Godverse Wiki





Ayaba likes to change her appearance all the time, while always remaining in human appearances. Most of the time Ayaba looks like a normal human with white skin and dark violet eyes. She has silver-colored hair that reaches up to her neck. She is wearing a very elegant long black cloak, and a purple underdress. She sprays her head and floats a golden crown with blue gems set.


QG is somewhat limited compared to KG, in terms of existence. For the sake of explanation, QG exhibits more characteristic features, while KG appears to be more soulless and lacking in humanoid actions towards others. She is a bit selfish, a bit cold, sneaky, planned, proud, etc., like a queen. They have feelings, when appropriate, they can take the most serious and sadistic form. She thinks she doesn't take KG to Godverse seriously enough so she never gets a response from KG even though she tries to stem it herself, but for some reason she can't break up with him, she loves him and finds him charismatic. According to the public, she is mostly selfish, she is blinded by her power, as would any queen, so she cannot fully empathize. Inside the kingdom, there is not much difference as it seems from the outside. Unlike KG, QG has few servants and most of the castle is made up of them. He can be very angry with his servants at times. He's usually the one who takes care of his own family, but he doesn't need it much, so he's comfortable and warm to anyone who is a member of his family. The Auro QG unleashes around him changes depending on his current mental state. He doesn't have much respect for the gods, they're all selfish to him. Because he has reached his upper divine levels thanks to KG, he has nothing to worry about and is very comfortable.





Trilogy/Power Omnipotence

She existin all powers, knows all of them and controls all of them. it would be fitting to say that she is omnipotent over all powers in existence. This works differently from KG.


This Ability makes Ayaba capable of doing anything That will overpower anyone she knows or she has seen in infinitely greater aspects. as an example if you have fire manipulation she will gain absolute versions of water and ice manipulation, also gaining your ability in absolute aspects. when she is even slightly aware of your or anythings existenceit has its abilities and the ability to stop it in every way as infinitely powerful. even if you are more powerful than she currently is, she gains your ability on a infinitely larger scale. it is very similar to the powers of King Godverse, but they seem hundreds of thousands of times superior in every respect. as she possess omniscience she knows a lot and can see everything, making her arsenal bigger every moment of existence.

The Living Verse

She possess the whole power of concepts and powers on the verse she is currently in. embodieing it.

God manipuşaton

Ayaba can control any fictional chars. Ayaba has all the manipulations and can unlimitless power on them as she wants. Her manipulations can not be rejected by ANYONE, any god is not capable of such power. Even the Infinity Code. But this manipulation can only be melted by the KG. But all the same, he can do it only with great difficulty and impatience. Also, such manipulations as "Omni manipulation" in her stock are also limitless. It can also control all viruses, much better than Omni404, Virus404 and Fatal Virus. Voobsche, her manipulation is the strongest manipulation, she has ALL manipulations.


Queen can nullify any existential or nonexistential concepts, in short, anything she wants, she doesnt need to think to do that, just do the act. Will there be an attack? invalidated. trying to remove their power? in any case it will be invalidated and nothing will happen, but rather will become stronger etc.


She can allow or decline anything that is going to happen, REFUSE her defat and ALLOW anyone to be more stronger. she can DENY rules of the verse and accesses most of the powers in it and beyond.


  • She is King Godverse wife.
  • QG has no source like KG, all other parallel Ayabas are connected to the mind of the real Ayaba, but this mind is in one body. That's why it works differently from KG.
  • QG is not stronger than KG.
  • QG has more personality than KG, thats why she is not fully almighty.
  • She has sons with King Godverse.
  • Her location is actually unknown.
  • She is realy careful and gives her full attention to everything.
  • Ayaba is only known by higher Godverse officials, no citisent knows anything more than she exist.
  • She likes chocolate milk but hates regular milk with all her being.

