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“This version of Regretful Murder!Sans is based off of Canon Murder!Sans, for the one based off of Fanon Murder!Sans (Dust!Sans) check here

Regretful Sans is a take on Murder!Sans who after defeating the human wound up causing an accidental error in his timeline causing it to no longer be able to be reset and in his loneliness he starts to regret his actions.


326 Genocide Routes, 326 times the underground was slaughtered by the hands of the human, 326 times Sans failed, 326 times he died, 326 times he had to watch Papyrus die, And he could not remember each one of them. However on the 327th one, something changed, once Sans was struck down by the human yet again, something happened, a error in the game occurred, this error let Sans view and see the data for all previous 326 genocides and remember this one into the next timeline, this error would cause a interesting turn of events in the timeline, with Sans ow remembering each timeline, each Genocide, he came to a conclusion. He could no longer sit back and remain idle as the human slaughtered everyone, he had to find a way to get as strong as them, to overtake them in both power and determination, and starve them of it. But he could only think of one way to do it, he did not like it, but he knew it was necessary. He had to kill other monsters to take their exp before the human could, take their items before they could reach em, and then give the human a taste of their own medicine. Heading to the snowdin shop he placed a bone trap where the shopkeeper usually stood and waited, eventually feeling a rush of power as his LV increased, the shopkeeper set off the trap and died from it, going inside he saw the dusted remains of the shopkeeper and took their inventory, all of the food and a metal bat, a bat he knew would come In handy. Teleporting out of the store he then went to the ruins door, and by peaking under it he saw a slight sliver under it, enough to let him teleport to it. Doing exactly that he had entered the ruins and now his genocide truly began.

Going through the Ruins, Sans made sure to kill each monster he saw and take anything he believed the human would find useful such as the toy knife and the ribbon, along with dumping all the candy into his pockets (what a fiend.) eventually he encountered more monsters who ran from him and when chasing then down he used his bat to smash through multiple wooden planks used to form walls  in order to use the path he opened as a shortcut letting him jump the fleeing monsters and slay them. Then he knocked over a nearby 13ft tall and 143lb stone pillar and placed it in front of a pathway to block the humans path which he hoped would give him more time to slaughter. Going through the ruins and its puzzles he eventually found Toriel which he recognized as the old lady behind the door due to her voice, not knowing how strong she was and wanting to save her for later he hid in a pile of leaves as she passed by and saw saw her look in shock as dust covered the area. He then looked as she then rushed towards the pillar he knocked down and effortlessly pick it up with one hand and place it in a way that did not block the path and kneel down and use healing magic, he then saw her guide a human by holding their hand, recognizing it to be THE human Sans glared at them and The human noticed him and glared back before Toriel led them onwards. Sans then teleported away and started to use bones to obstruct both Toriel and The Human’s path as he went and slaughtered more monsters but in his haste he left some unattended and the human slew those monsters when Toriel was not looking.

finally he made it to Toriel’s home and blocked the entrance with 10 bone walls and 5 blue bone walls, then Sans searched the house for anything useful and knocked down the butterscotch cinnamon pie from the kitchen counter recognizing it as a food the human ate In their previous battles, and as he was doing this he heard explosions as Toriel was using fire magic to break down the walls. Realizing he was running out of time Sans summoned hundreds of bones to tear the place down and leave it trashed as he rushed for the exit, but as he was going down Toriel spotted him and caused Sans to panic as he dashed towards the ruins exit with Toriel trailing behind him, summoning bone attacks to try and slow her down Sans reached the exit but it was stuck as he then saw a small flower behind it and two vines holding the door’s shut. Sans then turned around and saw a flaming fist coming at him, dodging out of the way with Toriel’s flaming punch completely shattered the 2 foot thick and 2.2 ton stone door as she struck it instead. Sans started to sweat as he saw Toriel ignite both of her hands on flames and the human was smirking at them, Sans knew he was not ready to face the human, and did not know if he could beat the Old Lady, and so tried to flee yet again but more vines blocked his path and he then started to cut through them with his bones as fast as he could, but Toriel was quickly gaining on him and so in a desperation he summoned a Gaster blaster and fired it at Toriel who survived it and took little damage, starting to shake Sans backed up as Toriel grew closer. Sans had nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide, and Toriel threw another flaming punch at Sans and it collided with him sending him through the vines and slamming against the other thicker stone door leading out of the ruins, somehow though, Sans survived as the LV he gained helped him endure the attack, but two more of those and he would be screwed. So, Sans concocted a plan, he kept dodging Toriel’s strikes making her hit the 10 foot thick and 49.5 ton stone door behind him eventually causing it to shatter as well, and then Sans made a break for it running into the woods and as Toriel tried to follow him, he snuck behind her and jumped on top of her stabbing her with the toy knife over and over again eventually causing her to fall over and start to bleed out. Sans then walked closer and raised his bat and said one line “Sorry Old Lady, but this is why I never make promises.” Toriel looked up and then knew who Sans was, but before she could say anything her skull and head were completely crushed as Sans’ bat came down onto her head.

