Base Tier: Low 3-A, THE PUPPET Tier: 3-A
Puppetale Sans, also known as Puppet Master Sans, is the God of the underground in Puppetale and They possess 7 human souls. Puppetale Sans was created by Sansfan1563.
A long time ago in the underground sans was struck down by frisk in a genocide route. Sans fearing the worst sans lied to the human and claimed he was going to grillbys. Instead he quickly teleported to asgore’s castle and asked to use the 6 human souls to stop the human. Asgore hesitated as he did not know if this was a good idea but after some convincing from sans he agreed. Asgore and flowey proceeded to fend off the human long enough for sans to absorb the 6 human souls, but when sans got back asgore was dead and flowey was about to be killed as well. Without a second thought sans fired a bone at the human pinning them to the wall. Sans then proceed to kill the human and absorb their soul. But before sans could break the barrier he heard a strange laugh and a voice claiming they decided to torment sans further by making it so that he needed another human soul to break the barrier. Sans realizing he could no do this alone started to grow hundreds of arms out of his back along with a par of wings. soon life size wooden puppets started to form and strings from all of the hands fingers attached to the puppets. Now a broken and depressed god he waits for another human to fall down so he can kill them and break the barrier, along his the ghost of his dead brother.
Sans is a depressed and sad god who longs to return to the time where everyone was alive and happy. He still acts like himself and will make puns but he’s more of a recluse and hates social interaction. He can also go into a blind rage if reminded of what happened during the genocide route causing him to swear, threaten or even kill the person who reminded him of the past. After making the deal with Error404 he became much more stable and less likely to go into a blind rage, but now if he does go into a blind rage or gets hit he starts to act like a combination of Error404 and Undertale Sans
Sans wears the same exact things he used to wear before his transformation expect his legs have fallen off and the white stripes on his shorts are gone. Sans has two large wings that look like the wings of DustTrust Sans's phase 4 expect smaller to fit sans shorter size. Sans also has dozens of arms with Gaster hands on them which he uses to control the puppets. He also has a soul on his forehead that looks like a determination soul and has no pupils in his eye sockets. When he’s in his second phase sans has some minor changes as his chest now has that big red slash on it. His right eye socket now has a small blue pupil in it and his eyes are leaking a black ooze out of them while the soul on his forehead now changes to be a blue soul with a black triangle in it.
Papyrus (brother): sans loves his brother papyrus to the point he would die for him. After the genocide papyrus saw his brother suffering while in the afterlife and wanted to make sans feel better so he now hangs around sans and will possess the papyrus puppet to put on little shows for sans.
Frisk/Chara (hates): Sans hates frisk and Chara so much mere words could not describe if not to mention just saying their name in front of him will send him into a blind rage.
Flowey (Ally): sans considers flowey a Ally as flowey did say he owed sans his life for saving him so now flowey will do what sans says (mainly from fear not from him owing sans his life) but from what flowey did before it’s hard for sans to consider him a friend.
Ink Sans(Friend/Ally): Sans met ink one day from pure chance as ink saw a new au pop up and wanted to go check it out. They ended up having a long conversation about many thing including human souls, his vials, error, and the multiverse. Ink said if sans ever needed help to call him making them not only friends but allies.
Error (Annoyance): Error happened to come to Puppetale right after ink left it turns out that error was chasing ink but lost him when ink au jumped into Puppetale. Error saw sans waving ink goodbye and decided that this anomaly should die. Error then tried to string up Sans soul only for one of his many hands to block to strings and wrap them around his fingers and then proceeded to beat the living crap out of error with his own hand to the point error was screaming uncle. Error quickly left after that.
Error404 (Friend…?): Error404 sent error to go get alphatale code from a new au. But when error entered he saw tons of strings wrap around him. Error404 getting angry that error was not coming back went to go check on what was going on and saw error being held hostage. Sans proceeded to threaten Error404 that he would kill his son if he took another step forward. To which Error404 laughed and error looking embarrassed. Error404 told Sans that he liked his guts and would cut him a deal he would give Sans a power boost if he gave him his worlds alphatale code. Sans agreed to this but is still sceptical about Error404s true intentions but for now considers him a friend.
