Godverse Wiki
Godverse Wiki

"The pursuit for knowledge is most enjoyable." - Sir Matrix

Sir Matrix, also known as Hyper!Gaster, is a hyper-intelligent hyperversal OC created by DARTHOOM. He is a scientist and an observer who thrills at the basic fundamentals of learning and discovering new things. He has a fascination with history, science, and math and always seeks to broaden his horizons with these subjects. Sir Matrix serves as the God of Dimensional Existence.


Matrix is a most mysterious individual of Godverse who originated from a Infinite-D hyperversal reality and dimensional countable-totality known as The Center. The Center, in a way, is an countably Infinite-D existence fashioned from infinite vector spaces and other similar forms of mathmatical expressions. In a way this dimension overlooked all countable dimensions within the structure of the Adamasphere as merely fictional.

Through his sheer authority and power, he came to be well-respected by the denizens of The Center. Though this respect didn't satisfy Matrix. While he did pride himself with some sort of infinite dimensional fashion in the colleagues and friends he had made, he desired something more. He wanted to learn. All across any dimension he visited, Hyper!Gaster had this desire and need to both learn and gather as much knowledge as he could; the reason for this desire was from the simple thrill of learning new things. Within his vastly higher mindset he determined that if he were to limit himself into lesser dimensions he could learn as much as he wanted for as long as he wanted, perhaps forever. Announcing his decision to venture off into the lower dimensions to the Infinite-D, Hyper!Gaster found himself overlooking the entire dimensional concept of Godverse. All was made apparent; the point of absolute infinity to the singular numerical dimension.

Matrix was elevated at the infinite options to choose from, gently scrolling the entirety of infinity and searching for that special dimension he could start in. He completely looked down upon the totality of everything within 3D existence, ignoring 1D and 2D; the prime mortalverse. It was, to him, the equivalent of looking at a dot. He could see within every and all aspect of that dimensional existence. Every numerical dimension to Matrix was the equivalent to a dot. Matrix possessed little concerns or care. It was natrual; a 3D human looking upon the drawn image of a 2D square. Matrix understood that to partake in learning, he'd have to willingly discard his perceptions and common sense befitting of an Infinite-D being. Matrix did so, entering the 3D Godverse and appearing within the Convergence Point of Godverse.

He limited himself within a 3D mentality and fashioned himself with the proper dimensional measurements required to exist. The basic counciousness of Matrix was reformed to fit within three dimensions of thought, twisting and turning to create a new individual and a new mentality. Over the raging primordial storm stood a victorian dressed individual who calmly strolled forward to associate himself with the members of the pantheon, fully complete. Sir Matrix had already possessed knowledge on the nature of the Gods within Godverse, though he never truly associated with them in any meaningful fashion. Matrix intended for this to change, but his stroll into the Other-Realm, where all the Gods gathered, was quickly intercepted by King Godverse. It was the age of the Feast of Kings within Godverse, and Koavire was quick to notice Matrix.

King Godverse, also known as Koavire, had chosen Matrix to join him at the head of his table. The King was threatened by Matrix’s coherent mannerisms and nature, intent on keeping most residents in Godverse imprisoned within their inconsistent narratives. Therefore the King had decreed that Matrix would join him as a noble, and as a prisoner under his watchful eye. Koavire had to establish his dominance and authority over Godverse by strictly regulating the residents of Godverse through certain levels of pro-inconsistency propaganda. He couldn't risk Matrix spreading the word of consistency, but thought it 'boring' to simply eradicate him. Therefore the King decided he'd keep him under close wraps for the simple thrill of installing control over the unwilling.

Matrix, while brought toward the smirking King Godverse and seated next to him, was already familiar with the antics of the callous king. He knew of the trillions of gods thrust into the oblivion of the Overvoid for simply disagreeing. Matrix was not a fool who had no fear of annihilation. He was highly familiar with the instability of Koavire's egotistical nature, and understood the second he was summoned, the only chance at remaining relatively unscathed was to play along. Therefore the quiet Matrix silently accepted his quick coronation into Godverse Nobility and sat amidst the personal legion of Koavire as a noble.

Quietly playing participate in the unfolding events of the feast, Sir Matrix had been rendered helpless. For the duration of the feast, Sir Matrix had been kept quietly under wraps by the nobles of Godverse. His existence was kept secret from the pantheon to ensure that no other god could take him away. Koavire wanted a trophy, he wanted something interesting to talk to. Sir Matrix not only provided interesting insights and understandings towards the advanced- more sensible- applications of mathematics and science, but he also told very interesting stories about his travels. Thanks to his knowledgeable nature and good charisma he was able to preserve himself against the callous group of wicked and entitled gods.

This arrangement at the table would pay off after the events of the Feast of Kings were concluded by the arrival of Lotus. With King Godverse having lost control over his pantheon, and the legions of gods & goddesses starting rebellions, Sir Matrix wouldn't abandon the residents to their fates. He stepped into the role of crowd control as King Godverse was harshly scolded by the sharp words of Lotus.