Sans after doing the deed put up his hood and walked away, and found the human, using his soul manipulation he flung the human all the way back into the ruins and made a bone obstacle course for them to get through along with a few bone walls to slow them down. Then Sans walked in snowdin forest he saw some piles of dust and realized the human got to some more monsters, this infuriated him and in this rage he broke the universal box nearby rendering it useless, and after breaking it a glove came out, taking it as he remembered the human using it to kill his brother Sans went further into snowdin forest killing monsters and using his amped up power to tear down the 18-44 feet tall and 102-669lb evergreen trees with his brute strength and using them to cross large gaps and destroying them once crossed, traversing the forest in record speed. Eventually he went to the Gyftrot area and used his metal bat to crush all the bones in their body along with their organs in single strikes, feeling the surge in power the LV gave him and the increase in his Determination as he did. Then he heard footsteps, not one of a monster, but from a human. Turning around he saw the human behind him and despite his power increase he knew he was still not ready and so ran into the secret door room and tried to break down the door to hide, but a invisible force prevented him as he heard the annoying dog jingle behind it, realizing he had been got by the dog he tried to turn around and leave but saw the human blocking his path, he noticed more dust on them and realized he missed some monsters when traversing snowdin using his makeshift bridges and this made him even less confident. But he realized that despite him only being LV 6 and not having enough Determination, he had to fight his way out of this, and so he did.

Fighting the human Sans summoned a flurry of bones and blasters which the human dodged, and even when the blasters beam already fired and should of hit them they seemingly phased in and out of existence, moving faster than them and faster than what his eyes and mind could comprehend, however when about to get hit he felt as if time slowed and the human’s overwhelming speed became normal to him letting him dodge easily realizing that his Determination gave him a sort of time-slow before he was about to get hit letting him react to things he normally could not. With this a small sense of confidence came over Sans as he kept on fighting, throwing in new patterns and attacks and dodging the Human’s own, a fight between two determined beings, but one was more determined than the other and as Sans started to tire after 2 hours of rigorous fighting he was finally struck, a force capable of destroying an entire single-level 1200sq ft house (120 tons) hit him, but too him it was minimal damage now as his DEF stat had increased a lot from his slaughter, but that fact he was hit made Sans lose all of his confidence and he dashed away with the human chasing after him, eventually Sans managed to push the human off a cliff with a bone attack and went towards Snowdin Town. As he was heading there he encountered Jerry on the painted cliff side that now looks like a bridge, Sans decided to do everyone a favor and kill him gaining +999 social credit score and +999 Good Karma, and the nearby townsfolk rejoiced. But their celebration turned into a “oh shit” moment as Sans started to attack each and every one of them and killed them with relative ease, gaining yet another level. He then marched through the town destroying the small houses and looking through every nook and cranny in an attempt to find more monsters. Eventually finding and slaying the rest Sans was heading to leave snowdin when a bone wall blocked his path. Seeing this Sans’ heart began to race knowing only one monster other than him could do this, turning around he saw Papyrus, and he saw that his brother was on the verge of tears and had a mix of shock, sadness, and betrayal in his face. Sans honestly did not wish to fight Papyrus, being the only one he planned on sparing. The two brothers looked at each other, one betrayed, the other desperate, both not wanting to do what was about to happen, but both realizing that at this point it could not be avoided, and bones began to fly.

