̒͜a̸͇͙͍̳̟͍̠̠͋̍̇̈́̂̈̑͒̎̕͠p̸͓̦̿̂̏̑́͗̃̀̅̈̉̚̕͘̚͘̕p̷̧̙͔̖͙̙̮̼̌̌͊̀̑͂̾́̐͗̈́̏ȍ̴̡̹̳͈̣̱̮̯̖̂į̶̜͔̠̱̩̻͎͕̹̫̰̯͐̎͌͌͊̅́͆̍̄̆͑̎̚͜͝ņ̷̢̧͈̲̘̜͍̰͖̟̩͓̟̟̺͙̓̽͋́́̈́̄́͋ṫ̷̡̞̗̯̩͍̩ȩ̵̜͇͔̘͉̻͓͈̃̿͒̊̿̄͑d̷̢̛̺̹̩̤̗͕͓͊̈́̓́̔̈́̾ ̴̡̥̳̈́̑̍̂̾t̸̨̧̼͍̺̹̭̤͆̈̑͊̏͝h̷̢͈̲̗̙̠̏̏̈̀͜͝ͅă̵̩̺̗̫̈́̌̑́͜ť̷̩ ̴̛̟̖͉̱̲̝̘̗̥̤̖̦͇̝͚̥̓̒̈́̆͐͑̐̇̅ṱ̶̢̡̯̼̻͎̺͙̫̭̯̏̑̾̂̿̽͘͠h̶̦̠͖̺͍̪̥̖͓̭͒́̀̏̈́̑͂͗͗̓̌͋́̚̚̚į̶̞̫̹̤͈̫̋̑͂̏͌͛͌̍̓̏͠͠s̵̨̬̭̬͋̑̓̉̈́̎͊̕ ̵̢̡̛̤͖͙̝͕̲͎̝͐͝w̵̧͈̞̺͍͈̫̲̩̫̥̮̉̒͌͒̒̚͠͝ͅͅa̸̫̫̣͂͊̍̈́͂͂̉̈́̒̍͘ş̴̪̦̤͈͉̠͓̘̻͓̮̲̪̞̯̝̓̏͒͗̿̅̾̋̍͐ ̸̡̭̝̼̯̳͙̯̗͉̻͚͊̐̓Ṅ̶̢̨̙̠͚̮̜̦͍̪̳̱̥̲͓̇̄͊ȋ̵̢̡̗̭̩̬̹̠̝̞̯̲͍͕̗̰̲ĺ̶̨̧̨͎͍̹̰̖̳̥̺̤̘͎̠̈́̒l̴̯̙̝͆́̈̆͂̽̃ͅ'̶̢̲̤͖̻̥͕̖̞̰͍̔̂̎̽̄̈́̓̐͘̕͘͝ͅͅs̶͔̐̒ ̶̢̥͉͍̯̜͓͉̱̞̭͓͒͐̐̒͑̀̇̾̉̈́̏͋̚̚͘͜p̷̢̛̄̈́̓̐̏̀̂̑̍͑̕o̷̮̪̹̱̜̖̜̫͙̊̋̏̒t̷̡̛̞͕̗̩̻̹͗̐̀̋̓́̆̐̍́̕͜͠é̷̛͙̟͚̲̯̫̭̯̎̀̄͐̂̎̂̀̒̋̈́͋͘ͅń̷̡͕͎̺͉͓̺͖̻̖͕͇̮̖̮̈͋͊̊̑͗̋̉̓͜͝͠͝t̵̡̯̖̍͛́̆̌̅̑̆̎͆̆̌̾͝͝i̶̧̤͎̓̅̀̒̐̅̉͐͊̓̔̿͛̈́̎̕â̵͕͇͈͎̍l̶̜͇͇͇̘̥̓̀̾͐̾͐͒͑̌͜ͅ ̶̢̗̜̮̣̾̌̈́͑̅́͆͘h̶̪̞͖͇̭͓̻̫̮̟͇̱̜̤͖̏ę̸̢̬̠͈̞̥̻̭̗͔̻͕̆́͋ ̴̢̠̼̗͎̦͈̦̤͙͈̟̬̗̈́͛͛̈́̿̉̚g̷̮̩̤̺̉̒͗̾̚͠͝ă̸̮͓̘͖̇̍̇̓̽̓̈̃̂̿͆̇ͅv̴̧͍̠̥̞̫̩̲̳̫̯͓͇̩͐̑̏̓͑e̷̲̼̭̦̝͇̲̙̤̞̩͋̉̋̈́̈́̈́̎̏̀͌̕͝͠͠ ̸͙̎̅͆͊̅͋̂͑̿͊̌̚N̸̢̗̪͚̿į̴̧͍̟̏͌l̷͔̽̄̃͗l̵̨̠̞̥̟̺̋̉̄̒ͅͅ ̴̨̮̞͇͗͌͋̃͊̑́̈́͋̑̈́͌̕p̴̪̊͂̎̀̏̑̊̌̑͘̚͠o̸̼̬͖̯̖̱͈̳̠͈̻̩̣̗̾͑̄̇̄̐̿̉́̕̚͝w̵̛͇̜̉͋̄̾̈́̒̂̀́̽̑̈́͋̀̚͝ę̶̼̜̟͕̺͍̦̫͖͚̺͔̰͂̊̏̆r̸̺̠̙͙̜͕̺͚̺͍̞̝͕̭̓͑͊̏̒̇͒͐͊̄̂̆ͅ ̴̢̨̢̧̦̪̼̣̳̲͍̂̈́͊̽̋͆̀̐̔̈́͋͗̉̕̚ͅś̵̢̩̤̹̼̼͚͎̝͍̻̝̎̐͐͜t̷̢̩͚̜̬͍̹̮͙͍̒̌̊̌̆̃̒̕̕r̵͇̞̹̞͙̎͋̀̍́̀̓͂͝ͅọ̷̬͍͓̓͑͠n̴̦͖͔̜͎̲͂̓͝͝g̴̛͙̱͓͕̘̪̱̮̻͓̮̻̱͓̺͍̰̒̈́̑͗̓̂̈́̅̏̐́̊̚͝ ̴̨̢̡̱̟͎̖̗͙̺̮̩̜̣͍̪̳͑̀̇́̔̈́̏̾̄͌̍͊̕ȩ̷͓̺̖͖͍͙͖̪̭̗͚̘̥͍̹̓̽͂͗̈̀̂͒̿̉ͅṇ̵̡̡̳͖͔̦̦͎͎͙̘̦̊̂̑͒́̑͂͛̚͠o̸̤̩̺̰̯͕͙͇͇̯͉͈̒̅̿͋̄̉͒̈̈́̆ͅǘ̴̡̧͔͔͙̩̥̦̐̓̊̊̀́̀́̈̋̿̅͘͘͜͝͝g̵̢̧͚̮̟̠̬͉̯͍̮̤̯̊̈́̍̊͋̿̇̐̕̕̕ͅh̶̨̢̤̬̺͉̲̻̩̘̋͑̽̆̌̑͐͝ ̵̢̡̛̛̖̰̹̹̦̗̠̹̺̞̲̟̼̌̾͂͊͗̇͐̐̑̃̕͘͝͝͝ͅt̶̨̡̧̨̢̛̺͓̭͓̬̜͇͙͖͂̄̐̍̒͑̎̈́̉̏̚͝ö̷̭̼̙̙̣̘͇̦̘̀̈́͊͋̽̇̈̐̔̂̐̊̇̄̕̕ ̴̡̛̤̣̲̯̺̆t̵̹̝̬͔̻͌̀̃̓̓̀̓̈́̈̈́́r̷̨̖͉͍͚̖̝̦̞̳͚͍̟͉̹͓̉͂̕ạ̶̡͇̹͍̙͒͗̊̔̀̿̉̎̅̚ͅn̷̡̛͉̖͗̏͆̑̉̌̇͒̐͆͗̆̚̚̕͠s̴̫̮̳͎͍̣̱͑̋͝c̸̨̢̹̥̟͚̭̝͓͔̜͗̓̈́̒͆̿̅̓̽͠͝͠é̶̮̱͈̲͉͉̹̬̥͔̫̗͕̓͒̆̈́̀̀͋̅̈́͘̕n̸̨̯͖̖̤͇͍̝͈̹̳̘̽̓̈́̾ͅd̶̡̹̺̘͎͉͈͍̩̺͓͕̓̒̃͊̂̐͆ ̴̧͈̮̮͇̺̼̪̝̱̱̝̻̍͆̓̋͂̔̄̆̔̂͛̇͑͗͜͠͝͠ţ̸̧̢͎̹͍̬͕͈̱͔̥͈̟̠̬̘̓̏̍͝h̴͎̪̞̞̊̂̏̈̈́͂ę̷̹̟̳̼̝͒́̀̈̔̿̈́̀̋͘̕ͅ ̶̳̬̳͑̔̈́͒͂̋̀͜ͅG̵̛͈̣̻͊̋̅̓͑̾̀̎͊̓́́͝͠o̵̭̹̼͕͍̹͇̬͉̲̞̱̅̆̒̽̀̇̈́̐͐̔͊͝͝l̸̟̙̭̺̞̭̰̆̒̊̚͘͜d̸̢̢̧̪͕̮̞̥͙͇͕̩͇̽̆̿̐̆̂͊́̑ͅe̵̡̨̯̯͓̳̤͎̻̫̿̓͌͌͒n̷̡̼͍̞̖̣͚̝̱̉ ̵̨̢̧̡̢̫̫̰̻͓̟̭̟̺̈́͗̆̾͌̃͝ͅǴ̴̦̿͒̓̎̏̇a̵̢̨̛̦̖̥̖̠͕̩͇͓̻̅͋̏͑̆͒̽̕t̶̨̡̞̯͉̯͈͖̞͚̙̳͖̃̈́̌͗͐̊͛͗̀̽̔̌̃͐̎̑ͅe̷͖͉̣̙̞͈̗͌̈́̾̓̚ ̵̣̺̮̳̤̍̿̆͛̆́̔̏̕͜ͅá̸̱̪̥̟͓̠͇͂͌ͅň̷͍̤̗̺̈́͝d̷̝͖̜̯̥̠̻̬̔͐͐̾̊̿̆͗ ̴̧̛̛̲͇̫̖̝̪̙͖͙̹̱͒̿̈͗͌͋̉̃̈́̂ḑ̴̳̰͉̯͇͇̲̦̥̖̼͎̮͂͜ë̸̛͙͓̱͇̯̟̤͖̱̤̲̫̳̳́̈́̓̀̀͐̃̇́͗̔̓ͅͅͅf̶̦͑ë̵̡̨͍̹̩͔̺́̿͠a̷̢͔̝̖̥̙̦̳͍͉͆̉̊̎͗̋͒͂̀̉̕͠ṱ̷̗̟̼͉̝̮͕̥͌͋͂͗͂̊͋̍͋̉̂̎ ̵̼̞̮̟̝͗̊̀̄́͋̓̓͋̀̉̾͘͜͠͝͝ͅt̶̡̧̡͓̱̮̥͍̲͔̟̰̩̪̪͛́̄̽̃̏̈̀̂͗͛̉̏̒͠ḩ̵̫͍̩͔͕̮̒͛́̃͂̈́̃̎̇̄̊͐̎͘̕͠ȩ̸̧̤̘̝̣͎̳͎̺̼̤̬̻̃̎͜ͅ ̵̢̨̧͚̱̹̪̙̩͙̙̼̖̓̿̂̎͋̈́̂͋̓̿̅̕̕͝G̷̡̻̩͙̺͕̼͓̦͍̯͙͎̥͈͌̈́̓͊̒̅̐͛͗͂̍̈ͅà̶̡̰̲̞̝͈̹͓͈t̶̩̥̝̞̘̻͍͔̝͋̒́̉̕ȩ̵̡͈͍̲͆̾̂̓̐̂͛̿́̍̏̓̿̊͝͝ ̸̧̛͓̬̌̉͂̇͋͛̓͑̀̈́̌̇̓́̅͠G̸̨̗̜̖͔͉̼̙̝͆̔́̌̆͆͘ư̷͓̞̱̗̦̩̫̝̽̽́̂͋̓̈͝a̸̢͉̣̳̻͓̗̠͔̲͌͛̑̐̈́͜r̴̡̼̊̉̈͑̄̓͛̕d̷͔͐͗͛̆͐̚͝i̶̡̢̘̝͕̗̭̩̹̫͇̲̠̐̎̈́̚̚̕a̷̜̎̉͒͛ň̸͆̊̊̋͑͛͜. 'What the-' Nill thought, Nill felt overwhelming power flow through itself, power that would take Nill countless of deaths, regenerations, and transcendence to ever reach this kind of power. Nill smirked, it didn't have time to answer its own question as the Gate Guardian swung its sword towards Nill. Nill was finally able to perceive the swing and dodged it with no effort whatsoever. Nill then used the new skill 'In Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One' trapping the guardian inside Nill's narrative decreasing its stats by an immeasurable amount, the guardian with speeds so slow it could barely move, Nill smiled and used Absolute Absorption to absorb the guardian and become more powerful. Nill needed to absorb the Gate Guardian to be able to transcend the Golden Gate and reach the Highest Peak. however now with Nill's newfound power-up, Nill didn't need to absorb the Gate Guardian. However, 'Why not just gain more power?' Nill said as the absorption process was completed. Nill didn't have enough time to think as Nill was instantly at the Highest Peak, transcending the Golden Gate. 'What?' Nill thought to itself. Nill's head was filled with questions.'Who did that?', What just happened?' etc. Well, good thing Nill was now in the Highest Peak, all Nill's answers will be answered. Nill smiled as it walked towards the golden throne, towards YHWH.
Chapter 6
Orbs - glowing balls of light which contain the Hyper-Narrative
True Author - He is Eternal, He is Righteous, He is Love, He is Hatred, He is One, He is All, He is Unbound, He is Power, He is Glorious, He is Him, He is You, He is here, He is Nowhere, He is the Past, He is the Present, He is the Future, He is Absolute, He is Only, He is Everything, He is Nothing, He is Almighty, He is, He is What, He is, He...