"You've seemed to underestimate the gravity of your situation once more. Allow me to give you yet another delicate reminder." - Sir Matrix to Virus404

"Curiosity is a trait best executed sparingly."

"I came to limit myself; I become a circle, and find a triangle. I become a triangle, I find a square. I become square, I find a pentagram. I become a pentagram, I find a hexagon. The process goes on. While you may find it repetive and boring; I find it delightful. Learning, any manifestation of learning, is an experience which I find both rewarding and statisfying. Just because I can leap over a mountian, doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer taking a hike over it."

"Don't belittle my views on dimensionality; you all would be inconsequential dots under my form if it wasn't for my respect and fascination."


"The figure before you was 8'11 in height. Possessing an average build, he wore a perfectly tailored Victorian themed outfit, with small geometrical cubes floating around him. He seemed calm and pondering, sitting quietly in the corner of your observatory while keeping his vertically shaped white eyes focused directly on you. You observed and felt the ominous aura of unbeknownst power radiating off of him. It sent chills up your spine."

Sir Matrix is 8'11 in height, possessing a very thin build in a stern and composed posture that always commands elegance and a great deal of both pride and confidence in himself. He dawns Victorian style clothing with a cape that gently flows with the breeze. Always he watches things with a relaxed and seemingly attentive gaze. Never is he caught off guard or startled by anything. He maintains total control over both his physical and mental facilities.


A straight and proud posture with his arms folded behind his back and his hands clasped together give him this very regal air. His eyes move to look past you to the broken window, then look down to study the glass. His body makes no movements. He almost seemed bored at your intrusion. Standing non-threateningly.

"So. A thief. How common." He remarks, still looking at the broken glass "Whatever book or piece of knowledge you were looking for; You could've just asked. I rarely say 'no'."

Sir Matrix is a person who prides himself on his knowledge and infinitely higher existence from the infinitely lower dimensional planes. He possesses some doubts as to the actual intelligence of the Multiverse believing some to be highly restricted to both numerical values and their own personal vendettas. Even in his low opinions on most of creation; Sir Matrix believes the best way to proceed, when in contact with other creatures, is through calm and evaluative speeches in which he determines the intelligence and understanding of those he encounters.

He takes great joy in talking and communicating with people who have unique outlooks or interesting ideologies. Especially if these individuals pass his little test. They will receive a good deal of his interest in any philosophical manners. If they don't pass the test, he rarely will take them seriously. However to all people, even if they don't pass, Sir Matrix is very regal and calm. Elegant. Uses proper manners. Always speaks properly. These things are important aspects to his character. He is never easily upset or lacks control over his most elegant manner. All movements have meaning and have a small touch of elegant flair.

Another important aspect of Sir Matrix is his need to both experiment and explore new outcomes and possibilities, otherwise known as his massive curiosity and interest. Besides his mannerisms similar to nobility, He's a scientist at heart. He creates all sorts of experiments ranging from versal level to social matters. Even through these experiments he is not an overly cruel individual. Even though he may have a slightly cold disposition, He sees no value in being cruel to other creatures and being overly snarky.


Absolute Mind: Sir Matrix's mind, by all accounts, is absolute. His mentality and perceptions are totally boundless and infallible while keeping absolute immunity from others manipulating his consciousness. He is capable of processing infinite amounts of data and performing tasks others consider impossible or out-right simply incomprehensible to their minds.

Absolute Telekinesis: Sir Matrix is capable of fundamentally controlling all aspects within dimensional existence. He may rearrange the basic fundamentals of how quantum states work through manipulations and impossible alterations or through a higher existence of telekinesis reshape the entire dimensional structure through sheer hyperversal strength of "force". His telekinesis is unlimited in size, matter, time, space, and essentially is the manifestation of Sir Matrixs will. His absolute psionics is a byproduct of this astounding power.

Godhood of the Soul: Sir Matrix had a unique obsession with the aspects of souls, and further studied to create this unique variation. The Soul of all souls is essentially a prized collection and technical ability. Basically, it is both a soul of souls, acting as a 'remote control' for all known soul variants. It's based on the same principle all magics use when in battle, except Sir Matrix has invented and mastered a unique energy output all souls share in common. By manipulating this output it is using a custom-crafted Pure Soul, also known as an Undefined Soul, it allows it to control the souls of other beings and essentially hijack them. It twists the meaning of their souls. It uses the base nature of the soul against them and redirects their traits to a different purpose. It can also hijack and manipulate the attacks of these souls. The Undefined Soul is simply extra flair invented by Sir Matrix.

Infinite Dimensional Warping: Sir Matrix can control and manipulate the totality of all dimensional existence and concepts. From infinite-D to infiniely-below-infinite-D he may change and alter dimensions in an absolute manner.

True Immortality: Sir Matrix is beyond the permanent harm of infinitely lesser dimensional beings. His actual being is relatively untouchable by those who are limited via numerical dimensions. His persona he displays to the numerical dimensions can be destroyed when Sir Matrix determines their efforts worthy of his destruction.