The two brothers clashed as they threw attacks at the other, in which they where meant to incapacitate not kill fighting and brawling as Sans strafed backwards and into waterfall and Papyrus following Sans, and as the two where fighting Sans slew monsters they came across making Papyrus start to attack harder and more aggressively, and as this happened both where in an emotional argument both of their ideals clashing with Sans preaching about how this is the only way and he needs to do this to stop the human, and it’s better if he did it then them, meanwhile Papyrus spoke on how killing is not the option, and that they could of worked together to get the human to change and to let him help Sans, but Sans denied this telling him that the human will never change and he would never want Papyrus to resort to what he has too do. Soon the talk in battle turned to silence as both no longer had anything to say to the other and all that was left where the sounds of clashing bones and the dusting of monsters. This brawl lasted for an hour straight until Sans got a level up into LV 8 and started too overpower Papyrus who still was holding back, but fearing the path his brother was taking Papyrus let loose and used his strength to his full capacity and suddenly Sans was dwarfed in power as cliffsides where obliterated by Papyrus’ attacks and 103 kilotons of rocks (0.5-0.75 Kiloton/500-750 tons per rock) fell down onto the battlefield as decree of the obliteration, and as the two clashed while dodging all of or destroying some of the rocks either through bone attacks or brute strength, with each time a attack landed on Sans he tanked it and kept fighting and kept dodging. Eventually Papyrus tired himself out by doing an onslaught of his strongest attacks and feel to one knee. Sans then summoned a blaster over Papyrus and telling him he was sorry it had to end this way, and how he wished he did not have to do this. Papyrus accepting defeat and his fate looked up and Sans and to his surprise showed a smile, Papyrus told Sans that it was ok, and if he believed this was for the greater good, he would trust him. Sans shaking and with heavy breathing clutched his shaking stretched out hand and the blaster fired on Papyrus disintegrating him instantly and increasing his LV by three levels. Sans then dropped to his knees as tears flooded out of his eyes and he looked at what remained of Papyrus, looking at his shaky hands he slammed them to his face as he let out a scream of sadness, pain, and grief, one the entire underground would hear. Looking back down he saw a shadow, a figure in the distance, the human, and upon seeing them he was filled with an unyielding feeling of hatred and anger. THEY brought him to this, THEY never stopped their genocides, THEY made him resort to these measures, THEY where the one who made it so Papyrus turned against him, THEY where the one who made him kill his brother, THEY where responsible for everything. This. Was. ALL. THEIR. FAULT! ALL THEIR FAULT, ONLY THEIR FAULT, IT WAS NOT HIS FAULT, HE WAS DOING WHAT HAD TO BE DONE TO STOP THEM, THEY WHERE THE ONE TO BLAME, ALL OF THIS DEATH WAS NOT CAUSED BY HIM, THE HUMAN CAUSED IT ALL! ALL! ON! THEM! ALL! ON! THEM! ALL ON THEM! ALL ON THEM! ALL ON THEM! ALL ON Them. ALL On them. All on them. all on them. all on them. all. on. them…………… Sans had finally broke.

Sans got up and took Papyrus’ scarf, stashing it somewhere as he looked at the human with a maddened expression, twitching and shaking. Pointing at them Sans summon two blasters on both sides on them destroying the bridge they were standing on causing the human to fall deep down, and Sans tracked onward. Now whenever he killed Sans showed no remorse as in his mind it was no longer his fault, only the human’s, he was fine with killing as he knew know that he was not to blame, all the blame was on THEM. To an outsider this would make utterly no sense, but to him, it made perfect sense. Marching through the marshes of waterfall Sans struck down and slew everyone in his way with no mercy killing Gerson, The Temmies, and even the bird that carries you over a disproportionately small gap. No one was spared from Sans’ wrath and poor monster Kid died right in front of Undyne as Sans looked at her, no longer the punny guy she once knew. Just a glance and Undyne knew Sans was responsible for every disappearance, she did not need to see him kill monster kid to know that, however at the same time, something felt off to Undyne, Sans never showed any murderous intent before but now he was all for it. Something had to had happened, especially sense Sans was spouting out phrases like “all their fault.” “The human is to blame.” “I’m only doing what I have to do” “their deaths is on their hands.” “THEIR FAULT! THEIR FAULT! THEIR FAULT! THEIR FAULT! THEIR FAULT!”. However despite this Undyne knew she could not let Sans live a second longer or else she would be risking more innocent lives. Jumping up and onto the top of the entrance to hotlands Undyne did a Donkey Kong and picked up VERY large 1-1.237 Kiloton boulders and tossed them at Sans rapid fire picking up and tossing them at Mach-2 with Sans either dodging them or destroying them through a bone attack or punching them back at Undyne as they punched it back and forth making the boulder reach Mach-5 speeds before Undyne could finally no longer react in time and got hit by the boulder. Falling down onto the ground below Undyne was staggered and when trying to regain her footing bones pierced through Undyne and dropped her HP to 0 almost instantly but she remained alive and summoned spears to attack Sans as her body held together, Sans seeing this realized this was Undyne’s determination in the works, letting her survive despite her lethal injuries and as Undyne attacked she kept melting slowly until Sans struck Undyne but at that same time, a toy knife flew into Undyne’s head as Sans stabbed her with a bone, causing a shared kill splitting the EXP between Sans and The Human. Enraged by this Sans looked at the human with rage and the. Dashed away and into hotlands, killing every monster he saw and summoned a blaster to fight the human and impede them as he rushed into Alphys’ lab.