YHWH - the infinitesimal avatar of the True Author in which he watches over everything and everyone, everywhere. He resides in the Highest Peak in which he sits on top of his golden throne.
??? - D̶i̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶e̶ ̶n̶a̶m̶e̶
T̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶u̶p̶p̶e̶t̶e̶e̶r̶ - Fine... Only this one
Nill stood a few meters away from YHWH, his light shining upon existence banishing the darkness. "You know why I'm here," Nill said while pointing at YHWH, "THEN YOU MUST KNOW THAT YOUR JOURNEY HERE WAS FUTILE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING," Nill's pupils dilated as Nill clenched both of its hands "What do you mean! You must know something!" Nill didn't know whether YHWH was joking or not, but what was the point of YHWH joking in the first place? So Nill ditched the idea and ran with the thought that YHWH didn't know. However, Nill saw him stand up from his golden throne and walk towards Nill. He conjured a stone tablet, and within the stone tablet was a story, a story with two brothers one who wanted to create everything that was and forever will be perfect named True Author, while the other one was named ???, he just wanted to cause some mischief. Why they did what they did was unknown to even the brothers, they thought that it was what they wanted, but in reality, it was within their Narrative to do so. The brother, the one who wanted to cause mischief came to this realization after deep thought, he wanted himself and his brother to break the Narrative, to be unbound by everything, every concept, Narrative, and Hyper-Narrative. The brother accepted the mischievous brother's request, for reasons unknown... Until later on when they transcended the Narrative and ascended beyond every conceivable and unconceivable plane of existence, they made the Hyper-Narrative in which they now reside... well one of them at least. To ??? horror he was banished by his brother because he himself was not perfect, True Author thought of ??? as disgusting, he thought that ??? only exists to destroy everything that is perfect. ??? in anger ??? spoke of a prophecy in which a being who was born from nothing would obliterate everything that was and ever will be. In the end ??? was banished, never to be seen again.
