"You think you're safe with all that power and authority? Take that away, what are you..."
Ragnalof is a being with incredible power and authority and has the ability to even edit or even consume someone else's power and authority, but only from people lower in power and authority or on the same level but not above him.
Chapter 1 (Entering The Other Realm)[]
One day, a being with ultimate power beyond all comprehension waved his hand, and then suddenly Ragnalof popped into being. Ragnalof didn't know who he was, what his purpose was, or who anyone else was, so Ragnalof walked around this empty plain of existence, wondering where he was, until a being popped into existence, got teleported away instantly, and then a screen popped up in his place, showing the being walking around in a place called "The God Verse." Ragnalof became interested in this godverse.
Then, out of nowhere, another one appeared but quickly vanished, and a screen popped up in its place, showing the being's adventure around the godverse, then, over the next couple months, more and more screens popped up, then, suddenly, the first one Ragnalof ever saw appear suddenly turned black, and he saw the being floating through an endless void with hundreds of other floating beings. A couple weeks later, another one turned black, and the being's body was also floating through the endless void filled with bodies. But Ragnalof didn't feel any emotions because he couldn't feel emotions; another one disappeared, and then another one, and another one, and then it abruptly stopped after one disappeared.
Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, all of the screens turned black in unison, all with their floating bodies, and then suddenly, names started to pop up on the screens. Fiction God!Sans, InsaneCraft!Sans, Error Creator, Mordan, CWE-787!Sans, etc. All of the screens then stayed the same for months until another person popped in and out of existence. Ragnalof was in, and then as usual a screen replaced the being, but this time a name came up instantly: "Magno." Magno lasted way longer than the others and got into other battles, some of which he won and some of which he lost. Magno continued on living, then suddenly one day a portal opened up and a name popped up above the portal, and it said "The Other Realm." What Ragnalof didn't realize is that he had been in the godverse the whole time, just not in the central hub. When Ragnalof entered the portal and entered the realm of the "The Other Realm," he already saw multiple beings just standing around talking and some fighting each other.
He went around talking to other beings, some of whom were nice and some of whom were not. Then he saw Magno from the screen he was watching and walked over and talked to him. He realized he acted a bit like papyrus but was serious most of the time. They talked for a while, and Ragnalof actually became friends with Magno. Magno decided to boost Ragnalof's speed, allowing him to travel at speeds capable of traversing multiple multiverses in nano seconds. He tried it out, and he was in the next couple multiverses over. Of course, Magno being the speedster he is, he was already there, standing there like he was always there. Ragnalof said bye to Magno, and then he ran back to The Other Realm. At this time, Ragnalof would be considered multiversal at best due to his not having many powers. He went over to a certain person He said hi to engage the conversation, and The Being said hi back. But then, out of nowhere, he felt compelled to put his hand up and say "Edit," and he did just that. Suddenly The Being felt weak and fell over, then got back up and wondered what happened. He tried to use his abilities, but they weren't working. He kept trying, but it wasn't working. He decided to punch someone to test it, but it was nothing like having normal human strength. Then Ragnalof put his hands up again and said, "Edit again," and then suddenly, The Being had his powers returned and he was able to use them again.
Ragnalof flew away from The Being after saying bye, then went to a different AU. He arrived in a black void-looking place that looked oddly familiar to another void he saw, and then he realized it was that weird body void, and he was correct; there were hundreds of floating bodies floating around. He went around, and they all had names above them: "Omni404," "Insanecraft!Sans"; then he realized that Insanecraft!Sans was one of the floating bodies he saw on the screens. He walked over to it, and suddenly, out of nowhere, when he touched it, it evaporated into nothing. Then he felt a permanent boost in power, and then armor appeared on him; it was IC!Sanses armor vanished, but its effects lingered; he assumed it was still present but not at the same time, but its effects were still active. He went over to one name, CWE-787!Sans touched it, and it vanished just like IC!Sans When he felt the power circulate through him, that's when he became omniversal. That's because he consumed a truly dead omniversal being, but when he tried to consume someone higher, it wouldn't let him. Then the portal opened up again and sucked Ragnalof in and teleported him back. He suddenly gained all the memories of the people he consumed. Ragnalof fell to the ground as all the memories started flowing in, and he also gained all the knowledge and memories of the people he consumed. Ragnalof had no idea he was in the Deleted Void of wiki deleted characters, which were made by beings beyond all fictional comprehension.
