Real Backstory.[]
This is what and how this "thing" came into the Godverse but this is only a idea of how. We have no audio or anything that relates to him, its hard to know "what" it is.
He came into existence only to serve one purpose, a easy purpose. His purpose was to be found, make players think who he was, and then to be out of the mind of everyone. He only spoke so little, leaving the rest to be repetition of those same 3 words. "I am [REDACTED]." It was what players saw when they came into the files and wanted more from the game. They searched until they find this, and after little time has past, he was forgotten again. It was the same cycle for him to be cased into the darkness. Some players who was interested in him, thought he was another design for "Gaster." That also died out and he was forgotten. After waiting in the tiny room that has a detail similar to waterfall something new happened.
One player was coding on a ROM hack on Undertale where all the monsters were semi-aware of everyone around them. They was aware and can do there own things, even when the game is turned off. This effected everyone, even those who was in inaccessible rooms (Which made some monsters go into madness). He could speak more and move around the tiny room that will be his own containment. He only knew the basic things, like walking, talking and writing, and his own name. He was unable to go down south and exit the room, the ROM hack did not allow them to do such things due to it being limited. The knowledge he gained did not effect his daily life in the room. He would usually use string like hands to draw on the walls. This was not doing a effect on his mental health, if he had one. The waterfall room would be covered in wingding writing, and some English writing on the walls. He was doing this for 3 years. He had self taught himself many things or as he himself would call his own concepts of what the outside would look like. He had the same looks, and was waiting for his chance.
His chance appeared when he met the human. As he never saw anything else that was alive in the room, he was interested in this human. The human walked up to him, and their talk began. He said his normal line, "I am [REDACTED]." first and then he asked a question to Frisk in some scrambled but recognizable English . "What is outside this place?" Frisk started expressing using their hands by that life is good outside the room. He was interested and wanted to know more and go outside the room. After that, he started to ask 3 yes-or-no questions about simple stuff like, favorite walls, ideas, and Himself. After those questions, Frisk was going to walk to the south exit of the room and leave. As soon they was about the walk out the room. He grabbed onto Frisk, pushing him and the human into the next room. The Sound Test Room.
Frisk was unconscious due to his size but he was looking in a dark room with words that show different tunes. He enjoyed the music but then after some minutes he saw something that had an appearance of an Artist. He was interested and well, slide over to the figure. It had white eyes and called itself The Artist. Well of course, he wanted more knowledge and an idea of where he wanted to go. He started going on a rampage of questions but then was interested when the Artist said something about the Godverse. He wanted a purpose, so he wanted to go there. After a few sentences, the artist opened a portal to the Godverse. He slide in the portal and he was in some random place. Nobody was living there and he suddenly got an urge to claim and find a purpose. His power grew as his interest of knowing things in mystery also grew. He had no knowledge of his abilities or how much power he had. So he just made things poof into existence and had fun with it but did not feel full.
He wanted more and something that wanted to seek his role and his hunt began.
He wanted a purpose to hunt to know who he is. As yet he knew his purpose or role was nothing and thus destruction began. Timelines and worlds were soon reduced to none. It turned him into a ongoing barren destroyer. As the dirt, stone and sand he stood and walked on was turned to a black ashes. He kept walking to the next world. Soon -verses was slowly flickered into a wasteland of ash. That star that he saw on that fateful day made him figure it all out. Many of so proclaimed protectors tried of but failure came across. They soon when to their greatest enemies, yet that did not fix the endless disruption and destruction. He still walked with no purpose, he was the greatest monster that any god had ever saw, perhaps now any avatar saw. The stars now wait for him and never waited for anyone else. He knew everything after that fateful teleport. None will remain. It was an attempt to see where he was in his place.
He suspects that the end won't be long.
After some years, all of the world was reduced to ash. They expected this and he sought out for less. He felt whole again and then he traveled to another same reality. He now wanted peace and now god knows what will happen next. His sins will linger.
He has the same Appearance as his UnderTale Counterpart. Having the same white meshed appearance with white lines which could be claimed as hands. He sometimes can change his appearance as a pure white astronaut and that's really it but his eyes. When his eyes appear, they are just dull lifeless eyes, devoid of any hope or truth. He felt he was the blame of his endless loop of repetition and sorts of repeating dialogue. The end happened in his Godverse, now a puddle of ash is circled around him.
He has a neutral personality and do not do good or evil not knowing what both those words mean. He has a calm nature, and would like information at any moment but does not ask. He enjoys long talks and has unlimited amount of patience so its impossible to make him bored. Nothing else is said about his personality. He has a huge bounty on his head in the Godverse. He no longer destroys anymore and never tampers with them. His past will never be forgotten, and awareness will never go away.
He has the ability to make any word, do no effect. He can make words censored making them do no effect. His happens at random when he talks. When redaction happen no noise will come from the person mouth. This can happen to one word at a time. He can choose what words to redact but too much can cause vocal cords to disappear.
Desolate Area.[]
The puddle and area around him can burn and erase anything its in. Nothing will remain but ash when it is finished. The area can be moved off his body and can spread by absorbing things. It can not be destroyed and can burn a -verse in ruins in a matter of minutes.
Belief Manipulation.[]
He can manipulate what you believe about when you die and what you believe in the afterlife. He makes you believe that after death you can feel everything decompose and in endless every growing pain. People who spreads the information can make other believe that this fate will happen. When the person is revived they will remember every single detail of pain they went through while they where dead.
Ordered Mail?[]
Mailboxes summon next to him and will start firing mail that contains pipe bombs that will blow up when the mail is touched. The mailboxes contain the same amount of mail that is in Sans's Mailbox. The pipe bombs do LETHAL damage and very few can kill avatars in a instant. This attack is like his gaster blaster version of attack. Rare cases shown that there is a chance a mailbox would have nothing but confetti in it. The confetti does nothing but he can do this anytime.
Snowflake Rain[]
A portal will summon on top of the person and a wave of snowflakes will rain down on them. When the snowflakes are touched they will do 2 of these effects. They will completely freeze a person, (takes sometime to get out.) or will summon a wave of sharp snowflakes and it will move at avatar-like speeds. He can choose the randoms ones just for fun for himself.
more coming soon.
Samsons (Cool Person)[]
- He likes cookies.
- He scares people on mondays.
- His favorite day is April 1st, aka April Fools.
- He now hates fighting.