"I’ve set myself to become the King of Imagination… and if I die trying… then at least I tried.” -Maxim's ambition revealed.
Joy Lord Maxim, or Palladium T. Maxim, is the future king of Imagination and is assumed by many to be the counterpart of Camdyn the Serpent. Made by D4cdirtydeed as an antithesis and an enforcement to the law of Duality. Considered by many to be the vessel of the creative grace of Ada, across the fictionalverses they bounce around in glee. In layman’s terms, a Godversified variant of Joy-Boy/Luffy.
So, the Law of Duality follows, and a being was formed from the depths of abstraction. They would abound and unfurl themselves onto the dimensions and expand above the bounds of infinity and beyond, possibly expanding outside the cardinals were it not for Discidium's influence and higher standing, and due to Camdyn's threads, the Joy Lord would be below Inaccessus in prowess; but to balance the scales of justice it has a special type of "immortality", not amortality, nor above or below, but an enforcement on the law of Duality. Throughout their journey myths about them followed, some argue it's a prophetic figure chosen by Ada, others argue it is the embodiment of all panache, divine or otherwise. Regardless, it serves as a foil to the plans of Camdyn. Forever following and sneaking through the crevices of space and time, however its most famous mention was 800,000 years before modern day Godverse. This time taking the form of a sentient paintbrush that whatever is painted shall come to life, this artifact was coveted by many and wars that shook the fictionalverses were started over it. Now the whereabouts of it other than the locations it has to be in to stave off Camdyn are completely unknown, legend says that a vessel is to be chosen, to carry on the torch that is the title of "Joy Lord."
Legend says that 2,000 decades into the future a group of young demi-gods with nigh-impossible levels of potential will surge into the gates of Naephel and tear down the structure of nobility and replace it with equality; the leader of this group will have the spirit of Maxim himself, aiding him throughout this process, this myth has been censored by the nobles of TGV because of their fear of something overthrowing them, this censorship was quite successful thanks to the aid of the Versal Government.
Trying to describe him is like describing the wind, ever changing and never still; he can be an artifact or a humanoid like you or me. The stories tell of an "aura" that blurs the visions of whoever sees them, but it usually takes "form" of yellow swirls of smoke or blue glowing halos of light that blind the concept of sight itself. However, his most common appearance is usually a spiral of sand with blue and yellow flames for eyes all over the spiral, from the spiral form wings, similar to the thrones or seraphim (a class of angels), but he also can also take the form of something akin to Gear 5 Luffy, except the clouds emanating from them are great dragon-like serpents and the palms of their many "hands" have eyes on them, following down the arms; their tongue a moray eel's.
His “personality” is associated with the unorthodox, mystical, and the flashy. His “traits” change, much like his appearance describing this personality is like working for the wind. What is known is that he despises loneliness, as he would make him feel like a lonely god, of which he hates the idea, ever enigmatic and “gleeful”, he is usually seen laughing by himself or at opponents, and he has some sort of fascination over creativity and imagination; “hating” destruction in all forms. Joy Lord has fascination over puzzles and paradoxical arts, toying with them with a "manic" sort of "happiness".
Law Of Duality Enforcementality Manifestation: As long as the Law of Duality isn't broken/erased and still remains/exists, Joy Lord is forever immortal, invulnerable, and a menace in physical, mental, spritiual, and dimensional endeavors when he decides to manifest, and possibly much more.
The Seven Seals: Each seal acts a lock towards a certain realm, defense, or attack; essentially it can either operate to similar functions of Therovenor's Ability Lock, or a barrier that prevents his powers/attacks from being countered/disabled. He isn't bound to the number 7, the seals can be however much he wishes. It just acts on his personal flair of and on luck.
Versal Apostasy: He can essentially cause a great chasm between cosmological structures and even within the conceptual structure of opponents, splitting it in two and destroying the opponent in the process. He can also apply this to heavenly realms, hellish, or the realms in between.
Anti-Apostasy: He can split the anti-voids, the absences of anti-fundamentals, etc.
Dainsleif’s Fury: He can essentially cause wounds that never heal unless willed by him or a higher power, most commonly wounds involving the tears and scars of a bruised plotline or narrative. He can even destroy the ties that connect many to the concept and idea of healing/recovery itself.