King Multiverse (False King): Sans saw king Multiverse awhile after he made his deal with 404 as he was transported to his realm by King Multiverse to be dubbed God of puppets if he bowed to him. Sans did believe he was true royalty so he refused angering king multiverse. They ended up in a fight and during the first round King Multiverse inevitably won and just before King Multiverse made Sans his slave something happened. Sans begun to rapidly shake and convulse as black goo poured out of his eyes his right pupil became visible as a blue one and his soul changed to that of 404s old soul. King Multiverse triggered the deal Sans made with 404 turning him into THE PUPPET but unlike other times in the future it was only 404s personality. They ended up fighting again to which this time THE PUPPET won with only 750 Hp remaining. After the battle he laughed and left so they are not on them best of terms. (This is a battle with Past Sans’ stats and powers, Current Sans would win this fight much more easily)
The Annoying Dog (Fears): One day when Sans was wandering through snowdin forest he saw a little white dog. Being afraid of dogs now after having a nightmare of dogs eating away at his bones, he attacked… BIG MISTAKE! The Dogs eyes started to glow red and with 3 barks Sans hp dropped to 1 afraid for his life sans fled. Now whenever he see this little white dog he screams in fear and runs for his life.
Nightmare (Kinda a friend and ally/Kinda a enemy and rival): Sans has mixed relations with Nightmare as he will help him on orders from 404 or when sans is THE PUPPET. But when in normal form they are more like enemy’s as Sans has a good relationship with Dream and as you may all know Nightmare HATES Dream, so it’s kinda complicated.
Dream (Friend/Ally): while traveling with Ink, ink decided to introduce Sans to the Star Sanses. Sans talked with them for awhile and most of them where about his past. Dream was very caring and understanding seeing his discomfort on certain topics and would try to change them. Dream is one of the few people he trusts enough to tell them about his history and The Deal, to which Dream was shocked to learn about Error404 and asked about the aftermath of the to which sans said he now can act like him when he goes into a blind rage and how he beat the crap out of king multiverse after the deal. Dream told him if he ever needed help he could count on him.
Swap!Sans (Ally/Friend): while traveling with Ink, ink decided to introduce Sans to the Star Sanses. Sans talked with them for awhile and most of them where about his past. Swap was in shock and awe about his story and wanted to know more. So when they had time alone he saw how much he acted and resembled papyrus, because of this he told him about his past and The Deal, Swap was dumbfounded about their being someone who was so powerful that even error bowed to him. Swap also told Sans about the time he was kidnapped by error and never thought he would be someone else’s minion and ask if he had any more minions, so Sans told him about what he found out when questioning king multiverse about Error404 and told him his about minion (Killer, Syno, The Thought, Cyan, Nightmare, and Error) once again swap was dumbfounded and told Dream about nightmare being a minion to which Dream shrugged it off until swap was conformed by Sans to which Dream stood there in shock. Swap also said he wanted to meet his brother and THEIR CHARA (uh oh). Hearing the word chara made sans start to twitch. In response to that Dream and Swap started to back off as Sans started to laugh (not in a good way) as blasters and bones started to appear. Quickly seeing things going south Ghost Papyrus slapped sans knocking him out of his blind rage. Swap saw Papyrus and then started to talk with him and learned why the word chara set him off to which Swap was confused thinking the human would be nice like his. After this Sans apologized for what happened telling them his past hurts and he wants to forget it but never will. Swap then told him if he ever needed a friend to call him.
Afton!Sans (Hates): Afton!Sans was commanded by Nightmare to go to an AU to cause chaos as apparently the sans of that AU is friends with the star sanses. Afton!Sans knowing they are friends with swap agreed and ended up encountering Sans. They ended up In fight which Sans managed to make Afton!Sans retreat as like seraphim, Sans has 7 human souls and is more powerful than fatal error at the time of their first encounter. They encountered each other again a few times and they always fight each other sometimes Afton!Sans wins sometimes Sans wins. (Depends if Bill Sans is with Afton!Sans as Sans is weaker than Bill Sans). (This is past Sans’ experience, it is unknown if current Sans could beat Bill!Sans)
Fear!Sans (Creator): (getting reworked)
Physical Abilities[]
Sans’ base physical strength is comparable to Wall level/Small Building level being able to destroy them in one or a couple of punches from one of his many hands, however sense his bravery soul usually arguments his strength/copy’s the strength of his opponents in battle, this usually does not matter.
Sans’ Speed is comparable to his attacks being able to travel at High HyperSonic (Mach 13) speed and is able to react in said speed’s timeframe.
Although not shown in the backstory (the backstory does not focus about how Sans ended up in TGV but instead how he came to be) Sans ended up in TGV after an event happened in TGV that caused his Multiverse’s destruction with him being one of the few survivors, in other words Sans can survive Multiverse devastating/decimating attacks.