Entering the lab Sans found that the lights were off and Alphys was nowhere to be seen. Searching and tearing through the lab in search for Alphys, Sans found no success and he knew the longer it took the more time the human would have to hunt down other monsters and so he used his telekinesis to tear apart the steel and titanium walls of the lab almost making it collapse until he found the elevator entrance to the true lab in which he entered. Wandering through the lab he encountered the amalgamates which he tied to kill but found he was unable too due to their determination making them immune to any and all attacks, so Sans leaves them be as he searched for Alphys, tearing through the true lab the same way he did to the lab above as the steel walls crumbled and where torn by Sans’ telekinesis until he found a way to reach Alphys who was trying to get the DT extractor to work so she could drain Sans’ LV and DT in hopes of stopping him, but soon it became futile as Sans tore the extractor off it’s placement and threw the 2.5 Kiloton metal object at Alphys crushing her instantly gaining more LV being at LV 14 now, and so Sans exited the wrecked true lab and the wrecked lab trekked through hotlands slaying and killing monsters until he found mettaton’s resort which he trashed and slew all within just like in the lab, he soon entered The Core where the metal walls surrounded him and molten magic bubbled beneath, and elite monsters roamed, despite this Sans tore through the place easily as his DT had gone beyond the likes even he could imagine letting him crash everything in his way like bugs, and as he reached Mettaton he saw The Human fighting them in their NEO state and The Human was winning despite Mettaton shooting projectiles that moved at near light speed such as Laser bolts, Laser Balls, Lightning Bolts, and Mettaton himself moved near that Same speed, but as the human was about to get the final hit Sans summoned a bone wall to block their attack and killed Mettaton himself, stealing the LV from them and Gaining LV putting him at LV15. He then taunted the human thanking them for the free exp and how he hoped that all their actions were worth it as soon he would make em pay their dues, but first he would give ‘em a little challenge, using his telekinesis along with soul manipulation Sans threw the human to the entrance if Core and blocked off it’s entrance before smashing the Core’s core causing a self destruct sequence to activate and Sans left the core and went to see good ol’ king fluffybuns.

Teleporting right outside the throne room Sans saw Asgore talking to Flowey who was telling Asgore everything he saw including the things Sans did, seeing this Sans decided to kill them off guard and used a bone to imaple and instantly turn Flowey into compost and then speedblitz Asgore with his metal bat crushing everything in him In a matter of seconds before tossing him out the window and through Mt. Ebbot as he was flung out of it and a unknown distance away, all that Sans knew is that King Asgore was about to become splats-n-gore. Heading into the barrier room Sans looked at the 6 human souls in their containers, he knew he could use em to get more power, but at this point he was completely sick of humans and so destroyed them all with a single bone. Leaving the area and heading to the last corridor Sans then saw the human approach and he knew the final battle was about to begin. Both killers looked at each other, both with the same goal, and both were gonna give it their all. Sans summoned bones, blasters and struck with a metal bat meanwhile the human dodged and weaved and attempted attacks at any opening, but now Sans was equally as determined as the human and equalized them in speed, striking power and durability, they could move at the speed of light? So could Sans. They could destroy and collapse the entire underground alone? So could Sans. They could survive attacks from universe and timeline erasing attacks? So. Could. Sans. Both Where the others equal in every way now, neither could get an advantage on the other, however Sans could keep fighting all day having stamina far exceeding that of the humans as throughout months and years of endless battle between the two, with Sans killing the human and the human just coming back both where in a never-ending battle loop and it got longer each time they fought lasting from mere minutes to entire years in conflict both with seemingly never-ending stamina and resolve. Never before had the Human encountered such a foe, and it started to enrage them as the battles went on for longer and the more tries it took the human got more and more reckless until the battles began getting shorter and shorter again as the human died from easily avoidable mistakes due to their newfound impatience. Eventually their resolve started to weaken and break until they stopped coming back, and Sans won…… or so he thought.