Psionic Godhood: Capable of unlimited expressions of all disciplines regarding psionics. His psionic feats are at an absolute level. This includes feats such as absolute telekinesis, metacreativity, psychometabolism, psychoportation, metapsionics, and all other versions of psionic disciplines. He has absolute, beyond infinite, of all of these disciplines. Capable of rearranging the entire structures of complex multiverses with his sheer mind. This isn't a limited necessarily to multiverses, but is only used as a comprehensive example.

Hyperversal Hands: These Infinite-D hands can grasp the entirety of all dimensions as a concept. He can manifest these hands at any dimensional level and allow them to act as a personal flair of Sir Matrixs origins with being a Gaster. These hands essentially control and annihilate beings in whatever manner Sir Matrix sees fit on a higher dimensional level. He could engulf the entirety of a dimensional beings multiversal infinity or tear apart and separate infinites of infinite multi-parallel-verses.

Pan-Dimensional Physiology/Infinite Dimensional Physiology: Sir Matrix is Infinite DImensional in being, and able to affect any lower dimension of his choosing. He can manipulate and change concepts of these lower dimensions at will. Things like Absolute Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, and more are all easily accessible to him at any time. These are only a mere portion of the full implications of his vast arsenal of abilities.

Total Science Manipulation: Able to manipulate the scientific laws, artifice, and basically control all metaphysical levels of probability and improbability. Sir Matrix may alter or change the laws of science on a whim. Defining in a limited fashion both of what is more or less likely to happen. This ability is commonly associated with his infinite-dimensional physiology but is separated from it to better elaborate on its function. Sir Matrix is able to take limited dimensional creatures and "raise" them to overlook a single dimension higher than them. Similar to how a 3D being could life a 2D being from its limited dimensional measurements and show it a wider perception.

Transcendent Blaster: A blaster able to deal a theoretical limit of absolute infinity, and can overcharge opponents by causing an advanced version of instant quantum entropy on all levels. Even if entropy isn't normally associated with Quantum physics this blaster essentially bypasses the natural laws to defeat and overcome most beings who attempt manipulations or defenses against it. There are no limits to how these blasters may fire, whether it's with a beam, soundwave, or nothing at all. These blasters are capable of not only being aimed at a particular person but also being able to directly assault and affect the total sum of all that's technically considered their existence or related to them. No matter how vague the connection may be this attack is conceptual and affects the theoretical. This also could apply to the same against verses.



Sir Matrix keeps this Hyper!Sans near him or his papyrus most of the time. Possessing probability warping abilities, he is a multiversal being of astounding feats, Sir Matrix chose this Sans to be a unique collection of different popular abilities and skills from other characters. Some of these include the normal abilities of a typical Sans (Dialed to 11) and the additional abilities, like cables and strings allowing him to metaphysically wrap around entire multiverses. This Sans is more intelligent than his counterpart Papyrus but possesses less power. He is categorized as 112D in spatial dimensions, and full form with being located in the 112D plane. (Hyperversal)


Sir Matrix is also accompanied by this powerful figure cloaked in darkness. Physically unstoppable and possessing unlimited strength Hyper!Papyrus is his main bodyguard and agent on the field. He's usually sent on tasks to complete for his master. He is similar to Sans, being 112D in dimension.

Hyper!Undyne (Aka Eternal)[]

Later creation of Sir Matrix, Eternal was superior to both Hyper!Sans and Hyper!Papyrus on all respective levels. She's known for using her sword to behead over a thousand gods and her shield to withstand infinite powers beyond comprehension. She originates from a 200,099,304,206,069D reality and has recently moved the same as Sir Matrix over to the 3D Dimensions. Her and Gasters relationship was always a bit rocky, as she hated his experiments and demanded they rule over the lesser Gods of this realm like kings. In return Gaster has tried to keep her away from his tests.

The Church of Quondam[]

Sir Matrix holds very few living enemies by choice, but one of the biggest problems to his experiments and observations is the ever-opposing Church of Quondam. They seek to either subject him to their societal rules and use his scientific knowledge and theorems to locate the Omni-Key, or destroy him for defying their order. Sir Matrix has visited Ascended!Tale on a few occasions to gain more intel, and has observed that their operation is to be watched through his network of spies just in case. They pose little danger. Sir Matrix however will always keep cautious.


  • Sir Matrix is an accomplished scientist who encourages the study and expansion of psionics.
  • Sir Matrix is capable of staving away Virus404 with little to no effort.
  • Sir Matrix enjoys his mornings reading a good mystery novel,
  • Sir Matrix is Asexual.
  • Sir Matrix has very little known about his actual theoretical AU which he supposedly lived in.
  • Sir Matrix is incapable of love.
  • Sir Matrix enjoys playing golf.
  • Sir Matrix is unmatched when playing with chess, meaning he could only be stalemated and never beaten.
  • Sir Matrix is the writer of the Order of Evolution.