Soul Mastery[]
Sans has the ability to inflict any soul effect on anyone who fights him and can use weaker versions of a certain souls mastery. His blue mastery is like Error404s but weaker as it cannot kill but can drain the enemy’s hp down to 1, his orange mastery makes the enemy’s soul move constantly and at a very fast rate making it hard to dodge attacks, his green mastery allows him to make the enemy freeze in place and be forced to block constantly moving attacks with a small and slow to move shield that can only block attacks when still, his cyan mastery makes the enemy freeze in place and force them to move the battle box to dodge attacks, his purple mastery forces the enemy on 4 purple strings that they can move through but very slowly, his yellow mastery reverses the enemy’s movements but allows them to shoot one slow moving pellet every 7.5 seconds that can break certain projectiles, his red mastery just turns the soul red and makes them move a bit slower.
Puppet Command[]
With this move sans can summon any puppet he has under his control at the moment and use their attacks and abilities. Let’s say he uses the toriel puppet he can now use fire and healing magic. But there is a downside to this he cannot break character while controlling a puppet so while controlling the toriel puppet he will make a near impossible not to dodge attack when the enemy is at 5 hp or below (Heavily damaged) as that’s what toriel does in undertale when you get low on hp. Sans can still use his normal attacks while controlling a puppet.
Ultra Bones[]
Sans’s bones have gotten a huge upgrade after he absorbed 7 human souls. They now constantly change through all the colors of the rainbow and will deal massive damage every 0.5 seconds (You see that Big Star over their, ya that’s about to be completely demolished in a second) they are faster to summon and takes less magic then error sans’s bones and travel at Hypersonic (Mach 7.5) speed.
Ultra Blasters[]
Like his bones Sans’s blasters have gotten a huge upgrade after he absorbed 7 human souls. The blasters beams are now a rainbow and can track onto and follow a target as long as they are in sans vision. The beam deals a huge damage every 0.25 seconds (2 big stars are gonna become stardust in a second after this beam is fired) the beam will stay for a total of 1-5 seconds depending on what sans wants to use them for. The Blaster itself are faster to summon but slower to fire and take but a bit more magic then errors blasters, while the beams travel at High Hypersonic (Mach 12.5) speed.
Sans now has Strings that work a lot like error sans as they will attach to the soul and can use them to throw around an opponent or keep them stuck in place. The strings can deal a wrap around a planet destroying chunks of it a second but unlike error sans strings they cannot kill and will stop damaging you when your at the brink of death, But that’s what Sans wants. These strings travel at Hypersonic (Mach 7.5) speed making them very difficult too dodge.
When Sans Opponent is at the brink of death, he can use his strings to take control of the person making them lose all sense of free will and will follow sans every order with no questions. They will not have strings attached to them for the most part. When sans want to directly control them he will put strings on them to control them but when no strings are on them they will act like themselves but with the exception of always stay by sans side unless tasked to do something by sans. Sans strings will automatically use this ability when they drop the opponents at the brink of death.
Reality Cracker[]
Sans will quickly charge up one of the hands protruding from his back to fire a small yet powerful blast at targets that travel at the speed of light, beings hit by the Reality Cracker tend either lose a reasonable portion of their power and/or permanently make the target somewhat lose touch with reality sometimes not knowing what is real and what is not causing great confusion within the subject. The reality cracker can also make certain aspects of reality become irreparably damaged or changed on a multiversal level if the blast is charged for 3x longer then it usually is.
Soul Agumentations[]
Sans has access too 7 human souls, these souls allow him too argument himself or make an attack in some way shape or form without drawing or using any of his magic up.
Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability (Patience)[]
The Patience Soul Sans allows Sans too become absolutely invincible as long as he remains completely and utterly still, however a single centimeter of movement completely disrupts the invincibility completely and he cannot become invincible again for 15 seconds making this a hard ability too use In combat.
Rivaling Strength (Bravery)[]
The Bravery Soul gives Sans strength untold while encountering an enemy giving Sans equal Strength and unarmed fighting skills as his opponent. However this does not give sans the knowledge on how too use certain weapons and items in battle, only unarmed hand to hand combat and can make sans weaker physically, too counter this it automatically chooses whoever Sans thinks is the strongest opponent he is facing too copy.
Incredible Dexterity (Integrity)[]
The Integrity Soul gives Sans incredible Dexterity allowing him too easily dodge attacks and move around the terrain no matter how rough or crowded it is. This Dexterity also allows him too slightly increase his base speed (1.5 times faster) if he concentrates on it enough.