The Fallen Child, Chara did not take kindly to this and decided to take matters into their own hands and appear before Sans they congratulated him on defeating the human but told him in the end it was a hopeless endeavor as he would never have control over the timelines or the universe as he lacked the power they had. And so with the rising of their knife they slashed down upon the universe and eradicated it and the infinite timelines, all the elements the timelines contained such as each and every space-time continuum, and Sans along with it……. But something strange happened, Sans’ soul, his DETERMINATION, it was strong enough to pull Sans back together despite the universe’s erasure by their hands. And soon Chara was face to face with Sans who now has many red sparks emoting from him as his determination flowed through him, this time Chara would not be getting the upper hand as in their state of shock of seeing Sans survive he dashed towards Chara and Sans speedblitzed them as his determination had skyrocketed acting as a form of adrenaline using all of it to it’s fullest extent with each strike him and his bat made was backed by the striking power Chara had themselves and on the overwhelming speed and cumulative damage caused Chara to crack and little by little Sans chipped away at their hp with speed until it dropped to 0 and Chara was flung back, their lifeless corpse on the ground and the humans soul in his grasp, grabbing it and absorbing it The world began to reform how it was just before Chara erased it, but Sand did not know this, rushing out he teleported home to see Papyrus, but he was not their, going to Undyne’s house to see if he was their, but no one was there, he searched around the entire underground and found it was empty, seeing this Sans tried to reset but the Reset button was glitched and corrupted, despite not realizing it, Sans destroyed a core function of the game when killing Chara, who was that core function, and now without said core function the game, the universe of undertale and all of it’s timelines broke and became corrupted nothing worked the way it was supposed to, meanwhile Sans worked perfectly fine. In his quest to free himself and his friends from the endless loop they were stuck in, all he did was become what he swore to destroy, something far worse. HE became the megalomaniac and as he sat alone in his broken world he lamented what he had done, regretting it  wishing he could take it all back, as the memories of what he did haunted him, the memories of him killing Papyrus haunted him, and as he pulled his hood down, he realized that he was the one to blame, not the human. IT was all, on him. All on him. All. On. Him.

And now he still sits in his cold, dead, and broken universe forever undying form his unyielding determination, from the human’s soul, waiting, hoping for a way out, but never receiving one.

Hidden Logs[]

*You found an old Cassette player and some Cassette Tapes, Insert Cassette?


*Select The Cassette you want to play.

Log Date: 201X, 06, 23.

Well I will say this was an unexpected find. Old Cassette tapes, A Tape Recorder, and a Cassette Player the Good Ol Doctor used to record information of his experiments, all of this in a a cardboard box in our attic. Heh, I Should have cleaned This place up when Paps asked me too. Anyways, there are a good couple that have no audio in them yet, so I will be taking this opportunity to record some thoughts and occurrences. But it’s not like anyone else is gonna hear them, just gonna be a way to pass the time.

Log Date: 201X, 06, 24.

Honestly, I Don’t understand what I was thinking when I decided to do what I did when this timeline started. After all I always tried to tell the human that actions have consequences, to turn back and stop their “antics”, but each and every time they disregarded it. And now I was the one to disregard my own advice. I can tell that this goddamn loneliness in this dying universe is my consequence. But hey at least at least they don’t have to tolerate me now especially after my BONEsome actions, Heh heh heh. Heh….. heh…………… heh………………………. I miss them.