Red Clockhand of Kismet: He can essentially control when peoples, or entire realms' fates, come to be, by spinning said clock-hand it can either accelerate or slow it down, it can even stop 100 seconds to midnight and stay halted forever.
Transcendent Plot: He operates off of his own personal story/plotline. This essentially allows him to enter completely different existences and utilize his abilities while still maintaining his level of power and authority. This plotline supersedes the personal laws of those bound to dimensions and essentially forces many to bow to his whim.
Wit of Mimir: He can create, shape and manipulate creative forces. The forces associated with any creation brought to existence. With this power, he wields unimaginable power over any creative conduct, create any large-scale creations on a cosmic level, control various levels of foundations. In some instances, he can create absolutely anything they can comprehend and imagine. In addition to this the ability to access and create new ideas (of inventions, artistic designs craftsmanship, concepts, powers, etc.) that are limitless in numbers, diversity, and variety. His creativity is completely free from all restrictions such as experience, knowledge and intelligence, effectively being able to imagine something absolutely unique or what can't be explained by current concepts. He can freely conceptualize new ideas infinitely and eternally, essentially having an immeasurable number of ideas he can make. He can also bring anything from their imagination into reality; from structures, objects, weapons, creatures, elements, or any fictional or that the user can think. The ability can be activated through intense concentration, focus, and visualization, to strong emotions that breach the mental plane and the physical plane, constructing "quasi-physical gateways" that bring anything from the other side to the other. Due to its potency, he can imagine anything that can be real, from changing current events (war, genocides, protests, presidential elections, families, discoveries of riches or artifacts, etc.) into something else, materializing one's imaginative friend into actuality with a composed physical body, or fictional elements that bend the laws of physics. He can also sense and manipulate the imagination, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling imagination.
Yggdrasil's Branches: He summons these pataphysical "branches" that forces a connection from them to a specific target, allowing them to always hit the target (think of the Mato Mato No Mi but cosmically steroid'd), this also applies to structures as well. Since the branches essentially force whoever it's aimed towards to become a sort of tree that connects, destruction of branches could result in the destruction of the opponent or structure.
Seventh Gear, The Motor That Surpassed the Norns: The near-final affront over the laws of creation and destruction, the defiance that is the catalyst to the lawbreaker that could possibly trump over all defiances, this gear's existence constantly spirals from a point to destruction to creation, perpetually shuffling to prevent permanent end and ensure self-preservation, but Pandora's box proves that for every gift there's also a sorrow, this sorrow being it mustn't be in effect for too long lest its shifting presence and "heartbeat" crumbles the very foundations and pillars of the realm they inhabit, many who witness this gear can hear the drums of anarchy and the untamed; forever resounding, boasting of its freedom and separation from the shackles of existence and non-existence.
Cog I: He can essentially imagine fates that are both conceivable and inconceivable, in addition to this he can throw a wrench into the gears of fate itself. He can also perceive, shape, and manipulate destiny, allowing them to affect reality in several ways, both overt and hidden. In addition, his personal causality is independent from external systems, even allowing them to for example travel to places before they start traveling to them, finish actions before they have begun, make the consequences greater or lesser, and otherwise do things in non-causal order. He can deny the effects of destiny/fate, including their own recorded fate. This allows them to shrug off the effects of their own predetermined existence, such if they were fated to die or disappear after accomplishing a certain mission or objective or possibly be separated and made to forget a loved one, they would instead be able to ignore that and live longer than they should or remember someone they were supposed to have forgotten. An example of how this power functions is based on the old saying "Fate dealt you a bad hand", this power would work by forcing fate to reshuffle the deck entirely allowing him to delay and deny its effects, in addition to this he can act and think as they wish without following any predictable design and make their own desired mark in life. He can manipulate any paradox or anything that beyond common or uncommon sense or logic or nonlogic; an unexplained phenomenon, something that exists or happens when it logically shouldn't. With this power, he can ignore the rules of reality and nonreality when being used at it's highest level of power. This power allows them to achieve a wide variety of feats through the manipulation of 'paradoxes' (the phenomenon itself) and achieve anything paradoxical in nature.