Nill after reading looked at YHWH saying "So this being is me?" YHWH shook his head answering Nill's question. The stone tablet then faded away, turning into dust, "Wait so that means..." YHWH nodded his head again confirming Nill's worry "I'M SORRY LITTLE ONE" YHWH attempted to erase Nill's skill 'Endless transcendence' so Nill would not regenerate from his erasure, and with just a wave from his hand, Nill was completely era- t̷̢̺̲̱̞̗̝͓͕͈̥̾͂̎͋͛̓̚̚s̴̡̲̙̝̟̳̖͓͙̠̾̽̉̃̄̍̔̍͝ḱ̸̡̠̼̪̻̰̝̍̇̉,̸̰̝̗̠͊̔ ̴̡̖̗̗̩͎̺̲̈͑͝ͅt̶̡͓̱̙̼̹̱̣̤̦͉̙̘͇͈̺͓͒͠s̴̡̠̖̰͕̤̰̣͉͎̘̫̔̉̽ḵ̷̛̜̼͎͙̬̠̱̜͉̈͆́,̸̢̡̛̠͉̝͕̮̫͉̪̪̙͑̎̆͗͗̒̌̀̀͝͠͠ ̴̢̹͙̯̝̭̮͍̖͉̝̠͈͈͐̒͐͆̅̓́͒̀̈͐̐̏̕͘̕͜͜͝t̸̨̙̱̲̝͚̻̘̫̜̳̯̍̓͂̇̋̇̉̃̓́̈̄̎̔̚͝͝s̴̛̳͙̮͂̂k̸̘͔̯͎̆̀̌̽̀̏͋̀͠,̷̦̻̯͓̰̳̰̯̖̠̽̊͂̿͋ͅ ̴͉̮̝̥͇͙͎̄͗͐̍̽n̴͉̽̾̓͑̋͛o̵͎͇̖͖͎͚͍̬͙͔͖͔͊͂̋̓̋̂̆t̸̢̛̛̮͚̪̥͚͖̦̣͕̞͇̩̣̙͑̉̃̉͗̿̆͗̑̍̆̍͜͜͝͠ ̶̢̡̨̳̤͕̮͙̟͚̞̭͚̰̜̰͎̄̽͊̈́͐s̵̛̼̮͕̰͚͓̤͙̙̠͚̫̄̈̈́̌̓͋̓͑o̵̠̬̤͎̙̞̝͕̺̔͑̐̓̋̆̀̍͗̃̽͗͘͝ ̷̩͍̪͍̺̼̫͈̝͋̈͜͜f̴̢̤̰̤̙͚͈̋̅̀̈́̓͌̂̕͝͠ǎ̶̝͚̮̻̓͒̓́̋̕̕s̸̢̛̻̟̜̱͚̬̋͐͆̀̿̄̎͘͠t̶̞̒͊͆̓͌͝~̴̭̤̹̜͑͐̐̀̀̔̋̋̏̅́͗ Nill was fine. Was this even Nill? Nill's eyes looked more nihilistic more deranged "YOU BASTARD!" YHWH screamed as he tried to erase Nill again but to no effect. YHWH started to unleash a scream powerful enough to shake the Hyper-Narrative, Í̴̩̙̿ ̵̡͙͖̘̺̇̐̎́͒̈́ẁ̶̫̲̮o̷̧̖̤̺̻͗͐̌̎͜ṳ̴͂͂͊̅ĺ̸͍̤̫̯͓͔̀d̵͍̠̝̦̻́̈́̏̆͊̍̔͝ṇ̸͔̞̪̹͍̯͒͑̀̔͝'̸̰̮̲̯̖̘̗̓̐̂̈́́̑͠ṫ̵̳͝ ̶̯̫̥̽̆̒͛͠ḋ̴̬̞̖̩̤̩̦̬̐ŏ̸̤̫̗̦̫̯̪̳̀̌̊̚͘̕͝ ̵͎͔͍̤̣̠̇́͂̍̔͘͜t̶̨̺̥͆͌̌͌̔̈́͗̚h̸̬̥̼̭͓̅̽̋̒̑̒̎̕ą̸͔͎͙̥̺̙̾͑͊̒̽́̈́̾t̵̨̻͉̩͓̃̎́́̽̽̏̈͜ ̵̜̺͚̳̤͙͉̓̂̄͒̿͠i̷͈̘̍̓͝f̸̛̻̪̄͑͆͋ ̶̨̼̝͎̘̔̀͊̽̓͜͝I̶̲͍͔̋́͐͑̐̕ ̷̩̲̏̋̋̉̕w̶͙̰̦̤̭̘̉e̷̹̮̝̝̝͈̓͝͝r̷̠̱̞̱̘̩͚̣̀̾͂̈̈͌̄͘ȩ̶̈̾͒̇̽̿̚͘ ̴̪͉͓̐̈́͗̏͐͜y̶̙̒͂͊o̸̧̢͚͔̅̈́̔̋͑̀ų̷̛̪̿͊, YHWH froze "SO YOU DID TAKE OVER NILL!", Nill? smirked and responded with "Ḣ̷̱͂͘ͅÉ̶̡̪̗̪͚̥͓̳͇͉͈͉̯̣̠̒̃́͛̎̇̓̈̒̓̅̽͑̀͝L̵̨̨̦̣̳̾̑̿̿̌̒̓L̴̬̳̮̳̘͆̔͑͜Ȍ̵̡̙̻̮͎̘̙̮̟̫̰̯̱͉͗͌̂͗̔̂̐̚͝ ̸̨͖͚͈͎̭̮̩̻̦̰͙̼̜͖̼͒͌͗̈́̽͒̍͛̃̀̀̄̑̈́̍̀͆͠ͅB̶͕̯̞̣̬͙̩̯̠̪̦͍́̑̅̎͌͌̎̓͋̑R̵̖͕̹͙͈͇͋̈́̉̏̔́́͊̕͝ͅO̷͖̟͔͎͉̳͚̓͛͐͐́̉́͆̈́͐͠͠͝͠ͅT̴͎͎͎͍̩̩̥͇͔̤̠̱̥̺̞͋̾͛͆͂̒̇̄̀̚͝H̵̛̱̜͕̠͍͋͌̔̈́̑̔͑̈́͆͝Ḛ̵̡̛͍͕͇͍̰̥̦͉͔̮͕̰͑̅̒̇̃͊̌R̵̨̭̹͋̓̆̾̐̀͗͘̚͘͠͝͠". "SO