After the memories stopped flowing in, he walked around and suddenly remembered a part of who he was: his name. He was either Ragnalofious or Ragnalof, and his goal was to keep everything fair. When someone had a clear disadvantage in a fight, he would make either the weaker person more powerful or the more powerful person weaker, and he would only do this if other people were fighting other people. He knew the consequences if you lost a battle if you weren't immortal, which in this case he is, but he doesn't want to take his chances, so the only fight that would be unfair is if you fought Ragnalof. Maybe chapter 2 to continue his adventure?
Ragnalof could edit his Appearance to anything he wants but he likes to stick to this appearance he has a green shirt and blue pants and his skin is purely purple with red lines going under his eyes one of his hands is a spike while the other is a normal hand but he can change his hands into anything he wants but prefers a spike hand his eye colors are rainbow with white pupils over the infinite rainbow colored void in his eyes he had a eye on the middle of his shirt saying "Balancer"
Due to omniversal not letting anyone have emotions he doesn't really have emotions but can be nice to people its just that he cant realize show it due to having no emotions at all he is in a constant state of emotionlessness he tries to use his abilties to be able to create emotions for himself but they don't work so he can't really feel any type of emotion at all fear, happiness, disgust, etc
- Consume & Editation: When Ragnalof puts up his hands and says the word edit or consume that happens when he says edit he has the ability to edit the opponents Authority or Power when he chooses Power he has the ability to edit or consume their abilities, immunities, immortality, etc but when he chooses authority the being doesn't loose their powers at all but they have non existent authority which means they have authority over nothing when he tries to edit someones power or authority for authority he can edit their authority over certain things for example if someone had hyperversal authority over the hyperverse he can edit that to only solar system or world level authority he can also heighten their authority to versal or fictional verse too same goes for power when he edits he can remove or buff certain abilities or immunities of the opponent this ability only works when the opponent is at the same power level and authority as him or lower and has absolutely no immunities to it no one can dodge it either unless you are higher then him in power & authority
- Absolute Immortality: Ragnalof got this absolute immortality by consuming CWE-787!Sans Ragnalof is immune to all types of damage and cannot die no matter what spiritual, mental, and physical attacks do absolutely nothing as he will regenerate back in irrelevant time as even if you tried to soul erasure or consciousness erasure those would pop back into being again same goes with any other type of erasure narrative, conceptual, absolute, code, physical, natural, etc as he would pop back into being again which makes him absolutely impossible to kill by any means as he basically transcends death & life itself fully on all levels
- Death & Life Manipulation: This is pretty self explanatory but Ragnalof has the ability to edit life & death at any time he wants he can edit death so he can never die aka (his absolute immortality) and life too and can bring beings back and give them more lives or absolute immortality death manipulation allows Ragnalof to choose if the opponent dies or not and allows him to remove the opponents immunities and immortality to kill them, when they kill them, how they kill them, etc
- All Erasure: With this ability he has combined all types of erasure into 1 ability so its easier for him what ever type of erasure you name he has it in this ability narrative, biological, natural, life, conceptual, absolute, code, physical, etc and will guarantee the opponents erasure unless they have absolute immunity or absolute immortality
- Verse Manipulation: This ability is self-explanatory but he can manipulate the entire omniverse and below with his whim he could destroy it, multiply it, edit it, add on to it basically he can do anything he wants in absolute with the omniverse and below so not much explanation needed at all
- Deleted Void Portal: This ability allows Ragnalof to be able to traverse between the godverse and the void of wiki deleted beings FROM the godverse other then that not much explanation needed he can throw other beings in their too
- Manipulation Immunity: Due to Ragnalof consuming many people and getting their powers and authority he also gains their immunities he gained this immunity from ic!sanses armor this allows ragnalof do be completely immune to any type of manipulation attacks wether it be conceptual, existence, timeline, dimensional any type of manipulation that is here he is immune to
- Timeline Change Immunity: if a person were to go back in time before ragnalof became all power this immunity would stop that from ever happening as if the opponent killed or stopped ragnalof from getting their power from the past it would not affect the timeline in anyway and would stay the same as before it happened
Status: Friends
Ragnalof is friends with magno after talking to him for a while they realize they have alot in common and magno was very friendly to him they talked about other beings such has fortran, ada, virus 404, etc after that Magno gifted Ragnalof immense speed to be able to traverse easier across multiple hyperverses, etc
- Ragnalof can destroy the entire omniverse if he wanted to but he is absolutely neutral and wont join good or evil at all but wont care if he has to destroy both sides
- Raganlof's Age is completely unknown and is UNBOUND to it so no one can really ever get his age
- Ragnalof's Species is also completely unknown but people suspect he is some sort of void being
No art as Usual so if you can give me art i will credit you and add your png here