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Plot404 is a semi-figure in Omnipotent Pseudo-Theory, portrayed either as Quondam's true self, Quondam's avatar, or an Omnipotent polar opposite to Quondam. In reality, Plot404 is a variant of zero. A Zeroid, completely null in all aspects.


First created as a practical joke by frankly unfunny mathematicians, Plot404 was the name given to the skeletal God crowned as some form of Omnipotent phenomenon during the later period of the Time of Uncertainty1. The pseudo-theory never quite spread as far as more mainstream interpretations of the Omnipotence, but nonetheless it persisted as some cruel reminder of how the circles of knowledge had been infiltrated by incompetent power-loving freaks. The belief in Plot404 had quite a few denominations, with one instance of Plot404 being an avatar of the Omnipotence, one being the Omnipotence itself, and one believed to be some kind of second Omnipotence, polar opposite to Quondam. This belief flourished in smaller communities of gods starting from the late Time of Uncertainty right up to the beginning of the Age of Restoration. When Plotists2 were ignored, they began purposefully stirring the pot and inciting controversy with intellectuals of all beliefs, leading to a minor team effort to shut them down.

Debunk of the Plot404[]

After the mildly annoying incidents caused by the Plotists, a team comprised of twelve demi-gods gathered in Atlantis3 to thoroughly obliterate notions of the Plot404. A grand document was drawn out, highlighting the flaws in the new Plot404 scripture and its many contradictions across all denominations. Some examples of the information debunked here include Recordum of Feats, a twenty-chapter book holding feats accredited to Plot404. Surprisingly, the demi-gods found quite a lot of difficulty debunking the Recordum. All points raised could be rather easily dismissed by the overall murkiness of Omnipotence and what it entailed. The gathering, fueled by cockiness, that was only supposed to last "a half-hour at most", soon extended into a large debacle of confusion between scholars and Plotists alike. Eventually, some wise guy (sic) suggested that they "stop trying to poke holes in this damned book and look for their own evidence". Thus, a research project was launched, scouring all non-Plotist records for any form of indication that this skeleton God truly existed. None was found. From the 0 dimensional planes, to the hyper-complex infinite dimensional planes, not a shred of evidence, scientific or otherwise, was found of the existence of Plot404. The figure, having no evidence to support it and being contradicted by statements from the closest link the world had to Omnipotence, was declared non-existent and all activity ended following a short-lived party.

The Revival of the Plot404[]

During the Age of Restoration, a great fear gripped the mortals. At that point, society was in overdrive, attempting to crank out as much knowledge as possible to pre-emptively stop every societal structure that had been meticulously assembled through eons of mortal years to be either wiped from existence by a fleeting thought that some god had or a fleeting thought that transformed into an attempt to achieve the Greater Good. Thus, nothing was left unstudied, by professionals and amateurs alike. At some point, the Plot404 was mentioned in an archive of old works. This, to the silent outrage of many scholars who had been alive during that Time and lived to tell the tale, became yet another matter of exploration. Upon reading of the file, the more reality-savvy scholars immediately had a suspicion. They would delve not into reality as it is known, but into the raw reality-stuff that makes it up in blocks. Code. Sure enough, there existed a variant of Zero, a Zeroid, so to speak, connected to the term Plot404. And thus, Plot404 was raised from non-existence into... the lack of all value? Zero, but not crucial to mathematics? It was quite disappointing for some, but veteran scholars were said to have pumped their fists when it was announced.


Although it is inferior to physicality, Plot404 was depicted as a grand skeletal humanoid, many-winged with a draconic head and blazing blue eyes. In its chest, a pulsing blue core. Drawn wearing a variety of garments, most often a loose plain white cloak.


Devoid of it. Its theories almost never focused on the identity of Plot404, and when it did, it was portrayed rather blandly. A Deus Ex Machina, fulfilling one assigned purpose without depth nor struggle. At time, it could even be said to be benevolent, bestowing upon followers and servants great wishes and salvation.


Functionally, none, although technically it's an abstract form that cannot be interacted with. It cannot have any affect upon anything by its own design.

Religiously, it was often portrayed in its works as either wielding limitless might, or just being straight-up Omnipotent, although the Omnipotence could be said to be unforgivably fallacious and generally odd.


Plotists (Loved, revered, or merely respected, varying from denomination to denomination)[]

Plotists are the main worshippers4 of the Plot404, viewing it many different ways, yet always holding it in a positive regard as some relation of Omnipotence.

Omnipotence Theorists (Mildly disliked to hated)[]

The Omnipotence Theorists are a diverse bunch, some being ok with odder interpretations of Omnipotence, while others being hell bent on proving one particular version and discrediting all others. Typically, the latter was on the throats of Plotists from the beginning for daring to be so uppity while the former only engaged when genuine damage was caused during the incidents. Generally perceived negatively by Omnipotence Theorists.


  1. The name Plot404 was chosen as a mix of "plot", to refer to the uncontrollable destiny of the fleeting world of mortals that was thrashed about by gods on the daily and "404", a computer joke too bland for the demi-gods who do their calculations in their head.
  2. The name was self-given. Nobody really wanted to give them a name, much less acknowledge them as an actual school of thought.
  3. Atlantis was at the time, considered a hub for men of the higher class, until it was invaded by the brawlers of the original Bar.
  4. Despite being officially a school of thought rather than a religion, the mentality held by Plotists was rather cult-like.