"All is subjective, with no exceptions, to what you've labeled as 'Quondam'." - Hyper!Gaster
Quondam is the identity written by DARTHOOM. Amidst the endless sea of Gods, the ideal and notion of the Omnipotent has forever changed the outlook of divine society, along with the mortals who live under it.
"You, and everything you know here, is merely a drop of water amidst the never-ending sea. You, and everything you know here, isn't special or important. Under the vast sky, all is demeaned as meaningless. You cannot reach the end of the never-ending sky, or as we like to call it, the presence." - A Scholar for Omnipotent Theory
Quondam is a word in Godverse that always resounds back with various theories on its' placement. The entirety of Godverse has forged the name 'Quondam' for this 'Omnipotence' they so theorize about in order to hold a closer relation to its supremacy. The name does not come from true understanding or from factual evidence toward its existence; most theories made on its placement within the Godverse pantheon is made within the realm of subjective reasoning.
The idea of an Omnipotent being present to create Nigh Omnipotence was a totally foreign concept to TGV. It wasn't because such a thing was inconceivable; the various Gods of TGV had no reason to think about such a thing. It was only mortals who speculated the origins of Fortran and Ada while the Gods fought and they, inevitably, came to their own mythos regarding the creation of the Nigh-Omnipotents. Never considering the 'Omnipotent' of the Nigh Omnipotent aspect as a possible independent entity, it was only until Ada revealed her theory of what she called 'Quondam' to a group of pilgrims that sparked the movement known as the time of uncertianty. Essentially, this time of uncertiantiy was a period of history in which marked a massive movement among many false Omnipotences thanks to the pilgrims. The pilgrims wanted to break away worshippers of various religions and form their own army using their new faithful.
In order for them to do so, they had to orchestrate a display of their gods fallacious logic and implement them with their own. To display this fallacious logic, and break away their worshippers, they would attack these gods by spreading the news and evidence of the Omnipotence theory. These pilrgrims personally used such information to weaponize the public outlook of gods for mortal civilizations and use their collective voices to personally attack the gods superiority complexes and egos. This caused a myriad of events in which almost tore the pantheon apart. The Gods wanted to search for this potential enemy to their egos and superiority complexes; overthrow its suspected authority over their lives and protect their public image from their worshippers.
With the Gods embarrassing themselves, the pilgrims slowly forged an identity for themselves as 'messiahs' and started the foundation of their own Church. Pulling the strings of various Mortal AU's and taking advantage of public outrage they began to brainwash many different realities all throughout the Godverse and start the process of establishing themselves as a mighty Theocracy. Right after the establishment of the Church, a being known as Lotus soon publically presented himself to the pantheon and quickly implemented The Great Design in order to calm the raging Gods and force them to adhere to a strict standard of consistency and logical thinking. This served as a great deterrent against the ignorant gods while preserving the more worthy ones. It created a balance.
The mythos of Quondam has had a great cultural impact on society as an entire concept; Organizations such as the SFOT (Scholars for Omnipotent Theory), the Theocracy of Quondam, the general outlook of society on Gods, and more have played a part in shaping and forming a duality of both enlightenment and ignorance to the true nature of the divine. In whatever case, The Omnipotence will forever be both unreachable and never understood by any infinite understanding or linguistic concept. It is the endless sky above while Godverse is merely a drop of water amidst an endless ocean that bubbles and froths tides of endless ideals and ideas.