Log Date: 201X, 06, 25.

Strange stuff has been happening recently. Little pockets of what seems to be a form of code has been popping up all around the area, kinda like glitches in a buggy Gameboy game. Even stranger these pockets seem to be some sort of viewing glass into what seems to be other timelines. All of them look so happy. Living on the surface, everyone still alive and better. No deaths, no genocides. And they’re human……………………. I honestly hate looking at these “glitches”, they remind me of what could have been. I wish I could have that same happy ending.

Log Date: 201X, 06, 26.

I peeked into another one of those glicthes today and saw something, something I did not expect. The Undyne of that timeline was panicking as the world seemingly collapsed around them, turning white and everything in it was wiped away. And everything that turned that place white looked like these same glitches, but unlike the ones here, they consumed and destroyed these universe’s. I cannot help but think that all these glitches where the cause of my actions, after all I broke my universe and corrupted the Reset button, so it’s not that big of a stretch that the timelines connected to this one was also affected by what I did…… and I thought my Genocide, the killings, where over…….. looks like I was wrong………………………………. Maybe, I’m just like them.

Log Date: 201X, 06, 27.

I have been thinking a lot about my actions, and looking back on them ever sense I peered into that destroyed universe and MAN, I really did turn into what I tried to stop. At first I regretted what I was doing, and actively did not want too, but I justified it in my head by saying it was for the “greater good” and that I would reset once I got their soul (Heh, and looked how THAT turned out.). But the more I killed, the easier it became, and after Papyrus’ de-………………………….. Papyrus………………….. *long static silence* …………………………………. *the Cassette produces static sounds* I- I- *Heavy Breathing* no, no, no, No, No, NO! NO! NO! STOP! I’M SORRY! PLEASE! STOP! I DID NOT MEAN THAT! PLEASE, LISTEN! NO! STOP! PLEASE! *The Audio cuts out for a bit before cutting back to Unintelligible screaming* …….. *The Cassette suddenly ends.*

Log Date: 201X, 06, 30.

Ok…… picking up from where I left off last, After his death, I snapped to put it lightly. I started to fully enjoy the killing after now having “fun” while doing work for the “greater good”. I killed with no mercy, nor remorse. Disregarded memories and feelings as it was too easy too when killing, I pushed myself away from myself. Looking back I cannot help but feel disgusted at what I did, Families, Friends, those who trusted me. All betrayed by me, for something I perceived as the “Greater Good.”. You know what they say, The Path to hell is paved with good intentions………. And I’m the very embodiment of this…….. I deserve this punishment.

Log Date: 201X, 07, 02.

So this was not something I expected to see today, I was just wandering a bit around the remnants of Snowdin and found some weird black marks of what appear to be ink, and blue threads from a certain corrupted skeleton who I had to fight off from here before. I dunno why the ink is here but seeing how the threads and ink are close to each other, I can only assume whatever this ink is, it is somehow related to that corrupted skeleton. Hope that thing did not learn some new tricks, otherwise our next encounter will be so much harder to deal with. But I will preserve as I may have been what caused this, but I cannot let someone desecrate the remains…… it’s the last thing I can think of to redeem myself.

Log Date: 201X, 07, 15.

Well, I have been meaning to make a new log for awhile now, but that f**king disgrace of a hallucination keeps tormenting me. Reminding me how everything that happened was my fault, how I was a monster for killing him, how I deserved to suffer like this, how he would never forgive me. Despite this thing being just a figment of my broken mind, it still is capable of striking a nerve in me. That hallucination is not HIM. I know that if we where to meet again he would forgive me……………….. Right?……… I-……… I……….. (sigh) I hope he would.

Log Date: 201X, 07, 17.

Those guys came back here, again. I keep on shooing them away, I keep telling them I don’t want to join their little murder club and that I’m DONE with killing. But that octopus looking freak is too goddamn stubborn, he won’t take no for an answer. I can’t count how many times I had to beat up his lackeys, and I have not fought that octopus much, but from the fights we did have I know he is far tougher than his lackeys. But his hubris always leads to his downfall. The only thing negative about that guy is his fight skills. Heh, well the good thing is that something interesting at least happened today.

Log Date: 201X, 07, 18.