Cog II: He can change the "hierarchy" of various existences, whether physical, conceptual, social, etc., which allows them to change the designated status of objects or beings in reality and change that status to suit the his needs. Because something of a higher hierarchy cannot be harmed by a lower hierarchy, the user can change the composition of an object while changing its hierarchy. For example, he can make a grain of wheat higher than brick walls in the hierarchy of mass and weight, so wheat will be able to cut through walls. They could also choose to alter the hierarchy of air and make it "stronger than steel". With enough skill, they can manipulate the hierarchy of beings to make them equal or even below his own status in reality. He can also create, shape and manipulate the boundary between the known and unknown, whether it be for a person or a whole species. They can also manipulate what is currently known to people or unknown, expanding or decreasing the amount of overall knowledge a person or species has as long as what is unknown is factual and exists. They could make things not yet known to be known right away, opening the door for new possibilities for things such as technology. He can also manipulate defiance, causing anything or anyone to go against something such as a situation, logic, or something else. All kinds of rules, laws or even governments, whether political or divine, physical or conceptual, can be defied, and those defiances can be manipulated with this power; even defiances that are equal or superior to paradoxy.
Cog III: He can enrapture his body and swallow entire dimensions and storylines, gain the properties and powers of said realm, and infuse them to make new plotlines. He makes the line between imagination and reality non-existent and then some, he can also manipulate the incomprehensible, or what is not known or cannot be understood by sentient beings such as humans. For example, they can affect higher dimensions beyond our understanding as well as something that replaces motion altogether in another universe, or something that replaces matter and atoms in another universe. In addition to this he can also create, shape, manipulate, and rewrite exotic/higher-dimensional physical laws, including exotic matter, foreign energy/energies, physics, fundamental forces, chemistry, phenomena, vectors, particles, etc. In other words, he can consume cosmic structures and hierarchies of lesser realms and toy around with them as you would putty.
"Akira's Awakening! His Will Be Imposed! He will wipe every tear from our faces!" (This is less of a form more so a unification, so to speak.)[]
This is when the totality of all fictionalverses past, present, and future; whether possible, unpossible, or impossible and beyond, no matter their cosmology or dimensional scale or pata/meta/nonphysics layer or whatever else, have their heartbeats aligned as some sort of praiseful drum beat, the Drums of Imagination! Akira has Returned! He is the one who will carry the land of Naephel on his back, and take it back from the hands of tyranny! Some might say this totality is the entire Omniverse in all its beauty and unbeauty as a whole. This truly is, GEAR 5!
"I don't wanna conquer anything, it's just that the person with the most freedom is the Creativity King." -Maxim.
"Heroes are my inspiration but I don't want to be one, the lack of freedom is a dealbreaker." -Maxim.
"Joy Lord has returned." -Aetalos proclaiming its return.
"My heartbeat sounds funny! This is the peak of what I can do, this is, Mimir’s Requiem!" -Maxim after awakening Akira's Will.
"The Wisdom God, the one who will inspire freedom and wipe the tears of our faces! He has returned to us!"- Gorose speaking of the famed legend.
"I'll be the one, who will best you and be the King of Imagination! Naephel is OURS!" -Maxim/Homburg Eshu to Haoyo, a Caudillo (TGV version of Yonko).
Creation God Akira[]
Akira is the name of a mythical warrior that was and still is revered as the lesser known name of the Creation God by all sorts of peoples from those at the top to those at the bottom, from both ancient and modern times, however it is unknown whether Akira is connected to Maxim or Homburg. He was first mentioned by a prisoner who heard about the legend from a prison guard during his imprisonment by the Versal Government. It is said that it is he who will bring creativity into the world once again and cast out the rabid darkness of destruction when the time is right.
This is a reference to both Joy Boy and Luffy from One Piece, more so leaning into the Joy Boy route.
This is a WIP.
The name is a reference to Palladium, the statue of Troy that allows them to always win a war, and Maxim, the ship mentioned in the Skypiea Arc.
Just mentioning the name makes crowds of people die in mere shock.
QNA/FAQ (Ask Questions)[]
Q: How is it 2-B when it has no feats?
A: The Law of Duality..😑, need I explain more.
Q: Do you only do references?
A: Why should it matter to you, as long as it's well executed and original, it harms nobody.
Q: Is this a Hybris (enlightened Glyde) that rebelled against Camdyn?
A: You'll see, you'll see.