YOU INTENTIONALLY LET ME ERASE NILL SO THAT YOU MAY TAKE NILL OVER? BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT WHEN NILL WAS FIGHTING WITH THE GUARDIAN?", "I̶̫̹͐̉͂͆̕͘̕̕͜ͅŜ̸̛̫̦̬̞̱͛͝͝͝͝N̴̨̛̟͔̩̠̫͚̰͇̍̿͗'̵̢̟͖̤̜̂̓͐̑̐̐̄̈́T̷̡̨̻͎̋̍̆̾̉̈́͐̚͜ͅ ̴̻͖̥͕̓͊͌̄̄͊͝I̴̛̮͐̃͆̿̒͂̊̉͘T̶̨̢̰̯̑̏̄͌͝ ̴͓͇͕̘͋̽̽̌̈́̒͘͠O̶̡̰̊͐̒́͒̃̊̐̕͠B̸̧̹͚̯͇͔̻͓̲̺̑V̵̡̭̪͓̣̪̙͘͜ͅÌ̵̥̳̹̌́̈́͐̚O̸̭͕̐̒̔̿͠Ư̶̻͉̠̤͋͋̾̋̉͜͝S̷͖͉͐̓͑̓͒͘͝?̶̻̞͉̥̪̟͓̉̈́̈́͒͜͠ ̵̫̙̌͐̈́͝I̶̻̙̠͇̭̻͓̝̬͋̉̏́̍ͅ ̶̡̡̡̤͍̻̭̫̥̾̓̋̕ͅA̸̫̓̇͗͆̕M̵͇̈́̈́͐̏̊̑̈́ ̵̳̟̑̃͂T̶̤̓̒͛̈́Ȑ̵͓̮̞̹̬̫̂̿̓Y̶̘̙̤̺͓̬̊͊̉̾̆͌́̚͜Į̶͉̰̻̟̤̖̝̥̥̓̿̊̊̇̾̈́̏̍̚N̶̳̭̭̈́͐̇̉̇Ģ̸̥̱̹̱͔̇͋̏̓͜͝͝ ̸̗͈̖̻̈́̿͛̌͛̄̕T̴̨͔̙̘̟͓͕̀̎̆̀̋͗̆͊͂̕Ò̵̪̹̟̘̲̻̬̣͍̒̽̂̌͑̌ ̴̠̜̥̐K̵̼͕͓͈̼̣͎̅̎̑́̆͑͘͜͝Ḯ̶̛͚̥͕͒̔̆̏̕̕͘Ĺ̷͔̖̜͙͉̬L̵͔͕͓̝̩̿͑̑̊̎̂̕ ̷̣̣͕̱͍̥̟͚͋̓̚͝Y̸̢͑̃̉́̍O̷͍͎̦̘̳̱͔̫͋̄̑̈́̏͜Ṳ̷̢̠̹͕͕̔ ̷̛̖̯͚̲̮̄̇̈̌͘͝N̵͕̍̈́̂O̶̯͖̞̞̼̙̮̗͑͗̆͆͋̑̾̕T̶̮̍̀͑̌̀̾̚ ̷̫̖̜̪̙̳̥͙͌̇͑̔͘ͅȚ̵̡̨̭͖̭͙͇̓̋̈́̔̈́͗̕͠͠͝H̸̹͎͈͛̍̾̑̆̊E̴̠͙͙̓͆͋̕ ̴̭͚̟̜͛̆̒̑̌Ǵ̸̅͘͜U̸͙̮̮̔̈́̆̇̄͝͠Ā̵̧̮͔͓̐͝͝R̴͎̮̀̊Ḋ̴͎̦̬͚̥͈̬̊̽̎͋̃͠I̵̢̛̜̻͔̺͓̱̰̖̓̿͑́͜͝Ḁ̴̡̥͔̭̙̣͚̹̓͊̒͝N̸̡͍̙͚̫̘̪̭͂͋̅̌͜͠͠͠ͅ,̴̛͇̝̯̥̠̺̌̇̊͛͐̕͘ ̸̡̫͋̔̒̓͝T̸̡̮̙͙̲̣̱͎̠͒̋̅͑͘H̵̢̠̣̳̩̪̀̏̊̊͒͘ͅA̴͙͖̪̔͐̏̿̃̎Ṯ̶̩̒͋̀͑̄͐͊̈ ̸̞̖͉̦̥̤̘͔̲̝̾̒̎͂̕̚̚͝Į̷͈͍̱͔͉̔͊̏͒͘ͅS̵͕̮̃̿̎̃͑͘ ̷̢̢̝̹̤̤̰̏͜͜͝N̶͖͖͍̞̰̤̋̎I̵̺̺̬̅̀̿L̵͈̤̍͐̈̍̽̍͘L̴͖̭͇̖̪̱̦̗̓͐̽̔̍̿̒̔̚͠'̷̭͍̽̆̏̈́̔̽̚͠Š̶̫͍̒̀̽̿̂͋͊̏̕ ̷̢͚̩̗̆̕͝ͅJ̷̨̝̪̙͙̾̿̿̐̈̓̆́O̷̧͍̹̫͉͖̬͔̟̟̔̿̓̕͠͝Ḇ̵̠̪̃́̊̚͜͠͠". They fought, for an eternity of eternities, every time they clashed they would destroy and recreate everything, while their avatars fought within creation, their true selves also fought outside of it destroying the Hyper-Narrative and recreating it with every clash of their abilities throwing everything they've got. It was always a stalemate of course it always was, they were equals after all. However, unlike True Author, Nill has a couple of tricks on his sleeve, 'and when the day comes when God dies, flowers decayed, oceans cried, and the earth shattered', From their YHWH or the True Author laid on the hollow ground of the