Unwavering Perseverance (Perseverance)[]
The Perseverance Soul gives Sans an Unwavering Level of Perseverance making it so as long as he sets his mind on something it is utterly impossible for him to give up on it and will persevere through any challenges in order to complete it. It is also impossible for any form of manipulation too taint or alter this goal.
Empathy (Kindness)[]
The Kindness Soul give’s Sans Empathy, this gives Sans knowledge on the emotions something is feeling and the emotional state they are in, this allows Sans too Predict an opponent’s actions in combat and allow Sans too help and empathize with others out of combat. This power also makes Sans’ Emotions Indomitably strong and pretty much impossible too manipulate.
No Hope for The Wicked (Justice)[]
The Justice Soul gives Sans increased strength and power against evil entity’s and beings making him deal quadruple damage too them and gaining knowledge of their weaknesses, stats and powers. Damage and abilities from evil entity’s and beings are also severely weakened (25% weaker).
Battle Driven Determination (Determination)[]
Frisk’s Soul/The Determination Soul gives Sans an Unwavering Determination in a fight and puts him in a solely battle focused mindset and allows him too completely and utterly focus on the battle and every action his opponent does and what sort of result it might cause. This makes it nigh-impossible too surprise Sans in a fight as it is highly likely he will not only know what comes next but also the perfect way too either counter it or beat the opponent all together.
Ally assist[]
When in danger Sans will summon a distress signal to the doodle sphere, Underswap, or the star sanses base to alert ink sans, Swap!sans or Dream sans that he is in danger. This may not always work as they may not be in the doodle sphere, Underswap or the star sanses base at the time and if that’s the case Sans will call on flowey to assist him instead.
Doodle Sphere jump[]
When Sans wants to go to an au he will ask ink to take him to the doodle sphere so he can choose an au to go too and will spend a total of 1-12 hours there until he is transported back to his au.
Glitchy Karmic Retribution[]
After the Deal with 404 Sans lost the ability to use KR but with the help from ink and error (error was forced by 404 as an extra way to honor his deal). This New version of KR is unstable and can act unpredictable as it may delay KR’s effects as in not applying KR until a bit later, add 1-5 KR per hit, or just act like normal KR. It can also act like TS!Papyrus’s DK and deal more damage (extra damage thats enough to blow off a humans head). But no matter what it will apply the effects of KR or DK.
Even though Sans is now a god he does have a few weaknesses
PTSD: Sans has terrible PTSD from what happened during the genocide run and will go into a blind rage when he is reminded of it his attacks will become stronger and more intense but he will stop dodging and blocking giving a chance to be possibly open for an attack. He could also just freeze on the spot.
A Good Pun: Sans still loves puns a lot in fact when you first meet him he will say a pun but you can use his love of puns against him just tell him one good joke and he will burst out laughing for awhile giving you a chance to strike him while his guard is down, but only an evil person would strike him down in the first place.
When Sans is Near or at Deaths door, the deal he made with 404 will come into effect as sans will start oozing black goop out of his eyes and the soul on his forehead will be replaced by a strange soul giving sans weaker versions of 404s attacks. In this form Sans will act like a combination of Error404 and Undertale Sans. In fact this form is so strong he took on King Multiverse and Won (Barely) and has now increased in power to surpass base infected’s power.
When the threat/danger that triggered Puppet Master Sans too turn into THE PUPPET is either 1,000 multiverses away from THE PUPPET or is neutralized by THE PUPPET, he will turn back into Base Puppet Master Sans with a 3 hour cooldown until he can turn back into THE PUPPET.
THE PUPPET’s Abilities[]
Ω Blaster[]
Formerly call Weak Dark blasters before his increase in power, THE PUPPET can summon blasters called Ω blasters, these blasters fire slower and summon slower then Error404s dark blasters, but they will deal enough damage to cause High Universal and low Multiversal entities to beg for mercy only for them to be eaten away from the inside out until nothing is left of them 10 seconds after the blast dissipates. These blasters like Base Puppet Master Sans’ Ultra Blasters track onto targets within sans’ sight.
Dimension Breaker[]
THE PUPPET will charge up energy within the hands protruding out of his back too fire a laser that completely decimates entities on a dimensional level by causing spontaneous complete dimensional collapse too occur within the entities caught within the laser causing themselves too completely collapse as well pretty much erasing them from reality as if they never existed. If the laser is charged for extra time at the peak of its blast the laser could engulf a Multiverse destroying that as well.