Ok this will be my last log for awhile until I can find more empty Cassette tapes, but I have decided to use this log to record a message in the off-chance anyone is somehow listening to this (which I doubt). I would like to say please don’t make the Same mistake I did. I threw away my morals, my ethics, to chase after vengeance. I let my anger and rage fuel my actions leading me to make some decisions I now hate to think about. I only realized the consequences once it was too late, once I already screwed up. If you have a human or someone else messing with your timeline and doing a genocide over and over again, please, don’t kill other’s to gain more power, do not fight fire with fire. It will only lead you down a rabbit hole of regret and pain if you succeed, and lead you down a cycle of endless killing if you fail. So please, don’t do what I did. It may seem temping at first, but trust me, you’ll thank me in the long run.


Sans during his genocide Sans started apprehensively and was not very comfortable while killing, not taking pleasure in it and instead seeing it only as a necessary way to stop the human, he still acted the same but had a more saddening tint in it. Post-Papyrus Death Sans broke entirely having his mental state go down the drain going headfirst into insanity no longer feeling guilt or shame when killing having convinced himself that it was all the human’s fault, not his own, he still cracks some puns in both his thoughts and out loud but they are now more gruesome in tone but otherwise he has become completely serious. Post-Chara defeat Sans has become regretful and shows minor signs of depression, usually lost In thought and regret, still insane but more close to being sane than insane. He does still try and say puns to brighten his own mood but they seldomly work.


Sans wears a similar yet different style hoodie with most of the colors being the same but the two pockets on it being a darker shade of blue, he also wears more purplish slippers. His eyes are still red and purple like Normal Murder!Sans and he still wears the same shorts and gloves. However unlike Murder!Sans, Post-Chara Defeat Sans no longer has his hood up. When at the 90-100% level with his determination red sparks will start to emit from his body the higher it is, the more sparks there will be.

DT Level’s/Powers[]

  • Bone Manipulation: Sans is capable of summoning bones out of thin air, able to use them as piercing projectiles and can also summon bones out of the ground to make bone zones or stationary bone walls, he can also make bone walls that move in a certain direction. Any bone attack can also be turned blue making it so if you move through it it hurts you, but if you stay still it does not.
  • Soul Manipulation: Sans can turn a soul blue making the bearer have increased gravity and worse mobility rendering it harder to dodge the attacks Sans throws at them. Sans can also use this to change the direction of gravity the bearer has and fling the soul around like a ragdoll.
  • Telekinesis: Sans is capable of moving and lifting objects off the ground the weight or size of an average 10ft by 10ft brick wall.
  • Gaster Blasters: Sans can summon Gaster Blasters, a magical Skull mechanism constructed by Sans and W.D Gaster. The blaster can fire a beam capable of moving at presumed light speeds and can target the soul directly if switched to soul mode, otherwise they tear through anything in their path like butter.
  • Metal Bat: a bat made from a Steel and Titanium alloy, this bat packs quite the punch capable of breaking bones and smashing skulls into dust, it’s power and durability is being enchanted by Sans’ magic.
  • Teleportation: Any place Sans has been too or can see in his line of sight, Sans can instantly vanish from the spot in currently is in and instantaneously transport himself there.

  • Increased Strength: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans is now capable of moving and lifting 143 pounds and likely has that striking power with his fists as well.
  • Increased Durability: Due to a increase in LV and DT, Sans is capable of tanking blows that can destroy 2.2 ton objects in a single blow and 49.5 ton objects in multiple blows, making him far more durable then he was before
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.

  • Increased Strength: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans is now capable of lifting and snapping 669lb objects and capable of hitting things that hard with pure brute strength.
  • Increased Durability: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now survive blows capable of dishing out 120 tons of force with relative ease, not taking much damage from them.
  • Increased Speed: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now react to and be equal in speed to those that can move faster than the eye and the mind can comprehend making it seem as if they phase in and out of existence.
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.

  • Increased Strength: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans is now capable of lifting and destroying 0.75 Kiloton (750 ton) objects and his magical attacks have increase to likely be capable of dishing out 103 kilotons of force.
  • Increased Durability: Due to a increase in LV and DT, Sans can now survive blows that have a force of 0.75-103 kilotons backing them up with not much damage being taken and can even act as if he did not get hit at all, basically taking no damage.
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.