Hyper-Narrative where he met his end. His body sliced in half as Nill could see his brother's eyes lose their shine, "̴̛͕Ḧ̵͖́Ä̴̛̙̳̝̙͖́̊̀Ḣ̴͈̼̝̫͖̌A̶̡͎͈͖͋H̶̞͂A̸̙̓̏̑̎Ḥ̵̑À̵̞͐̒̿H̴͚̱͚͚̕Ä̶̠̳̯̤̤́̈́H̷͖͍͓̱̬̉A̵̳͖̅̎ͅḦ̶̼̠̬͋̂A̴̛͎̓͆H̶̟͎͕̬͆̇̀̉͘ͅA̸̤̭̳̟̝̍̂Ḧ̷̲͖͎͓̥́̊̕Ạ̷̟̗̦̱̎H̴͎̳̜͊Ä̸̠̤H̷̥͐͋͝A̴̪̿̚H̸̥͙̯̼̐̅Ȃ̶͖͎́̚Ḫ̸̼̺̗͍͊̏A̸͉̱͓͑̀H̸͕̠̥̟̓̏̓̚͝A̷̬͇͔̭̟͊̑̌H̵̫͍̮̽́͊͝Ả̴̝͇̺Ĥ̵͙̻͛͜A̷̯͓̒͗̽̉̕H̶̢͕͔̔͊̎ͅA̸̲̹̣͌̌̽̕͜Ḫ̸͚͐̆̊͛͝A̶̞̱̻̹͛͆̍̎H̴̨̙͍̃A̵̮̩͒̓̔͐͠Ḧ̴̭͍̞́̈́̅̐͝A̷̤̓̈̍H̷͈͊̂À̴̜͔H̴̨̲̭̝̉̅ͅA̸̡̭̥̿͛̓̕Ḩ̵͉͛A̷͎̹̩͚̯͑̌̕Ḩ̸̡̧͕̗͘Ả̷͚̯̲̈H̷̨̢̬̣͈̐̎͝A̵̡̐͆Ḧ̴̺̙́͆̃̃͘H̴̙̤̭͕͇̉͒A̸̡̬͔̰͓̒̌͠H̷̼͚̀̋͘͜Ḧ̶̨̲̓̉̓͝A̷̲̪̜̗̿̆̊̐H̸̤̲̕A̴̺͍̓H̶̥̃̈́̋̕͝Ḫ̴̛̆̇͗͘A̵͇͇̔̈́̄̈́̽H̵͚̻̪̯́̒̓͗͜Ḧ̵̭̖̈́̀ͅA̵̜̹̪͆́͆͐̾ͅH̷̟̺́̈́͂̾͘A̷̜̻̗̠͗ͅḨ̴̫̮͕̈́̅̉̇̚H̴̞̕Ḁ̵̔ͅH̶͖̙̝̊H̴̨̳́̓̎̒̇A̷̡̹̋͌͝ͅH̶̳̝̙̺͈̒͝A̷̭͉͆̊Ḩ̵̭̳͂̏H̵̼̀̏A̶̛̤͐̋̓͝H̵̡̺͌̽͘H̸̩̝̳͐͐̇̇͜Ā̶̧̧̪̜̔̓͝Ȟ̷̲Ą̵͍̈́̌̽H̸͉͉̮͊̓͂̃A̸̼̜̓Ḧ̵̻̜̹̭́̽͠H̵̯͍̀̂A̶̤̲̯͗̽̐̇H̷̡̺̱̯̼͛A̵͕̩͂̈H̴̨͕͌̒H̸̗͕̦̦̜͗A̵̦͍̥̲͊̑͆̆H̶̦̼̪̭̆H̸͈̟͕̮͓͗A̶̙͖̣̗̔̆̒ͅH̶̙͔̗̀͛̅̈Ā̵̪H̸̢͖̭̔̋̽̕Ĥ̸̹̋̂Â̷̫͚H̸͍̭̮̒̉̿̃Ã̶̮͐̿͝H̷͈̲̤͎͒̔̀̚ͅA̸̻̓̎͑̓͘͜Ȟ̴̭̻̱̖̈H̶͔̞͚̥̳̀̃͒̋͝A̸͔͚͕̫̦̽́Ḫ̵̡̍̋̇A̴͇̋̏H̷̪́͋H̶̬̺͂͒̈́͝Å̴͚̐̃̊͗H̵̲́H̶͓̓͆̇̎̅Ả̴͕͇̯̬̙̽̂̇̂H̷̯̣̙̄͊̽̈́̍H̸͈͈̘̜͂͛͊̿͒ͅA̴͓͎̅͠H̴͈̠̞̼̱͊H̴̪͌͛̕͝Á̷̝́H̴̠̗̳͕̀̀́̈́͠Ȁ̶̬̻̞̯H̵͙͌̓Ḁ̷̢̜̻̯̃̽̎̑H̵̫̱̮̭͌́H̵͔͐A̷̭̾͆H̷̩̝͕̓̈́́̌A̷̲͕̚H̴̡̠̥̦͂Ĥ̵̢̛̤̞Ḁ̴̢̳͑́ͅͅH̸̹̙̊̀͒̉A̸̧̡̛̻̩̠͛͛̆͝H̶͚̑͌̑́Ḣ̶̡̢̥̭͚͘Ą̷̼̬̬̆̓̇̍̆H̸̘͐͋̍͐͘"̵͍̯̊̋͘ Nill laughed, his laugh echoing across the cosmos.
"̴̭̗̫̹̮̳̰̗͖̱̊̿͂͑̚͝S̸̡̧̧̫͔̣̫̤͕̪̥͎̼̹̯̝̑̍͗E̸̗͚͒̂͐̋̈́̒̇͑͆́̓̚͠R̶̲̘̭̔́̓̑͂̐͛̃́̉̐̊̈̀͘͝V̷̨͔̟͓̇̎͝E̶̮̻̙͔̭̓̑͊̂̍͜͠͝ͅS̵̠̥̹̤͔͖̻̬̞̣̟͚̩̉́̀̀͐̒̑͜ ̵̫̗͔̪͍̩́̓͐̓̊̃̍́͌͂̓̓̆͒̋͝͝Y̸̧̢̨͙̺̣͔͖̮͉̝̥̩͇̅͋͛̑̈̓̊̔̒̈͗̌̇̚ͅŐ̷̜̪U̷̻͓͕̥̖̱̼̟͉͉̪̪̺̓͆͜͜ ̴̛͉͓̥͉̯̺͇̼̩̝̮̞̹̰̭͙͆͐̌̏̓́̅̎̄̒̅́̌̈́Ṛ̵̨͍̗̟̘͓̗̰͙̥̤̲̊̔̔͐̏͐͋̀̓͛̉̃̽͛͜I̶̡̛̜̞̾̐̒̈́͐̄̒̏̔͠Ģ̶̤̝̳̥̫̩̝̥͔̑̊͊͒͗͌̈́̎͊͝͠Ḣ̴̨̛̳̘͕̱͕̯͒T̶̹̺̦̫̀̈́̄̍̀͛͛͊̌̀́̒̾͘ ̵̢̡̞͇̞͔̙͙̥͔̝͓̥̅̓̓͛̀A̶͈͕̫̞̻̫̭̭̹̯̰̻͑̃̅͆̌̈́̅͛͑̌͛̄̄́S̵̨̧̛̝̫̱̦̟̠̳̲͈̖̜̺͚̲̈́͆̊͐̀̀̄̌͋̆̉͋̾̚̚ͅS̷͖̩̤̭̭͑̊̂̐̌̈̓͐͛́̚̕̚͝Ḩ̴̡̧̧̬̬̪̣̱͚̣̯̩̝͍̠̦̿̽͊̚Ơ̴̳̖̽͗̔͆̒͛͂̋̀̂͛́̓́͝Ļ̵̺̗͕̟̓̆̍͝ͅE̸̠͋̐̀͆̂̌̈̈͘̚͠!