This laser can completely obliterate Cosmological structures with 10 dimensions if the beam can engulf them, otherwise this beam will seriously/irreparably damage any 10D Cosmological structures which would allow them too survive, but it could also throw them into an apocalyptic era.
the laser is slow too charge up and takes a lot of energy too do so which usually results with the laser being easy to dodge or somewhat predict where it’s heading, also it’s almost never worth it for THE PUPPET to charge it long enough to engulf a Multiverse due to how much more energy and time it takes along with it only engulfing a multiverse at it’s peak making it still easy to dodge for his main target(s), though if your not paying attention you are most likely screwed as after the laser is fired it travels at Mach 13-engulfing 1 universe per second (depending on the charge). THE PUPPET usually ends up getting tired and weakened after using this making him use it only when he knows it’s gonna hit.
Master Strings[]
Because of The power boost given by Error404 His strings have been upgraded now dealing enough damage a second to take care of a small star and turn it into a bunch of tiny stardust and can now kill his enemy’s and track onto a target in THE PUPPET’s vision. But they are a bit slower then before moving at Hypersonic (Mach 6)
Adaptive Qualities[]
THE PUPPET will constantly adapt and change himself in and out of battle too help give him the upper hand in the current situation. Opponents mainly use fire attack? THE PUPPET has gained fire immunity, trapped in a black hole? THE PUPPET gets and insane healing factor that can survive such a place and beyond light speed movement, codes about to be manipulated? What’s there too manipulate when THE PUPPET’s adaptive qualities decides for him to just become a no code.
Effects from adaptive qualities are temporary and go away once THE PUPPET turns back into base Puppet Master Sans.
(for more context/Description on how good this Adaptability is, it is slightly weaker than this guy’s [Other link here to the power these two share])
Ally Summon[]
When THE PUPPET is in danger he will summon a random ally of 404 depending on their power level. Killer is at 35%, Syno is at 25% Cyan is at 15%, Nightmare Error and the thought are all 5%. While summoned they will follow all orders given to them by THE PUPPET)
404 Assist[]
This is THE PUPPET’s last ditch effort to stay alive as he will call to Error404 for assistance in battle. Error404 will do 1 of 5 things. 1 he flat out ignores it, 2 he heals THE PUPPET to full hp, 3 he boosts THE PUPPETs attack power and attack speed, 4, he forces error and nightmare to go help THE PUPPET, 5 he comes himself to help THE PUPPET. (Note 2 and 3 are the most common with 4 and 1 being uncommon while 5 is rare)
THE PUPPETs Weaknesses[]
even though he got a big boost in power THE PUPPET still has some weaknesses.
Cockiness: THE PUPPET is very very cocky thinking he could best anyone other than 404 in a fight in fact when he fought KM this almost led to his downfall.
Instincts: THE PUPPET will usually act by instinct then think things out if he sees a wall and his instincts tell him to smash through he will so he could just charge head first into battle without thinking things through.
- Sans still likes to drink ketchup and eat burgers and fries.
- He has a secret that he keeps to himself. It seems to revolve around Dusttale (I would like to see what you guys come up with).
- The reason he and KM got into a fight is because he refused to bow to him.
- Sans has a bad habit of chewing on his jackets left sleeve.
- Sans no longer has his Bad Time eye.
- Somehow Sans lost the ability to use KR after his deal with Error404.
- Sans and ink have a secret.
- Sans dislikes mustard.
- after lots of training Puppet Master Sans now is even stronger than KM in his base form and in THE PUPPET form he is now stronger than base infected
- Sans has met the Annoying Dog once, it did not go well.
- Sans was dubbed the god of puppets by an unknown entity after he beat King Multiverse as THE PUPPET.
- Sans can only travel to other aus with the help of ink sans or Error404.
- Sans is immune to the effects of voodoo dolls and mind control (This includes manipulations of the mind, ex: will, memeory, thoughts, feelings, emotions etc.)
- Sans has the Same intelligence as Classic!Sans, while THE PUPPET is as intelligent as Error404 (he does not put that intelligence too good use)
- in THE PUPPET form, Sans loses all of his soul augmentations until he reverts back into his base form.
- Sans ended up in TGV after an event happened in TGV that caused his Multiverse’s destruction with him being one of the few survivors, a gate opened up after the event as well for a short period of time allowing Sans to enter TGV but sense he had some connection to alphatale and it’s characters (even if he is not canon) he did not gain enlightenment. (Due to this Sans can be seen as a foreigner)