  • Increased Strength: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans is now capable of lifting and shattering 1-1.237 kiloton objects with his bare hands, you don’t want to be at the wrong en for these guys.
  • Increased Speed: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now react to and be equal in speed to those that can move at Mach-2 to Mach-5 speeds Super passing his previous speed by a long shot.
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.

  • Increased Strength: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans is now capable of lifting and snapping 2.5 kiloton objects via telekinesis
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.

  • Increased Resolve: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans’ resolve is now unwavering and un-breaking, impossible to falter or break rendering it impossible for him to give up or quit when he has his mind n something.
  • Increased Stamina: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now fight on for a seemingly infinite amount of time or can at least fight for so long it is very unlikely a fight would ever last that long, making his stamina virtually infinite.
  • Increased Speed: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now react to and be equal in speed to those that can move as fast or possibly even faster than light, capable of speedblitzing or out running a whole lot of beings.
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.

  • Increased Strength: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans is now capable of unleashing attacks of any kind capable of eradicating a universe and all of it’s timelines including it’s space-time continuum. It’s gonna be hard for people to top this now.
  • Increased Durability: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now survive blows capable of dishing out universe eradicating blows that also destroy all of its timelines including its space-time continuum. Can’t get much stronger than this.
  • Increased Speed: Due to an increase in LV and DT, Sans can now react to and be equal in speed to those that can move and act outside of Space-time and thus can move outside of and beyond of linear time and space, he will win any race before it even begins.
  • But It Refused: Due to his DT being at it’s maximum, Sans’ Soul can now refuse to die/refuse death, putting itself back together despite lethal injuries or erasure, upon being revived All damage Sans took will be reversed putting Sans back in prime condition. Aka Sans became William Afton.
  • All previous abilities increased to match these in strength.


Sans after post-Chara defeat has been incredibly lonely and you can take advantage of that, if you encounter him you could pretend to be his friend and stab him in the back when he least expects it, or you could surprise attack him out of nowhere as he wants company and so will not attack on sight unless you act a lot like his human.

Sans also has to actively choose the DT level/% he wants to be at (kinda like choosing your own power level), but he is always at a minimum of 26%


  • The Human/The Fallen (Hates/Despises): Sans has a everlasting hatred and anger towards them and for what they drove to do, he still somewhat blames them for his actions as his desperation to stop them caused it, but eh knows he cannot pin the blame of his genocide entirely on them. But he still does and forever will hate them.
  • Papyrus (Brother): Sans always has and will always care for his brother, finding him the hardest to have to kill both physically and emotionally. He actually originally planned on sparing Papyrus but due to an unexpected confrontation between the two, Sans had to kill him. Papyrus’ death was Sans’ breaking point.
  • Phantom!Papyrus (Tormentor): A figment of Sans’ broken mind. Sans started to hallucinate Phantom!Papyrus a while after who despite guilt tripping Sans on what he had done to the real Papyrus, encouraged Sans to march on and continue his killings. However once Sans started to feel regret for his actions after breaking his universe, Phantom!Papyrus changed as well. Now Phantom!Papyrus torments Sans mentally, verbally assaulting him, guilt tripping him, reminding him of the pain he caused, Gaslighting him, and breaking him emotionally. If you see or hear Sans start to have a Panic attack or seemingly argue with the air, You will know why.


-> User blog:Sansfan1563/UT Fandom Cosmology <-


  • Although incapable of traveling between AU’s on his own, he has met a couple of Outcode Alternate Universes who either came to visit or destroy his AU.
  • Sans has fought off Error!Sans a couple of times, stopping him from destroying him and his AU.
  • Sans was once offered a spot in Nightmare’s Bad Sanses squad, he refused and fought his way out.
  • Sans is jealous of AU’s with happy endings, he never got his.
  • Sans spends his time making snowmen in snowdin or solving Papyrus’ leftover puzzles.
  • Sans no longer needs to eat, drink or sleep due to the amount of determination within him sustaining himself.
  • Sans if given the chance, would scarified himself to revive his world. As by this point, it’s the only way he would see as a way to redeem himself.
  • Sans’ Bone and blaster attacks have not changed in color.
  • Sans knows Phantom!Papyrus is a hallucination, but it does not help quell the mental abuse he gets from him.