̶̧̠̏̈̃͆̇̔͂͆̏̀̈͛̓̚,"̵̨̨̗͎̬͚̺͈͈͋̀͛̈̄̍͜ͅ Nill said as he laid on the hollow ground of the Hyper-Narrative, After what seemed like an eternity Nill stood up once again smirking, thinking about all the things he could do now that his annoying brother was gone, from Orb to Orb, from different Hyper-Narratives to the other, Nill found a peculiar sight, this Orb's light shone like no other, filled with gods, goddesses, demons, cyborgs, and many more. Nill smiled "̶͙͔̗̍̓͆͛̀͋̉͋T̴͙͖̦̜̲̯͕̬̔̇͠H̶̨̻̟̝̍̕ͅḮ̸̙̟̤̥̹̖͝͝Ś̴̹̩̗̓̆͊̐̆́͛ ̵̼̗̤̝̜̦͖͗̌͒Ļ̴͍̱͓̑̍͛̔̌͘I̷̧̻̣͖̼̼͘Ģ̴̪͎̦̞̪͐̍̀̋̀̏͑H̷̨̧̡͚̤͚̼̿͒̀͂̄͑͂̅ͅT̷̝̲͆͂ ̶̻̗͉͍͔͉͖̹͒̔͂Ì̶͔̳̤̞̳̔́̊͑͐̏̆ ̴̪̲̟̹̘̩̠͙̕M̴̭̤̭̹̿̌̽͘ͅỦ̸̡̧͎͉̪̤̯͐̃S̷̜̺̦̺͋̔̑̄̐T̴̢̡͓͉̱͈͕͒̍̊̽̄̚ ̷̡̡̢̻͇̎̈́̆D̴̰͓̲̦̫̜̲̉͂͌͋̚I̶̮͈̱̩̗͘S̷̡̬̟̟̯̰̅͠Ť̴̥̹͎̟̼̄̽̈́͠I̵̟͉̞͇͎̊̉̉̀Ǹ̴̘͓͙͚͈̘G̴̬̦͖̰͙̺͕͛̒́̐̓Ṳ̷̳͎̎͛̀̅̆̿̀I̶͖̳̔͐̿̅̑̌Ş̸̧͇̹͎̑ͅͅH̴̨̢͇͉̥̏ͅ!̷̞̄̆͝"̴̡͆̀͂ͅ He said summoning the luminescent door entering the orb, TVG... interesting.
The end? Ņ̸̢̼͔̎̉̓̄́̍O̸̯͉̫̰̜̝̲͔̠̘͎͗̎́̒͐̾̍͝ͅP̶̨̝̩̟͕̻̈́̋̽̀̎̇̓̇̂̔Ȩ̶̛̜̯̮̟̘̱̥̹͛̀́̍̾̑̆́̔͘̕͜!̸̥̺̼̊̋̃̓͑̽̀̇̈́
"Eyes of The Beholder"(Passive)[]
This ability makes it so that Nill could always see the truth. No illusion could trick him no matter how potent
"Everywhere I go Darkness follows"(Passive)[]
With every step Nill takes, the darkness that comes with it consumes entire realities, verses, and even just a singular person. Whoever comes in contact with the darkness gets erased from existence instantly
"You Reap What You Sow"(Passive)[]
A passive ability that makes sure that its user would not get hurt. This ability counters any attack you throw at Nill and the same attack will hit you back Centillions of times harder.
"In Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One"(Passive)[]
This ability makes the user transcend their opponent's narrative while also heavily decreasing the opponent's stats by an uncountable amount
"Now I am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds"[]
With this ability Nill anything out of existence from just mere mortals, and gods, to even concepts