"Interesting. The ideas and illustrations of our minds to some 'true shepherd' illuminate us from blind sheep and enlighten us to broaden our perceptions past our small and safe field. Though then we squander this bright knowledge and have mistakingly sought shelter and salvation from this distant shepherd and, in return, have become a new flock of sightless sheep. The enfetterment of weak minds cannot understand that their seeking for a simple shepherd is for naught. There is no such thing, only simple shadows of callous wolves. I claim full blasphemy for such ignorance." - A Scholar for Omnipotent Theory
Quondam has no appearance. Any descriptions associated with Quondam are simply inadequate. In truth, True Godverse literally invented the appearance, name, and the very theory of Quondam in order to seem closer to salvation from other TGV entities. The reason for the desire to be closer to Quondam stems out of worry against the other callous gods who are cruel, fallacious in logic, and have no true boundaries regarding what they accomplish in what is generally considered 'bad" morality. Quondam has become somewhat of a beacon of hope others follow, invented by the theocracy, in an effort to free themselves of the risk and danger of being at the whims of such selfish Gods.
Quondam is unbound. It is not nowhere, anywhere, or everywhere. There are no words that can bring to light the complexity and illogic. All is weak terminology and nothing said or worded applies to Quondam. Omnipresence, for describing Quondam, is itself a weak terminology and a feeble explanation of what it truly means for Quondam and nothing in the long run. Quondam is forever beyond the beyond.
"Forever beyond understanding, the theory is all we have actually forged for 'it'. We'll never grow past simple speculations no matter how far we advance. We'll never understand or come to know of Quondam in any true sense. Does it think? Does it feel? Does it.... dream? Such questions are best left to your imagination." - A Scholar for Omnipotent Theory
Omnipotence is forever beyond dimensionality, and therefore, is unbound by mentality as many understand it. This fact of being unbound from mentality, in simple definition as those who understand it. isn't a true limitation on Omnipotence. Many who believe that Omnipotence is forced into inaction due to a lack of mentality have failed to understand that Omnipotence is forever above logic and reasoning. Therefore it might not need logic or reasoning to 'commit an action'. Though, it likely would never bring itself to the level of 'interaction' many monotheistic deities partake in. Instead it remains forever 'distant' from any and all events. It's concluded from these facts that Omnipotence might be unbound from mentality but isn't truly beyond some form of awareness. It has an infinitely transcendent beyond conceptual 'mentality' in which exists forever above all foundations of every fictional verse. The reason why many say that Omnipotence isn't simply without perspective awarness is due to the fact of the creation of the three Nigh-Omnipotences. This doesn't mean it's hindered through self or action, this is simply meaning it's able to commit 'actions' without any necessary reason.
"What can it do? Everything. What can't it do? Nothing. Proposing ideas on its strengths and weaknesses is fundamentally meaningless; there is no lessening nor enhancing its effect through any conclusions you make. Omnipotence isn't something that can be obtained, reached, or fully concluded in its never-ending implications. I'd say Omnipotence is infinitely transcendent of any and all abilities and powers that 'are' and 'are not'. It isn't just simply 'possessing all powers and abilities'. It can do anything and everything with nothing saying 'you can't' and nothing able to say 'you shouldn't'. That being said, would you care for a cookie? My wife made them." A Scholar for Omnipotent Theory
It is the entirety of all linguistics that cannot imagine, word, or fully explore the unattainable level of illogical and impossibility omnipotence presents. Omnipotence isn't obligated to follow any laws, boundaries, or regulations. It's also to be noted that logical conclusions cannot be discerned from something which is unbound by logical existence and therefore immune to logical conclusions or speculations..
There is no way to really get an actual true picture of what Quondam is capable of doing. The Omnipotence isn't bound by logic, therefore it cannot be answered using logical questions. It is said to be infinitely transcendent above all transcendences over the definitions and wordings of every literary element that does exist, does not exist, could exist, could not exist, and every imaginable and unimaginable. There are absolutely no limits or boundaries to hinder Omnipotence. You cannot fathom nor describe the implications of such a thing, and doing so, is simply sheer pretentiousness at its finest.
- Quondam's given name means "that once was; former:".
- Quondam actually has multiple entire religions based around him who design and make mythos about his role in creation.
- Quondam, as 'Quondam', isn't the Omnipotence. The Omnipotence is never truly understood, and therefore this article contains the theory of Quondam.
- Quondam's image that's depicted is merely a symbolic representation of the idea.