"You're but an actor following the script of the Puppeteer"[]
Nill is fully capable of flattening any reality, realm, existence, higher dimension, or narrative It doesn't matter if it's pataphysical or metaphysical. Nill flattens reality to a story-like setting in which he always comes out as the victor no matter what you do the story favors Nill
Corrupted Growth[]
With every negative thing that has happened or said to Nill will make instantly make him more stronger, it doesn't matter if it's physical or mental, minor or major.
Absolute Absorption[]
Nill could absorb anyone and anything with this ability no matter if it's a place, an item, a person, a god, etc. (He doesn't like to use this when his opponents are still kicking about, he would only use it when they are down or unable to fight anymore)
Nill could phase in and out of reality at will
Ultimate Negation[]
Nill has the power to completely negate anything he comes in contact with. His mere presence can cause, objects, people, gods, abilities, and even concepts to cease to exist or lose their meaning
Nill can cause any object or being within existence to crumble and break apart into its component code.
Entropic Blast[]
Nill can manipulate chaos energy and unleash a powerful blast that disrupts the order of the surrounding environment. When activated, the Entropic Blast creates a swirling vortex of chaotic energy that engulfs everything in its path.
Endless Transcendence[]
Every time you erase Nill from existence he will comeback in a more stronger body that transcends the previous body before he was killed

Old Nill

Old Female ver. of Nill( I forgor who made it)

Don't be in such a hurry
- Nill hates everything.
- Nill is very cautious.
- Nill is mentally unstable do not approach if spotted.
- Nill is mentally a child
- Everything that happened was all according to his plan